Fuentes BTFO

>be Nick Fuentes
>lead groyper war
>utterly BTFO corporate conservative shills
>AFPAC with Michelle Malkin
>rides massive wave of momentum into 2020
>boomer posts corona panic porn for a month straight
>same icy cold takes as wignat boomers on TRS
>only 10,000 deaths nationwide
>it’s literally just the flu
>says the social distancing worked
>good thing we all panicked and did exactly what the mainstream media told us to do
>just fuck my shit up senpai

When does he finally admit he was wrong and try to salvage what little credibility he has left? Or is he going to fade away at the end of flu season like an overhyped pathetic let down just like corona?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you are a bear boomer

You are a tiger boomer

You are a squirrel boomer.

He is controlled opposition like alex jones, he is a faggot and he just hints that he is anti kikes but in the end he is always shilling for the kikes infiltrator Trump.

At least he isn't going full autism with novelty takes like Andrew Anglin is right now. It's so gay and feminine

Where can I watch him now that he's off of jewtube?

It blows my mind niggers are still acting like COVID-19 is fake, can't wait till you get sick with it.

Nick was based until the catboy shit. Now everything is questionable.

You''re all faggots

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bitch ute probably

Anglin’s takes are the only correct ones on the corona hysteria.

No, dlive.

dlive nickjfuentes, show is on as we speak


>Nicholas Jay Fuentez

Give me your D please.

shut up fag

>The guy who lost a debate to the Applebee's rapist
Nah. Andrew Anglin is a proven malcontent with a room temperature IQ who snipes at strawmen from behind his keyboard like a scorned woman.

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He never should've grown the moustache

>Start watching
>Nick starts talking about catboi's....again

He backed baked Alaska numerous times and now baked is glowing with feds in that heimbach deradicalization NGO


It's over for Fuentes

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I'm watching and he's going on and on about Legos and his joy for playing with them.

He went out with a catboi. He is irrelevant. The only person who I've seen yet to fuck up is Jim and he doesn't even want to represent us.

I stuck by him all this time, up to said corona boomer posts. I'm done. I don't know what to think about the wu-flu, that's not even relevant here - what is relevant, to me, is his jumping right on board with the hair-on-fire bullshit. Maybe I'm just a contrarian, but the only people who have my attention lately are people who are willing to entertain the possibility that maybe this is all overblown b.s., because honestly that's what it's seeming like it is more and more.

I think you have it backwards. The Boomer takes are that it is a nothingburger and we need to all go work for Shlomo and buy the dip.

Did he rape an Applebees or rape someone inside of an Applebees? This is important.

Also Sargon lost to literal controlled opposition Spencer as was made an absolute fool of by him. So if Sargon is worse than Spencer and Anglin is worse than Sargon, who is the absolute worst debater among these communities?

It's hard to fuck up when you have no ambitions beyond being an internet troll. The only thing that'll destroy you then is if the world runs out of lolcows for him to laugh at.

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Mr Metokur only survives by humoring weebs, in fact he might even be a weeb himself. Canceled.

Ok retard if it's just a flu go to the hospital and get yourself a case of Corona, see how "mild" your symptoms are.

>in fact he might even be a weeb himself
The fact that you even have the slightest doubt about that shows you don't watch Jim all that much because it's really obvious.

based murdochposter

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Really? I tolerate weebs so long as they aren't into loli or the weird stuff. But if Jim was gay I would hate him like Nick

>controlled op
>on dlive and not somewhere that matters


Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?


I have an intense distaste for Michelle Malkin. She’s a chink married to a Jew. Literally two of the worst things on this planet.

has she ever done anything noteworthy or is she just boilerplay fauxservative?

imagine almost getting on a plane to go stalk Nick Fuentes outside of his parents home, in order to get your ass kicked by someone half your age because you can't fight, even though you were a marine. All because you couldn't handle a little bantz on a livestream

lol wat

>lead groyper war
>utterly BTFO corporate conservative shills

I stopped right there. Nicker simps truly are disgusting

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sauce now


This is the age of the internet.

Credibility is zero sum.

Fuentes is a civnat which is inherently gay. He picks a fight with everyone for clicks, and now he has no one left to fight. I can guarantee he will be one of those “life after hate” types, he reeks of it.


The thing that no one in power will admit is that the whole lock down is just to save our piece of shit healthcare system from collapsing. Our hospitals are totally unable to handle the need for surge capacity in an epidemic. Without the shutdown the hospitals would be totally overrun and would eventually only serve rich patients. Everyone else would chimp out and burn down the hospitals leaving no treatment left for anyone. It would devastate society and the economy even worse than the shutdown. This isn't so much support for the shutdown as it is an indictment of how worthless our system and its' rulers are.

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this is the argument, not proof of Little flying out to his house and getting beat up afterwards

>boomer posts corona panic
Lol it's Boomers like RamZ and Bill Mitchell along with the MSM saying it's just the flu

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>Shill for Anglin
>Calls people wignats
Go suck Harvey's mutilated cock

kek it's been great watching all the doomers get btfo continuously by this great fucking nothingburger

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What the fuck are tou talking about? Social distancing is the logical thing to do to avoid spreading the virus and he was warning everybody before everyone was doing it. So yes he IS right.

Yeah, I think he is being paid handsomely to get discussion in the White Nationalism movement off the JQ and onto Larpy Catholicism stuff. Also to pivot dissent back to the supporting the Republican party and into the ''4 more years, trust the plan'' mindset and away from revolutionary thinking.

Hi Sven

How much are you getting paid?

all evidence supports their claims. leave your echo chamber

merdoch chan sit on face NOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I said 'almost.' he chickened out because he had a weird little mini breakdown after the Fuentes thing and couldn't really function. My buddy was with him and has known him for a long time. He had a major meltdown after that video and was going to fly out to Chicago until people had to talk him down from being a fucking retard. Anyone who was on his rocket chat server at that time can confirm this, it was hilarious