5G censorship

I can foresee them doing the same thing about Federal Reserve conspiracy during a financial crisis.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-06_20-08-54.png (638x552, 306.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=26000 scientists oppose 5g rollout&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS749US749&oq=26000 &aqs=chrome.1.69i59l2j0l3j69i60l3.3889j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

some people that oppose 5g are upset that others are attacking the masts supposedly. I dont get it

why is youtube trying to be the ministry of truth?

Stop being antisemitic!!

>5G coronavirus conspiracy
Now every time someone mentions something about 5G being evil, people will ad hominem them to death as a strawman. Well done glowniggers, I'm starting to notice the pattern of your disinfo campaigns; carbon copy of the hollow earth difamation strategy with muh flat earth. Fuck you bastards, fuck you for abussing the cognitive bias all idiots have.

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Yep and you cant fight it because normies will always outnumber you

Who's got the best run-down on the 5G conspiracy?

Because they can, and because those that run youtube are married to those that run google, and they are both jews.

COME ON GUYS! The telecommunications corporations are not like those bad ones. They give us iPhone and YouTube.

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LOL enjoy letting china SNIFF all our fucking texts and phone calls. So Stupid

Convienient that she decides what that means.

Google/Alphabet wants a 5G powered data-sucking surveillance state, and will act against people who can potentially harm that goal? No way....

>Your free speech ends where Susan's feelings begin

Do we really need ugly towers every 3 fucking blocks?


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you know i hate the jews just like the next guy, but im starting to wonder if the jews answer to the chinase in any way. both are fucking seditious liars.

I would

Thats their modus operandi. They control what it means to be virtuous and by controlling that they control everything.

War doesnt matter. What matters is who you can call a freedom fighter and whom you call the terrorist.

Do we really need faster mobile speeds than 4G/LTE? Why does anyone give a fuck about 4k streaming on mobile devices?

Data caps.

They limit data to reduce load. With more throughput less restirctions. Dunno though.

disease symptoms-unable to intake oxygen, lungs work fine, not pneumonia
corroborated by Italian

FCC 60ghz uniquely affects oxygen

You mean the Qtarded one, or the real one?

That's a dude.

>They control what it means to be virtuous
only in the lefts mind, everybody else just sees that their videos are demonetized and stricken down every time, even the anime channels are getting fucking woken up by not being able to say certain words, they have to change the way they talk because they know they are being censored, how much time are they going to stand it?

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>moon landing conspiracy videos are ok only crazies listen to this lol
>JKF conspiracy videos are ok only crazies listen to this lol
>flat earth conspiracy videos are ok only crazies listen to this lol
>mandela effect conspiracy videos are ok only crazies listen to this lol
>area 51 and ayy lmao conspiracy videos are ok only crazies listen to this lol

Nope, not convincing, this is bull shit.

That's a (((man)))

This one good case will be used to justify all other youtube censorship

Occam's razor: 5G is special network designed to have an interconnected system of backdor accesses and AI's working in real time monitoring and data-processing. Anything else is just a weak and stretched angle to smear any real consensus on the dangers of 5G.

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Kek. Spacemoose?

tfw when you can‘t fast internet because schizos wont take their meds

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>it's so safe we have to ban you from questioning it

From the yids own mouth


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last week
>some guys installed boxes all around my neighborhood
>mind you we're on "only essential work". They spent all day laying cable and connecting these boxes
>ask my telecom friend what those boxes are
>turns out they're 5G capable extenders
2 days after, I get terrible stomach cramps, diarrhea
fuck the 5G jew
what can I do to block these signals?

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Pic related but all around your house.

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I put it on my bedroom, tomorrow at my home office.
I don't have enough for the whole house.

As a Mandarin speaker I will tell you this only once: China are yellow jews. The sky has many species of birds, Chinese are just one specie of Jew.

Fucking good you fags are out of control

youtube isn't a free video sharing site anymore, it is the new TV. You are the product, and it is their platform to make money and indoctrinate you. They've already been book burning by deleting thousands of videos ((they)) don't like.. and they're never coming back. It's time to download every video you've ever liked and move them somewhere else, or just hide them on your HDD, or they really risk being wiped out forever. The ministry of truth is here, and soon the past will be rewritten and nobody will be around to remember the truth of it.

