The idea that transgender identity ignores biology is an outdated one based on old science that has long since been...

The idea that transgender identity ignores biology is an outdated one based on old science that has long since been debunked by modern science.

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Other urls found in this thread: and postnatal hormone effects_EuJPhysio.pdf the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred of Gays in the 90s&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

If you say so fagot

You are either born xx or xy. Anything outside of that results in sterility.

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(((((modern science))))))

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Trannies are gross.

Life is not defined by reproduction.

good luck surviving this thread, OP.

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Gender is different than sex. I'm not arguing that outside of a few deformities that there aren't two sexes. However, gender has more to do with masculinity and femininity concepts and how much of each one has in their personality and presentation.

Gender dysphoric individuals want to change their sex as well as their gender because sex and gender in this society are so interconnected that even if they wanted to, they couldn't be seen as a different gender without trying to match it through hormonal change and surgery. This wouldn't be the case if we didn't force males and females to act in certain ways.

It literally is. Without reproduction, you do not have life.

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Google the author, Simon(e) D Sun

Laugh at his life, and now weep... this deranged zipperhead is a “neuroscientist”

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Well, there are enough humans so that one person not reproducing isn't going to cause a shortage. Many people aren't able to produce, and many more decide not to. It doesn't make 'em any less human.

We aren't forcing anyone to do anything.
We are recognizing obvious evolution and environmental realities.

You are the idiots who constantly deny science and ignore objective truth. You're basically raping reality with your forced manipulative bullshit propaganda.

Stop forcing yourself on reality, bigot

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Transgenderism is a mental disorder that can be cured by a pill.

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Trans rights
Never heard of em

>if we didn't force males and females to act in certain ways.
We don't. Just do what you want and don't ask anyone else to play along with you and your clubhouse rules, and there wouldn't be a problem. Don't feel 'validated'? That's just your personality rejecting itself, and it will always do that no matter what you pretend to be.

Fuck faggots


> and postnatal hormone effects_EuJPhysio.pdf

The question isn't what makes them human... it's what makes them normal humans and LGBT faggots are an aberration, a mistake, a waste of resources.
We should society abide having mentally ill people running around taking drugs, getting costly complicated surgeries and not actually contributing anything to children for the future.
Trans people are a burden on society any way you look at it.

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take your meds schizo


mmmm Science doesn't line up with our mental illness, let's change the science and vilify the current paradigm so we can justify our existence.

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>old science

I think you mean real science.

A freshman level biology class would disagree.

>long since been debunked by modern science
not true, your just a science denier.

giving me these weak ass studies with a control group between 10 and 50 and think they have actual scientific validity aahahaha you illiterate cuntmaster.

>gender is different than sex.
Ya, I had to sit through the same brainwashing program too. It doesn't change that gender isn't real and it's just a made up term. There is sex and nothing else. Trans is a mental illness.

Well played user!

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How do we 'constantly deny science and ignore scientific truth' when science shows the scientific basis of LGBT identity?

I'm talking about getting rid of gender stereotyping, and forcing males, females, and intersex to act a certain way. There's no biological basis for men liking blue and women liking pink for instance, it's a cultural phenomenon, and it used to be considered opposite with boys expected to like pink and girls expected to like blue.

There are countless examples of gender stereotypes that have no basis in sex. Males shouldn't be forced to act masculine, and females shouldn't be forced to act feminine (the concepts of which change over time).

We don't force traditional gender roles. That's why men can get married, and women have jobs in all kinds in male dominated industries. Where have you been the last 30 years. Once you turn 18 you can do whatever you want but encouraging children out of their gender rolls before then is grooming.

Look at how you are dressed, sir.
Just look yourself, sir.

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Tits and dick or GTFO janie.

Do you agree that there is a biological basis for men preferring machines/objects and women preferring people?

You can't change your sex, faggot. Sex is determined by your chromosomes. Gender is some gibberish someone invented when trannies were first created.

No such thing as transgender.

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>These claims regarding pimozide are not being made on the basis of “pharmacological studies”, plural. This is based on one case report – a study of one person (Puri & Singh, 1996). Conversely, the evidence supporting the efficacy of transition does not consist solely of one publication about just one individual. Hundreds of studies throughout several decades, including tens of thousands of patients, have found that the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning.

I read one of those articles. The brain differences the found are probably due to the testosterone injections the women are taking. To be an honest test they need to scan a medication free brain, they also need a large sample size.


You do realize those differences in morphology are derived from things like autism and schizophrenia, right? That doesn't point to some kind of biological ground for "extra genders" but a kind of obsessive compulsive disorder.

This shit is full of crap like this:

>appeared similar

APPEARED. Over and over again, passive, non-committal language throughout, the surest sign of misinterpretations of legit studies.

Faggots and trannys should kill themselves

Exactly. Because of normal people our race moves forward. That's why encouraging faggots to be faggots is a good thing. Gay men and women don't need "beards" anymore, and therefore don't pass their genetic defect down the line to their offspring. But as always you done it down or throats and groom or children. So it's back to wanting you tied to a rope behind my pickup truck.

