@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/6/20
>Black Voices for Trump ONLINE! 4/6/20
>EnSec Brouillette on FBN 4/6/20
>VASec Wilkie on JohnFredericksShow 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on F&F 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on GMA 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on TODAY 4/6/20
>SG Adams Special Message for NPHW 4/6/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 4/6/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on FoxNews 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can ibuprofen make Corona-chan worse? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can Corona-chan last on surfaces and in the air? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can you catch Corona-chan via poo? 4/6/20
>WHVideo: WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx PSA - Stay The Fuck Back! 4/6/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: trumpukwalk.jpg (4500x3000, 1.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:



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this is a new thread, let us make it a great thread


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RIP Boris Johnson

Attached: 1561895758715.jpg (268x532, 41.03K)

>20/30 years ago
>Working on space

Now were all about the (((Middle East)))
Makes you think, endless wars.

I'll be happy to shoot you first in the name of Lenin you fucking kike.

Attached: 1424122.png (1862x1136, 377.48K)




>be israel
>develop 5g
>ban it in israel
really activates the almonds

Attached: 70362882-BB89-4B97-A5AC-1054BF2305F7.jpg (1177x1083, 1.05M)

Alright Magapedes, who’s up for round 2 of historical large corporate bailouts?!?
This is just what we voted for.
Let’s work together to protect executive bonuses!!!

Attached: The-Starving-Sadist.jpg (501x671, 52.62K)

How does it go again?

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It's nighttime in America, make it an awesome night for MAGA.

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nothing can be well as long as OP IS A SHILL

Attached: 1586119042198.png (1680x1344, 2.46M)

>hates socialists
>supports largest socialism bill in American history
Really activates one’s almonds.

Attached: F4A9E148-3286-43BE-8522-C7E62E02C6D2.jpg (576x403, 107.55K)

> product labels fronted and visible
She's a shill. Nothing more.

Damn, crazy

Attached: x11.png (862x1200, 701.29K)

Man I really do hate this fucking socialist nonsense though.

Attached: 1585872539495.jpg (500x553, 106.4K)

Coronavirus is unironically saving lives.

If you say Trump works for Russia you're either a:

>retard who takes MSNBC/Buzzfeed at face value
>lying in order to get schizos and retards on your side

Take your pic.

Attached: NPC programming update on war in Syria.png (600x784, 238.1K)

No one has


Attached: 5031A3D0-C8B6-40F3-9DEC-5D7B2CF74FB4.png (528x673, 280.8K)

Trump and the Federal Government has done more in this pandemic than any other in American history, how can this be called 'lackluster'?

all he has to do is denounce such claims

Attached: 1574873603244.jpg (640x632, 71.63K)

>Bill Gates developed microsoft in a garage (of his super lawyer father)!


You're putting words in my mouth.
I bet you're a Berniefag or HasbanABI

Attached: 1585333796881.jpg (627x544, 50.52K)

>lying in order to get schizos and retards on your side
The essence of politics, distilled into one phrase.

Attached: boris_johnson_coronavirus.jpg (955x500, 89.25K)

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I just awoke from a dream. There was a glowing atmosphere above me, with goldenrod, light blue, and turquoise orbs, swirling, making a humming sound. A twelve beaked albatros was flayed, rotting on a stone slab.

Bill Gates stole source code from IBM and a GUI from Xerox

Why do you hate the south so much?

Listen fat, I don't have time for all that jibber jabber, why don't we take it outside and see who's a bad dude?

Attached: more please.jpg (538x161, 21.12K)

That's a color I've only seen in copy paper and Mosaic Window Manager settings.

I can go all day with these kikes.

Attached: 1585551825608.png (268x265, 117.14K)


Coronavirus State Infection Rate
April 6

State: [total infected % of pop.] (+change from previous day), [positive test %]
(The positive test % serves as a poor man's confidence level. The higher percent, the less likely they are testing enough and so the real infection rate is likely higher)

