/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2999 - SUNDAY DATA EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,346,566 (+562) ► Died: 74,697 (+43) ► Day: 89 (-23:59:04)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,648 strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —


NY official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

REHVA experts unambigously mention airborne transmission

Death rate in NY higher than 0.5% for younger adults

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

5 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

In Netherlands, half in intensive care under 50 years old

Virus spreads through pipes

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

Wuhan doesn't report new cases because they are not testing

WHO says detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

00:55: 296 new cases and 31 new deaths in Mexico
00:48: 112 new cases and 1 new death in Panama
00:42: 74 new cases and 5 new deaths in Argentina
00:39: 69 new cases and 3 new deaths in Idaho
00:35: 138 new cases and 6 new deaths in North Carolina
00:27: 170 new cases and 6 new deaths in California

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm playing Black Mesa, what are you guys up to?

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>stocking shelves amidst a pandemic
>dont qualify for CERB
>everyday increase chance of meeting corona-chan



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>1346556 infected
>74697 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little extinction level event won't cause the end of the world

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dota 2

writing fanfic, thinking about drinking. How you liking black mesa? Been thinking about playing it

The natives are getting bored and restless...

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Please come with me user! I have such things to show you!

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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Just hanging out with a buddy.

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None of the articles I read about chloroquine mention zinc even though some doctors say it is necessary. Is New York including zinc in their study?

Playing the Yas Forums, my shitpost + actual discussion game has been on point lately

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My bux will be in the account in a couple days. March Birthday victory

Replaying classics like FF12 IZJS, Ze Godfather or Scarface: TWIY

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" 3,648 strains have been sequenced"

Where is proof of this? I attempted googling, but couldn't find a damn thing.

grinding my fundies to gitgud at drawing

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fun fact. in many countries in europe when someone dies, unless they have a will, the gub will make you pay a certain % of your inheritance. With everyone in the shitter and many old people dying, that tax may not be payed or riots may occur and if the houses stay empty for too long squatters may appear

Shit that was on my backlog
>Binding of Isaac
>Faster than light
>new Terraria playthrough with frens
>Risk of Rain

Post your work.

Is there anyone who actually believes that Covid-19 is anything more than a virulent flu at this point? I know numerous people who have had the symptoms and they all make full recoveries after a few days. Wake the fuck up people.

>nigger acts like a nigger.
what else is new?

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Watchin animu desu...

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he following are the CFR's for NYC as of April 5, 2020 at 9:45 AM

0-17 0.18%
18-44 0.53%
45-64 2.36%
65-74 6.88%
Over75 15.32%

Obviously this is a changing number and this is a snapshot.
It asumes all the sick will get better and no new cases
Data from herewww1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-archive.page

checking yet ANOTHER trips bread...
Thank you for all the baking Argie-user.

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I'm pretty sure that this is people either getting the secondary pneumonia infection or them testing negative when they're actually positive (as is notorious with tests). Failing that, they're infected by a different strain.

I don't know what that story was about the virus using antibodies to infect even more cells was, but that story is fucking nightmarish if true.

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>Wake the fuck up people.
ok boomer

>the absolute state

Attached: the absolute state of doomfags.png (562x91, 7.74K)

At work.

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>No autistic redheaded robowaifu
Fuck it lads, I'm taking the full face off

Obligatory bug repellent too many Chinese bots
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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very true, you should get back to work, pay your rent, fuck a chink hooker and hang out with your fellow anglos.

echo chamber fags need to get the rope. all of you are fucking insane and should kys ASAP.

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Sit in your house scared of going outside retard. If you actually had any friends you'd know people who've had it and you'd also know every single one of them makes a full recovery despite what the news is telling you.

ADE my fren. Worth a quick jewgoole read

Feels good knowing that latex-fags are being naturally selected for.

