Venezuela anons how we doing?

Venezuela anons how we doing?

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no more internet there. soon the hueburger coalition will nuke them. i'm so happy.

I wanna kms

we'll spare venezuelan fascists to rule the country as a puppet govt.

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Aqui não há fascistas irmão, só commies e pessoas não retardadas.

I don’t speak South of the Birder, but is it Commies are retarded?

Kek I myself am learning to speak macaconese. I tried to say "here are no fascists bro, only commies and non-retarded people.

Que porra de país não tem fascio? Vamo melhorar isso aí hein?!
Mas, sem sacanagem, como tá a situação?

Obviously you are lying.

It is widely known that co mies ARE retarded

Not really, It says "There are no fascists here bro, only commies and non retarded people"

What the fuck happened?!

Attached: Battle of Tortuga Venezuela 2020.png (324x600, 100.63K)

I don't believe that. Venezuela was lightly allied with the Anti-Commintern Pact and the Axis during WWII.

Well, that counts as an aggression to me. Time to invade that shithole.

More toilet paper and durable goods than in the American supermarkets currently.

Only 1 venezualin in all of Yas Forums?

Since we have you here can I ask you questions

The resolute was the one with the damaged bow up front, that means they rammed the boat with it not the other way around.
Literally an act of war.

portugal is going to be invaded? O__O

Could you imagine brazil invading portugal for repirations or some NAP shit

further proof amerisharts need to be range banned for their lack of education

why would we do that? they don't even have any money

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Our whole army is full of corrupts, inepts and subhumans soldiers who would get destroyed in a real war.

Uh, no. Venezuela attacked, how long t
until they try that shit again? Let's kick down the door and hang Maduro from the government building in which he is.

I see...

Also any VE Anons know what's going on with the submarines off your coast/that blown internet hub? How is Maduro handling all those ships literally in his backyard?

"Regular" life here is so miserable that you barely motive the quarentine
>Basic services such as electricity, water and internet are always falling all over the country. Some states have 12 hours of power every day
>Public transport is totally collapse
>Can't ho out because thugs
>There is more food now but everything is expensive as fuck because hyperinflation. The dollar is our de facto currency
>No gas at the stations in the country with the world's biggest oil reserves
I was just planning to get out if this mess. Fuck chinks

How have the chinks played a role in this? And how about the Russians or Iranians?

Guaidó não é fascista, ele é literalmente da INTERNACIONAL SOCIALISTA.
The best you can get is some Nazbol that work with ruskies.
Yes i know that sounds pretty shitty, and indeed it is.

Eu não sei! O fascismo nunca já estado presente no nosso país. Só lixo de esquerda.

I think you need to read twice what I said and realize that's exactly what I meant.

Eu não disse que esse Gaydó era fascio, animal.

Time to try something new, fren

Seu portugues está bom, continue seus estudos veneco.

Dude, it's poland, literally the only white niggers.
Don't bother, everyone else got it lmao.

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O que torna a america do sul uma merda é todo esses comunista e socialista aloprado em vez de estarem nas respectivas covas, All the corruption is amplify by them. FUCK ALL MARXISTS TO DEATH. FUCK THEM ALL TO DEATH!

>já estado

Sure bro. Shoot.
Você sabe que é triste? A única opção decente na Venezuela em caso de eleições presidenciais é uma mulher centrista que mal sabe que é capitalismo

Come over already

their entire navy just got sunk by an unarmed cruise ship

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>Eu não disse que esse Gaydó era fascio, animal.
E eu não disse que você disse.
Só citei o gay-dó por ser a alternativa mais viável de mudança, que é apoiado por glowniggers e por hon-hon-hons.
Imagina a merda, ter opção de ou esquerda bolivariana ou esquerda fabiana.

Ainda bem que isso nunca ocorreu aqui

In Front Mission 4 you lead a squad of rogue mercenaries in Venezuela aiding the local rebels to bring "El Comandante" down. Very based and redpilled.

Attached: FM4.jpg (512x337, 46.6K)

the cruise ship didn't even have engines running, they were taken apart for maintenance
they didn't even have the ability to move, let alone ram

Parece que a Venezuela se fodeu pros próximos 20 anos

>mulher centrista
Qual o nome dela?

He's got he spirit bro.
Eu agradeço qualquer correção. O português é um linguagem fascinante

Besides money, chinks are providing tech to enforce control on the people like they do in their own country. Maduro has already set up a system un which you hace yo get a parallel ID and register in a web to get some gibs.
Russians have military advisors in the country. They are also training pro regime militias. Iranians are all about gold traffic and other minerals, same as Turkey.

That's hilarious.

Attached: venezuelayes.jpg (600x401, 42.05K)

Chávez went nuts and tried to ban videogames when Mercenaries 2 came out

The irony and head line just sound cartoonish as heck. Would love to see it (plz?)

i see wat you did there

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sorry for late return

How long have you been on Yas Forums?
What is life like in your country?
Why don't you move? I wish we had based anons from any country here

Well not exactly anyone but based anons would be pretty high on the list for consideration

All of south america sounds terrible fren

A única solução para Venezuela em curto prazo seria intervenção americana e eles colocarem um fantoche no lugar para fazerem as reformas necessárias.
Mas tem que se ligar que comunismo/socialismo é um vírus. Tu cura na Venezuela, mas já vem mais corno de Cuba, Colômbia, Nicaragua e até mesmo o Brasil. Ultra putaria.
They clearly miss the part that the country has being hijack by socialist/commies DECADES ago. Truly unbelievable. Visiting Venezuela in this situation is even worse than going ask for help in N. Korea. But then again, germans think they live on a democracy when there supreme leader is a proven commie. Levels of retardation in the Clown World.
There's a documentary on youtube about Venezuela made by Brasil Paralelo that give you the whole process that Venezuela has go trough over the year until the situation of the moment. Is very good. They also have good documentary's about Brazil itself, if you are without what to do in this quarantine you just need to activate the subtitles.

