Twitter Hate Thread

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And then everyone clapped

I hate Twitter

Twitter has its moments

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Do they not realize their children are pissed off because their mother is an obese psycho who will probably take it out on her kids everytime she hears the word 'weightloss'.

People wrongly equate their kids being pissed off with it being a good thing. Children should not be experiencing anger.

twitter in a nutshell

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Twitter is even worst than reddit and anyone that browses those shitholes are even more cringe

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Be careful.

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Trying to promote healthy eating for a fat gen

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Why is mads choking a bitch?

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This reads like something a shitposter here would make up but somehow when this clown universe it's real.

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Without the overuse of privledge
It is true especially on this board
No appreciation for the benefits they got in life and want to feel like a bigger victim then a Somali. Tumblrinas have the same victim mentality like they live in Afghanistan
Normal chads n staceys acknowledge it at least but don’t get all hell bent an upset about it.
If you born in the first world you won the 1 in 8 gated community lottery

Even if your life sucks being in a shithole doesn’t help eithet

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Poor kids are going to be super simps are psychopath murdering prostitutes

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fucking lol

So jews?

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Funny you can’t say this is a Quebec problem where all shooting political rivalry race shit etc happens
Yet they want to push their language culture an take all our money
French is spoken by 20% of the population an yet has so much weight. If it was a third world nation no one would give a shit. But your career will end so fast
French are our jews

J j mccoullah did a vid on it on how he lost his job for critiquing Quebec
I’m surprised it’s not a discussion here

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big BIG yikes
im outta here

Brits burned rajput manuscripts on how to use their weapons

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Twitter is just a massive shill opportunity for journos and celebs. Everything else is background noise.

>Brits burned rajput manuscripts

Pretty sure they misgendered trannies.

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Haha dumb feminist bitch thought her sons were against body shaming.

In reality they just liked Rachael better when she was thicc.

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Not a fair comparison there those are legit good paying jobs. It’s not McDonald’s.

But ya brits an lotta Europeans are kinda weird with sexual fetishes. Like is sex in different positions boring

We’ll it’s a lot nicer to the hate here
It’s kinda funny seeing the Bantz the other way around

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So even in a liberal's fictional world, the black person steals?

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So basically "we are all whores who sell our bodies"?

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Better question, why aren't you choking a bitch?

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Holy shit it's a word problem, none of these people or situations are real
This is poetic
When I was a kid we were teaching kids not to judge people by their looks...
Black pride is founded in niggers looking at Africa and saying "that sucks but I can't behave myself and integrate"
These are cherrypicked. I remember a thread about the NZ shooter asking what his punishment should be and one guy said "community service"
Communists are not human
Reminder that antifa hates the cops, they won't go to them even if you raped them
Women in antifa will not report rape.

what fucking 7 year old talks or even thinks like this? they're fucking 7.

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Remember when vice wasn't trash
One that has been indoctrinated.

The one good thing twitter does is make it clear to the world just how murderous and callous a lot of the people they share this society with.
Support any political practice that helps them or is wanted by them would be basically helping people who have declared themselves an enemy of you.

What these communists don't seem to realise is that the "Sex work is real work" equivocation memes are more causing me to realise not that whores are regular working women worthy of respect, but that regular working women are whores unworthy of respect.

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>I remember a thread about the NZ shooter asking what his punishment should be and one guy said "community service"
A Syrian who killed a German in front of a supermarket in Wittenberg was recently sentenced for manslaughter.
Two years on probation.

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isn't that every Yas Forums thread?

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>less than 128lbs
what is rachels height? because 128lbs is still fat if she is 5'4" or less.

>she steals

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