Aus/pol/ - No Corona tests edition

99% of Australians do not meet the criteria required to be tested for Coronavirus and each day less Australians are able to get tested, this is why it looks like new cases are declining.

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btw what is up with >Chinese Communist Party
Causing the
>Our system thinks your post is spam
I suppose Hiroshima has given in to China then?

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I feel saddened that I might lose my shitposting arch nemesis and mostly, fren ;-;

Fuck chink
Fuck jannies
And most importantly
Fuck niggers

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the ex

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I know many people now with all the symptoms that can't get tested. Mate in the chairforce today (and a large part of the base) is at home now, but it's not Corona because he hasn't been overseas on holiday. Pottery. Must make line go down.

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>wtf is "community-acquired pneumonia"?
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia (any of several lung diseases) contracted by a person outside of the healthcare system. In contrast, hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is seen in patients who have recently visited a hospital or who live in long-term care facilities.

>we need more aus/pols

So three weeks ago we were running out of tests so badly that some regions had none on hand and now we're supposed to believe they're #FlatteningTheCurve? Fucking Australians have to be the stupidest, most spineless bootlickers on the planet.

How many simultaneous aus/pol is the optimal number?

The daily ride

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Finished the game during quarantine, highly recommend.


how long do you lads think lockdown will last? Surely the damaged economy prevents it from being too long.

this user understands aus/pol/

>Surely the damaged economy prevents it from being too long
It's part of a deal parliament has come to with the CCP. They'll save our economy after, we just have to give them the eastern coast.

Surely the Chinks will take better care of the GBR than us, right?

Always wanted to start that game. Love me some mad max

after the lockdown we move to the breakdown of society

How many bogans with shotguns would be needed to raid Parliament house in minecraft?

100k oughter do it.

was on special, put about 35 hours in.
Seemed appropriate for the times

I think anywhere from 8-22 should be able to pull it off. 3 utes full is optimal.

I feel like you wouldn't even need 1000, the military response times in minecraft aren't good enough to stop 1000 angry bogans wielding shotguns

Haven't played it yet, bloody unpatriotic of me.

New normal mate. I'd get used to it honestly.

Game had a lot of wasted potential.

Just had a job interview. God it was awful.

Why are HR just the fucking worst?

>see job app online, phone them inquiring about it
>roastie tells me she cant give to much details but wants my resume anyway
>she arranges a phone interview
>still refuses to give details about the job details, then asks me to give them salary expectations
>give the upper and lower band of my professional skills
>tells me its unrealistic for the job
>"okay give me more details about the job"
>"I cant do that"

HR roasties need a bullet.

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It’s because this virus doesn’t exist. It’s the flu. They’re classifying other sickness deaths as Covid and global pneumonia deaths have decreased since it started.
Really activates those almonds

Yeah but how long you want to hold it for?
I reckon 100k bogan uprising could take it and maintain it.
Think about it, roughly .4% of the population could seize power of the country, in minecraft.

"Community-acquired" means they are unable to trace it back to a single original source that brought it. I only heard it during the early "aggressive containment phase." It's what was happening in Washington early on.

She was never going to give you a chance. If you're not a negro what-a-burger gender your chances of getting a job are very slim.

Any specific criticisms? The environment was pretty real depicting how shit life would be in it

Outright treason to gamer nation honestly

>currently staying with my folks at a small coastal town of ~1500 pop
>tfw cops have set up a road block for anyone coming into town and asking them what they are doing and what business they have here

tourists absolutely and utterly b t f o

The patronizing attitude on this cunt too, I tell you.
>doesn't know anything about the job
>doesn't know anything about the industry
>trying to lecture me on unrealistic expectations.

Told her to withdraw my app and not to contact me. Fuck

wew this sounds unbelievably bad. what sort of job? also was it through a recruitment agency?

>They’re classifying other sickness deaths as Covid and global pneumonia deaths have decreased since it started
This statement might not be complete BS.

Do you think more players would log onto the servers to join in if they held out for a few days? Also
>thinking power rests in a few minecraft building blocks

Depends if those totally secret anti-air batteries around parliament can be used to target the bogans utes or not.

They do indeed. Fucking worthless scum. If you're a STEMlord it's even worse, they just put out ads with keywords they don't understand, and then filter you out because you used some term correctly.

