What’s your excuse for not wearing a full face respirator everytime you go grocery shopping?

What’s your excuse for not wearing a full face respirator everytime you go grocery shopping?

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Dude I don't even wear a rubber when I fuck a hooker.

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I’d rather have an STD than airborne AIDS in my lungs

25-25% of people don't even exhibit symptoms. 97% of people infected recover.

80% of fatalities are between 65-85 years old.

I am not at risk and if I'm a carrier -great! I'll kill off some faggots that are a leech on society. What's your excuse for being a faggot?

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I don't own a full face respirator.

I'm not a faggot.

Nobody cares about dying. This thing gives you Permanente lung damage

My Guy!

No it doesn't. Why are you spreading fake kung flews?

>25-25% of people

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Really makes ya think

i want to catch the virus, idiot.

I'm not a weak immunelet.


it's not convenient, and I have BCG anyway.

>for some
go fuck yourself, immunilet


Fuck off and die.

>weak immunelet
Weak immune systems are actually better since it doesn’t cause a cyclone storm that causes permanent damage to your organs

Dress like a raider not a faggot.

I take vitamin c, zinc, d3, b12, krill oil, super male vitality, dna force plus, bodease, and iodine every day. I have no need for a mask, I have a healthy immune system. I use the mask to signal the rape and pillage that will comence once the sheeple forgo their constitution for bill gates slavery.

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Not a faggot

If my immune system can't handle the virus, I don't deserve to live.

My excuse is that I'm not a faggot.

Pretty sure I had it. Wife and kids got a bit sick for a week, I felt tired for a couple days. Went to work every day and stayed put mostly in my office and washed my hands like a good boy. Whoop dee fucking do.

I’m the autist in my town that does this. Have been for months. Have watched a select few begin to don them as well out and about

dont go shopping
you dont deserve it either way

I don't leave the house. I order what I need plus I prep'd so I really don't even have to do that.

5% positive rate so chances are you just had the flu retard

Because it's a fucking hoax

It's just the common cold, bro. Eat a vegetable once in a while and try not to age.

Sorry I hit the wrong key on the keyboard typing to you autists who should clearly note a typo when they see one.

Let me edit my post LIKE REDDIT USERS do:




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>not shopping for masks baked solely on kino/terror factor

God forbid I end up alone and unhinged, local survivors will tell their kids to stay inside at night or the "cross man" is gonna nail you to a tree if you're naughty

Recomend me your masks, pol, I'm thinking full faced, maybe even a bike helmet with an air filtration system, or an expensive welding mask

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>What's your excuse for not looking like a full-blown faggot?

How’s that frozen food and sodium treating your immune system?

Dog took a shit on it last night and it smells. I think he thought it was his litter box or something, or maybe he just got pissed off that when I put it on and go out, he doesn't get to come along.

Cope harder faggot. You don't have access to decent masks. That "masks are gay" tough-guy talk wouldn't save you when you're hacking up your lungs champ lol

consume less, consoomer

If you're a beta and dont work out and sweet then you don't know the importance of sodium

Yeah, I know what you mean. pretty sure I had cancer once, looked it in the eye, and a gave it a firm handshake, cleared up the next day.

Uh..that fact that I don't have one for starters.

>I take vitamin c, zinc, d3, b12, krill oil, super male vitality
>super male vitality
What's cum taste like, faggot?

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This. So much this.

I'm not a 60+ obese, diabetic boomer with hypertension and a pack-a-day smoking habit. I'll be just fine even if I do get the 'rona.
More importantly I'd wager that 99% of people who wear masks and gloves have no idea how to properly use that PPE and risk contaminating themselves even worse than if they just washed their hands a little more often. So many people think that a dinky surgical mask makes them invincible which simple isn't true.

Just order online faggot

Now This is shitposting.

I can't find any for sale

Fake and gay


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It fogs up
Thats why i got airtight swimming goggles and a half face respirator with p100 filters

Havent had to dip into the frozen or freeze dried shit yet. Figured take advantage of the fresh groceries I can order now..... before I get into that stuff. Hopefully won't need to.

I bought high quality full face respirator from japan company so i can annoy people while shopping but at work im literally using home made paper mask and im nurse. We have respirators but i like to annoy my co-workers with my paper mask.They are afraid of me infecting rest of the unit. I always do opposite no matter what.

>Dress like a raider

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Lol, no one actually knows what the numbers are yet fag. They need to do large scale antibody testing. My guess is the number is higher than 25% of people not showing symptoms. and the deathrate is lower.

Unless you have a UV lamp to disinfect it when you come back, enjoy the 'rona

I own a PAPR. I just don't care.

>wearing a full face gas mask to not catch something that doesn't exist

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Gloves are a lot more important, more likely to catch it from touching it than breathing it

>no idea how to use PPE
We're not all double digit IQ mental midgets like you mate, some of us know how properly weak masks and make sure they sealed.
Even dinky surgical masks offer some degree of protection you brain-dead mutt fuck.

Except reddit thinks its real retard

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Im sure this is next. Saw many people wearing face masks everywhere today.
I can guarantee i could walk them off a bridge now since they are so deep in eating all the bullshit.

id rather get it, be sick for a week, and stop caring


Wat is that??????

>reddit is one person

I don't have money

>No idea how to use PPE
the absolute state of nothingburger faggots

>Weak immune systems are actually better
Explain why niggers make up most of the deaths in America then.

>what is hot water and dish soap
>what is a washing machine

holy shit, that's "herd immunity" levels of retardation. Good luck faggot.


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Hi Bill Gates!

Cause I'm not a paranoid schitzo

>krill oil

Rip your testicles. You should eat grass fed beef and dairy and fish instead. Oxidized omega 3s are poisonous to your brain, your balls and much more. And all fats oxidize more the older and more processed they are, especially polyunsaturated fats

Fish oil is a good source of vitamin d though which might be a big part of the reason you feel you benefit from taking it. Just eat fish and grass beef and dairy and sometimes take vitamin d. A great source of vitamin a besides liver, is pumpkin btw, since more vitamin a is often needed with increased levels of d. It’s easy to make pumpkin pie filling. You can even just microwave it to cook it lol. Just egg, cream, brown sugar, pumpkin and spices. If you have a mixer it’s easy to make home made whipped cream from grass fed cream too

Im pretty sure I had it too and I’m pretty sure I nearly died but maybe I’m just a bitch

This retard, faggot fucking mask

Low death numbers in country.
Gotta wait for those numbers to shoot up, cause when I was only wearing gloves and glasses I got pulled up by pigs.
They'll probably arrest me on sight for resisting arrest if I rock up with the half-mask and goggles.

You forgot vit A. That and D3 prob most important.

Gas Mask Squad Rise up

>I take vitamin c, zinc, d3, b12, krill oil, super male vitality, dna force plus, bodease, and iodine every day
Do you still need to eat?

Social pressures, which means I'm not responsible