A few years ago

>A few years ago
>Dissident right finally gaining cultural relevance, anti-immigration and anti-progressive Sentiment rising

>Culture getting more progressive every year
>Trump gives no fuck about immigration, only wants higher stock market numbers
>All the online energy the right had a few years ago is gone
>Biggest dissident right online personality is 21 year old spic relegated to DLive

Why did the dissident right completely collapse after what seemed like a bright future in 2016?

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>Where did you all go
I don't drink coffee, and no I won't tell you what I'm doing right now.

>e-celebs propped up
>e-celebs knocked over
wtf I hate nazis now

It’s cause trump said he was gunna finance his campaign himself. Then when he got the nomination, he started accepting Republican Party money, and now he has to suck Republican cock the rest of his life.

t. Right winger but not a Republican

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Op is a low iq cuck flag that doesn't know how life works.

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Only decaf thanks caffeine gave me a heart issue

The thing is that I think most non-sociopathic people only have any interest or see any value in the right-wing when the left-wing is focused on social issues, rather than economic issues. Under Obama, esp in his 2nd term, the convo really turned to social issues and there was zero focus on economic issues. Now that Trump has been elected, the left has once again returned to economic issues.

IDK dude. You can't really argue with the left on economics. They're 100% right about everything, economically. As long as they're focused on that and not on "white privilege" or "muh Russia" and other retarded distractions, then they're always going to win. Normal people fucking hate Republicans, virulently. And rightly so, because the economic vision of the right-wing is basically slavery, and their social vision, while sometimes not quite as cancerous as the left's, is still rooted in fucking delusional weird hoodoo religious ideas that most normal people don't want any part of

trump pacified a lot of angry right wingers.

Also the Charlottesville psyop made a lot of "alt righters" say that you shouldnt be organizing in the streets anymore and you need to "lay low"

Hopes were insanely, artificially high. And then reality hits, and he's just another politician who lies. But really, unless you're under 25, what did you honestly expect. I don't understand why people don't notice the same pattern every single 4 years and think anything will change.

Yeah cause Milton Friedman is such a diehard christcuck

>economic slavery, hoodoo religious ideas
Dude, the Left wants to mass import shitskins and soft genocide White people. Both sides are designed to be unattractive in their own way so you never win.

Almost every "alt-right" internet personality has been doxxed and deplatformed.

Wow dude, you really BTFO'd me by pointing out a single non-Christian Republican from the Reagan administration. Really extremely well-made argument here. You won the internet today. I guess Republicans are totally areligious and have nothing to do with christianity or theocracy in any way, amirite?

I’m a right winger and I’m not a republican or religious. You know, we aren’t all christcucks, but liberals always associate me with Christianity.

As far as sociopaths go, I’ve met more sociopathic liberals in real life than conservatives. Each one I meet is trying to play some kind of Machiavellian manipulation game with me every time I interact with them.

Well aren't you just the special little individual. I don't think anyone cares about your religion. Vast majority of right-wingers have religious ideals informing their beliefs. If you're not religious then why would you be a right-winger? I mean the right-wing is all about hierarchy, dominance and control. So IDK maybe you're just some sadist or 60 shades of grey style pervert.

Well I'm sorry that you've had such horrible experiences with left-wing people, but I would suggest to you that you've allied yourself with a set of beliefs and ideas that is harmful to humanity, and if your primary motivator for doing that is "to own the libs" or "cuz I don't like libs" then IDK I think you've allowed yourself to become somewhat lost and misguided

Who hurt you?

Go have sex

>Trump was allowed to win to pacify swaths of right-wingers into thinking that they've won; that righteous fury in 2016 is long gone
>Trump governing like a typical neocon who values the economy above all else has created very sharp divides between the civic nationalists and the ethno nationalists
>Sweeping deplatforming and doxxing of alt-right personalities
>Social media platforms have stepped up censorship of right-wing opinions

Because trump is an arse. Everyone I talk to seems to on the cusp of accepting right wing ideas but the see trump saying stupid shit and then see some left-wing Politician acting composed and "dignified" and they refuse to be associated with that. The fact is the average person is sway predominately by public perception and image, hence why media brainwashing wash people is so effective.

