Because Yas Forums users are mostly Spics...

Because Yas Forums users are mostly Spics, do Spic Yas Forums users care about White People unlike the Normie Spic who shows hostility towards Whites? Do you wish about genetically assimilating with Whites? Would Spic Yas Forums users be punished by the Jews for show Sympathy towards Whites?

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Save the pandas

Yes and no

Spics live better in a white dominated world, but white people deserve everything they get. White people should also get some agency and realize they're their own worst enemies and everything that happens to them is their fault. Not "da joos" or "da blax".

Spics (especially Castizo caste) and whites are fairly aligned. Reason why AB and Latin gangs are allied inside US prisons etc.

Aryans > meds are close

there's jews in the ab

Spic here. Yes. I hate all the propaganda against whites. To be honest though, I don’t personally know any spics who are hostile against whites.

I Don't know how much damage has done to my genetics since my Great-Grandfather, who is French and moved to Mexico, married a Otomi Woman. My Grandfather also married a Otomi Woman. My Mother, who is Full-Spanish because her Parents are from Spain, met my Father. If you don't know what is the Otomi, the Otomi are a Group of Amerindians that are native to Mexico. Do the Otomi have recessive genes?

Pic related is my Arm.

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I do care. Every brown countrie depends on white countries. Just as a quick exemple, the cure for coronavirus wont be discovered in ethiopia or brazil, it will obviously come from a white country. Its the same in every area, our countries depend on white countries.
It is also true on a micro level. Its hard to find competent brown people, probably because of the IQ difference. If you want a heart surgery go to a white surgeon, if you want to build a plane that wont fall go to a white engeneer.
Now, do most brown people think like that?

I'm not even racist, but I recognize that different ethnic groups have radically different cultural values and predispositions to certain kinds of behavior that is detrimental to society as a whole. So I end up siding with wignats on the idea that we should control/combat a lot of third world migration and the general trend of propping up globalist welfare states with open borders because it benefits nobody but (((an interconnected global NWO cabal))).

Truth is there are a lot of nonwhite states that due to one reason or another are equally if not more civilized than white countries, and its because of economics. But on that same note, countries that are superior to others shouldn't have an obligation to prop up the inferior and disadvantaged because they will automatically compete with their gained strength because all states/peoples pursue their own self interest. The globalist "everybody share the wealth" bullshit is a cover for multinational corporations to exploit third world labor, destroy identity, and break everyone down into mindless consumers reliant on the government to survive.

One of the only groups to recognize this threat without attached bullshit are wignats, so I find myself siding with them even if they call me a nigger on occasion.

t. cuban

If i have low iq and before you send my back to Mexico, should you genetically engineer me to have an IQ higher than 100 so i can be successful in life and establish a successful settlement in the forests in Mexico?

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Got a peer-reviewed study to back that up, Shawntavius Peterson Rothstein-Figueira?

Wtf, even I'm white and it hurts to read that. There's nothing wrong with mutual alliance of races but we're not supreme high IQ beings lmfao that's a larp

Jews are all of our problem.

t. 56%er

Latin gangs and AB are degenerate faggots and should be killed.

I do, but they tend to be either mildly retarded or "woke" wannabe niggers

your ok Brazil.

is just weird.
it's like a big shit lab, I don't know how to put this into words. people who are crazy about people who are normal, and it's weird, fascinating and weird.

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As white people marry into hispanic bloodlines the white race will not die in America there will just be more Meds and more white people with Spanish last names

hes not saying we are. hes saying we have conditions which allow for people to be less retarded. the fact of the matter is most people are total retards or least retarded in many instances. a nation needs to have social conditions to allow total retards to be less retarded. hence organized religion like being christian is a form of social hygiene.

>Wtf, even I'm white

t.subhuman spic

Fuck off Jose

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IQ is a stand-in for the general attitudes and capabilities of the populace, at least that’s how I see it. Not to go all Rick and Morty but I can distinguish myself from other beaners/nonwhites because I consistently do well in my classes (maths) and don’t expect everything to be handed to me. Some of these other retards can’t possibly grasp the concept of saving money, want to go out with their friend to TJ every week, and expect to be able to live off of McDonald’s salary on top of that. It was painful to be associated with another Mexican dude in my dorm because he was an absolute retard failing half his classes and complained that paying for school was hard even though his friend hooked him up with an on campus job that he would not show up to.
It’s the general ability to think five minutes ahead that a lot seem to lack, but is more present in whites

Nope sorry, blonde blue eyes Irish/German
White supremacism does more damage than it fixes. White nationalism is good, so is Brazilian nationalism or whatever
Claiming you're superior to everyone does nothing but make everyone hate you. Fucking fool

I grew up in LA and gangbanged, there were a lot white people in mexican gangs through out the 60's to 90's then the central american wetbacks came in mass and thats what you see now when you see "mexicans", there mostly central americans or poor indian mexicans

no other race in the world has had to live with a doppelganger race that blends in and sabotages everything they try to build. we are on a completely different level of information warfare that you brown peons will never understand.

breeding with whites is becoming a norm between Hispanic girls actually

Spics can go fuck themselves with the burrito their abuela just made

Anyone have the video link?

