You wake up and see the date is September 10th, 2001. What do you do for the next 24 hours?
You wake up and see the date is September 10th, 2001. What do you do for the next 24 hours?
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Warn everyone about Corona virus
buy apple stock and call FBI. If that dosnt work report a bomb threat to the towers
Get coomfy waiting for 2016 Qtard posts.
>short the market, and read news about intact arab passports
Go to the top of the second tower and wait.
Call every Synagogue in New York and tell them what is about to unfold.
That way only Jews will be blabbing about it beforehand.
Buy Haliburton stonk
Try to warn people about it ...
hanging myself from the tower before the plans come
Stop the Jews from destroying it.
They answer
>we know
Do you plan to get back down before it gets hit? Interesting idea.
Head toward where those dancing Israelis were.
would totally be fucking my 20yo gf again, holy fuck she was hot. now i am sad.
Hijack a plane snd fly it into the towers before anyone else can.
Your mom
This is the best
Get a camera and position myself so that I can take the best photos. Afterwards I make millions with the rights.
Fuck, also this.
Attend Donald Rumsfeld's press conference.
Call in bomb threats so that they find the thermite placed by the E-Team
Short, short, short, for fuck's sake short everything to hell and back.
well, the people who did know on the 10th shorted the airlines' stocks.
I forget if there was more.
Haha I know this.
I wait...I wait 6,782 days, just so I can open this thread up again and call you faggot, once again. Then I go back into the loop and continue to call you a faggot for all eternity.
OP is a faggot.
buy the dips
Warn all the jewish people working in the towers
Drive to Jersey with my Jericho and look for dancing Israelis so I can delete them with my Jew gun in Minecraft.
Enjoy the last day of the nineties. Post 9/11 was truly a different world.
After just spending the last week listening to Christopher Bollyn, i'd take a trip to New York and tell the feds about the bunker room in WTC 7 and to get fighters in the sky.
Listening to this right now lol
Yolo my savings and take out loans to short $SPY and retire the next day
Since I only have a very limited time during that morning and noon.
Option 1
>Start investing all my savings into stocks of military contractors and manufacturers.
Option 2
>Travel fast as fuck to the Pentagon to see if theres an actual plane about to hit it or not.
Option 3
>Get a gun and prevent any firefighter from entering the WTC, saving the from their deaths
Option 4
>Make sure I film in the best possible angle when first plane is about to hit the tower. Sell the video to every media company and make millions.
>implying you already didn't
Call in a bomb threat at 8 am then buy Apple stonks and Facebook stonks.
setup cameras get a good safe view, enjoy the show.
user, one thing i know about time is that you can't really change events. If they happend they will happen happen again, sure I might be able to change the realitie date and "time" of the events.
warn japan about the 2011 quake and have them ignore me
Tell these guys about it. I'm sure they'll stop it in time and save America.
That's the joke dummy
Buy applesauce
Get myself to the twin towers asap. Pull the fire alarm
I call trump and tell him they get bombed from the inside. Like he is doing right now with the deep communist state
same. but mine was 17
>no mention of a parachute
>based time traveler suicide
Sell stonks
they would just postpone it until 2005 or something no matter how many times you travel back you would fail
Buy a video camera, position it just right, and then strip all my clothes off and beat my meat furiously as the first plane hits, capturing what will now be the quintessential 9/11 footage and securing a future for my white testicles.
>report a bomb threat to the towers
Black van pulls up to your house.
They don’t send black vans to snatch up the time travelers.
>Invest in military
This is only option
Blow up the towers a day before all the kikes call out sick.
Severely underrated
They evacuated all the gold underneath the towers beforehand, also bush knew about the plan but he didn't expect his dad and cheney and Rumsfeld and the MIC to actually go through with it which was why he was so shocked when they told him initially in the classroom, kinda like how Trump was shocked at the alien threat and the Israeli DEWS when Obama told him which was why he made the space.
>SARS happens
>everyone thinks that's the coronavirus you were talking about
I would leverage my future knowledge to improve my own life. I'd be a bitcoin billionaire. I'd meet with Trump before he became President and convince him that I am from the future. Together we would prevent the spread of Covid-19 within the United States. In 2024 I would run for President as national socialist, using my trillions of wealth to defeat the politico media industrial complex.
