Military Martial Law Australia

Do you know who greets you when you are checked to be confirming for self isolation 14 day rules?
>army soldiers
You know what’s worse? Half my friends and associates support it.

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I don't like it but it IS necessary, because selfish faggots just say fuck it and go out if quarantine isn't enforced, then pass chink-aids on to other people. This is the what the globalist, multicult harvest reaps; a disunified people who only care about themselves and their own, everything and everyone beyond their own front doors be damned.

If you so against it just go outside.
Whats the worst they can do? give you a ticket?
I dont get this constant threads about the subject.

tell them to piss off

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1st response from a leftwing damage control shill.
This board is fucking saturated with these faggots.

this thread will get slid

How is it necessary? Because some people went to the beach? Big fuckin deal. You sound like my mate who is autistically keeping his own log of cases worldwide with graphs and charts and shit and wants us all to be locked down by armed soldiers and drones and death for anyone who breaches a single rule.


faceberg is absolutely overrun with these type of NPCS. They all sound exactly the same word for word. Scary shit

>anyone with an opinion diverging from my own is a leftwing damage control shill
Kill yourself you unaustralian faggot.
It's necessary because the unwritten laws of social etiquette that used to dominate western/white societies has been shattered. People need to be coerced or even forced to do the right thing. Assholes who willingly endanger others because they want to "go to the beach" during a fucking virus pandemic, or basically act as if everything is normal and fine and go about their everyday regular business, are selfish cunts. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to learn that some of these pieces of shit get the virus and die from it.

When you're alone and you have got the coron a
You can always go -
When you've got a fever or the cough or the shivers
You should get your ass -
Just listen to the wailing of the liberals in the city
Linger in the ER where the nurses are so pretty
How can you lose?
(How can you lose?)

I feel you, senpai. Personally I want to know how to deal with all the contempt and hatred I feel for most who support and beg for more of this absolute tyranny, including my own family, some of which are medical workers who aren’t blowing the whistle on this scamdemic. I’m pretty pissed they’re complicit with (((them))) in destroying me and my way of life. What do?

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Cunt. You're sitting there getting moist over the idea of Martial Law, happy to be locked up because you have some political bondage fetish like the leftwing FAGGOT that you are, and you're calling me un-australian?

Based Aussies fought the government at Eureka stockade you piece of fucking shit. With "friends" like you, who'd need enemies. Fuck off to North Korea if you like having zero freedom with the army marching around the street so much.

I'm not sure what song that's supposed to parody, but if it's putin' on the ritz then that's a pretty gay rendition.

yeah they are getting us slowly used to being police states.

>martial law being imposed of rootless internationalist vermin is a bad thing
get your head checked, OP

>Going door to door
>All unarmed
I know Australia has really sunk but here we call those targets

It's necessary, too many normies who can't handle being couped up inside for a few weeks breaking the rules.

Over here in freedom land our privately owned federal reserve money printing masters are getting ready to have us start getting our bodily stats checked daily so we can wear cattle brands that give a better idea of how much menial labor our bodies will provide.

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>Half my friends and associates support it.
But the other half don't.
>Based Aussies fought the government at Eureka stockade
Those days are gone for good.
Imagine a modern Lambing Flat. It's possible with the amount of resentment atm. But not another Eureka.

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Notice they're not armed, they could use council workers if they wanted, I don't think they should use soldiers for this crap, they're for fighting wars period.



I'm under quarantine because I was outside the country and no one has contacted me or check that I'm keeping quarantine.
Sounds like they're just keeping city cucks in check, like always.
Who in their right mind would pay obscene amounts of money to live in Melbourne or Sydney?

Okay, enjoy living in your fantasy land of make believe where you fight against the ebil gobberment because you're the last true freeman on the land, Ned. Back in reality, you'll stay the fuck off the beaches, not go out unless its necessary so as not to put other peoples lives in danger, and get fined to fuck and back if you do because selfish little faggot cunts like you forced the government to impose these restrictions in the first place.