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The media now knows what we all knew back in January
Yas Forums is always right

Ayy yooo I was releashed and shiiiiieeeettt mang. Dey dun find nuffin on meee mang. Shhhhiiiiiieeeettttt lezgo rob and shiiieeetttt. Bix nood, can't keep a playah down nigguh

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man, how far things have come.

Bioshock and Nier Automata

ngl, the presser was fucking based today.

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>tfw my name is Corona
>tfw I've lived my whole life in Corona, New York
>tfw I drink Corona beer
>tfw when I just got diagnosed positive with Corona

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How's everyone's family holding up? Did you prep for them as well, or at least help them prep?

Nobody is allowed anywhere near my grandparents except for my father who is taking care
I'm pretty sure my mom has corona, but she's relatively young and actually taking hydroxycloroquine for an underlying condition so her symptoms have been quite mild

Watching my kids while getting the garden fenced in.

who is scared?
we are enjoying ourselfes, you really should get back to work though.

Our Minister of Public Safety wants to let out prisoners and take our guns, good thing it's too late for him to accomplish the second thing.

Preeze derete

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>Yas Forums is always right
Yeah it is.

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So is the possed Brooklyn tiger a psyop or what the fuck? Can we discuss this? Bat to human, human to human, then human to tiger? What is the end game of that?

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Playing Yakuza 0

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>t. mad max larper

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s-strain is the antidote to all of them

So just give it another month and they will know that this is nothing more than a more contagious flu. Yas Forums is always right.



Any new ones?

The Xen levels are pretty neat. I think it's worth the money.

No shit, user, EXCEPT for the shills...

Shills... Shills never changes...

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Tigers can be infected? Tony Montana ain't gonna like that.

thats lounge not jazz stop shilling crap music

Prepping my family with information to expect a supply chain breakdown- I believe that all persons of power are lying to keep panic at bay and that supply is being cut off/ retailers are hoarding goods for their families first

FE9. Shit’s easy as fuck.

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>he doesn't knows
read pic related, it might do you some good

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I actually think the logo is just a coincidence.
Maybe the architect or whoever was in charge is a fan of resident evil
if Boris dies will you still think "its just a flu bro"?

trying not to cry over how much of a nothingburger this whole stupid situation was. i can't believe i let myself get blue balled by the Yas Forums bullshit happening AGAIN.

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Enough food for over a year and water for 2 months. Family of 4. Were fine.

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I'm drinking for the 3rd night in a row

Eh prepped for a while my cousin and aunt have corona and possibly their mom meanwhile i made some dough and will bake bread tommorow and then freeze so i dont have to buy bread

Enjoying yourselves pretending there is a super deadly virus spreading through the population when it's actually a slightly more deadly cold?




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what do you think ive been prepping for the last 4 months, all those invaders wont remove themselfes.

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Contemplating suicide

Here ya go... bookmark it.

Why were they burying this in the first place?

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Honarubu Birr Mitcherr

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If an obese, alcoholic, over worked 65 year old died of the flu would you think the world was ending?


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just a happy accident

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Oh totally, that lab is a Shanghai Cosmetics Lab too, completely unrelated to corona.
But for meme purposes it highlights what we all knew re: Wuhan BSL-4.

I hope they recover swiftly friend, good luck

Brazillians who are atill with us? Whant happened there? There is some stir on twitter but it is all unredable

The virus will last through summer, fall, and another winter. The only way to survive will be to take the kosher vaccine that will give us cancer 10 years later.

It's okay bro, I'll buy your unused rice sacks and respirator carts.

I sure hope things reopen soon, the 2nd wave can't happen soon enough...

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What are you guys drinking

I don't know anyone who died of the common flu

>The United Kingdom on Monday revealed that all 17.5 million Coronavirus antibody test kits the country ordered from China are unreliable when used outside “severely ill” populations.

>“The test developed in China was validated against patients who were severely ill,” Professor John Bell, coordinator of coronavirus testing for Public Health England, told reporters. “Whereas we want to use the test in the context of a wider range of levels of infection….So for our purposes, we need a test that performs better than some of these other tests.”