They cracked down. The positions are more popular than ever, but the media and the tech industry have gone into overdrive to censor anything even remotely un-kosher. They know what's coming and they're not going to go down without a fight - this is what fighting looks like. Just remember that the ideas are true and worth working toward, and even if you can't always see them the guys fighting shoulder to shoulder with you are still there.

If victory was impossible, their propaganda wouldn't be necessary.

please refrain from posting thots thank you

new MM is pretty funny

Antisemitism and racism are more prevalent among normies than ever. The "alt-right" imploded but it's ideas entered the populace.

>Why did the dissident right completely collapse after what seemed like a bright future in 2016?
Trump betrayed us. If even the most based, nationalistic candidate in decades will just roll over and become a neocon cuck, how can we possibly win? Everything's controlled.

>Literal kike

You proved his point.

it didn't

or russia idk

Antisemitism is on the rise and that’s all that matters. Left right dichotomy is a lie.

That’s not true at all

Brexit has happened

Anti globalism is at an all time high

Trump is at an all time high

Bernie got btfo, joe is senile

Contonavirus is vindicating nationalism and anti immigration every hour

This is a demoralization thread

Also coffee is indeed good for you

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and who b that thot on pic related btw?

White bernie bros need to be redpilled on the Jewish Question.

Shilling for trump was the worst mistake the dissident right ever did.

>all the online energy is gone
Nope, it’s being forcefully suppressed by Big Tech and it’s costing them millions of dollars. Just look at the endless page after page of (deleted) and (removed) in every thread on r*ddit

Postmodern neoliberal status-quo. True left or right wing ideologies (radical) are impossible to even talk about. And mainstream (((left))) and (((right))) ideologies are just performance. We live in the society of the spectacle. Mind your own business.

He's a kike shill but his election radicalized both sides and that's a good thing

How dat bitchez hurr ain blowin in da wind from da copta?

Much of it collapsed after Charlottesville and those who weren't deplatformed went heavily underground or changed strategy to simple cash revenue generation.

More fascist sentiments are on the rise in Europe and somewhat in the US, but that's been mostly a natural response to liberal captialism showing its true form too many times as opposed to the work of the dissident right

They’ve proven a tough nut to crack. Any ideas how?

>t. basic bitch reddit commie
I can see you fag

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I'm more furious than ever and I truly believe that's the case for more people than in 2016. The election is going to blow some peoples minds by the margin

>Normal people fucking hate Republicans
I'm a Republican and I hate Republicans. Half of these idiots can't see the connection between the wars they support and the flood of refugees coming in. They just see the lefty faggot with the sign, "welcome refugees" and blame him.

Plus, they're as gullible as gullible can get. Check pic related, that's literally the image they put on TV to "prove" Saddam the Great had weapons of mass destruction and was going to kill everyone with them. Republicans ate this bullshit it up like it was the cookie monster on meth.

Trump did give a boost to the "far" right in the election, but the core Republican is a neocon. Repulsive kikes like Bill Kristol would hold no sway if this wasn't the case.

One can only hope that once the boomer generation kicks the bucket neocons won't hold sway over the party anymore.

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It should be easy. The 1% are mostly Jewish. The .1% are almost entirely Jewish. When they say eat the rich they are essentially saying eat the Jews. The problem is that they have been heavily conditioned against racism and antisemitism by Antifa elements within the left.

you probably shouldn't be organizing "in the streets" because there's a high chance of some fed infiltrating your crowd and then some msm cunt snapping shots of him and using it to claim neo-nazis are real and the greatest threat in the country. we should be forming real world communities and organizations, but not like that.

Dress up as a hipster, go to a libshit city and start passing out copies of Feder’s manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery, but give it a title like “Lenin’s manifest for the abolition of capitalist predatory banking”

Because it's clear nothing will ever be done about immigration, so might as well get gibs while the country burns down. Simple as that.

Yes, coffee can be white. It's a special variety of bean. Honestly much better than the black stuff.

>this election

What candidate is not owned by Jewish capitalists?

>You can't really argue with the left on economics. They're 100% right about everything, economically.
Yikes, boomer alert. This isn't the 90s granba

>Biggest dissident right online personality is 21 year old spic relegated to DLive

Imagine actually believing that Marx’s drunken ramblings are correct.

