Trump can be charged with second degree murder, says former Federal prosecutor

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He can be impeached too apparently.

Nononono goyims don’t talk about the cheap patent 50 year old free pills that cure anyone if given early enough

>charge the president with manslaughter for chinese virus on a nigger that died

are they serious

Bengazi wasn't these things but the virus is. 9/11 wasn't these things but the virus is. Ok, whatever.



Even though this won't happen, at least Trump is moving up the ladder. I don't support it, but just saying "crimes against humanity" is fucking amazing.

Cool. Does that mean Dems are going to get arrested for all the crimes that nogs commit?

what is sovereign immunity?

By this logic every world leader can be charged for manslaughter based on health sector budgets because of opportunity costs in where the money is allocated.


These guys just find the most doped up retards and as soon as they say what they want to hear they'll put them on the evening news.

these fuckers just don't have a clue
they cry and tear at their clothes over trump
if anything, anything at all happened to the Emperor Trump at this point this country will light ablaze and the first ones to burn will be demonrats

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The overreaction to Trump has been worse than Trump has been. Trump is just an average president. Bush, Obama and Clinton were all worse. Even former federal prosecutors need to their meds. 1 capsule by mouth once a day keeps the insanity away.

If Orange Man
Then Bad
that's the only logic you need, bucko.

I’m in law school and this guy is an absolute fucking retard. No lawyer could unironically believe this in good faith

And this is why I can not say loud enough:


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There's a reason.

>When you're really really desperate because losing

Have you heard the judg3s rulings yet?

Cheque those out and come back and we will debate

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This is why allowing people to live in delusion is always a mistake.

yes sue the president even though he more or less did the same as most leaders worldwkde

I guess European Union leaders should also be charged since they have over 700,000 cases and over 50,000 deaths

Logic and reason are mandatory
You can, its been proven, deal in an entirely falsely constructed truths; they reject facts

Unfortunately for them... Trump has decided to pull it

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*are not mandatory

wow its fucking nothing fake news bullshit


I'm a law professor and this guy absolutely has a case.

cry cry cry that's all libshits know how to do

I'm Judge Dredd and no he doesn't.

No reasonable prosecutor....

Oooh let's LQQk

Wikipedia: Tenants of World Trade Center 7


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didn't the guys wife give him the chemicals though? why hasn't she been charged?

Why not sue the Chinks?


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Sorry dickhead, we don't have trials on Twitter with John Oliver as the presiding judge. You leftist scum have no depths to which you will not stoop.

I am the Law, and he most certainly does.

Oh shieeeeet

You spelled kike professor wrong.


it's all so tiresome

What will it take for normies to see the ethnic character of this coup?

i know to expect it but jesus christ these fucking people

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Disappointed it took this many posts

President Trump did not order the states to shut down their economies, the governors did.
If you can proof that the economic shutdown has killed thousands of persons indirectly, then you can charge the governors with murder

Welp I'm outta here

I didn't even try to figure that shit out it just happened

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When Pinnochio lied his nose got bigger. The more he lied the bigger it got.

please happen

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Sometimes when I see posts like this I click on the person's profile to see what kind of person makes posts like this. I'm always perplexed by white women who are hyper liberal. Do they not realize that the progressive movement already despises them? They're the equivalent to house niggers near as I can tell. You've got upper class white women saying things like "yeah fuck white women lmao".

Christ encourages cannibalism and blood-drinking? Jews are weird, man.

Because it wouldn't get them into power.

The point of doing this is to present something plausible enough to retards that they start calling for it. It's to transform the "culture" into one that supports Kafkaesque interpretation of laws. The logic doesn't matter, they're going to try to mainstream this and fit it into additional congressional action. They want political rhetoric to become legal reality.

We can laugh at it - but look how far they stretched the impeachment off of hearsay and feels. They're going to try it again.

It’s completely irrelevant anyways. America doesn’t recognize the power of the ICC and bush signed into law any American being held by them will be rescued by the full force of our military might.

don't forget these are the same people that held up a supreme court justice appointment because a woman thought he touched her 35 years ago

I am God, and you are a faggot.

Imagine if Trump ran an Operation like Fast & Furious where guns were intentionally given to illegals and were then used to kill Americans. Libtards would freak the fuck out.

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King nigger Obama ordered drone strikes on American citizens. These people don't have the right to any moral high ground.

Came here to say this. This bitch must be retarded. The USA does not recognize the ICC. Cant be charged with shit. Suck it you retarded pollock cunt.

>a state representative
lol that's a step below dogcatcher
good luck at 'The Hague' negro bitch

Thats the name of my band

I'm an intergalactic lawyer for the Universal Government and Trump can clearly be charged under the Glorbz Act
>100k likes, 30k retweets

We'll get Trump this time for sure!

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i just dont get it. by the time trump started acting our government was telling people this wouldn't be a big deal at all, and when thing started getting serious they finally basically just copied what the US was doing. we didn't even have screenings at airports until things were so bad the border was shutting down

people are praising our government for an excellent response

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People say stupid shit

Some people will not be able to handle it.

>Busting his ass daily to get his ideological enemies ventilators, care in california and ny etc etc

>Crimes against humanity per State Rep. of Ohio

Fucking what? When are false accusations going to be an actual crime in this country?