Indians now stoning quarantine enforcers in MASS

INDIA People aren´t buying the PLANN DEMIC story

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Other urls found in this thread:

indians fed up with quarantine enforcers
hoax gone bad

"muh india superpower 2020" lmao, i cant wait to see that country get ravened by covid

Absolutely based.

Its not going to end well for them.

Indian Population is Young and poor people with serious conditions won’t be around long enough to die of COVID-19. it’s the Upper middle class and the Upper class, who fear it. There is little relevance to the rest of the population.

these rabid dogs are muslims

are you telling me Indians are more based than Murica!?

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based and poop-pilled. beer virus is fake anyway

Bullshit, I didn't hear a single aloha snackbar. Those were poos Poo.

>indian muslims

nope, the first video was all over Indian twitter, I know what I am talking about. How would a mutt know anything about India?

they seem to be doing fine.

India will be hit hard by the effects of this pandemic same as every other country. To suggest otherwise is stupid.

They have 1 billion people for the virus to run through and no way to stop it, will be in lockdown for a long time.


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They might be stoning enforcers but it isn't really because they aren't buying the "Plann Demic" story it's simply because they are third worlders and third worlders love to riot and don't really answer to any kind of authority that's why their countries are shitholes.

>ravened by corvid

During mass? Jesus.

fuck off, streetshitter.
don't always blame muslims for your degeneracy.
you are the ones shitting the street.
who else is sending these streetshitters?
pakistan? pakistan sends spies to shit in your streets to spread disease?

fuck off and get some toilet paper. holy fuck, pajeet

We need a poos law where it talks about how they always blame muslims every singe time.

Based poos. Although they aren’t doing it for the reason we think they are

>en masse
unless it occurred sunday morning catholic cathedral. if it didnt then youre a real dumbfuck and really should not be posting here, much less starting threads

can you guys tell me where I can apply to be a covid shill? moneys getten tight

India is on the brink of a infection boom within their slums and they're still pulling this sort of shit. They're fucked.

based poo niggers

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>they will be hit hard
Sure all the in their teens, twenties and thirties will die in massiv amounts despite statistics showing maybe 1/30.000 below the age of 40 dies. In India Novovrius will kill more people in the same amount of time there. This virus is problem for societies who can afford massive amounts of obese, old and chronically ill people. This won’t be huge else were.

Based anarcocapitalists

did you like your paki dick that much cuckolf ?

look at this fucker

This whole twitter thread is about Muslims who caused 30% of all covid cases in India

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based and stone pilled

No it's not that they aren't buying it. It's that they think doctors spread the virus so they stone them to get them the fuck away from them. Basically anyone who comes in contact with sick or dead over there gets fucked up.

It's because indians have the intelligence of monkeys and don't understand how germs work.

MSM at the epicenter of Covid-19 in Italy are passing off dummies on ventilators as patients. Even the doctors refer to the dummies as patients. Either the doctor is lying, or the entire video including the interview is a drill.
the doctor says these patients are dying all around her, but they are all dummies, an entire room of them on ventilators, then they blur the face on a rubber dummy(simulating how the HIPAA law would apply if this were not a drill)

Covid-19 is in fact not a pandemic, but a simulated virus within a international MCE (Mass Casualty Excercise) Drill. The test is only designed to detect any coronavirus so its a purposefully meaningless test for all strains of the common cold. For the drill they empty the major hospitals, like NY’s Elmhurst hospital. They send home all non essential patients, resulting in a mostly empty hospital. The hospital is mostly empty because the number of people sick with flu/pneumonia/”Covid-19” like symptoms is still within the yearly variance for the flu (+/-40k deaths per year in the US on top of an average of 30K). Since, there is no extra patients, the hospital is mostly empty, and sits like an empty movie set, with empty tents, ERs, halls etc, awaiting the MCE drill.
In the drill, the participants including the MSM, doctors, nurses, media relations etc., sign Non Disclosure Agreements(NDAs), with large fines and jail time if the NDA is broken. The drills include fake interviews with real doctors about Covid-19, done in concert with the MSM. The simulations also include medical dummies and crisis actors. The media relations participants are required to go on social media and insist that the Covid-19 MCE drill is not a drill. Lying to the public is legal, as long as its done through the MCI drill run by the government of each nation, in concert with the MSM in each nation.

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Is India doomed? You guess just had an outbreak in your biggest slum and know you're rioting against quarantine. What the fuck is going on?

Pakistan is superior to India. It's like a country full of Northern Indians.

yes very based outfit lady

So in some countries the CDC , WHO etc., admit that the Covid-19 quarantine is a drill, like in Bogota, Columbia, Ethiopia and others. They say it’s to prepare for it when it arrives, so a drill to prepare for a drill. In the USA we were put directly into the Covid-19 drill, then skeptical citizens with smartphones filmed the most effected major hospitals inside and out, and found it was just a drill. This lack of pandemic was filmed after the media already claimed Elmhurst hospital was a warzone.

Mass Casualty Exercises for Pandemics
H1N1 [Swine Flu] was 9 to 10 years ago so it was time to sort of take those plans and dust them off," Lopez said

During Bogota’s four-day drill, workers at supermarkets, pharmacies, airports, public transport and medical centers, among others, are free to move around, but private cars are banned.
Dozens of Connecticut officials were involved in CDC drill last year that revealed problems with response to a pandemic
WHO warns governments 'this is not a drill' as coronavirus infections near 100,000 worldwide
WHO running CV simulations during a pandemic?