Don't try to accomplish large goals in one motion. Its the trend. The normies are waking up and trending conservative and will continue to for the next decade. Whether or not Trump is in the jewish pocket is irrelevent at this point, and perhaps they think it's win win if they have him in their pocket, but they in many ways seem to be on their back foot (see flailing sensless strategy of leftists) and things actually can get out of their control once an idea takes hold popularly: namely, things are not as they seem or what we've been told. Traditional values have merit, leftism identiy pol and communism are poison and the rest will eventually come from that realization alone.
Am I really the only one who feels things are still going well? The leftist age is dying and who knows what next but it's going to be a lot different from the bast 30 years

OP wants to harm you and your mind, sage this slide thread.
The dissident right is gaining momentum rapidly, nationalism WILL explode in the next decade. The fall of the jew is coming.

Just get them to start Noticing. Anti-white media is a good starter because that's pretty much unfailingly either a Jew or an obvious nonwhite, but they hate the extremely Jewish FIRE sector too. If they're berniebros because of debt rather than communism point out how Jewish the humanities and social sciences are too.



>You can't really argue with the left on economics. They're 100% right about everything, economically.
What are you, gay?

IMO most of the fractions within the right that opened post charlottesville were really caused by the financial pressure of de-platforming from payment processors.

There already wasn't much money going around in the right, and then the access to that money was severely curtailed, resulting in a lot of our guys shitting on each other so they could remain financially viable.

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I'm not a Marxist, bud. I didn't say anything about Marx. But you can't realistically argue that higher minimum wage, stronger unions, single payer healthcare, taxes on the rich even just for the sheer sake of lowering the wealth inequality don't provide positive outcomes for the vast majority of humans, and only harm a very small, already privileged portion of the society that's basically cracking a whip on everyone and enslaving them.

Charlottesville. Was media coup. Trump didnt build a wall . Deplatforming. Persecution. Continues replacement . Whites a minority

>>Culture getting more progressive every year
Lol, no.

>Religious hoodoo
the death of religion in white communities is why hispanics are outbreeding us you nigger. We fucking deserve everything, I just hope I live long enough to see you fucks killed first.

Are there even any sub-sects of BernieBros that’re j-woke?

A tiny number of old guard gommunists are but I don't know how much support Sanders gets from them besides the kind of grudging "okay, best of the bunch" that Trump gets from Yas Forumsacks.

Yas Forumstards are experts at nazi-ing that the main reason they're not

at this very moment

splayed out in the street, fevered, gasping for breath as they slowly drown in the liquid accumulating in their infected lungs, barred from entering the hospital, not due to absence of insurance, but due to absence of capacity -- personnel & equipment

is due to the extraordinary and risk-bearing efforts

of experts, "pointy-headed intellectuals", "cucks"

the strategic pandemic fighting policymakers as well as the frontline medical staff

almost all of whom are liberal in orientation, friendly and accepting of jews, blacks, non-white immigrants, LGBT

ok, then. Mises.

you need some lotion for that ass getting btfo?

It has completely pacified the whole movement to the point of tranny acceptance. A Hillary administration echoing all of the anti-white shit from the MSM would have radicalized anyone much faster.
I can't see how the right can evolve from the current context.

That's not a correct analysis. What was happening was that people in the "dissident right" had an overinflated sense of importance. Small victories emboldened people and made them feel like they were conquering the world. In reality, though growing, they were still a small thing that managed to make headlines because of progressive hysteria.

I'm not trying to blackpill here though, I think the world today is more "right wing" than it was in 2019, which was more than 2018, and 2017, and 2016. The direction is actually in our favor, I believe that this trend will continue in the 20's. What we need is people that leave the hubris and also realize that this is bigger than any one internet guy.

>Why did the dissident right completely collapse after what seemed like a bright future in 2016?

FACT: Less than 3% of Americans are limited-government Right wingers.

The majority of folks who vote Republican do so only because it's the only viable option other than voting Republican, most Republican voters are in full support of the immigration over the past 50 years, they have no problem with interracial marriage, they go to Hollywood movies every Friday night, use Apple products and own an iPhone made in China by a company with a gay CEO, they watch the NFL every Sunday, they watch the NBC Today show or CBS 60 Minutes routinely... there are very few devoted Republicans who care about the fundamentals of the Constitution, the founding of America, the future of the white race in America... if you even got up on stage at the GOP/RNC Convention and started talking about the future of the white race, they would have security remove you from the building within 5 seconds.

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