What's wrong with this movie?

What's wrong with this movie?

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Too many white people

They cast a gentile as a jew and a jew as a gentile

> teh nahtzees are doomb and silly. Just lil bois playing dress up cuz dey scawed

Braindead propaganda with the same tired “humor” Ive come to expect out of soibois, liberal puppets, and their jude masters

You mean other than the fact that it's blatant Jewish propaganda?

Was probably done on purpose. The dude who plays Hitler is a kike too.


Kinda, but it’s not anti white. It literally is a movie about how nazis we’re mostly misled people and not evil. Alt right needs to realize that ties to nazism are their biggest weakness. It’s the reason why white women no longer want white babies. White people are not inherently evil.

If it's anti-Nazis, it's automatically anti-white.


Every sensible Nazi wants a Jewess for himself.

Literally made by jews

Nothing. I liked it.

You know, I'll tell ya. I thought i knew everything there was to know about the Jews. Been coming here for years. Considered myself an expert on the JQ. Boy was i wrong.

For starters, while i knew they were bloodsucking, babydick nibbling, shapeshifting, demons, i had no idea they actually hung from the ceiling and slept upside down like bats.

While i knew a full grown Jew was a terrifying blight on humanity, exiled from almost 200 countries, and instinctively driven to implement corruption and usury everywhere they went, i guess i had a softspot for young sexy Jew lolis like Ann Frank. I knew it wasn't a healthy attraction. But i figured it was harmless. Like petting a baby crocodile. Big mistake.

Taika Watiti is a master storyteller. Watching the impressionable young Jojo fall victim to the loli shejews myriad manipulations and deceptions was a life-changing experience for me. Taika walks the audience through it, step by horrifying step.

>oh she's just helping a little girl
>oh it's just some bread
>oh it's just kids being kids
>wait this is getting a little strange
>oh no!! The kikelet has completely brainwashed the milf!!!
>Scarjo no!!!! Well, she was a commie. Meh

truly a masterpiece of a redpill. Thank you, Mr. Watiti. 10/10

I'm so done with WWII holocaust evil nazi narratives and I'm not even a nazi or nat-soc. It's like capeshit, it's repetitive and tiresome. And I'm sure it's as anti-white as it gets.

Jews have wet dreams with the Führer

was a good way to redpill my gf on jew propaganda.

Imagine being born as Taika David Cohen and so insecure so you change it to Taika Lingdingdongka.

>JoJo Movie
>No fucking Stands
>Not even using Hamon

How were nazis misled? They were the same fucking nationalists as literally everyone else at the time

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The director is a kike and so is Scarlett Johansson. The director cried about how important this film was to him to the press prior to its release

>nazis were inherently evil
Biggest lie of the 20th/21st century

Nothing in the movie is anti-white, it's an antifascist movie lol, just like how Death of Stalin lampoons the soviet union

The book it's based on is even more so, showing that like under every other authoritarian regime, it's just people trying to make it


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I thought it was great

Not enough ass.

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HNNNNNG cooooooom

Taika Waititi is obsessed with doing movies about prepubescent boys.

Was it cut out? I never saw that scene

It's from Waititi's personal edit of the movie. He put a scene where Jojo has a dream of having sex with her too, it's full on /ss/ porn.

>What's wrong with this movie?

This guy aint in it

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It's from a much better movie that started filming a few days after she turned 18.

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Sweet Vishnu, Look at that Jewess toilet

Captain K is probably the most based queer in fiction. Showing up to the battle in that ridiculous costume that he scribbled with crayons.

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It was great. The end was depressing. I really wanted to stick my shnitzengruben in the fat blonde german lady

I don't think misled is the right word. What it really is, is that any group of people can be indoctrinated into certain ways of thinking (nationalism, socialism, dronebot following the kalergi plan, etc.)

Just because a movie makes fun of nazi's doesn't make it bad. I enjoyed it. It made no substantial criticism of nazi's and looks really good.

bad acting
terrible writing
pro jooo

I saw the movie. When did it show that he's a queer? I don't remember that.

havent seen it, but it looks like a try-hard Tarantino

taiki is pretty good tho

>white people dont want white babies
Kys. Only a few skanks on the internet have interracial children.

I think the costume is proof enough.

No nine month pregnant Anne Frank riding the cock of a Confederate soldier

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Nazis in practice were anti-white

>1 post by this id bait thread
>everybody start replying
every damn time


I didn't even see that. I see that now.
Amazing. All for the shoes.

Nazis couldn't be more pro-white. It's the most pro-white thing you can be.

B E S T - M O V I E - OF - T H E - YEAR

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I saw the movie twice and I literally don't remember that scene ... or is it fake?

>It’s the reason why white women no longer want white babies.
holy shit mutt's law is real

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It's from some other movie she was in, not Jojo Rabbit.

Knew it before I even opened. Figures.

are u sure? looks like jojo rabbit

If some shit like that was in the movie, I'd 100% remember it. It's the same actress, so it's probably from a different movie.

Damn. I hope she doesn’t hit the wall soon

Holy fuck retard

It was no where near as funny as pic related

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found the cumfart

From a ZOG perspective, it's "wrong" because it humanizes the Nazis instead of portraying them as a black and white evil empire a la Indiana Jones. Even Hitler is made to not look like that bad of a guy.

>It’s the reason why white women no longer want white babies.
Fucking retard whites are the most sexually loyal demographic in the US.