Anybody notice how the glowies and shills are acting?

notice how desperate the shills and glowies are getting now that the news of Q being real is getting out slowly? once we hit critical mass there is nothing that can be done to stop the spread of information


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Other urls found in this thread:

Coffee may or may not be good for you

Preach it user. Nobody can stop what's coming.

So Q is real eh?

Where is this news getting out?


Alex Jones?


This doesn't even bother me anymore, user. Everyone has a front row seat. Enjoy the show!

One love bro.

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What is Q?

Boomers actually fucking believe this GI Joe, Cobra, underground war shit, don't they? Fucking children. If Q is real, he's the greatest fucking traitorous piece of OPSEC ignoring trash that has ever lived.

Good thing it's just a LARP. Why the FUCK would you be informed? Seriously, explain it. WHY would you need to be told? You wouldn't.

In fact it would FUCKING TIP EVERYONE OFF. "Oh shit, these mother fuckers totally know about the [insert thing here]"

No, it's a fucking LARP. Pedo Rings most definitely exist but this larper is not telling you about real ones.

I'm anti-war and Trumpfags call me the kike for not wanting to fight third world shitholes like Venezuela because muh gommunism or Iran because muh Islam. Do you consider me a glowie OP?

First post worst post, you have no fucking clue what the meme is about you fucking imbecile, stop posting for 6 months and then try again.

generally glowies are from alphabet organizations

not a boomer

watch this

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just passing thu

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if this q shit is happening no matter what why dont you do the rest of us a favor and stop posting incoherent bullshit and shitting up the board?

Let me rephrase that then, am I a shill or a jew for not wanting to go along with retarded wars?

just wanted to let you know so you could be aware of the great show thats about to go down.

if there was a live police chase I would want to let you know brother! same thing.

the new era doesnt have war - you're gonna fit right in! get ready man this shit is gonna be so dope. we're getting tesla secret tech.

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My area had riots in the 90's over these filth.

They're starting to panic.

NigAnon > QAnon

>once we hit critical mass there is nothing that can be done to stop the spread of information
Ok shill. We get it. Unless you convince everyone that Qanon is real, your boss won't let you suck his cock.

>critical mass
Not how it works.

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The World Of Warcraft is talking about it. It’s past critical mass.

Double jewed.

Okay OP when you say
>we're getting tesla secret tech
You sound like a fucking retard. Equivalent to a child that is overly excited by the potential prize they may receive from a fucking cereal box. Don't make outlandish statements without backing up your claims. Have it stand independently from the Q proofs and then maybe just maybe we would actually consider taking you seriously. Its retards like you that echo and regurgitate Q talking points that have tarnished the community's reputation. KYS

someone fill me in on this " is coffee good for you" shit

plebbit faggot you have to go back

This man died battling the glowniggers. We must fight in his honor.

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Probably just a lazy way to slide a thread

Love this clip. How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?


I appreciate the clarification, brother.

Even better!

I'm ok with you thinking I sound crazy. I'm crazy excited!!! I hope you appreciate the new golden era of humanity!

Q is a form of digitally-transferred dementia


Q is a hoax

90% sure this is a poe's law-style troll

What did Q predict and how many times was he wrong? A broken clock is right twice a day.

Hi, sorry didnt the 3 days of darkness before the 10th thing come from Q?

And that never happened


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I'm a huge newfag, please Q pile me.

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The are delaminating right now...
There is alot going on rn & the shills are obviously overwhelmed
They lost the plot.

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Been here since the very first thread. It’s been a hell of a ride.

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If people are subscribing to Q even during failed predictions, then it's a cult.

I wish I could join ICE or HLS and bust niggers and spics. But I'll just end up being a glowie arresting wypipo for acting up

Lol...semantic arguments on Yas Forums
>the absolute state of shills
Whats next?
>Q isnt even a real persons name!

What in this clip suggests Q to you?

The cult line was one of the first ways to attempt to delegitimize the movement after predictions started to become true.

>Q being real

Boomer general?
Boomer general.

Semantics? Im talking about the 3 day shut doen of internet and electricity. You know, Q’s version of project zyphr

wow. you dumbasses are truly insufferable

Is there a general? What is this Q? Please Q pill me senpai.

wow! those are cool words! did you make those up??? (:

> hurrdurr 3days of darkness never happened
Because YOUR timeline, definitions& attributions are the key to decoding the Q larp...
..right lil' buddy?

