Glimpse of the future

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Fuckin' cops are so stupid man. Any of the jackboot thugs that act as the state's paid ogres to do its bidding. They are the worst people. Enslaved, brainless, miserable, alcoholics. They fuck their own lives up and they fuck everyone elses lives up. Cops are really not human.

The USPS is the key.

We need to begin sending out handwritten letters. 50 per user

hard agree

Just vaccinate your god damned kids how hard is that to understand?

At the end of the day, the cops and military men, and any other of the violent paid thugs, are the ones that make the entire enslavement of the human race possible. Year after year, decade after decade, generation after generation, century after century, millennia after millennia

It really only takes a handful of extremely violent retards to fuck things up for the whole world.

Unironically what killed most people during the spanish flu was the untested vaccines.

Chill out Rabbi

Can someone replace all the faces with proper amerimutt faces?

Source: my ass

I can't accept vaccines because I'm Jewish.

> Just vaccinate your god damned kids how hard is that to understand?

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We need to stop with the exemptions for vaccinations and start taking unvaccinated children from their parents. Lock up the parents for 25 to life as they are biological terrorists.

Can someone explain why all of you retards are so against vaccinations? Do you actually understand how they work or are you just blindly following the herd off the cliff?

Read Eleanor Mcbean's book "Poisoned Needle" she was a nurse during the Spanish Flu and wrote about people getting Spanish Flu after getting shots.. there are sources.

Take your meds schizo

My mother vaccinated me of every damn vaccine available out there when I was a child. I became a latw bloomer with mild autism. Always silent when I was a child. Now I'm on Yas Forums. If I could turn back time I'll say to my father to cum outside to let me be free.

Its memes like flat earth. But then facebook moms and dads take it as gospel. Thats all it is.

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They get their news sources from Facebook Karens.

You didnt get autism from a vaccine, you got autism because you are a fucking retard.

Japan and Israel don't have mandated vaccines, so why should anyone else? Japan has healthiest people in world, and the lowest childhood disease mortality rates. So fuck off with your vaccines.

Ok if I ever need a vaccine in 1918 I'll be sure to look it over.

ikr i agree with pol on mostly everything

>wanting to get Chink airborne anemia SARS

Being born as an American is already considered a state of retardation. I bet you're fat.

I'm not anti vax though I dont understand the mentality of hate towards anti vaxxers. Think about it
>my child will get sick if your child isn't vaccinated
>my seatbelt wont work unless you wear yours
Why care what anti vaxxers do, if you have the vaccine and it works you should be fine.

Who said I'm American bobo

Bill Gates didn't vaccinate his children. Really makes you think

Anti-vaxxers are fucking gay.

Cvg supports this future.

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Well considering every Jap is born a mongoloid maybe vaccines are needed

I've never been vaccinated and I've literally never been sick. (Getting drunk in college, throwing up, and then having a bad hangover don't count.) I don't know what it's like to have a fever, or a cough, the flue, nothing. It doesn't seem pleasant though I'll give you that.

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Most cops love freedom. You’re a fucking idiot who probably got his precious pot taken away a couple times.

They love the freedom that being law enforcement brings
They couldn't give a flying fuck about your rights and will gladly shit all over them when given the order

Oh. Great argument boss.

Yes.. they love freedom. Now please if you'd kindly roll into this random driving checkpoint, we need to ask you a few questions. Dont reach for you wallet to quick now, or I'll light your ass up and have zero consequence.

Also due to your online comments we've decided to to confiscate all your firearms. Please understand that we love freedom though.

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I'm old enough to remember the 80's. School kids used to trade lunches, as part of an official class function! Could you imagine that today with all the allergies? Me neither. Also, they didn't use to have the "allergen list" at the end of the ingredients for foods. That was put in about 20 years ago. Why all the autism, autoimmune, allergies, asthma in the past 20 years? The number of vaccines kids receive before age 5 SKYROCKETED. Google it if you don't believe me.




I think this one facebook motherfucker is the whole reason why 5G towers are burning.
Yas Forums should take note. Forget "It's OK to be white". This propaganda has grabbed people. I can't help but admire that.

>most cops love freedom
>will be first in line to bootlick bill gates and enforce his vaccine

What is it with you commie fuckers and this weird fascination with literal bootlicking fetish image posting? It's fucking embarrassing posting shit like this as often you cunts do it. What a pathetic meek creature you are.

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Please feel free to provide source for that claim because i googled your statement and fail to find anything.

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Vaccines are based. You're a white nigger evangelicuck if you disagree



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This is true. Back in the 80s autism was something you only heard of on TV, like some kid featured on "Geraldo" wearing a crash helmet and smearing his shit all over the walls. Now everyone and his dog has got the 'tism, it's bizarre

What, I gotta hate lightbulbs now?

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I say don't vaccinate if they dont want it. Nature will take care of the rest.

>economics is a binary choice between communism and whatever shit you believe in

When will this "if you disagree with me ur a commie" shit die? Bootlicking can be done from all sides of the isle. Just kys if you bootlick zogbots. Dont care if you're bootlicking commie commissars or your muttmerican clowns in blue costumes, just die

Not Boogie!!! Hasn't he been through enough!!!???

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Stroke-out, boot licking Boomer.
I hope you get Corona'd from the germs your fucking mask picked up in Wal Mart.

ddees has been around since like 2009 newfag he's actually made some funny shit

looks good to me, seems like the authorities in this image are taking things seriously

>Unironically what killed most people during the spanish flu was the untested vaccines.
fake news, stop spreading disinfo

This guy's off his gourd.

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That’s your fault for being fucking retarded and have shitty generics. It has nothing to do with vaccines.

This. Fuck libertarianiggers

Hell, he's probably been around longer than that.
I actually think that this pic was up on Jeff Rense (shill) back around 2003.

>you're gonna take this vaccine that was patented in 2014 or imprisonment
bootlickers being dumb asfuck as usual

>cops love freedom
>enforce literally every unconstitutional law

They love their rights not yours

This stuff is legit.
I don't think I'm even capable of taking my meds now.

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Theres no source, only hearsay, and the article is also incredibly biased, with a tone that doesnt come off as professional. Also the lack of an author's name is suspicious, showing that whoever wrote this didnt want to be associated with the article. It is extremely easy to just conjure up a claim that some doctor says this or that when you dont provide anything tangible like names. For all we know its Dr. Dre who said it. Do you have another one or is that it? Because if its true you would think the media would run away with it.

Such a reddit-tier response.

yeah I figured but aj made him more popular during that time.. before trump bought out aj ofc