YFW you realize that the current Covid19 situation is the live drill for when C/2019 ATLAS comes and fucks our shit up in late May, on first pass, or anytime through September on Earth's way through its tail. They just discovered this thing in December. Our time may be ending soon, fellas.
YFW you realize that the current Covid19 situation is the live drill for when C/2019 ATLAS comes and fucks our shit up...
Other urls found in this thread:
Covid-19 is actually caused by cosmic radiation from the ATLAS comet. All this 5G nonsense is just misdirection as usual.
Fake pandemic makes it easy to steal all the goods and disappear underground
They probably had pandemic fiasco ready to roll in case of EDE
Choking to death on ash and dust seems like a terrible way to go, Pompeii style. Fuck.
This is a theory I've been kicking around and it very well could be. Forced quarantine so the masses get quality time with loved ones before the extinction event. Disclosure would be irrelevant. Economy and jobs wouldnt matter so fuck em. Everything else is also rearranging the deck chairs.
Dude, I hate to think about it.
Hope that I'm near the impact zone
Sweet Sweet Relief
Godspeed senpai, godspeed!
Thanks You !
I mean there's worse ways to leave this realm. I feel for ya OP, somethings are just out of our control.
That coupled with the fact I'm a jaded loser
Bump. Now I understand why the treasures you have stored up on Earth amount to nothing..
You gonna take all that with you, huh faggot? What is all those billions doing for you now?
I fucking hope so. An asteroid colliding with earth and destroying humanity would be a small price to pay to see israel wiped out of existence
It's going to be rad as fuck, we'll get knocked out of orbit on the passby and just freeze to death. Will probably be puking the whole time.
oh, shit, they made a documentary about this!
Meanwhile, I'm just going to get drunk and eat the best burritos and cheeseburgers and pray to the baby Jesus for me to have safe passage into the unknown.
take your meds
>What is all those billions doing for you now?
Funding my underground society of nazi super soldiers who will reclaim the world when all is ash
i hope i get my free money so i can get stoned at least. been like 20 years since and i always had the itch and said id get stoned again before i died. i just dont give a fuck anymore, theres nothing to do
Well shit nigga, sign me up! Where the young, pale skinned trad wives at?
If you have not been contacted by now, I’m afraid you never will be. Sorry user.
I love you.
Randall Carlson has been preparing us for this reality for years
What are you waiting for? Weed is gay anyways, take some mushrooms or something pussy
i drained all my money sitting here not allowed to go to work
maybe i will eat some shrooms too. idfk
Who dis? I don't know if I want to hear what he has to say now..
Sooo...you are telling me...not only is my brain f-%-ing going in circles about this C-19 virus, but now some cosmic physical rock is going to wipe me out? At least i might be able to see whats going to kill me. Bitter sweet.
You can already see it with binoculars. You will see it coming with plain eyesight soon. It's going to be a wild fucking ride.
he's a researcher mainly focused on the cataclysmic events around the end of the ice age 12000ish years ago that ended the previous decently advanced civilization and reset most of humanity back to square one. Can check out old lectures on "geocosmic rex" youtube. basically sphinx/pyramids/gobekli tepe/etc are all leftovers from these ancients but modern (((academics))) date them way more recently because it might fuck up their tenure to admit the dawn of civilization wasn't 4-6000 years ago, instead merely humanity clawing itself back from the brink after a devastating cataclysm. All the flood myths in the majority of religions probably refer back to this time
Interesting stuff. I have a big telescope. Think i can see it?
cry moar homo
You definitely can. Look into it, C/2019 comet ATLAS. It's going to be something we've never seen anything even close to the likes of in history.
Checked and catch you on the flipside.
I suggest you all become friends with some Hopi indians so they can lead you to the ant people.
Good. I fucking hate this place.
yeah. this is the real scary stuff.
Nothing ever happens you fucking faggot
Oh God damnit.
Have faith fren, something is happening..
How do you not feel it?
With the way things are going, it's probably going to smash earth isn't it?
Gonna bust off a new moon
That shit's not going to come anywhere close to earth and you're all doomer fags.
Learn math you futile homos.
>[Citation Needed]
Google it, you dipshit.
holy shit ...
It's easier for them to just go full on denial and drop the "meds.. schizo.." routine.
Meanwhile OP A few months ago we were called happeningfags and this was all just a “Nothing Burger” but we have proven them all wrong. Our time is seriously coming and I can’t wait to see it desu.
What is gravity? What is a comet tail?
Fuckers are not capable of critical thinking, I swear.
I'm scared but ready, user.
is this the skypepe?
Good model of the situation.
What if it hits mercury and pool shots it into earth, kek.
Based Foo Fighter poster. Such underrated JoBro.
Yeah, we have no idea what's going to happen but we know this much, it's on a 6000 yr orbit that coincides with our history of happenings. Buckle your seat belt, user!
"We're all in this together!"
how can fucking something 37 800 000 km away (closest point it will get to earth) fuck shit up? Explain OP
this is the same distance planet Venus gets to its closest point to earth
for comparison moon is 384 400km away
If the poles flip elite bunkers are fucked.
And they just found out about this thing and know exactly it's trajectory?
Yeah, nah.
Word. Complete reset.
How would anyone ever think such a body of intergalactic movement wouldn't at the very least impact our orbit??
And who the fuck are you, Copernicus
An individual with a decent intelligence and a sizeable amount of critical thinking..
Why do you care? You seem mad.. Why? Who are you?
Would a polar reversal actually be that bad? What would happen to us?
Memeflags, every time. Why are they the way they are?
i fukken kekd so hard
Take a couple magnets and play with them.. Notice their properties.. Same exact thing but on a global scale.. Laws don't change, no matter the size.
based kekd and 1488 pilled
some people talk about the magnetic poles flipping, that would weaken the field and allow areas to get cooked by the sun and other shit etc
dzhanibekov effect is the earth itself literally flipping on its axis. water doesnt like to change direction
You're not answering my question at all. Playing with magnets is no way to understand the effect that a planetary polar shift would have on living things.
>retarded post
>see ID
>Cuck to fed
Top fucking kek
Are you serious bro? The planets are magnetized.. I'm not even going to spell it our for you, sorry.. If you want to be that thick, just enjoy the ride, you don't need to know why.
Ahahaha a lmao.. I didn't even see that, based bro, thank you and best of luck!
Wouldn't everything continue spinning in the same direction after the flip just inverted, or am I stupid?