Millennials, Burdened With Debt, Are Now Facing an Economic Crisis

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To cover the utility bills for her mobile home, Cumberledge borrowed $200 from a friend. She has since made some money by selling pictures of her feet to people with fetishes who found her online after she put a joking post on Twitter.

“You compare it to the older generations — they worked up and saved money,” Cumberledge said. “It feels like I’m never going to have a stable job that has benefits and health insurance.”

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They should have gotten a part time job to pay for their college education instead of wasting money on avocado toast.

Well since restaurant dining is off the menu...that should help them save a little easier, no?

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>part time job pays for 50-80k/year total cost

Its a meme ya dip

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The issue is no money even for noodles to feed family

This one isn't. I wrote a 31k check on Black Friday last year and currently have $9500 in the bank. I think I'll have $15000 by the end of June. This has been an outstanding year.

They should just get everything COMPED

Believing 9500 in the bank is good shows just how unbelievably fucked for life American youth are

millenial here. I don't spend my money on dumb shit. And when I do I budget my money so I don't spend too much on dumb shit. When I started working I saved up 6 months worth of expenses and put it in a CD as an emergency fund. It's not hard to be financially responsible. It is easier to say "no one taught me how to make/save money" then to go out and learn.

These posts always pop up in threads like this. I wonder why that is.

>Millennials, Burdened With Debt
Speak for yourself, retard.
Not all of us went to college to learn about how Whites are evil while paying more money than we'll ever earn for the privilege.

Millenial here. Debt is for retards. No debt since 2007.

I was at 1000 in January. I'm at 9500 today. I'm on fire.

Millennials will give up being professional victims the moment they get a good job like I have.

I had a full time job while I went to college, mostly just covered rent food and bills. Still have debt

Get a job in demand, I went with IT networking, ended up a system analyst, 80k starting lmao

>I'm on fire
I'm not here to insult you, but the fact you've barely put together enough for an emergency fund in a low cost of living area and refer to that as being "on fire" is pathetic. Jew bankers have completely fucked over a generation and nobody does anything about it.

Thats like 110k USD btw

You ever see that article that claimed 25% of millennials have over 100k saved? I literally dont know anyone who has money like that saved. Fuck I dont know anyone that has over 10k saved. Cards are certainly stacked against us these days.

Did you try giving your manager a firm handshake? You sound like a limp-wristed demonrat.

>now facing a financial crisis
Already did in 2001... and 2008. Seems like they just keep coming.

Fuck no its not

debt taxes, it's all part of the goal of impoverishing people and enriching a small few in finance and government.
the house always wins in this economy.

im a millenial
these other millenials are faggots, who deserve debt

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Reminder that you can't have debt if you never pay it back.

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kek. but seriously we need to hang all footfags

Awww Gamestop closed, too?

do you just spam your video with every post you fucking faggot ass wanna be eceleb ripping off youtube poop with random memes that someone could write a bot to do better than fuck you piece of shit

i have 100K in cash and equity, meh, i still feel poor as fuck, i cant even comprehend people struggling with only a few K saved, ide kill myself if i got that broke

They're all broke. I think jew bankers put out propaganda telling us they're not. Oy vey, ya neighbah's doin' great, you just need to work harder to be like him! No need to pay attention to what Wall Street's doing when everybody's doing great but you. It's your problem! You're just a loser! Put your goy nose to the grindstone for Mr. Shekelstein and you can be successful one day!

It's all an op to take attention off jew money printing. Banks are looting the country at the top while everybody else gets fucked. See the recent 1.5 trillion they stole and put in their pockets in the coronavirus stimulus. They're robbing the US blind.

TL;DR Kikes are responsible

My cost of living is probably much lower than yours. $9500 in say California, a state with twice the living expense as mine, is not very much.

$9500 in the bank, $12k in retirement, paid for car and no debt is pretty good. Fuck being a perceptual victim and whining about jew banks, you read too much Yas Forums dude.

probably because the millenial generation was raised by baby boomers that had so much excess they threw caution to the wind and never taught their kids about scarcity and self control. and millenials like me want to flex on the haters

I'd be one of them, but it's nearly all in retirement. Even with the 20% hit my accounts have taken on thie COVID rollercoaster. Been working for about 4 years now. Started making ~$62k right out of college in the STEM field. Saved between 15-20% of my income for retirement. Company matches a couple % points.

My max was $117k but I put it down on my house. Working it back up tho, just a hair over 30k now.

The kikes are using these (((crises))) to get (((stimulus))) and (((bailouts))). This country is in collapse mode and kikes know they need to print as much money as they possibly can as fast as they possibly can to stuff their pockets before it all burns.

(((small few)))

Just paid off my student loan in January, I'll have $5,000 saved by summer. My jap gf has maybe $40k, but her parents are rich and paid her school all the way through, and she actually got a decent job after graduating. She can't understand why I'm so poor, but I feel great not having debt and growing my savings. She spends more money than me and wonders why I save more than her despite getting paid less. For being a 30 yo roastie, she should really consider having her dad get me a job, or she won't have any chance at a family if I stay this poor.

