What kind of future is awaiting Zoomers? When they finally enter the workforce, how fucked are they?
>When they finally enter the workforce
What workforce?
There won't be anything left
They're fucked. They'll be hit hard by automation, shitty education, debt, and immigration.
War is coming
this. we are the generation that will force ubi so we can all be comfy neets.
Indoctrinated from day 1 and getting dumber and dumber, but less so than previous generations. They will truly be the last hope for the west.
And the NEET shall inherit the earth...
they're serfs until the revolution
>enter the work force
They already have you fucking mongrel.
They're so so fucked.
They already are in the workforce, and they're fucking imbeciles.
And non-whites will flock to your country like mecca to take your jobs and replace your lazy ass.
*sigh* if only it were just the zoomers who were imbeciles instead literally everyone.
future? in 3 months time, when this cake walk of a plague is over, we're going to have the worst financial collapse in history. in six months, we're going to have the worst famine in history. in nine months, we're going to have the worst war in history. the 20's are going to be roaring.
Isn't even here, faggot. Humans are still doing everything.
>shitty education
It's always been shitty
There's always been debt
They've been pouring across the boarder since forever ago. So in conclusion, the only difference there may be is more automation.
>what's the time here?
I've met some zoomers who can't read an analog clock
i want to believe
Oh no...not the jobs whatever shall we do! I'll have to ask the big fella upstairs about this.
give us neetbux, then none of that matters desu
Their physiology is all weird. They look like they were grown in test tubes
It will be beyond shit even by my standards as a victim of torture, human experimentation and trafficking in a shithole country.
I was born in 1997. Does that make me a zooner?
For every White child you do not have, TWO third world immigrants will be shipped in.
Do you remember 9/11?
how is that a bad thing you retard mongrel
don't give a fuck. You can't stop any of it and nobody can other than the powers that be
God bless.
Gen X and still waiting to enter the workforce.
Just be aware that there are many pic related lurking in the shadows, and more will awaken when they realize this "isolation" is nothing but a blessing for them.
>how fucked are they?
Why does everyone on this board get off on pessimism? It wasn't as bad a few years ago.
what a coincidence! Millennials finally entered the workforce in '08!!!
18 here
fuck you and this gay world youve created im out
hope you die of cardiac arrest fat fucking useless grey hair faggots
>Why does everyone on this board get off on pessimism?
idk maybe because of the coronavirus, global economy collapsing and the world changing (for the worse)?
Optimism, in this era, is the doublethink of the real world. The more people realize that, the better we can fight order.
holy shit
They can all work at Starbucks since they know every fucking item on the menu already
i have just doomed my entire generation, i guess we will be the ones to trigger WW3 after all.
There's a reason Posadism is gaining notoriety.
If they stay on the zoomerpill it'll be shitty, boring, uncreative, easily manipulated, soulless, and bleak.
If they take the boomerpill it'll creative, independent, badass, courageous, principled, and filled with endless possibilities.
Choose wisely
Or, the third option: the Jregpill.
It's only a matter of time before those in power are infected.
It's only a matter of time before the shortage of resources leads to global war.
It's only a matter of time before the "extroverts" recognize the sound of their own thoughts.
It's only a matter of time before those who refuse to give up their self defense are pushed over the edge.
It's only a matter of time.
Chaos is evolution. Order is stagnation.
Neutrality is truth.
Neutrality is the opposite of truth. When there is order, you are either for the order that exists or against it. When there is no order, there are individuals who will demand your cooperation. In either case, at some point, you will be pushed against a wall. Where is your neutrality then?
Jreg is a kike
>When there is order
I fight against it
>When there is no order
I assure my order
Neutrality is not necessarily apathy, it is simply to use whatever is at your disposal for the best chance of having the desired outcome.
Zoomers are fucked.
That is not neutrality. Again, at some point, you will be pushed against a wall. You will eventually be forced to fight, either for you or your group's interests.
There is no neutrality.
>hard times make strong men
Zoomers are our Stong Men kek
>yeah the little faggots who all go through a gender identity phase
Welp it's Fin for the human race.
A fate worse the millennials. They're mega-fucked.
that guy is fucking retarded
When the boomers are gone, the gen Xers and millennials will take power. They're much farther to the left than the boomers, so it doesn't look good for the next generations.
two options, kamaraden. 1. the formation of a free corps to wage war against the ruthless zionic occupation government. 2. a slow burn out of a death we will never see the end of.
They'll all be youtubers, flipping bottles, doing stunts, lighting horse farts, camming and trading worthlees money in donations.
> Graduate with 150k debt
> Degree won't get you a job. If you chose STEM, most jobs outsourced to India/China. For jobs actually in the states you'll have to compete with Indians/Chinese anyway.
> They'll have to fight for Amazon warehouse gigs, or ride around on little bikes delivering fried chicken for Uber Eats.
> Won't be able to afford an apartment because the stock of affordable housing in every city is used up by AirBNB or chinese millionaires buying entire apartment blocks.
And all of this before automation really hits and erases those last few jobs left.
7:08 p.m.