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Are you saying the difference between 1st and 3rd world countries is that the people in 1st world countries are domesticated to follow the leaders, and in 3rd world countries, people don't blindly adhere to authority from above? Was two thousand years of religious indoctrination what it took to make westerners 1st worlders?

Well if india rejects the quarantines then doesnt have any problems with the virus, that would definitely pose real questions about the entire scenario

Thank you for being the test?

>send fake-pakistani muslims to riot and shit in indian streets to spread panic and destabilize the government in a false flag
ok president modi, activating shitting-troops.
shit it down

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less brainwashing, they know its a hoax

full version of billy 6 docuemtary on covid-19 fraud-empty covid hospitals in Berlin and scientists interviewed

Tfw the 3rd world has to save America
[Or are they 2nd world?]

t. Will never bant harshly on 3rd worlders again... excepting Mexico of course

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the consequence of muslims rebelling against corona doctors is that they are sometimes denied medical help, just because they are muslim. A few non-muslims may die due to this, but this has potential to take out all muslims as they spread the disease throughout their closely knit community


>plann demic

And Canada bump

how can you even type on your samsung galaxy ace with these shit pieces on your hand.
get a shower and behave like a human

So what's going to happen? You guys don't have the same resources as China does. How will India deal will this virus if all the poor communities get infected? It seems impossible to actually contain anything over there.

dick to Mohammed's mouth.jpg

Based take. I like this
Boomer doomer is real

Based as fuck.

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the World Health Organization will call off the hoax if the people revolt

China has no new cases because the changed the test, now the test is designed to not detect anything , thus phasing out the hoax.

the World Health Organization (WHO) reacted to the change in their Friday situation report, noting: "Some previously reported 'clinically diagnosed' cases are thus expected to be discarded over the coming days as laboratory testing is conducted and some are found to be Covid-19-negative
They gave up on enforcing the Covid-19 Drill after:
'It's all fake!': Chinese official heckled by residents on visit to Wuhan

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lol who cares about muhammad?
are you paranoid? Yas Forums is full of pakistanis with proxies?
take your meds, pajeet.


How much of the population do you think will die? 5%? 10%?

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Like I said
3rd worlders will save America

>1 billion pajeets wiped out by COVID-19
I would thank Chinks for this.

Africa and India will be graveyards by the end of this year. Bravo Bill gates. I still ain't getting your microchip though.

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Shut up John Kerry

India will be fucked hard by covid19. Beyond the power of the judiciary and armed police, there are no other methods to control Indians. They just don't give a fuck about the rules.

Current estimated mortality rate is 0.2 max.

Shut up Jim Corney Comey

>You guys don't have the same resources as China does.

Yea no, China is denying listing patients under Corona and admitting them under other disease categories so as to make it seem like they have Corona under control.

The situation in India will never get anywhere near China or USA. We have temperature on our side

India will do fine, we will just quarantine every infected area till this is solved.

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It’s not really worth it, $1 for every 20 posts, that have been successfully reviewed and approved, plus there’s really strict guidelines about what you can and can’t specifically say.

hopefully all.
hopefully china and pakistan attack india with water cannons and fire fighter planes with soap.
it will be a pure genocide

go back to your shithole, pajeet

>lol who cares about muhammad?

you do faggot
why else would you defend muslims?

wait, is this why india is hoarding cloriquine?

Yes retard, they will be hit hard. Even the young people. How do you dispose of all the bodies (there are millions of old people in India, despite the demographics)? How do you get food and other provisions to all the people in lockdown? It is a logistical nightmare.

They lack the resources to actually do anything about it anyway. How will they stop the spread of a virus without people or equipment to contain it?

I like how in the begining the people are losing to the quarantine cops, but by the end the indian masses win out, the quarantine cops run away from women stoning them, indian women are samurais

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Go back to I mean keep on protecting world rapists and pedophiles you piece of shit

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Why are there still morons thinking respiratory AIDS is a joke?

stop shitposting, pajeet

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They’re overwhelmingly young and used to living in the sewers. They’ll get a mild cough and that’s it

zero, its a drill, indians figured it out, they clever like:

So only 2,000,000

Because it's a joke.

when everyone's like "usa only lost 120k people" we'll also be like "yeh, at least it wasn't 5 million like india. trump really saved us all. trump 2020"

See map Die soon by reinfection

Yes, but it's not really a honest way of looking at it. You have to look at the demographic who dies as well. 80+ with several comorbidities and immunodeficiencies. It's not like these people will live even if you manage to keep some virus from them. If they don't die from one thing, they'll die from something else. That's what old, sick people do. They die.

Until 2020 ends, I still believe the India Superpower by 2020 meme. Hungry people are more willing to fight, should have given them food.

that term is not being used improperly. ever heard of levee en masse? probably some drooling redneck Q tard though. catholic mass, en masse is french for in large amounts

Vidya-the only way Indians can be dealt with-

Attached: Wuflu india quarantine breakers.webm (352x640, 2.85M)

OH that explains it. Should have thought of that first-Muzzies refuse to quarantine anywhere they are.
Poos would do well to block off the Muzzie areas like they did in France and let nature take its course! Imagine if they all die!

Attached: Wuflu Iran licking the shrine to prove allah will protect them.webm (480x480, 2.8M)

your brain on amerilard

Shit this is quickly going to degenerate to Muzzie against others violence. They're going to have to make a "camp" for them.