I don't think differences of thinking ahead by race are solely the fault of race. That impulsiveness comes from poverty, culture, upbringing, etc.
A lot of "white attitudes" stem from the Protestant work ethic
There was a time when Germans were barbarians and sacked Rome over and over. Basically white niggers running around in loin clothes

Are Jews seething?

I'm curious what the gangbanging life is like, tell more

Wow based as hell.

For the record, pure Nord here and I frequently find myself getting along with Mexican men more than white men if only because Mexican dudes, being mestizos, really don't give a fuck about purity or if I fuck their cousin as long as I'm not shitty to her. And they can drink, swear, and we have a good time. On the other hand, when I hang out with other white men, someone always has to tell us about problematic language or some other faggy progressive bullshit.

America will always be 78% white.




>White niggers...

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This faggot is an actor
IRL meme

“Brown girls love white boys”

All races of women actually show a statistical preference for white men, and this even extends to far left crazy bitches like AOC and Sarah Jeong. Propaganda to the contrary is literally just bullshit disseminated by cuck fetishists.

Castizo Futurism?

I don’t got a problem with white boiis but I do got a problem with racist white boiis

nice bait

why do you choose to speak like a nigger? Don't tell me you have that sideshow bob haircut, too...

Basically. Latina women are more likely to get fat, but at least they don't hate their culture, won't hate their sons with white men, and can cook. I know there are good white women out there, but if you can't get one you could do worse than a Latina that genuinely loves you and is family-oriented.

maybe the old caste system of New Spain will make a comeback

have a bump. I'm not a spic

>Do Yas Forums spic users care about white people
I am saddened when seeing their countries and their people being cucked beyond belief, so, yeah, I do care
>unlike the normie spic who shows hostility towards whites
White privilege is a legit thing and actually palpable in Latin America, and the average spic doesn't hate them. In fact they wish they were like them... kinda sad, really
>Do you wish about genetically assimilating with whites?
There's something that has been going on for centuries down here called "mejorar la raza", which is basically "breed right, breed white" and literally means "improving the race"

Christan half white half Spanish user here yes we do care about whites not the same for zioniests they are bad (maybe) even all Jews they are lost though I will not go shooting them but I will tell the of the horrible mistake they made and they will face the wrath of god

I can't stand spics

they try to be white so bad, but at the same time hate whites

like make up your fucking mind pendejo

The case system never went away. Officially, yes, but socially, no, it hasn't. People still have the same attitude that breeding white equals upwards social mobility, and it actually does.

Dude, I want a Nord Viking friend

t. Mexican

I do care. I'm aware of what would happen should Whites disappear (cough, Detroit, cough). I don't hate.

spooky, I was just about to respond to your other post

The caste system has its merits, but, as with anything, can be abused.

>do Spic Yas Forums users care about White People unlike the Normie Spic who shows hostility towards Whites?
I do, because there is still a genetic kinship with my european ancestors as well as watching one group of people being so actively shit on and genocided out in the open makes me disgusted to my core.
>Do you wish about genetically assimilating with Whites?

My blood is spanish and italian but unfortunately is mixed with indio susio. I’d prefer my children get bleached and return one day to their true ancestral and cultural roots of the conquerors rather than the conquered savage.
>Would Spic Yas Forums users be punished by the Jews for show Sympathy towards Whites?
It’s funny watching jews and their sa flounder on twitter when a spic goes at them for being anti-white. They don’t know how to handle it because none of their platitudes of “racism” and “privilege” work.

The entire world leeches from whites and Yas Forums is a board comprised of many shitskin users who feel that somehow, someway, they are white, even though they are actually brown.
So when Yas Forums goes on about how it's the duty of the white man to man up and take part in society, they're really just trying to force white men into upholding society because nobody else can do it otherwise.
Non-whites want their gibs and comfy society and only white men can give it to them. The problem with white men is they lack backbones and they tend to sacrifice themselves for everyone else and they ttack other white men who show even the slightest signs of self interest and self-centeredness.

Spaniards are white. Do you mean mestizo?

degenerate at first, drugs, alcohol, vandalism, robbery (usually another neighborhood and not your own unless it's a drug dealer from another hood or a cop), getting into fist fights with both your enemies and your own gang because of constant drama, going to juvenile hall and eventually county jail and prison where you will have friends or allies waiting for you, lot's of parties and cruising looking for girls or trouble. If you survive the teens and twenties then usually gangsters have earned enough respect to slow down and get a job and take care of their families and become civilians.