Be honest
What does it feel like knowing the goyim might wake up?
You ever get paranoid?
Does anyone here know of any raw plane footage that wasn't confiscated by the FBI/CIA and edited before being declassified?
Attempt to hijack a plane.
Go to NY and have front row seats.
Predict the crash and warn everyone, people will think I am crazy. But when the event passes I can become a glownigger or a snake oil salesman and make easy money for the rest of my life.
That's why you ask to use a phone inside a restaurant
Buy a plane ticket to hijack and fly into Twin Towers and see if jet fuel can melt steel beams
Be told the ticket date has been pushed back to the 11th
Looking at the ticket you see your name is Mohammed Atta
Organize a dance party with my fellow Israelis.
Go to Windows on the World, open up a tab and eat their most lavish meal, with champagne "I'll pay you tomorrow"
I went to NYC in 2000 and didn't bother going up the WTC because I had seen the Empire State Building. Still regret not going
and it will be memory holed anyways, only to be talked about on Antarctic Fly Fishing Forums many years later only to be called schizos for remembering.
The earliest reply is superior to every other reply in this thread
Short the stock market, and buy guns and ammo for resale.
buy ticket to NYC
short american airlines.
buy 1 dll pizza
Found the kike. Sloppy job mossad your children are dead
Take dancing classes from the fine gentlemen at Urban Moving Systems
Get to Boston Logan airport, pick a fight with a bunch of camel-fuckers.
Buy airline stock, quietly spend 20 years hoarding
>Heirloom Seeds
>Every single fucking malaria med I can find
I will tell Gary there is no God and that all of this is meaningless.
Red pill everyone about the Jews, Israel, and Zionist along with the warning about tomorrow.
Make eerie predictions all day and set myself up for MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD pussy.
book a flight to new york and enjoy the show
Hitch a ride to NYC for a front row seat.
Post cryptic posts on Yas Forums about da joos
i would do what hulk hogan did and tweet "i have a bad feeling about tomorrow" and become instantly famous
Shoot John Lennon
Buy so much candy to hand out to Palestinian schoolchildren that I get a street named after me in East Jerusalem
Who is the E-Team?
Do the members have a Wikipedia page?
Same thing I did last time, pound a bottle of bourbon and fuck the 2 whores I lived with and then wake up with a hangover, go open the music store and find out about it on Bubba the Love Sponge, close the music store, go max out my credit card on food and booze and go home and clean my guns. Fuckin 'merrica. Punk ass kids.
Also, I can finally become an originalfag.
Post "some of you here are alright. Better go to the dermatologist tomorrow"
> In 2001
Facebook stocks in 2001
I heard about 9/11 on the radio when I was shopping for a cellphone. The signal was coming in and out a bit so I asked the thot behind the counter who was helping me what was going on. She said "oh, a couple of planes hit the World Trade Center in a terror attack and now they're completely destroyed. So, do you want the Nokia one?"
IKR, Google wasn't even public in 2001
This is the only LULZ answer. Just picture their confusion
>not eliminating cuckerberg
Dance while viewing the towers fall
Came here to post this.
Dumb thot
Go to Lucky Larry Silverstein's dermatologist appointment and beat him to death in Minecraft.
Best answer
I was 12 so I could probably only sit back and be pissed knowing it was the jews all along
Invest in Google and Netflix.
Collect when I get back.
Plant cameras to catch the dancing jews
Fucking typical.
Yeah, I've seen some shit.
NY fag here,
Absofuckinglutely nothing. Maybe short the market. I don't care, I was too young to remember a better America, but things were going to get fucked one way or another, it was only a matter of time.
Start shorting stock like crazy.
Won't work, the time-travelling department of Mossad will just tip him off
Take out a massive loan and buy bitcoin at its cheapest.
This is a big brain move right here.
Warn my uncle and do everything I can to convince him of what was about to happen and to just stay home or go in to work after lunch. He worked at WTC tower 2. He survived but it was one Hell of an experience I know he’d prefer to have not had to endure.
>I was too young to remember a better America
You're luckier than I am, I was a teenager in the 80s. I remember feeling... actual optimism once
>calling the feds
That’s how you suicide yourself in the back of the head, user.
That's why you do it at night.
Mug Lucky Larry on his way to the dermatologist