If trannies are supposed to be normal, why do I have a biological revulsion when I see them?
It's something deep inside me that feels disturb, I can't control it. I feel ill, I feel sick. Just looking at one on tv makes me uncomfortable.

I can only guess because it disturbs the natural order of things.
Nobody told me to hate trannies, I just do. And I can't help it. Stop judging me for how I was born

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>small sample size
>a literal google doc spreadsheet
I hope you know OP was phishing. If you open a google doc they get all your info. If you aren't using VPNS, burner emails, alternate passwords, etc, you're fucked. DO NOT click on it

Less than 1% of the population identifies at transgender and not all of them want surgeries, some of them don't even want hormones, and LGB are just sexual identities, not medical problems - LGB don't require expensive treatments and surgeries.

Also, LGBT+ folk are perfectly capable of contributing to society and there are many well-accomplished ones out there. Are there a few lazy ones? Sure, but all groups have their bad examples.

They only one forcing things is all the faggot enablers infiltrating schools and preying on kids. Gender and sex are the same thing and were used interchangeably.

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I'm taking my prescribed HRT, but thanks for reminding me. I haven't been diagnosed with schizophrenia, however.

There is no god, and even if he did exist the Abrahamic god is a genodical asshole. Fuck him.

> Capable of contributing to society
Contributing to most of societies suicides yes

>Also, LGBT+ folk are perfectly capable of contributing to society
Except for the whole bringing in the next generation. You know, the most important contribution? Faggots are parasites. the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred of Gays in the 90s&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

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Checked and jew pilled. Post your tits janie.

They still have meanings, I'm not disputing that.

>In general terms, “sex” refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as the genitalia and genetic differences.

>“Gender” is more difficult to define, but it can refer to the role of a male or female in society, known as a gender role, or an individual’s concept of themselves, or gender identity.

>Sometimes, a person’s genetically assigned sex does not line up with their gender identity. These individuals might refer to themselves as transgender, non-binary, or gender-nonconforming.

So fuck off and leave the children alone. No one cares how you want to dress up in public.

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Funny thing, the ones he killed off were the faggot baby burners. Of course you sympathize with them.

There's a simple reason why men as of late are becoming women. Societal structuring is being forcefully flipped on its head. Men are being seen as obtuse oafs who serve no real purpose in todays environment. Colleges produce extraordinary numbers of anti-male media that slowly morphs weak minded men into being women. These men lack purpose because of intense post-industrialism. Men are no longer needed under this prevailing view. The CIA has been pushing this onto Brazil for at least a decade now.
Ever wonder why being trans has exploded in the last 5 years?
Ever wonder why this has never happened before?
Biological science has nothing to do with it. This is systematic social restructuring. Women consume more product than men. Men could be happy with a shitty TV and some sports. Women need clothes, makeup, hair product, "hygiene". Your "identity" is a result of decades of research, and corporate profit margins. You are the embodiment of capitalism, no matter how much marx you read.

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>“Gender” is more difficult to define,
>so use this definition that is totally not biased in anyway

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Gender was a term made up by (more than likely) a pedophile who performed human experimentation on two twins, you know, John Money was his name.

Can confirm. Universities here are nothing but fags on top of fags.

Stop feeding janies until it proves it is a janie by posting tits.

I remember learning the basic tenets of life, and one was being able to reproduce independently. You faggot.

Gender is exactly the same as sex, since sexual dimorphism has selected specific traits for each gender, such as male strength and female subservience.
What you call "gender dysmorphic" is really just victims of bullying who've been put down like cattle by their teachers and the (((mental health industry))) and drank the koolaid.
Effectively they're saying "Yes I'm a sissy simp faggot beta cuck incel and you must accept me for who I am".
As a form of cope, they have inverted these vast traumas and started seeing them as positive traits.
"Aspergers means I special". "You lay with whores cretin, I'm better than you for not fucking". Bullshit like that.

And quite ironically, the nuthouse is trying to force its surroundings to behave in certain ways with the excuse that any other form of behaviour is "misogynist", "racist", "homophobic", etc.
You're a complete sissy and that ain't a good thing.
You might as well get decapitated.

bong gets it

>modern science

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>I don't like a scientific fact
>I know! I'll just become a scientist myself and change everything to fit my degenerate narrative!
>All that old science is outdated, MY science is the correct one. Listen to ME!!
Kys you insane faggot

When it comes to things like sexuality, it literally is. That is all sexuality is. Sex. Reproduction. It's the same thing, retard.


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>"just sexual identities, not medical problems"
Do you suck dick, or do you not suck dick.
That isn't a fucking identity. It's taste.
Making it an identity is a complete delusion.

>and there are many well-accomplished ones out there"
Name one.
Then name another.
See if we can quantify "many".