>50-80k/year total cost

Wtf did you guys go to expensive private or out of state colleges? My state college just costed about 11k a year before financial aid. You guys also made sure to commute and live at home too right?

How much did you payoff? What's your income now?

Haha, lol, making fun of men who can't feed their families is very funny. Lol.

Did you know that the Second Amendment guarantees all Americans the right to bear arms? Isn't that just nuts in a country where men are denied the ability to feed their families? Lol. What a crazy country.

That's why I'm suicidal. I have at most 6k to my name, probably closer to 5. Unemployed with no skills too, in a shitty economy. My future is so fucked.

>muh millenials

What endless faggotry. Sick to death having to hear about these sad idiots.

i wanted a wife and child before this crisis, now i just want cheap, desperate whores. fuck it all.

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how do you propose joining those small few

Or she’ll just leave you for a better option than makes more money?? Please tell me you haven’t invested a lot emotionally into this slag

That's what happens when you eat out and drink expensive coffee drinks everyday.

My question is why, when Bernie Sanders is clearly the only way millennials can dig themselves out of this hole, do they not show up to vote

just print more money

If you're not rich then just go to an in state university, moron. I don't care about you having the movie style college experience.

Kek. Liberal Arts majors BTFO

>be born jewish
>have jewish banker father
>attend hys
>work for ibank
>attend top three biz school
>get higher position at ibank or go to private equity or hedge fund

That's it. Or be an app/dot com billionaire, so beat the .000000001% odds and be a genius.

What language should i learn to become a stem coder chad?

>the jew-and-chink-enabling boomers are still not dead and may even have another 8 to 12 more years to ruin things more

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District 3 is too strong, map needs rebalancing

>Mfw district 5

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>joking post on twitter
Yeah, right. Joking.

I should note that every single one of these niggers has a car payment. I've literally never made a car payment in my entire life. My first car cost 600 dollars, my current car cost 4000 dollars. I'm 45 years old.

honest question, why do you idiots take out loans?

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If millennials didn't learn from the great recession then your fucked. Some of us saw this happening again.

>gen x

I worked and schooled mostly using junior college. When it came time for upper division, I only needed to pay for one semester before qualifying for a full grant for my final 1.5 years of my BS, so it was a very small loan I got out, 4k. As for my current job, I make 25k/year. I constantly get rejected from jobs that blatantly require my degree or experience on these military bases. I'd rather be a poor base worker in Japan than a poor retail worker in Cali, my rent is $200, but I've been doing round trips home for the past two years which has stunted my savings potential somewhat, but probably wouldn't be half of the amount of pay for rent in a year in Cali.
I was thinking of getting my masters in a field I have experience in, but that's a definite 100k debt with a sub 100k earning potential, so I decided to take up a $800 training/research program at my local F rank university here in rural Japan. I'm going to design my product here and gain customers. The amount of networking I've accomplished here is insane compared to the US. People are so standoffish, even on base, but here in Japan, even if they can barely speak your language, they'll at least lie enough out of politeness to get you cool opportunities. My professor is a hatsune Miku fan and listens to Can and watches Tarkovsky. His English is impeccable. Tell me he won't be an amazing mentor.

>Millennials, Burdened With Debt, Are Now Facing an Economic Crisis
"Well, you shouldn't have gone into debt!" the Boomer screams at you, despite how he told you for decades that you *NEED* a college degree, all while replacing those entry-level jobs with foreign labor.

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for real. every other zoomer i know avoided taking out student loans because we grew up seeing how fucked millenials got

A fucking leaf.

>tfw district one
california about to fall on its own sword

You are doing good, on the right track. Keep your nose to the grindstone!

you mean not strong enough, Virginia and Maryland are south of the mason Dixon line, map does need correcting

So? I still see POS cars for 600 bucks out there. Point is you don't make car payments unless you're a retard.

thats what you get for listening to boomers you retard. think for yourself

Stop shitting on hard working user. How much do you have?

district 3 beats everyone, occasional competition from district 4

That dude is just a fucking idiot. With what you have saved there is about six months expenses for me including student debt and my car payment. Good on you. Most people in this country couldn’t say they have that.

Rage inducing image

They probably mean 401k, which isnt even unreasonable, while they have $200k non mortgage debt

I have 66k saved. But, then again, I have a good paying job and live in the boonies.

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also take into account that $600 in the early to mid 90s comes out to about $1000 in today's money. there are plenty of $1000 cars available


Don't borrow money for college anymore. You're better off getting a job in one and then getting the masters for free.

Living in Japan makes it hard to see family. I have a friend over there and she's struggling.

too many avocados

>women can make money from feet pics
Easy mode.

ubereats is still running so overpriced pizzas are still on the menu for these retards.

The younger generations are all going to end up broke with bad credit in this economy, and somehow the boomers will end up better off. Just watch.

Millennials, finally getting their shit together after a crisis caused by boomer greed, are struck with yet another economic crisis to save the boomers lives.