Medieval Life Expectancy

Why on Earth was it so low? Was it really as simple as a plethora of disease? What caused all this disease? Could it be a narrative to push antibiotics? Could there be something else?

I'm fond of the medieval age as I'm sure some of you are. Freedom, knights, horses, swords, dragons, giants, witches - you know. Maybe a few in that list isn't quite real but who really knows?
Anyway - answers to the question as well as any general medieval stuff.

Attached: Map of Anglia (Medieval Latin name for England).jpg (2982x2366, 1.95M)

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what do you believe caused these famines?

Much more babies died in infancy with the lack of modern medicine, so the average life span is lowered drastically. But the median life span and the average age of death of those who didn't die in infancy wasn't too much lower than it is now

Early child mortality rates were high which brought down the average.

The life expentancy was actually pretty decent if you made it past childhood.

Number one, there weren't really that many famines in medieval Europe that user is just a moron. Though Famines did happen whenever there was a massive drought or crop blight

This. "Three score years and ten" - it's been constant for millennia.

Oh where to begin
>death at childbirth
>child dying during childbirth or shortly after due to disease
>also disease in general
>le plague
Nature is not hospitable to life. Only re recently has man made it so

>Could it be a narrative to push antibiotics?
wow and I thought people on this board couldn't get any dumber

>constantly at war
>piss poor hygiene
>no modern medicine
Gee i wonder fucking why

War in the Middle ages was actually significantly less deadly then war in both the modern era and classical antiquity.

A Medieval army would be very large if it was numbered around 10,000. While single Roman legions had a similar amount of troops.

There was also much less focus on battles in the Medieval times because it was so much more risky than besieging

Few had freedom in the medieval age. Most were serfs, evens tradesmen and merchants were vassals. Most people never left the 10-20 miles radius of their village their entire lives. Little schooling. Just field work and labor until you die.

Still better than modern times

That whole 1000 year period didn't exist.

Yeah bro its just a meme created by Big Antibiotic

Most people died as infants or before the age of 5. And yes, mostly the lack of clean water and antibiotics did them in. People have gotten too comfy and forget how frail kids are. You can LARP lame conspiracies all you want, but in the end it's just a simple matter of people are frail and die easily -- and modern society puts in a frick ton of effort to keep that have happening.

>The life expectancy was actually pretty decent if you made it past childhood.
we still have all the old parish records, wasnt uncommon for people to live well into their 70s or 80s, they just had to avoid serious illness or injury.

even in prehistoric humans loads of the corpses were of people living into old age, we can age them from their teeth, you just had to avoid being eaten or breaking bones to get there. the moment you couldnt climb a tree to avoid a predator you were fucked.


Read the book “1066”. It’s right up your alley. They give you the average height of people in angle Saxon England. It was surprisingly close to 6’0. England would have an average height close to this till the 20th century. Anglo-Saxons ate a lot of meat and didn’t took away their health like later malnourished generations under the Norman system.

***toil away their health***

life expectancy has barely budged for people who make it to age 18

no dental
/thread over

>life expectancy has barely budged for people who make it to age 18
this. life expectancy is terrible metric when comparing present to past.

people who calculated it had a bias
maybe higher child death at birth but everyone lived to 70-80s if they didnt die as a child

We're talking about coronavirus reaching its peak in April or May, but the Black Plague reached its peak in Europe over a span of years from 1347 to 1351.
It took 200 years for the population to recover, and some places didn't recover until the 19th or 20th centuries.

Think about that when they start talking about how long it will take to get a safe and effective vaccine.
There's a likelihood that there won't be herd immunity and we'll see waves of outbreaks like in medieval times.

The aftermath of the Black Death in Europe saw the greatest flowering of culture, in every sense of the word, in world history. So there's that.

Lack of food

And wars were just petty squabbles between nobility and the lesser nobility, the knights, as opposed to national mobilization seen laters in the french revolutionary era

mostly poor nutrition, sanitation, and lack of modern medicine, it doesnt take a historian to figure it out

Infant mortality, most people lived much longer than the life expectancy showed

get to chill at home in the wintertime

Poor methods of agriculture and the feudal system was very unproductive

Infant mortality rate you dumb fucks


I read somewhere that the truly crazy thing about the middle ages was the average age. I don't know the number off the top of my head but the society was much younger in general. People were adults at 13 back then, etc.

they literally had kings living to 100 years old

Medieval life was the beginning of the slant towards our modern degenerate sess pool. They had just enough technology and luxury to ruin and city life to ruin their health but not enough technology to deal with it. A human should live to 120, this was average during Herodotus

>Be me
>24 yr old medievalfag
>Lord of an estate
>Bite into rye bread
>Crack tooth on rye seed
>No dentist because middle ages
>Pain ensues
>Go see doctor
>"Eat some posies or some shit, faggot"
>Eat posies, tooth still gets infected
>Tooth gets abscess
>Abscess turns to septic
>Mfw I litterally died like a fucking peasant because I bit into a piece of bread.

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The fact a city state with some Italian allied tribes could field double that amount (4 legions, 2 Roman & 2 Italian allies) easily over 1000 years BEFORE that time, really spoke of the supreme retardation that medieval kingdoms feudal lords were.

infant mortality

it's an average, remember


>Anglo-Saxons ate a lot of meat
But still nothing compared to today.

If you look at the years that famous historical figures were alive almost all of them died in their late 50s, mid 60s. From ancient Greece to about 200 years ago. Life expectancy was lower than it is today but it wasn't like everyone was dying by the time they hit 40.

I guess the Medieval era wanted to leave exactly the way it came in, to spite everyone:

Horrible, shitty collapse of society, mass death, and hopelessness.

Bullshit reddit cope. Look up the average life expectancy of medieval English kings. They barely lived past 40, and if they did they died while shitting out blood by the age of 60.
Meanwhile ancient Greeks easily lived to 70 or 80.

This, if you survive whatever nature throws at you at young age, you will live to be a creepy old man

>Look up the average

Fucking kike

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Cause of Dæth: YRe Brödthrohan


>be 26
>walkin in field
>just walkin
>stub toe on stone
>toe gets rekt
>nail falls off after 2 days
>resting it cleaning it with water
>while resting, I get an ingrown hair on ass
>fucking thing turns to a boil
>boil now infected
>fucking doctor lances it
>gets worse
>die like a pleb from anus boil

They weren't retards, its how it was. Feudalism was consequence of the Crisis of the Third Century.

you jews will argue everything. bunch of faggots

The Bible gives the life expectancy of a man as 70 in the bronze age. It doesn't really seem that bad.

>dentistry is invented
>fast forward to today
>dysgenics runs its course
>everybody needs braces

How about those 200 year old bible folk. What the fuck was up with that?

if you lived past 15 you were on track on living to your 80s, diseases killed most of the infants, it's like animals like stray cats and dogs who have like 8 puppies and then 6 die and only few survive, it was the same shit, it's no longer the case due to medicine


Medieval English kings also shook hands with everyone and physically fought in wars

Thast some good shit Swedebro


It's not that dysgenic. Science is all about improving people.

I started reading about medieval England in this book. Was about the Jews and a king being executed. Was interesting but I'm dumb or the book is badly written or both so I didn't understand what I read so I have to reread it. I want to understand it so I can analyze the Robin Hood movie from the seventies and see how Jew owned Hollywood portrayed the events.

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How much does a duck weigh?

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Infant mortality. If you survived passed babyhood then you lived about as long as now.

>It's not that dysgenic. Science is all about improving people.
you sure you know what dysgenic means?

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