>Bell added, “We see many false negatives… and we also see false positives. This is not a good result or test suppliers or for us.”

>In response to the news, the Prime Minister’s Office announced it would attempt to get refunds for some orders.


Was popping nigguh, how's the hood mang. Fuck I can't stop smiling

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I really hope this is the end bros. If it is, it's taking too fucking long.



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I dont think is a psyops since its a fact that mammals can get infected an infect humans too (the massive purge of domestic animals in china at the beginning of the pandemic prove that)
>"Whats the endgame of that?"
Likely that the virus is mutating on a faster rate to the point of infecting more animals (looks like the prophecy of Yas Forums user is becoming true)

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watching anglo scum like you pretending everything is fine in a screechy voice?
you can bet your ass im enjoying it.
and im going to enjoy your death even more, karma is a bitch isent it?

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Wait which one is the real cvg?

It's over mexibros, we got too cocky...

he tried to fire the only minister in his government that's not shitting the bed and got BTFO by everyone from military to congress


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Obese, alcoholic 65 year old do all the time. Weirdly similar to covid-19. This is definitely the end of the world though. Nothing like the flu.

Yes, I rather enjoy the fear of the normalfags and working from home spending my days playing PC games and occasionally moving my mouse or answering emails.

>You let your foot off the brake and let the car roll forward.
>You can't bring yourself to accelerate.
>Panicking, you try to force out a joke.
>"I bet your favorite movie is 'one flew over the cuckoos nest!' Hahaha!"
>What the fuck is wrong with you, you autist.
>She's silent, driving daggers into you.
>You slowly take the first right.
>"Ju-just wait until I show you my decontamination chamber! It makes me forget all about this whole Genghis Cough!"
>You need to stop.
>If people saw this situation they would be concerned for the girl.
>That weird prepping user, coasting through the neighborhood all sweaty.
>Maybe you should turn that heat down and crack the window again.
>You make the left, all while she's still staring.
She places a hand on your cheek.
The touch makes you flinch, she doesn't seem to care as her hand strokes.
>You stop in front of your buddies place.
>It isn't boarded up like yours, it doesn't have metal welded on the door.
>"Ner-nervous? Me? Never! haha"
>"Here... here we are!"

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That's a nice thumbnail

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the one with Argie flag

always go with the Argie baker

Not drinking because no lockdown yet here but I’m ready

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10 cent deposit into account

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I finished Black Mesa a few years ago, why is there a new one?

Hmmm, argie flag vs non argie flag

no i just grind fundies and do half ass sketchs nothing finished

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Thanks sun country fren

Kek, our government is still learning what every Anglo knows. Chink products are shit.

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How much money have you invested into this slightly more contagious usual strain of flu, user? What will you do with all that shit tinned food when you realised its just a flu?

Finish something already

What's the prophecy?

Enjoying the suffering of others and calling it karma might cause trouble with your karma.

Only she can save us from this clown world

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fucking boomers.
read up what happend to dresden, we havent fucking forgotten.

It means its going to infect rats, and then the happy little critters will spread corona throughout every home in the world.


Thanks. Haven't been checking the flags religiously, and it's my first time seeing two in the catalog.

Genuinely sad about Boris Jonson
The politics of Brexit were nonsense but the man was a worthwhile human being who had a brain and a wit which was more than most with a child on the way


Say a prayer for him and all in his situation
And I'm an Irish Catholic(to which Brexit has been no friend and fuck farage).


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To be fair, I really like the lock down. I don't have to feel guilty about sitting on my ass all day. You've got to be extra retarded to have not realised that this is all over a more contagious strain of flu.

Forgot pic

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*coof coof, ABLOOO*

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What happened?

Working from home and actually doing it, my boss is somehow using this as an opportunity to SHORTEN my wagie leash. I have to justify my productivity more in teleconferences than I ever had to in person, this SUCKS.

