I'm a white nationalist who has been dating a jewess for the last seven months. I think I might love her. What should I do? Ask me any questions you think might be pertinent.
I'm a white nationalist who has been dating a jewess for the last seven months. I think I might love her...
A lot of Jews are actually European. You might as well be in love with an Italian.
Throw her in the oven.
Kill yourself, then her
Are you religious? You best bet is to go Christian and if things get very serious basically say you want yo raise your kids Christian. If shes willing to convert you're golden.
OP here, I am Italian, mostly. Blonde hair, blue eyes though.
She's a mutt of different European phenotypes, but she's definitely got Jewish ancestry. Her immediate family isn't practicing their religion, though and they're not well off; they're not the ones who control things, just essentially a lost soul who I find funny and sexy and sweet. Very liberal though.
>asking Yas Forums for dating advice
>you love her
I was raised Catholic, lapsed in the year leading up to confirmation, but refinding my faith in recent years. If we had kids she would have to understand that they won't be raised jewish, but they'll still have the blood is what I'm concerned about
Are you really going to let this internet meme ideology, which you'll drop at some point anyway, get in the way of living your life with a girl you love?
the answer is obvious: become a jew
Does she have them Khazar milkies?
Imagine being a white nationalist to fit in with the faggots who spend their free time on a Taiwanese PowerPoint Presentation forum
Do it user. If she's Ashkenazi, then she's basically Armenian minus the Christian. I.E. Aryans.
Get a gallon of bleach and a quart of ale.
Drink the ale.
When you have to piss, close your eyes and pour half the bleach over your head.
Now piss in the bleach bottle, put the cap in and shake it up.
Pour the result down your throat and inhale deeply.
>white nationalist
>dating and in love with a kike
Pick one and only one
I don't wanna be a traitor to my own race, even if the fight seems hopelessly lost at this point. It feels so hypocritical of me, especially since my family knows my feelings on HBD and Jewish power.
Fuck bros I just wanted to get laid after a long dry spell and now I'm in love with the "enemy"
I've been dating an italian, I thought I could make it work at first but it's clear I have to end things. You should too.
this is important. you might need to post some pics so we can make a fair assessment.
I'm a white nationalist sort of dating a leftist so I understand how conflicting it is. I don't want to hide my power level forever, subtle redpilling may or may not work, in your case it basically won't.
it's a bad idea to get so involved
"A quart of ale", renaissance fayre prick
Tits or gtfo
I don't even ever really post here. I just got redpilled after the 2016 election and my entire worldview got upended. I'm aware of the unbalanced power held by Jews in this country, and how they've shaped racial narratives in our ethnic homelands over the last hundred years, not to mention that they killed Christ.
It's not a meme, but I am at a crossroads.
Somehow stumbled into a relationship with a Jew 15 years older than me
She's smart, interesting, caring, creative
Her family is from Ukraine but she's born in Moscow. Learned Hebrew when she was with her israeli ex HUSband. Grew up in New York
Anyway something really curious about her, and I think I love her also . weird days
You got something against the Romans, bud?
I got her to go from "free abortions, I'm never having a kid" to wanting to move out into the midwest with me, have a home, and raise children together. It's slow, but I'm getting there. When I mentioned my views on race, it caused quite a stir, but my impression on her and her family was enough for them to accept me even following that.
Call her mum a nigger
kill yourself you fucking faggot
The only way for a jew to stop being a jew is to convert to Christianity. You know what you need to do to save her OP.
Here's what you do user. Get over your pathetic, juvenile, petty political stupidity and just enjoy life and love. This place is nothing but misery and anger, constantly flowing at all times. You want a shot at happiness? Get out of here now and don't look back. Even if the relationship falls apart and it's bitter and terrible, at least you had good moments. And at least you can have the chance to experience happiness with someone else after. At this point, every day could be our last. The clock is ticking. Leave this den of misery. And enjoy your life.
Is she kiked up? Specifically bankers for parents or anything?
Lawyers, doctors etc don't count.
If not, then I'd say stick with it. Every Jew alive (and dead) can't possibly be responsible. The ones responsible have names, and it's not the chick you're dating.
"jews" are wh*te dude.
Unless it's a real deal jew: a palestinian. Remember it's not only a religion, it's also a tribe.
The "jewess" you simped over is part of the wh*te sub-races or tribes. The white races are the following:
- iberi@n
- airheadian
- angloid
- the reds
- nu-wops
- snow-nigger ultras
- the ""jews"" aka: huns, mutt DNA collectors that rode in from the east, king whitoid
So you're only intermarrying within your own kind.
Nah, not that I know of. She has some family that's Orthodox but that's about it. Obviously some of them have some money, but they're essentially just white collar liberals.
Grandfather fought in WWII and brought back a dead German's knife and medals, though. It's one of those family stories that never goes away. Idk how I feel about that.
Ashkenazi Jew here.
Does she know you're a white nationalist? Or post on Yas Forums dot org slash pol? How would she react?
>Every Jew alive (and dead) can't possibly be responsible. The ones responsible have names, and it's not the chick you're dating.
Name those names, then, Francois.
Don't do it man! I tried dating a leftist too. We were planning on living the white picket fence fairy tale dream. She ended up cheating on me for an ex-con/bartender who lived in his van. It's not worth trying to convert them. You're better off trying to find an 18-22 year old girl that hasn't been indoctrinated yet. DONT DATE LEFTISTS! Honestly you'd be better off with a jew over a commie.
