Christian Orthodoxy is the only non-degenerate ideology in the world...

Christian Orthodoxy is the only non-degenerate ideology in the world. The Kingdom of God is the only non-degenerate county and it can’t be subverted. Claim your citizenship to receive your free benefits. Bulgarian Orthodox reporting in.

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Must be why it's not as popular. Europoors are all degenerate niggers it's no wonder the Romans had such an easy time raping the shit out of them lol

>Must be why it's not as popular

It is Christian and as such must be rejected.

Christ or ZOG. Your choice.

Eurofags are all degenerate barbarians, same now as always. Rome raped the shit out of Eurofags so hard 1000 years later they went BACK to roman architecture and ideals LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

gas yourself sven

>No consistent teaching on contraception
>No Humanae Vitae
>No Latin
>No Statues
>Got rekt in crusades

You'll always be second place. Unless we're counting numbers, then you're third to the protties.

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It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you. Deu. 7:7

Why didn't the orthodox chruch expand to the east, China and India and such, do they have missions? Also who decides when an autocephalos church is to be?

I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, Genesis 26:4
Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. Galatians 3:7

>Also who decides when an autocephalos church is to be?
The ecumenical patriarch in constantinople.

Orthodoxy or death, bitchjew.

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He's a Swede. He already chose.

Coptic Checking in.

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>The ecumenical patriarch in constantinople.
Didn't Russia sperged when he declared Ukraine it's own church?

>orthodox churches cowering to hoax virus
>catholic churches cowering to hoax virus
>protestant churches staying open to perform as many gay weddings as possible

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As soon as this pandemic blows over I'm converting officially

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I am orthodox

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Weird right? Even in states where religious services are acknowledged as essential, they're not having the triduum...

Also chek'd

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>>orthodox churches cowering to hoax virus

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ha he believes in the Turk puppet

Orthodoxy is retarded. Virtue ethic Christians is having hope, charity and faith + the four cardinal virtues. 7 virtues in orthodoxy theology

What If I just value the four cardinal virtues? They are called cardinal like north and south why did you combine : do I go to hell, do I go in heaven? What if I don't have faith but still be courages and just????

cool magic robes yadda yadda. i refuse to believe salvation is obfuscated by such an OBSCURE MEME INTERNET IDEOLOGY. YOU ARE A MEME AND QUIT PORN A WEEK AGO

>Salafism is the only non-degenerate ideology in the world. The Kingdom of God is the only non-degenerate county and it can’t be subverted. Claim your right to pilgrimage to receive your free benefits. Saudi Orthodox reporting in.

Orthodox is already a conquered religion, since Constantinople is in Islam's hands. Why join a loser religion?

>adopts Roman pagan customsswitches language to Latin when the apostles wrote the NT in Greekignores laws about idolatry and includes them in worshippope calls crusades to defend Constantinopleignores Pope and murders the fellow Christians they were asked to defend and then celebrates it

Turn the left cheek, f aggo t. Semitic religions must vanish before there is any hope for humanity.

>switches language to Latin when the apostles wrote the NT in Greek
he reads

> Haredi Judaism is the only non-degenerate ideology in the world. The Kingdom of God is the only non-degenerate county and it can’t be subverted. Claim your right to Israel to receive your free benefits. Chosen one reporting in.

>What if I don't have faith but still be courages and just????
Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists. Heb. 11:6


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Freshly enhanced this meme.

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A church becomes autocephalous when it's mother church decides it's customs are too different and it's too hard to administer

all forms of asceticism are based and all forms of normal people interacting with organized religion while otherwise leading normal lives are cringe

I love this image. It's just so comfy.

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Orthodoxy did expand to the East retard

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You don't decide the elect or the church or the prophets or who does or does not enter the eternal father's kingdom.

You would do well to remember that.

sure thing whatever you say, abrahamic

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meant for this


How about you actually start a church within driving distance from me...wait the Rona lockdown is here.. nevermind.

Back to the internet it is.
Join me and my family with for a daily, verse by verse, Bible study.

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Christ IS ZOG.

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You will never be this based

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Thanks shlomo

It’s truth. Catholicism achieved great power. Now, because no government in Europe really gives a shit about them, they’re down to pandering to Liberals, Child Molesters and other faggots, all while morons like Nick Fuentes talk about being a catholic and contradicting his home faith by asking questions like “how does anal sex help the conservative movement” from even bigger losers like Charlie Kirk, all while bathing in the hypocrisy of hanging out with furry trannies.

They’re all sellouts, degenerates and enablers of degenerates. They won’t see a dime from me until I see them crucify a child molester on a cross in the Vatican. Until then, they get the rope like all the other degenerates.


Wow they shoot guns so it must be true! Are you 12?

I wish we had Orthodox churches in English here.

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American “Christianity” is satanic.

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I am interested in Orthodox Christianity, what is the best way for a beginner to get started?
I hear good things about Orthodoxy and that the many controversies that are in the Protestant church and Catholic church do not exist in the Orthodox church.

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Anyone who has idols is not a Christian idols AKA statues worship of Mary statues of saints prayers to saints

elaborate, please

They look so happy.

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What part?

The fact that Orthodoxy can cut off tainted limbs means it stays pure and can’t be corrupted by a corrupt pope.

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Heaven is a complex society like any other, not everyone has to have the same role.

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traditional Catholic and orthodox LARPers from the US have never set foot in the churches they claim to belong to, they read the Wikipedia on it, thought it was based, and masturbate to loli porn right after they’re done with this thread


orthodox churches are ethnic social clubs with a veneer of christianity over them. there is no reason to join them if you are not greek, russian, serbian, etc. if you are a westerner, you will never be fully accepted and will always feel alien. and their practices are unhygienic and kinda gross desu. the aesthetics are cool I guess but after attending my wife’s grandma’s antiochan parish for a few months the mystique and allure really dissipated. I can’t stress enough how orthodox churches are primarily ethnic community centers. don’t be a larper.

The US isn’t Canada.

Given the jews hatred for it there is something there but they refuse to include the son as a divine, denying the divinity of christ is essentially cryptojewry

My father is Bulgarian, I’m sorry you had a bad experience

there is no “Orthodox Church”. they are just ethnocentric sects of schismatics excommunicating each other left and right

Blessed thread. Reporting in

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>they refuse to include the son as a divine

Roosh became Orthodox.

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don’t know why I had a meme flag on, sorry about that

That would be Protestantism son. Orthodoxy is a union and a community.

how is it not "degenerate"
it does not really occure to me, and i seen some orthodox christians

The schism between east and west church was based around inclusion of filioque

literally who

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Even Kanye baptized his children in the Orthodox faith.

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Plenty of land still to east and south, compare it to the zealous of spanish and portuguese frairs that went to China and Japan, that's why i'm asking, what happened, why did they stop?

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(((Celebrity))) without souls

Degenerate like flouting homosexuality, Judaism, cultural guilt, etc.

Roosh V, he was one of the most well-known and notorious pickup artists in North America, but God changed his life. Similar to Kanye West. His wife is still a whore, though.

Exactly, Im from Mexico and is the same, we have a lot of child sex offenders who are catholic priests, the vatican is also really satanic itself, plus the whole Christianity is ancient paganism like egyptian or zoroastrian religions.

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Filioque isn’t the divinity of Christ