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Are you in every thread?

Help a brainlet out here. What's stopping us from just saying fuck the world bank? Every developed country in the world is in massive debt and every country had a debt to GDP ratio of far over 100%. Why cant we just say fuck the world bank and not pay it? What will honestly happen if every country in the world just decided to reset everything? I hear we're going into the next Great Depression. Why should we allow so much suffering to come when all of our money is just paper and we as humans have basically just made up the idea of debt out of thin air? We created this all, so why cant we just stop it?

what happened over there?

All good, argiebro will tell us when he crashes from his amphetamines and one of us will take over then. Happens everyday.

Go lick some windows then, Nigel.

If only. Unfortunately the flu isn't capable of exacting any meaningful type of karma.

We all have to admit the restrictions in place around the world have went a long way to lowering the r0, it remains to be seen if its been sent below 1 though. Shills can't into this. The real question at this point is: will it spread into the remaining open public spaces (2 Walmart dead, Lowes workers dead, probably more) and how long will the shutdowns last. I think anything less than a two month shutdown with a huge decrease in daily cases means that its going to continue to spread, a lot of the most affected states seem to be leveling off but I also think that they are reaching peak testing capability. As far as we know everywhere is reaching peak testing capability:positive daily cases.

>Coronachan is a bat-woman
>The virus doesn't actually asphyxiate you with pneumonia but actually drains your blood of iron ions until you run out of usable blood


Coronachan fangplay on cock when?

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When will people like you cop on? When your family starts dying or when you are on a trolly heading to have a tube surgically inserted to keep you with oxygen. I mean how does someone as retarded as you even fucking feed themselves in good times or do you just sit there on meds in your parents house?

Boys I've got the shits. How fucked am I?

Jews would lose.

Jews never lose.

lmao, he never says anything and thats when we get thread splits

Literally me because it's cold right now.

i wanna fug that mask!

Who is "we" in this situation?
All your politicians are in with the bankers

This one
(Open it on a New tab)

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Reinfections so far:
- 10% of Wuhan
- 14% of Guangdong
- At least 1 case in Xushou has been reported
- At least 1 case in Chengdu has been reported
- 51 cases in South Korea
- At least 1 case in Israel has been reported
- At least 1 case in Japan has been reported
- 1 case in the Diamond Princess
- At least 1 case in Italy has been reported
- At least 1 case in Spain has been reported

Because then how are companies going to lend/borrow money if there's a chance people just turn around and say no actually I don't owe that now :)

And here's the fucking jewposter.. You fucking retard.

/cvg/ #3000 coming soon

can't wait

You’re disgusting

Why don't you have anything else to say that isn't childish insults? Do you even believe this is anything more than a very contagious flu yourself?

Roast marshmarrow?

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>shilling doomporn

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anyone know the name of the reporter who got told my trump today??

cook something nice, watch the invaders coof themselfes to death, kill the few who get ideas.
you know enjoy myself.

and here is the difference between us, i dont care in the slightest what happens to me as long as the filth dies with me.
this is something you creatures never understood, some things matter more then you do.
and my peoples vengence on you for having wronged us twice, matters a lot more then i do.
100 years of slavery have left a lot of resentment towards you and your masters.

I sleep
>1m cases party
real shit

I know it's going to be with the blonde version since argie fag loves using that for special numbers.

My 黒人

Risk of Rain 2

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why does she look like a furry

I cant believe that none of /cvg/ got wind of this early on, there was a case in Wuhan that had a fuckin dog die of corona.

The virus is a bioweapon made by China

>- 10% of Wuhan
>- 14% of Guangdong
>- At least 1 case in Xushou has been reported
>- At least 1 case in Chengdu has been reported

>quoting chinese numbers like the hypocrite he is

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Can you post this in english?

Perfect for swedes to service their new immigrants while wearing all ppe.