I bought a 5G phone like 1 year ago now you fucking primates are attacking cell towers with fucking fire fuck

starts at about 3:16

5G has all the problems of 4G, but the shorter wavelength and sheer amount of rods everywhere amplifies the issues exponentially.

Attached: 5G the real problems.png (1244x449, 45.47K)

>make up zany conspiracy theory
>push it as hard as you can to retarded tinfoil hatters
>they lap it up from your palm
>deranged boomers start acting on your conspiracy theory and barging into comet ping pong with guns and burning down 5g towers
>you then go to youtube to demand they censor the conspiracy theory you created because it's making people do crazy things
>nobody can argue against this because who the fuck wants to defend actual schizophrenics
>now they have a precedent for censoring information
>the people crazy enough to actually get up and do something are now in jail after having accomplished nothing
CIA niggers are actually pretty smart when you think about it

You need more than tinfoil my friend.

Same guy that says that corona is fake and there are 1000 mile long tunnels hiding kids

Get a fucking brain man

Retards. For once they are right to censor this shit.
It will only make you retards look worse, thwarting any support for the anti 5G cause.

Okay, this makes more sense logically. Thanks user.

Yeah a LOT more tin foil and put on some cloths you degenerate our 5G scan of your body isn't fun to look at

If you're actually serious about this the only type of material like foil is the kind of stuff you'd use for space. You'd be better served making a Faraday cage that you can sleep in which is where you'll sleep and hangout when you aren't feeling well. 4G and 5G wouldn't nearly be as awful or a health concern for people if the average building material of your house counted for shit in regards to protecting you from any of this. It's the constant, endless, exposure to the electromagnetic radiation that absolutely fucks you and your health.

Maybe you should sit down and actually do research on electromagnetic radiation and the effects it has on living organisms in various states, your difficulty sleeping at night could be entirely because you are surrounded by electronics at a short distance to your head like your phone. Especially your phone put that sucker in an entirely separate room for fucks sakes. If electromagnetic radiation at high frequencies wasn't dangerous microwave ovens would not have any safeguards built in.

Hey guys, totally not an alphabet boy here. Let’s convince some poor Schizos to burn down all the 5g towers in major cities all across the Minecraft universe. Let’s give them all the maps to find 5g towers near their local Minecraft “servers”

Maybe you should sit down and actually do research on electromagnetic radiation and the effects


Totally like you see the thread 20 times a day totally just a lot of people believing it

no, he said do research. From there you can determine the right solution for yourself. If you determine that it is not an issue and nothing needs to be done, then great. At least you wont come off as an ignorant troll with nothing to stand on

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The answer amigo is always the same.

you can start here actually
google.com/search?q=26000 scientists oppose 5g rollout&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS749US749&oq=26000 &aqs=chrome.1.69i59l2j0l3j69i60l3.3889j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>no, he said do research.

Did it a year ago and have a 5G ready phone. Maybe I am a bit pissed off because a year later people are acting like this is some fucking technology concentration camp that wants to kill us.

Its faster and has better bandwidth and I do a lot of remote work where this could be insanely helpful to me

Yeah no thanks man has a kid standing on a tower with the words 5G KILL GRID

Im not reading antivax mom level shit

Cameras steal your soul.
Pass it on.


Brainlet thinks hate is bad.......

"The Beginnings" in A Diversity of Creatures

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate17556

>Maybe I am a bit pissed off because a year later
Buyers remorse, nothing more.

flat earth videos gets removed like crazy as well

it's not gonna make you feel any better, but so did I. Shit happens man, it's part of life. But you need to understand the majority of people, that I talk to at least, do not think anything of it, so if you really want you should be able to use your phone with no issue from those irl around you

>Buyers remorse, nothing more.

No the phone is amazing even on 4G I want to not have to sit and wait while doing shit on LTE because the network is so overloaded with thousands of peoples background app data usage and non priority status after running out of data

Real shit I notice in very condensed areas the 3G band actually works faster because no one is on it

What is ((their)) blue-pilled explanation for their foaming-at-the-mouth push to implement 5G everywhere?

I sent you the google so you can see that 26k scientists signed this damn thing, and so you could find multiple articles. If that doesn't work for you watch a video on it