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Imagina o que vão dizer do bonoro se ele enfiar o país numa guerra... se já tá do jeito que tá...
Não dá. Só se conserta a LATAM com um banho de sangue fodido. Não tem outro jeito.

based pana

kys commie kike, all memeflags and no balls

Rezo para que aprovarem o dereito para uso de armas.
Mariacorina Machado. Bom peitos porém.
>how long
Probably I think 5 or 4 years.
>what is it
You're constantly reminded you're poor you have less opportunities than others, that you're oppressed by corrupt commie and worried about your next meal.
>why don't you move
I'd like to say that it is because I'm taking college courses and it's cheaper here but I suspect it's fear and the amount of money it takes.

2 of our 3 ships with military capabilities were sunk by literally DOING NOTHING. I don't know if I should be surprised by the shitty quality of our navy or german engineering.

Bolsonaro is doing some dumb shit with the coronavirus situation, but the whole system and mainstream media is trying to bring him down and install Lula or any of the PT scum again. Colombia is going to get fucked if they elect the commie Petro. As for Cuba, if Maduro goes down, they will too, but also they could just move to suck from México and that dumb fuck Amlo. Nicaragua could ve changing soon since ir seems like Ortega is either very sick or dead.

>Mariacorina Machado
Dei uma pesquisada, tem cara de irmã mais nova da Regina Duarte. Definitiamente MILF.

Just so you know user, if you decide to leave you can apply to be a refugee The fact that you are going to school or want to finish school is a big plus. Other countries do it too. I'd suggest getting into comp sciences or cyber security. Easiest way to make it in any modern country without having a huge barrier to entry. Can work from anywhere and make lots of $$. Maybe even send some back home to bring your family out of there.

Isn't brazil just like right next to you? Move to like the virgin island (US & UK controlled) or peurto rico and then make your way into the US legally? Canada is so cucked they might even pay for you to go ironically.

that's hilarious

Isn't french guinea considered developed and like right next to you and shit

is this the new hand simulator game?

>Bolsonaro is doing some dumb shit with the coronavirus situation
He just have Narcisistic Personality Disorder, making him easy to chimp out, and the MSM just push him to.
But in the end he made good decision.
Even maintained based MANDETTA.

Fuck Juan Guiado fucking fake president. America’s puppet. Dude tried to hop a gate. How the fuck is that even presidential material?!

Pic related

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not op but whatevs

>2012 or something like that

>depends on where you live. big cities are your typical urban shithole but 10 times worse, think of Detroit but 10x more dangerous and 10x poorer. if you live in a small town/city things are safer but there's much more scarcity and life is pretty dull. scarcity is a big deal over here, everywhere but Caracas. currently there's a gas shortage and you got to wait for days to get 20L fuel

>own a business

Ah, meu amigo, esperarás em vão. O cenário político de toda a América Latina é dominado de oligarcas socialistas desde 1889 (Quando o Império Brasileiro foi derrubado pelo golpe republicano, derrubando o último regime que tinha alguma perspectiva de sucesso abaixo das fronteiras dos Estados Unidos)

Fuck Bolsonaro and up with LULA!!!!

that old fart is never going to be president again.

yup just like libya, wish our kike president would worry about our own problems here

Maybe since the people love him.

Thats hue hue speak, uma delicia


I'm going back to Venezuela.
I can't believe this shit. But this pandemic proved socialism to be the fucking truth.
I'm sorry comandante!

just curious, what were the warning signs your country was getting bad? i know your money went to shit. were things always scarce like food, etc? believe or not i think we will be right there with you soon on an economic level, any tips to prepare/invest?

yeah, we all know you like to fuck men now gtfo commie faggot

Warning signs would be USA being so interested in your nation it would be behind coups. Buncha dumb fucking glows in here.

Bootlicking cunts.

No, they don't.

Hahahahaha Commies scare you? Even tho they don’t exist?!? Hahaha fucking incredible.

Mostly because there was nothing that he could do different. No country in the world, even the more serious ones had any planning. Maybe Taiwan had some, you can find taiwan channels and they got SARS last time they had create a government agency specialize in pandemics so they were a little more prepare. But that shit is bio-aids made in labs by the commies. We're all fuck, when I say aids, believe, it's AIDS. Brazil health system is also shit. Population 200 million, hospital beds 35k... What the FUCK! That is Lula&Dilma legacy. They basically trow a wrench on the wheels of the south america. We had many opportunity but they keep building this kind of shit marxists organizations and the dumb glow nigger military from our country's keep drooling instead of fucking copying Pinochet! I blame the 60's the Civil Right movements in the USA that was copy on this parts as well. BUNCH OF FAG BURGERS! GO SHOVE CIVIL RIGHT MOVEMENT UP YOUR ASS FISTED UNTIL U ENTER INSIDE YOURSELF AND EVAPORATE. But fuck the chinks first, you created that one.
But hey Venezueiro let me ask you, Maduro has being rounding up the sick population or he doesn't give a fuck?


Here we see the final stages of a horrible sickness called leftism, result of centuries of philosophic faliures from Germany culminating on the Marxist way of thought. Now scram, you sick fuck