There was a General, a long time ago.

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They'll watch the credits and say the show never happened

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watch this buddies

Q never said that - other sources only speculated on it

Human trafficking

I was late to the party but it's been a huge rush to learn about the movement

great screenshot - saved

Q's made uncanny predictions way more than twice

never heard of it but ill look it up

start with this video. it's worth the time spent watching. there are some inaccurate details in the film but I personally have not found a better all-in-one source for a basic intro.

>Q didn't predict anything but haha it's a qult
What an absolutely incoherent post.

I will thank you I don't want to be a nigger thanks.

You're an ever expanding soul having a human experience. Love yourself m8

Keep Qpilling based faggot

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Yeah I'm in a cult, we brainwash people to think for themselves.

It doesn't matter what you want user. Death is the future.

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>Q's made uncanny predictions way more than twice
And how many predictions did he make?
Q isn't thinking for yourselves, seems like it's cultlike brainwashing for people who are susceptible.

what news, where

All we have is the present. Enjoy this time we spent communicating together. You never know when your last breath will be taken.

The truth is out there

ikr, I have to make up for lost time

I need to watch the other one first I watch this later. I'm sorry I'm nigger I try not to be.

>Q never said that - other sources only speculated on it
If Q is so unclear that what is said requires wild ass speculation, then why does Q have any value at all? You might as well go back to reading Nostradamus.

all you mentioned were shills

fuck off you glowing nigger

this is a woke thread that is probably to most up-to-date right now - check it out if you want to be on the cutting edge


It's a nod to shill threads
>is coffee good for you
>why do white x love black y
>why is missouri so based
>I just fucked a trap, am I gay
Etc etc


Still valid

Don’t worry, mine takes less than two minutes.
Doesn’t matter to me whether or not you were late or early. I’m just glad to have you along for the ride, user. It’s amazing seeing just how many people have been redpilled as a result of this operation. That alone was nothing short of a miracle.

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I think it's addictive to certain people, it gives them false meaning like pulling the slot machine lever 1 more time.
>Q will be right this time, I CAN FEEL IT.

Read whatever suits you the most, I have found great clarity researching Q, child trafficking and the deep state. I can't prove anything outright. But ironically most of you anons would say they believe this stuff if CNN and NBC start to air stories about it. Where is your favorite source for information - who do you trust and why do you trust them?

>3 days
David wilcock, some eceleb

I missed the meme thread. dotr shills!

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>lions, tigers, bears, oh my
I wanna go back to when I wasn’t so jaded against the zo posting. It’s all fake, it’s all extremely gay, and you need to go back

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Do you not know that strawman bullshit you're pulling?
>If you don't follow Q, you're a shill and you watch CNN and MSNBC.
Get a grip on reality.

Imagine getting sexually baited by a frog. Lmao fucking weirdo

Can someone tell me what a glownigger is I've been on hiatus for a while

I suspect this larp speaks to peoples' desire for meaning and purpose. For most people, life is purposeless. There's no frontier to settle. No need to land on the moon. No Soviets to fight. No Great Depression to beat (well until a few weeks ago). Q lets people imagine there's a great good vs. evil fight going on, and they get to participate in some small way. Still stupid to get swept up in.

About right, but I think it's an absence of spiritual experience. So you're just stuck as a body/mind in the world, with no place to go.

I've had shills snap in all these threads since the containment.

It's like watching a cornered animal, they'll just spit out vitriol, curse you to damnation and then proclaim that their way will survive.

A CIA agent, or someone in the intelligence field. He glows when he blows his cover.

Dont watch shit from a q thread

It's a larp that's been going in for years or a psyop by glow niggers

Either way theres never been proof

hey guy, honest question here. If Q is going to bring down the bad guys and all you have to do is trust the plan, then why even bother making a thread about it? What's your outcome?

they bought into everything we shove down their throats here.
If you are one of the lucky ones to get your tarded idea to trend whilst bypassing all the bots its a hit!
You have to dance around several groups and bots and then agency stooges
but when that hoax hits and those STUPID fucking! idiots take the bait...well then all the above groups just freak out

lol gangstalkers....ooooooooohhhhhh ssssccarrrrryyyy aaaahhahahahah