NY: 0.678% (+0.046%), 41.120%
NJ: 0.463% (+0.040%), 46.152%
LA: 0.320% (+0.040%), 21.495%
MA: 0.199% (+0.019%), 18.104%
CT: 0.194% (+0.035%), 25.879%
MI: 0.172% (+0.015%), 36.446%
DC: 0.155% (+0.014%), 14.719%
WA: 0.109% (+0.004%), 9.072%
PA: 0.103% (+0.013%), 15.655%
RI: 0.102% (+0.015%), 12.758%
IL: 0.097% (+0.008%), 19.481%
CO: 0.090% (+0.004%), 19.245%
VT: 0.087% (+0.005%), 8.186%
DE: 0.080% (+0.011%), 10.257%
IN: 0.073% (+0.008%), 18.877%
GA: 0.069% (+0.005%), 23.206%
GU: 0.068% (+0.000%), 18.123%
MD: 0.067% (+0.007%), 13.658%
ID: 0.065% (+0.004%), 10.404%
FL: 0.063% (+0.006%), 10.934%
NV: 0.063% (+0.004%), 11.078%
MS: 0.058% (+0.003%), 8.532%
TN: 0.056% (+0.002%), 8.030%
NH: 0.053% (+0.003%), 8.186%
UT: 0.052% (+0.002%), 5.016%
MO: 0.044% (+0.006%), 8.599%
SC: 0.043% (+0.004%), 10.438%
WI: 0.042% (+0.003%), 8.410%
VI: 0.041% (+0.001%), 16.226%
AL: 0.041% (+0.003%), 13.551%
CA: 0.041% (+0.002%), 12.351%
OH: 0.038% (+0.003%), 9.198%
ME: 0.037% (+0.002%), 7.576%
WY: 0.037% (+0.002%), 5.393%
AZ: 0.034% (+0.003%), 7.549%
VA: 0.034% (+0.003%), 11.737%
OK: 0.034% (+0.002%), 48.272%
NM: 0.033% (+0.003%), 3.143%
SD: 0.033% (+0.005%), 4.784%
AR: 0.031% (+0.003%), 6.989%
IA: 0.030% (+0.002%), 8.156%
MT: 0.030% (+0.002%), 4.567%
ND: 0.030% (+0.002%), 3.119%
KS: 0.029% (+0.003%), 9.302%
NC: 0.029% (+0.004%), 7.462%
TX: 0.028% (+0.004%), 9.475%
HI: 0.027% (+0.001%), 2.858%
OR: 0.027% (+0.002%), 5.192%
AK: 0.026% (+0.001%), 2.775%
KY: 0.023% (+0.001%), 5.051%
NE: 0.021% (+0.003%), 5.994%
WV: 0.019% (+0.001%), 3.471%
MN: 0.017% (+0.001%), 3.505%
PR: 0.016% (+0.001%), 13.004%
MP: 0.014% (+0.000%), 38.095%
AS: 0.000% (+0.000%), 0.000%

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>What are one night stands?

Not what your dad said when he was plowing my ass, loser.

i only hate confederate larpers, and how they glorify traitors

Bar equity is still money

Nice, thank you so much for doing this. I wish right wing people were not generally in denial about the situation.

Attached: chenchillin.jpg (423x278, 40.91K)

who is this who anyways?

Why stop progress? Which is the more rewarding life for a woman: to wageslave in a cubicle to enrich her Jew boss, or to use her own creativity and her natural genius to produce and mold children whom she and her husband have brought to life, to build her family's and her nation's future?

Attached: 929776b5d360e82b6272c56c07169fe5.png (1769x751, 203.39K)

>CA: 0.041% (+0.002%), 12.351%
*laughs in superior state

You’re a retard. iBM gave it t him.

The USA is the greatest country in the world.

Attached: MERMAID.jpg (960x530, 399.78K)

Have the jews changed their names to chinese ones?

Fuck! We're already up to 0.1% of the population!!!

Attention it's PASSOVER!
Watch out for missing children!
jews sill kidnap children, slowly torture them to death, drain their blood, and put the blood into their matzo bread for their black magic passover ceremony.
Never trust a jew near any children.

Attached: St Simon of Trent passover blood ritual murder 1.jpg (462x618, 193.74K)

>The USA is the greatest country in the world.
Man this world is trash

> giving people free money forever is the same as reimbursing people for forcibly putting them out of work for a defined short period

>chinkjew from the UK feels like traditionalism is a bad thing
I'm shocked to find there's niggers in the university system

Attached: 1544936097152 - Copy - Copy.jpg (93x125, 5.39K)

We do more tests, we get more cases. These things are elementary.

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Chinks are jews, they didn't have to change their name to be hand rubbing merchants

Attached: Biden sniffs AOC at the border.jpg (759x566, 65.09K)

>being anti-janny
You posted off-topic knowing full well what it could lead to. Don't make the post if you can't handle the ban.

Attached: roth.jpg (600x420, 40.46K)

>and how they glorify traitors
So you're a nigger.
>Inb4 I'm white,
pic with timestamp to prove otherwise.

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I wasn't aware that he had become an hero.

Attached: St Simon of Trent passover blood ritual murder 2.jpg (1282x853, 181.93K)

If you ask nicely...

Every thread is great when friends are involved.

Attached: 2D23177F-F18F-41D7-BE24-F195A5736CF3.jpg (940x627, 80.21K)

apparently coronavirus never goes away...

you don't even need to get reinfected, it just flares back up on its own...

this is the new reality we live in, social distancing and quarantine will be the norm...

thanks drumpf...

