Islam conquered white people, get rekt
Islam conquered white people, get rekt
and they destroyed themselves with their shit religion and culture
they still look white to me, mr 56%
ignore the middle one, she's an inbred
They need to go to back to chechenia
And you have to go back to Turkey
nope, they're whiter than chechnians
OP got conquered by BBC
You didn't do shit.
Islam didn't do shit.
Sandniggers are overly emotional monkeys who don't fit into polite society.
Why are you showing pics of Muslim converts from Detroit?
nope not me m8 but the guy below yes
live from tel aviv
if you want to see what europeans used to look like, then look no further, and praise Allah
And u to mexico
only white people allowed, pls go
I am whiter than the people u posted
That's simply because Alexander was stupid enough to tell the Greeks to settle in lands surrounded by shitskins and tribes which would eventually become barbarians
He was one of the first faggots (very good general indeed) to embrace multiculturalism
pre-Turk Greeks?
yeah you wish, you're probably slav
>mfw i can actually goto chechnya and get a qt muslim wife like this
life is great
Pre Roman Greeks you mean
They are very different, fact is these fuckers have better blood than most mutts on /pol but they are still mutt themselves
A shame since they carry warrior blood but are probably blinded by shitslam
they look like aussies due to the climate
Islam's superior to Christianity anyways.
I am
Define white people
No unless u are some rich Arab. Or else caucus region will be semetic already.
mashallah brother, you can jumpstart a white family
Islam preserved them, what's the problem?
>Islam conquered white people
which war did they win recently
I'd like to conquer those lolis. Oh yeah
Convert and stay white, disregard the one on the right, that is a gypsy who is being bleached
It is bad for many cultural reasons you won't understand since you didn't even know their origin
They aren't preserved, if you'd knew their history you'd knew they got enslaved many times and became hostages of many nomadic tribes, they had wars on their territory against the Chinese, yes the fucking Chinese came to wage war on them for horses.
They got massraped from so many people that I don't even know how do they still have blue eyes at that point.
These whites thrive under different climates from ordinary Europeans, it is reported that they've yet to have contact with a Jew. Astarfurghallah
Islam is based, I don’t give a fuck
From what I can tell, they've only mixed with Gypsies.
Islam acts as barrier against the Jew, convert and raise a white family
Can not convert to monotheist religion. It is like putting all eggs in one basket.
its a defense mechanism against the accelerating deprivation and normalization of degeneracy. For a greater and whiter future. Pick a white Muslim bride and have 6 kids.
My defense mechanisms are in place without involving monotheism.
Your ancestors spread to preserve and strengthen themselves, and this is the result.
The Vikings established a fruitful relationship with Islam. Hitler... wake up goy
Btw, having too much kids leads to overpopulation which in turn leads to happenings where innocent beings and/or nature are harmed. And foolishly harming nature leads to damaging your habitat and ruins you in the long run.
My ancestors (and also me) learned to live side by side with neighbors.
Hitler and Stalin made Molotov-Ribbentrop pact come alive and this lead to my grand-grandfather, his wife and daughter to be deported, can not praise this man, tool as he was.
convert or die
It won't last tho retard wait until the tribulation is over
Diversity is our strength, user.
you're just a clown in a clown world, Islam doesn't promote diversity, it tells you that it's okay to be white
Define white.
Says the pussy who's too scared to move to the mid east
Why would anyone do that when Jesus was the end of Judaism. No point in Islam plus look how unstable the mid east is. Kys
pic related
you'd be thrown off a building for being gay
Fuck off nigger go back
I'm not seeing myself as being white btw. I'm Estonian. Clown world is not of my making, I voted and acted against it happening.
Left isn't too ugly.
Both look good enough to wife.
>IslAm wiLl SaVe Da WhiTE raCE
Dumb. You know I'm right
So white is skin color? Quite empty definition. I'm quite brown in the summer when I get tan - so am I white only in the winter?
russian rape babies
You're so dense, that kid is the hallmark of a pure European boy.
Turks aren't white.
If they convert back to Christianity then they could become white.
this thread is too white, the jew retreats behind a tree
Estonians are not pure Europeans, our ancestors came from the East to this land after it was freed from Ice Age. Our language is different, our mindset is different (christianity never quite took hold here).
You literally are european
Interesting, genetic testing is getting impressive. I look forward to raising a white Muslim family.