Why do you think liberals are more likely to cheat than conservatives? I imagine they're probably fairly equally likely to cheat.
Love is love. Marry her if you think she is the right one, user.
Make her become a White nationalist and reject and denounce her jewish identity
Watch your wallet bud.
It seems to me your politics are based on the fact you were cucked and are now projecting your self pity on others
god this thread is nothing but fucking shills
Do what makes you happy fuck tard.
Dude, knock her up and train your sons to hate Jews. All the best anti-semites are Jews. Bobby Fisher, David Cole, Stephen Miller, etc.
She knows how I feel about minorities in kind of boomer terms, but I told her I don't expect them to behave any better like a boomer would. She also knows how I feel about orthodox jewish communities and how they're a leech on everything surrounding them, even her parents agreed with that one.
If she knew I doubted some aspects of the Holocaust, or told her how I know the Communist Revolution was almost entirely comprised of Jews, or all the other interesting facts about the tribe I know, I have no idea how she might react.
>used goods jewish roastie.
Come on man her father and brother stretched her holes for many years and after the multiple bbcs and gang bangs and all the thousands of cocks milked and sucked you love her now? And 15 years older . get a grip retard
Sadly like all jewish woman here holes where thoroughly enjoyed through out her teen years and maybe even earlier by all her male relatives in the family. This caused her to be hyper sexual fucking many hundrends of men through her teen years . also just impregnate her and leave race traitors. If whites get wiped out atleast your bastard jew will live on . find a white woman worthy of having kids with or your a simp
I have been with a jewess for nearly 10 years. I feel your pain user.
Read your post, and where you got your info from
Now read this post
You need to get confirmed and so does she, and it has to be real
As far as the blood she's probably neurotic and conniving and you can expect any daughters you have to be the exact same way, even if raised in a Christian household. You played a dangerous game dating a jewess and it could make or break your life what you choose next
t. mischlinge
What does
What does White Nationalism mean to you?
>in love with the enemy...
traitors get the rope nigger
lol is this accurate?
lol we're young and she told me her body count. Whatever you may think about women, most of which is probably true, I believe her because she's confided in me on tons of things that she didn't need to.
Ok, not trying to be a dick or a "Jewish shill" or something but you should break up with her for her sake. You're clearly not compatible.
If she read this thread she'd almost certainly break up with you on the spot: you mentioned how you don't want the kids raised Jewish, are "concerned" about the kids having "Jewish blood", doubt aspects of the Holocaust, believe the Judeo-Bolshevism theory, and allude to believing lots of other conspiracy theories related to Jews. Why do you think she'd be okay with all that? If she was okay with it, that'd also be reason to break up with her, because then she'd be batshit crazy.
Imagine you were dating a Muslim girl as a white Christian guy and she said "yeah, I mean, Christians definitely are all wicked and should die if they don't convert to Islam" and you were like "yeah cool whatever time to put a baby in you". You'd be insane to be fine with that, and she'd be insane to want to marry you and have kids with you.
Maybe if you were to be a little more open you could realize your view of the world is probably skewed by years of Yas Forums infographics and Youtube videos, but that's clearly not gonna be a fruitful path. You should break up with her and date someone who shares your beliefs, because it's going to explode one day either way.
A political goal of a (or many) homeland for men and women of white European ancestry only, where traditional values are upheld and foreign ethnic influence is outlawed. Other things I'm forgetting but that about sums it up
White nationalism, to me, is BBC cuckold worship.
All that shit is documented, nigger. The days of it being labeled a "conspiracy theory" just because people are scared by black and white images of screaming funny mustache man are long gone.
But you're probably right. I can't hide my beliefs from her forever.
>Ima nazi you guise.
>I dont know what numberg laws are.
So, mostly it's about upholding a set of values. Do you and she hold core values for living that are fundamentally incompatible?
Have you nutted across her tattoo yet?
>believe the Judeo-Bolshevism theory,
Cept it fucking happened you fucking tosspit.
Maybe consider abandoning this stupid LARP shit? Don't be a nazicel.
1. Make sure not to knock her up, only fuck her in the ass, drag it out to make sure she wastes her child bearing age, or trick her into suicide.
2. Move to Israel with her, leech on welfare there, sabotage them from inside.
what is it with all these wignats and their hypocrisy? like all of you are fucking race traitors chasing chink "waifus" or some shitskin spic. and in your case chasing a fucking kike. like if you had any fucking dignity or fucking balls you wouldnt have started a relationship in the first place. be a man and stop whining on pol and do what you think needs to be done. whether thats cutting it off (which is the right choice, you cant be an anti semite dating a semite) or try to red pill her fully (which probably isnt going to happen).
Dude, you need to either take OCD pills or break a beer bottle off in your rectum.
Not really. As I said, she's pretty liberal, but I've got her coming around to certain ideas like the importance of family, tradition, etc. She has a higher sex drive than me, lots of tattoos. Idk what happened, I was so certain of my principles. I fell victim to my fucking nutsack lol
She's a spy
Have fun with your zersetzung though
nothing i said was wrong.
Run, don't walk.
Jewesses age like milk, looks and personality.
Ugly people inside and out.
Also checked.