Attached: 1580731717123.gif (305x320, 890.17K)

Did they finally figure out incel doesn't work?
What's this one supposed to mean?

Artist plox

>Heejung Chung

Attached: chink jew.jpg (768x1024, 108.9K)

Attached: IMG_3864.jpg (767x485, 66.12K)

We don't have to worry about that anymore. We're going to have 6G and 7G.

Right wing people respect the rule of law and obey rules they know to be salubrious. That's why Coronavirus runs rampant in cities full of niggers and kikes, who refuse to follow the social-distancing rules, while white places like Washington State have likely reached the peak already. The right wing preps, stocks, stacks, and keeps distance from strangers. It doesn't congregate on basketball courts to play niggerball in flagrant violation of public health orders. At the end of all this, the right-wing communities will have suffered fewer deaths, because they are orderly and understand mathematics and statistics.

Dude. Not every one night stand begins at a bar. I've fucked chicks before 15 minutes after meeting them, then never see them again. No money spent.

Attached: rachel maddow checking in.png (531x453, 82.34K)

>Shills had to flee and scream "NO U" while tails between their legs

The age of current Russia is over, new RSFSR begins now.
Were back, faggots.
This time, we will be frens and share space together.

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The Dimmiecrats are extra salty tonight it seems, especially with election-related shit.

What'd I miss during the day?

unless you throw a female into the mix
i dont think men can have fun if boobs are around

this is the truth.

It also makes you piss blood.

that virus is really racist

Attached: 13percenters.jpg (572x716, 118.42K)

You're literally calling for rules reform after being punished for violating said rules. Peak nigger.

Yes, they do. Everybody in Japan eats the same shit.

MAGAmen generally utilize the great ROOSYAN search service which does not abide in commie American rules called yandex. One utilizes this uberMAGA search source for images so they can create MAGAhattings and such great things.

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>he posts on Yas Forums
Sure you did, champ.

>I've fucked chicks before 15 minutes after meeting them
That's nothing. I've fucked chicks fifteen minutes before meeting them.

Is Joe

this is an off topic post.

OP is probably one of the best posters in the history of this general, hands down. Top 3 at least. Very MAGAman.

Attached: 1585075694557.png (1700x2480, 1.83M)

It's going to be interesting how they spin this as a govt mismanagement in the kike news. Hard to blame orange man for niggers being fat menthol smoking dude weeds that can't stay off the stoop when there's a coof about

Attached: top guncat.png (948x662, 22.08K)

I know, I had to switch to opaque piss bottles, the clear ones were making me uncomfortable...

The DimmieRATtardfags are scared. It’s the only way to explain people critiquing trump.

Density of people and presence of asians is the selector for it.

> 56 people from korea where the tests have a 20% false result rate
there's a reason the CDC didn't approve the WHO test. it's fucking terrible

Attached: Biden kid-touching compilation.jpg (953x960, 142.48K)

I'm afraid they're jumping the shark, because literally everyone just fucking died except for 2 people, and that includes the main character.
I'm expecting some revival shenanigans soon.

>Trump is responsible for the deadly eating habits of black people

You've done it now /ptg/.
You've unleashed Joe's secret weapon.



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What you need is a piss jug.

TRUMP 2020

if I get the ban I won't complain

SCOTUS said they can't keep extending absentee ballots for elections forever

Who the hell is deleting all the images out of this thread?

>he's not even hiding it
Don't you get b& by mods if you outright show that you're a jannie? You better check yourself before you rekk yourself. I say this as a concerned citizen.

Attached: 1554776883481.jpg (826x1223, 322.25K)

Question, if China collapses, how will you celebrate?

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Hurr durr. I'm 31 and have a kid now. I don't do that shit anymore.

This poster no longer gives a shit.

no, you should probably be worried about 5g before that point. i am definitely not suggesting those bongs who burned down the 5g towers had the right idea. no, siree.
banned from jewtube.

Attached: F389244D-58EF-43AE-9CA3-955194D7915F.png (1440x2880, 502.08K)

>Trump calls out journalist for being a Chinese shill
>turns out she works for a CCP controlled outlet in Hong Kong LARPing as an independent news source
fuck chinks and fuck chink people

Trump is always right

Attached: chinese journalist redpill.png (880x253, 27.18K)

The PNW is full of Asians and hapas, and it's doing much better than New York, Detroit, New Orleans, etc. The selector isn't physiological but psychological: those who cannot abide by social distancing but have to give in to unnecessary desires like playing niggerball together (or attending orthodox Jewish funerals en masse) end up getting Coronachan. Those who keep their distance end up just fine.