Won't even read another propaganda piece by (((scientists))) in some blog.
Turn 40% into 100%

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lol i didn't see the small print.

i take "What is Mitosis" for 500

>being a faggot is so normal that they need a government funded media wide campaign to normalize it
Remember: if you hate gays, you are gay!

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Like it or not, but science is ever-changing and updates in accordance with new findings and falsifying of old hypotheses and claims. We no longer uphold the geocentric model, rather the heliocentric one. We no longer acknowledge bloodletting as an effective medical strategy, we no longer think that Pluto is a planet, etc.

Gender is only male and female sex is for fuckin

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Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offense.

Real women hate you

>even has daddy issues with God

>but science is ever-changing
Truth never changes. There is only male and female. Faggots make up the majority of AIDS cases. God will throw you into the lake of fire for being a reprobate.

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Post your fucking tits you useless faggot. You want to be a woman so bad? Them you gotta show your tits here before anyone can take you seriously.
They got butchered didn't they? Is hair still growing on your tits? Is the scar huge? Why won't you show it janie? Did you waste the equivalent of a house on a butcher's job? Show your fucking tits or GTFO.

It is an identity when you're oppressed on the basis of it.

>Name one. Then name another.

>Denies religion
>Accepts fictional "science" made by a loony

biology is neither a hypotheses nor a claim
if it was it would be called philosophy

>We no longer uphold the geocentric model
With the modern level of thought policing it wouldn't surprise me if we start again.

On Judgment Day, your worthless ass will be cowering in fear like the pathetic maggot that you are, begging GOD to spare you. But it will be too late for you.

You know no one takes you seriously because you are a mentally ill faggot that requires a retard wrangler.


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Is your one of those? Post picture of your mutilated dick you faggot I got my dick on my hands. Is there puss in your man pussy? Does hair grow inside it? Show me faggot.

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Whatever tranny

'Science' is a method of observing and experimenting to find truth, of course it changes when we find better methods and get closer to truth. Science is not a synonym for truth, don't misrepresent what I'm saying

OP Can't answer why I find trannies disgusting

modern academia exists only to protect marxist ideology
the results are found by working backwards from the desired conclusion
anything that's "problematic" is buried and the authors funding threatened

You can never change your biological sex. They only time I will accept "transgenders" is if they prove to me that they can give birth. Let's start with a man-to-woman individual and a male individual. I completely doubt they can make a baby.


Correct. And the funny thing is, even trannies must admit that statistically - over 99% of people confirm exactly to their biological sex, so how they pretend it has no biological role in one's personality is beyond retarded.

I want to observe your rotten man pussy. Does it smell? Do you have to dilate it with a stinky dildo? Can you post pictures of your sex toys?

Jeremiah 6:29-30
>The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away.
>Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.

Romans 1:26-32
>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
>Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
>Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
>Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

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Which branch of "Science"? Physics? Chemistry? Psychology? Fucking gender studies? The average retarded layman has no understanding of what constitutes good science anyway so they just lap up whatever the MSM throws at them.

They don't exist but let's say they do for the sake of argument:

Satan killed 12 people, God killed millions. I'd gladly go to Hell to spite the fucker, who deserves much worse. Satan and his followers were right for rebelling against that tyrant.

Fuck trannies and fuck jannies

I know what will make pol seethe, im not a tranny im a straight (date females) femboy on hormones for balding and to preserve youthful features.

Satan would be the reason any of them went to hell to begin with.

cause u are sane

Normalize = Force

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God created all life and existence. God therefore has the 'right' to do with it as He pleases. You will be judged and rightly so, sinner. Only a retard would try standing before the Almighty One. You will look like a worthless retard bawwing before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on the Last Day. You have no idea how powerful this entity that made this dimension and reality actually is.

>scientific american

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genders are stupid. people care about it way too much (on both sides). You should focus on sex if you want a discussion. genders are just arbritary self assigned identities and have no real social utility.

Why do trannies have a high suicide rate? do they regret their decision of cutting their dicks?

Here's some good reading material. FileNameRelated

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You're delusional if you think modern academia and cultural institutions are Marxist. Why do we still live in a market society with different classes then? Hmmm? Why don't we have a centrally-planned economy and teach dialectical materialism in schools?

Enough with the McCarthyist paranoia, we still live under capitalism.

OP is LARPing it is not a trans, please post more I need to fap ASAP. Do you have some rare scar surgery?

Absolutely correct, which is why changing your physical sex is completely, utterly erroneous, damaging and indicative of mental health issues.

You just proved our point.

Now get out.

I never said anyone could change their sex.

methinks he doth protest too much. Show tits, butthurt brazil fag

OP is a useful idiot and deserves corona chan's loving embrace.

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Time to break out my dead power reddit user tranny. Not sure which of these ugly buffoons killed itself, and I'm not sure if the other has yet. I was banned from their gay little club for being disagreeable to their faggy antics.

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Fuck yeah

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