Banks will foreclose on MILLIONS of homes and business properties because of (((lockdowns)))

How is this legal? (((They))) are about to steal probably a trillion dollars worth of property or more.

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Anybody know how this is legal? They're about to steal trillions.

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Does nobody realize what's going to happen

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There are a couple ways to save your property, but the one that is simplest for most people to understand is to testify that they don't believe the debt that is being claimed by the bank is true, accurate and/or post due. make the bank prove EVERYTHING with personal first hand knowledge (which they can never have) and you should beat any eviction or lawsuit they bring at you. Do your own homework NOW before you actually get foreclosed on. Here is a good video series you can watch to learn about handling yourself in court.

>Anybody know how this is legal?
It's "legal" because those who sleep on their rights give up those rights. The banks are banking on the fact that the population is ignorant and does not know how to fend them off.

They're going to foreclose on millions of residential and commercial properties in what amounts to a mass bank seizure of property, your techniques notwithstanding.

yes, you are sadly correct. I keep trying to get the information i posted above out to as many people as possible but nobody will believe me when i tell them their testimony beats the banks' unsworn pieces of paper they put forward as "evidence".

The big trick is that the banks CANNOT swear under oath because they have no personal first hand knowledge that anything on their records are true. A bank can put forward a piece of paper with your signature on it but they can't swear under oath that it is ACTUALLY your signature, because they lack first hand knowledge of that fact, as one example.

Most people don't read this site or even look into the law

you'd think telling people they could save their homes would spur them on to do a little research, but no.

>How is this legal?
They chose to borrow money
They had to pay it back.
Zoomers still haven't grasp the simple concept that Free Stuff always has a price.

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yeah its real smart to make millions of people homeless, surely they won't start killing the bankers and landlords

How is it legal that the government shuts down all business causing millions to lose jobs, then banks get to take it all. Couldn't be because banks pay politicians, could it

based jew thieves

They got away in 2008 with nothing except some street protests in New York, so now they're going for broke. They know Americans are spineless.


Based. Call out anti-Semitism when you see it!

Not mine. It's paid off. suck it, kikes

This post is extremely anti-Semitic. Hopefully, at least some portion of your property taxes goes to schools in jew neighborhoods.

>They chose to borrow money
>They had to pay it back.
But the banks print money from thin air (see fractional reserve banking). The money you borrowed is an illusion, yet you are expected to pay it back. It's a banking con game.

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fake and gay...fake and gay.

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Explain how this is fake

Explain how this is fake you unbelievable fucking faggot

Indeed, do it, please, so we would recognize each other easier.

This is really not gow any of that works. So please stop larping

Can you fuckers stay on topic for five seconds? How is it acceptable that jews are going to seize probably trillions in property value for no reason other than the government shut down all business?

What does the government have to do with banks and landlords? The banks are expecting monthly payments. If you can’t pay the monthly payments, your house gets taken away. How retarded are you, user? Does the government have to hold your hand in everything you do? :( sad little man. Go dilate

Jew banks give donations to politicians, who then make the policy decision to shut down the economy. Jew banks then foreclose on all the properties people and businesses can't pay the mortgage on because politicians shut businesses down. Banks profit. How do not understand this?

No, they are not. If you got your loan from Fannie or Freddie for either college or home, you will not be paying that anytime. The government is also going to seize your property for you by seizing the banks.

>banks are the reason why the country is shut down
>not coronavirus
Top kek you are as smooth brain as they come. Pay what you owe or lose it. Simple as that nancy

Post WW2-style crash everything then buy tpor take the entire country for cheap jewish tactic.

*buy or take
Shit, my brain damage is kicking in a little.

this. youre borrowing nothing. in fact, lending out money is chump change compared to the assets people actually have

the virus is the excuse for the banks. Its the best enemy

>cant see it
>cant prove it but cant disprove it
>invisible enemy

You realize you're not on plebbit right, BOomer?

>can’t see it
>invisible enemy
That isn’t the same thing or you just couldn’t think of a third thing?
>can’t prove it but can’t disprove it

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>literally shilling for jew banks
Fuck you turbokike subhuman POS

Not as many people out of work in 2008 as there are now. There was like 655,000 people out of work in 2008 but now we have millions and millions.

I own 6 homes, bankers can get fucked.

I may still borrow a $500,000 at 3-4% interest. Interest rates will never be lower.

They were estimating 30% of all mortgages will default.

If that happens. There wont be a united states as we know it 6 months.

Thats 100,000,000 million people homeless.

There arent enough rental properties to house that many people. So you will have 80,000,000 people living in their reposessed cars.

It would make the million man march look like a sunday picnic in springtime.

The masses will be directed by corporate media masters to target their rage at Drumpf instead of, say, the (((Federal Reserve))) or (((private equity)))


Just playing devils advocate buddy lighten up. This isn’t a political debate it’s theatre

How are you going to protect those homes with 100 million on the street

Fuck off with your bullshit. The banks will just refinance existing mortgages.

Central banking must be stopped holy fuck

this isn't (((their))) first rodeo.

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Banks r fuk. Dude it is not possible. I repeat not possible.... I repeat again NOT POSSIBLE. To evict millions of people. You do realize that evictions involve force right?

You retards think that police are going to just evict 400k people? Do you realize how much time that would take? Ok fine let’s pretend they do... so let’s say your entire neighborhood is evicted magically and now homeless. And there are 3000 empty houses sitting there. So now those cities pay no taxes PLUS the city gov has to handle 3000 new homeless families. I’m calling bullshit. Banks are the ones screwed

1) the banks don’t want your home; they want money
2) this shit is almost over & 90% of people will be back to work in weeks.

I had a neighbor who didn’t pay his mortgage for 6 years before the bank foreclosed. This will be over in 6 weeks the most.

banks are not foreclosing on anyone because of lockdowns you dumb democrats.

Thank FUCKING God someone actually understands! The banks don't want to own your house.

And sell to who? LOL

you are not a lawyer, clearlyl

lmao, ok boomer

The banks will also get a bailout which coveres all of the money, and they will still take your hous and sell it to a couple of faggots who will evict you and throw you out on the street.

The banks WILL double dip, screen cap this.

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Foreclose now, HODL a while, sell when things are better

Yah this. They aren’t stealing because the home is worthless unsold and they are still out the mortgage.

No need to screencap because this isn't even an edgy take--just predicting (((they))) will do what they did after 08 again.

Doesn't need to be screen capped. This is what happened last time.

Mortgage insurance covers this. Also banks have capital to HODL for long periods even if they get jack shit at auction. They know that they will win long term no matter what.

Banks will just secure the property and hold it as they did after 08.