>I’ve never had consensual sex without money involved.
No one has.

Attached: 0 WDC.jpg (411x1368, 112.68K)

Fucking wasted

You never did.

I can explain everything (but I won't).

Attached: Burnt-truck-and-owner-1200x630.jpg (1200x630, 84.97K)


F, carlposter


very nice and chk'd

well done, F



Attached: composite_14778523085139-620x338.jpg (620x338, 31.48K)

The density and raw number of Asians living and visiting in NYC is much higher

Specifically chinese, by the way

>Trump eats like a nigger, cannot die
So what is the factor in that synopsis?

Based jannie deleting midnightposters.
Thank you lord.

Look, if you want to create towers that generate LASERs that fuck shit up, you are eventually going to have to contend with the fact that Yas Forums will someday somehow get control of those LASERs.

Attached: itsOver.png (611x687, 282.71K)

> 5G
The real conspiracy is that it has lesser range and thus requires more hardware less distantly spaced—it's a profit maker for manufacturers. 4G offers the cheapest rollout per square meter and sufficient bandwidth.

> Implying he doesn't have full bios of everyone in the room

why do you continuously type MAGA in such ridiculous places? stupid pedokike memeflaggot.

Attached: 3C2F450C-AC3B-4542-BDCA-70BD4C036E92.jpg (1618x1237, 853.32K)

ah, so that's what that was

another boring day

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Find a nice piece of American manufactured work to buy and restore. Maybe a pre-war fridge to gift to my brother for his new cabin beer fridge.

It also has to do with travel hubs, NYC gets more through traffic (as does Chicongo) and Detroit is full of filthy arabs who contracted the coof back in November and brought it to Michigan around Christmas

Attached: 1586133076725.jpg (1080x1920, 256.03K)

can i get some proofs regarding the toilet paper sales company's statement?

Everytime comedian gets banned from these threads, God kills a kitten.

fake, but so what?

>So what is the factor in that synopsis?
That's not a synopsis, Bong. Also, nobody gets close to the President, and those who do get into his general vicinity are screened. The Secret Service is no joke.

Wonderful great anons speaking up for what is right, thank you for being great and MAGA. Apologies if I do any wrong.

Attached: 1473861921321.png (500x500, 38.31K)

Yeah, I don't give a shit about people whining over the rules. Rules is rules is rules.


> Trump
> a financial stake in the French company
The President does not own stocks: he owns things (real estate).

Trump is being emotionally manipulated by Cuomo. Why rush an entire fucking medical ship on Coronavirus patients? The ship was not designed for infectious disease control. It is not a biolab level 4 site. Cuomo is a Chinese plant

Blasting ropes
Of hot
Corporeal filth
Pounds of compressed
Shit, in his cola

kitties last night. lots of salmon and chicken. he snuck out during our call with the vet and stole a whole filet. gnight frens

>travel hubs
SEATAC is far, far bigger a hub than Detroit. SEATAC handles much of the traffic from Asia.

The synopsis is that Trump eats shit but cannot die, that is all the details needed in that brief. The factor of course is that Trump is not a nigger.

Attached: E5193A3C-006D-4E3C-B2CD-A4B63DBC800F.jpg (2048x835, 400.83K)

> President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House COVID-19 Coronavirus task force, addresses reporters Saturday, April 4, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room.
new white house photos but since it's the same setting (for the past couple weeks, mind you), they're not that interesting, but nevertheless...

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Attached: abc.png (711x500, 125.84K)

Should be within 10 days or so

NYC is the bigger hub, Detroit is where all the Iranians live. You need to work on reading comprehension

Attached: 1586205827876.jpg (600x600, 88.6K)

LMAO. You're acting like I'm claiming I was fucking models or something. I was a party animal from like 14 - 25 years old. I'm not even saying they were hot. Some were fat as fuck, some were ugly as shit, and some I can't even remember what they looked like I was so drunk.

Best to you, user. I'm glad kitty snagged a last filet. He'll miss you when he's gone, but Ceiling Cat will be watching you too.

>Don't you get b& by mods if you outright show that you're a jannie?
no, but questioning the actions of jannies is a b&able offense

Attached: 1556430853389.jpg (720x720, 61.68K)

> Dr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, listens as President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at a coronavirus (COVID-19) update briefing Saturday, April 4, 202020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House.
too bad this isn't flumpf 2bqf

Attached: 49742128508_92ab476ff6_5k.jpg (5120x3414, 2.57M)

pretty sure it's the evil tranny jannies.
>webm related.

Attached: carpark tranny.webm (270x480, 2.87M)


>l be happy to shoot you first in the name of Lenin

Good look getting within 200 yards of me, schizo faggot. Also you're the kike here.

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