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That's one way to see it, leafbro. The thing is I have huwhite family members, ancestors, etc. I'm not a cuck that hates myself nor do I want to see whitey an hero out of being disillusioned.

This, but it's still not worth it especially when considering the externalities.

Just do me this favor: remember that whites who hate social justice faggotry, whiny progressivism, AOC, etc don't all hate you. Most of us aren't Nazis, we just want to live in fair, pro-family societies and don't give a shit if some of our neighbors are from Mexico. We just don't want to be inundated and become strangers in our own hometowns.

spic with spaniard mix.
i am dissapointed that whites have allowed SJW, feminism, leftie bullshit so have such a strong foothold in their societies.
i would still sooner side with whitie than some illegal """undocumented""" spic.

Yeah, it's good that it doesn't "officially" exists anymore, because if it did, people who would be considered lower caste would have a very legitimate reason to fucking despise white people, and indians would have a very legitimate reason to fucking despise mestizos as well.

tbf, even national socialists don't hate Mexicans. "Nazis" do because of they chose to LARP as the Jewish parody shown in media.

Whiter than you, inbred half-arab.

> Because Yas Forums users are mostly Spics, do Spic Yas Forums users care about White People unlike the Normie Spic who shows hostility towards Whites?
Whites and asians dominate technological progress and potential to purge the jews and other trash.

> Do you wish about genetically assimilating with Whites?

> Would Spic Yas Forums users be punished by the Jews for show Sympathy towards Whites?
Yes, it's called "targeted individual program".

>inb4 oy vey, take your meds, skitzo

Castizo here, I see the gringo as my annoying cousin, I may be irritated by him but I don't want him to be destroyed by kikes and niggers.

I wonder if it was a white thing as much as it was a colonist thing since Spaniards born in Mexico were lesser than those actually from Spain.

fuck gangbanging,it's a shit foundation to start your life and I would never recommend it anyone

Spics are mostly white, so they wouldn't hate themselves.

It's the reality of the situation. This board is full of selfish shitskins who want actual white men(not hispanics or middle easterners) to sacrifice themselves for their benefit.
Nobody in the history of Yas Forums or the internet has ever given a convincing legitimate argument as to why we should sacrifice ourselves for women and minorities because there is no legitimate reason to do so.
You know very well the fear and anxiety people experience when white men start to step back from society. White men have no balls which is why they still take part in society at the benefit of others.

Amen, brother.

Ought-Is, bro. I wish you and other whites the best in life and the future.

How TF did you make it here from that?

With all the constant infighting and self-destructive lust towards asian women, it's hard to take any of you fags seriously. I'm more scared of the schizos in 8/pol/, or /pnd/ as it's called now. I usually just come here to keep up with modern news and to browse Yas Forums humor threads
t. ch*cano

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Holy fucking this x1000

you got me

my wife is castizo culuchi
many of her aunts and uncles have blue eyes
but in truth real assimilation never occurs. they always identify as latinos over Americans. But the difference between mexicans and central and south americans is monumental. At this point I could almost accept Mexico if they could help us stop the hordes from the south

>Not "da joos" or "da blax".
Kys kike

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You're right there, the "peninsulares" vs "criollos" thing was fucking stupid. It was one of the several causes for our disastrous independence war.

Youre right. There is no such thing as jewish nepotism.

not true except in some cases. Mestizos (50/50) are the norm and Pardos are becoming increasily common. Fuckin' nigger culture promoted by kikes is a threat to ALL of us.

lol, I want to think the user was speaking from "radical centrism," but Mexico City has (no shit) a Lithuanian kike as mayor.

excellent, next round of mezcal is on me

Whites are fine by me as long as they are not sending their kiked intelligence agencies to mess with our stuff. We should all have our own place to be, not messing with each other.

i think canadians are qts

Spic here, wish I were white.
Wife is white, and tells me I'm stupid for wanting to be the race that gets the most shit these days.

Washington, D.C. and its derivative agencies are a rogue nation that the American people have no jurisdiction over. that's what the O in ZOG means.

Well i personally hate the left and have had problems with the left for demonizing whites. I had many political fights because I said that it was obvious that Donald trump was going to win (years of white demonization) In fact if you want to be red pilled about leftists just read the beginning of the unabomber manifesto.
That being said, although i am not white, I consider my culture to be the European culture. I speak European languages and all my cultural luggage is European, why hate it? I find some hipocrosy from the left, they want to take away our European cultural luggage, and yet they don’t have anything with which too reeplace it.

Don't be such a dweeb, dummy. Be proud and pursue the best of your blood. Doesn't mean that Western Civilization (European culture) isn't the GOAT, but it's no reason to act like a Jew brainwashed modern faggot.

When my daughter was born all of the ladies in the colonia many indios were so amazed and kept commenting Shes so white muy blanco muy bueno. It is real that whiteness is respected and looked up to. Mexicans are smart enough to respect white, niggers not.