Could have been more variety in loot, more places to see, more characters to see, more cars to unlock also the combat was meh, fun at first but gets old fast and doesn't ever improve.
I suppose gotta leave something for the next game.

Will the superchargers provide much protection againt AA rounds?

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Again, I personally know multiple people now with it. It's not the bloody flu - leave your NEET cave at some point.

>"Community-acquired" means they are unable to trace it back to a single original source that brought it
No, thats not what it means.
I'm a chilean M.D., my english aint that good so bear with me.
Community acquired is a term used when referring to an infection that was not caught in a hospital setting or other health facility. The opposite term is nosocomial pneumonia, which is a pneumonia developed in a window of 48h after admission to a hospital til 72h after being discharged.

As an example even if you know who infected you with pneumonia, if it didnt happen in a health facility, thats a community acquired pneumonia.

The Chinese hackers might come and ruin the server if the admins get kicked

Sup asio

>people only get tested when they go to hospital with severe symptoms
>"90% of all cases get hospitalized! 20% die!"
this is to scare people and grab more emergency powers

>global pneumonia deaths have decreased
No they haven't, They are also acting like pneumonia has always been contagious when it never was in the past.
I have never heard of someone giving another person pneumonia, kinda like how a chest infection isn't contagious.

They're all like that though, they're only there because of diversity requirements.

I caught the S-Strain from Chinese Mainlander tourists in the Sydney Blue Mountains in early December 2019... but nobody will test me for it because I no longer show symptoms and because I did not travel overseas. I quarantined myself at the time because I thought it was a strange Flu at the time and because my wife and mother both have a compromised immune system.

Still can't get tested. Not even sure if the current tests will show if I had it. Three doctors I saw have said that I most likely had the virus because I had every symptom... including several that the general public is mostly unaware of. Three months later and my lungs are still messed up.

I'm hoping it will make me immune to the deadlier L-Strain that is now sweeping the world. But I read in January that if you caught the S-Strain, your lungs and kidneys are now compromised and that you can't expect to survive the L-Strain if/when you catch it.

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Fuckin drama queen attention seeking fag.

Nice larp faggot, how many shekels are you getting paid per post?

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I caught it back in november from a filipina bargirl. I have never seen so many sick people as I did in Manila, everyone was coughing and sneezing constantly and they were already checking temperatures and forcing people to be quarantined at the airport before the 'official' virus had even begun

Job Agencies are fucking cancer. They only exist because firing a permanent employee is too hard in this country

According to those digits they would. Fuck, plan up.

Not ASIO retard. Viruses aren't some big mystery ffs. The conspiracy is that it's actually worse than they're saying & they want to stop a total meltdown. So the "it's just a flu bro" shit IS the psyop. But whatever faggot, go lick a toilet seat or something if you want to.

Was with the company. Defence consulting. I know precisely how much contractors are paid, and I know how much people with my back ground are on, dont tell me I'm unrealistic like holy fuck.
>"Okay, then how much is this position budgeted in for?"
>"I cant tell you that"

nigga if you cant tell me the job duties beyond this generic duty statement on your website OR tell me what your budget is for the position, how in the fuck do you expect me to give you an reasonable salary expectation.


George Pell is going to rape your mother and there's nothing you can do about it.

>It's not the bloody flu - leave your NEET cave at some point
So do you think before you post or, just let the flow of bullshit guide your hands?

how do i update the app?

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How many of you blokes enjoy a good old knock at the backdoor every now and then?

Pick my crop cunt

Reminder C*tholics sacked Constantinople out of boredom. Kike puppets and Muzzie lovers as well as being faggots and child fuckers. No worse satanic cult than C*tholics.

>fucking indian security guards standing outside woolies
we wouldn't need security guards if we just got rid of the foreigners, they're the ones cornering the workers and stealing all the bloody toilet paper

The chink hacker isn't a combat unit in minecraft.

>no corona tests
>shit. guess well have to get Heineken tests instead

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>indian security guards
They constantly try to power trip and act aggressive with their 5'7 60kg frame. Its truly pathetic

what do you blokes say to the ones at big w who ask to see in your bags?

Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.

>I caught the S-Strain from Chinese Mainlander tourists in the Sydney Blue Mountains in early December 2019.
Holy shit, in Katoomba? I was there last year in November.