>I don't think they should use soldiers for this crap, they're for fighting wars
What if we're the enemy?
>NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has warned the state's tough coronavirus social-distancing restrictions will stay "until a vaccine is found", after Australia's death toll climbed to 45.
That's a lot of brand new NEETS who will be pissed off. Troops on the streets is just the normalisation phase.
Then comes the armed troops phase...


>muh freedom to pass on Chink HIV SARS

when youve got military coming to see if your complying, it makes the situation alot more important.

military going door to door scares the fuck out of people.

for normies, especially clueless women, the military means killing and control.

hey, as long as they illegally do it more to chinks, i'd be ok with it.

nobody "forced" the government to do anything, sally. your government has been authoritarian since they disarmed you in the 90s. this is just the latest excuse for them to bring the hammer down on you harder.

Boomerangs being frog-sauce panned into accepting Chang-level police state.

what are you gonna do when there's a knock on your door and you open it to see this?

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>selfish little faggot cunts like you forced the government to impose these restrictions in the first place.
I thought these restrictions were imposed as a blunt weapon to eradicate the western middle class for ever.
Glad to know its really about saving lives.
All 45 of them.

If they send waman in uniform I'm going to try to fuck them

Deserved quints bro

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How is going camping out in the woods alone going to cause anyone to get a virus, fucking idiot. But Comrade Andrews and the rest of you NPC left spastics are saying it is OK to pile into trains, go into supermarkets, go to work, go to school, etc, and telling people NOT to wear masks while doing so.

But you're "outwaged" because people want to go fishing, or out on their boat ON THE FUCKING WATER AWAY FROM EVERYONE? Nope, it is all about control, the left always want to tell others how to live. You're a reddit leftist NPC shill, and don't deserve to live in a free country.


Yeah, yeah, everyone's out to get you, right? Totally not your obviously rampant paranoia kicking in. So do something about it already instead of sitting on your fat arse bitching and moaning about it all day.
Fuck off you goalpost moving faggot, I'm done with you already. Go outside, get fined, pay it cause you're an all-talk spastic cunt who fantasizes about being fucking Ned Kelly but likely pisses his pants when a cop looks at him sideways. Get fucked, and have a good one while you're at it.

>after the government took drastic measures there were few deaths from corona-chan therefore the drastic measures shouldn't have been taken
what in the literal fuck is wrong with you retards

Too bad you kangaroo fuckers don’t live in the land of the free home of the brave

thanks man. can't win em all

Boomers sealed our fate when they let them take the guns

the absolute state of lolberts


You guys are pussies Americans wouldn’t give up our guns unless taken from our cold dead hands

flagging your buddy.jpeg

Yeah it’s fucking pathetic

Fearful NPC

Agree, npcs are real. They all have hivemind, they cant think critically. And they are persuaded easily through entertainment and pornography. Imagine being an npc, you are not human boh soul and mind.

>Yeah, yeah, everyone's out to get you, right? Totally not your obviously rampant paranoia kicking in
So are you saying the middle class isn't being fucked world wide because of this lock down?
Do you really think all these jobs will just magically appear again?
I don't give a flying fuck if all the boomers die. I care that I lost my job.
I know mate cunts fucked

*fines teenage girl in car with her mother whom she lives with*


Yeah fucken oath well said

Fucken oath well said

During times of an actual pandemic its entirely rational to want to restrict movement of people that are in effect walking biological hazards

Assuming the threat is real. Considering the amount of "cures", some of which have real world practical evidence now, maybe the extent of lockdown is overdoing it. So long as its temporary, and not "a few weeks / a few months" indefinitely. People will get sick of it and will stop complying, so there's something of a window where things need to be proven either way

ugh do we have to do ww3 with that hideous weapon

>martial law


>not raping the qts

>paying attention is stupid
You sound like facebook

cant help yourself huh?

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?

After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria [paddywagon] sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked.

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

–Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
The GULAG Archipelago