Reports coming out of Korea, Japan and a few posts from Chinese lads talking of reinfection, Korean CDC director thinks it may be reactivation over reinfection.
The seasonal flu is over in a matter of days and you build immunity, reinfection brings immunity into question.
Like I said to you in the previous thread, we're in the twilight of modern civilisation. I know you're in the denial phase right now, a lot of people are, but it'll start to set in soon.

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The only people in danger are the obese and the very old. I know numerous people who've had symptoms and they've all made a full recovery. No meaningful amount of people are dying user.

We did
The chinks were throwing their pets out of apartment buildings months ago

Based. Did they add all the items and classes yet?

Jews literally create money from debt by having control of the monetary system.

Go back to whatever website you came from. Go back to browsing mainstream news sites. Just leave pol and don't come back.

Your inability to judge either political impact or on a much more individual level your obvious lack of empathy does not mean you are smart, it just means you are actually mentally disabled, or if you like retarded. You know a tard, that's you, you are a simpleton, a moron, a buffoon. The tests are in, sit down its bad news, you are the retard. Your brain is capable of less than others, you rely and depend on those who's brains are not damaged like you. You are incapable, need aid to survive. You're special needs

Actually /cvg/ did knew that but sadly not all of us original viewers are still here

Calm down Papa Roach.


someone fucked that tiger.

>You Can't kill me! I'm the ONE MAN who knows EVERYTHING

also dwarf fortress, homm3, smash ultimate, imperator rome, bannerlord, deus ex goty, and a few other smaller ones like neo scavenger. I need variety or I turn to alcoholism.


Not sure, I just bought it yesterday because it was on sale and have just been getting into it, unlocked like 4 classes so far. Got a lot of free time atm to play tho, probably gonna get furloughed from work.

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im on day 3 of my 15 days fast

ma ma ma my Corona

Fucking bubonic plague 2.0

I'm getting fat

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>be America
>Open quantitative easing to infinity mode
>spending actual trillions in less than a month
>thinking this won't crash the dollar
>economy literally hemorrhaging as millions of applications for unemployment pour in
>real number unknown as system so backed up people unable to even apply
If this is a NWO plot (which it probably is) This is probably the best way for us to transition into a cashless digital block-chain currency.

Attached: recovery.jpg (680x960, 105.96K)

>everything is fine goyim
>stay in your homes
>give up your rights
>go back to sleep

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>you calm your breath and get another idea, this one shouldn't be too terrible
>you point your thumb to totally "your" house and hope that you WILL trick her this time
>"I just kind of rented this place as a secondary bunker. I wouldn't be surprised if even you didn't knew about it, I did it on a whim 6 months ago and paid someone to stock it up"
>you try to lure the persistent girl there, it's not like you really have any further ideas what to do, but you always can improvise
>you know your buddies' place at least somewhat, while she shouldn't
>you feel like it's an advantage that should be exploited

>gains destroying

Every death is precious
Every death is great
If a death's not counted
Yas Forums gets quite irate

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yes I know you are retarded. I know you are obsessed. I know you think that cut and paste generic conspiracy framed in French parody and co-opted into the protocols of zion is so so clever. The truth is you are a tard m8 and you need a simple crude and ridiculous conspiracy to make sense of life or your brain aches.

We will find out how bad this is actually going to be in the next week. IMHE is still predicting we will reach the peak in 9 days. But the curve does not seem to be flattening.

IMHE admits their model "assumes full social distancing" for another 2 months at least. I'm not even sure we have anything like full social distancing now. And we certainly can't keep it up indefinitely.

pic related is my state, hope they are right.

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A small amount most likely have CNS infiltration and it hides out in the neurons or brain-stem, and once the acute phase is over, it starts multiplying again and entering the blood stream.

Technically, you should be able to fight it off once it's done this better, but it might be there in this group forever and it'll eventually be too much.

>No meaningful amount of people are dying user.
Its currently one of the deadliest things on the planet

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