that Trump and the U.S government has done a terrible fucking job of containing this virus. U.S has almost 400,000 cases while the number 2 spot (spain) has less than 150k. How did they fuck up THIS bad?
I think we can all agree
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont even dislike Trump I just think he's a retard
It's over Dems. Everyone has been watching the press conferences.
I predict that not ONE single Dem will be elected this year.
Not even for Fargo dog catcher running unopposed.
BTFO, lol!
I think he's doing a really good job.
>(spain) has less than 150k
Spain 47 million population
USA 320 million population
I think we can all agree that Trump is a hero that's saved millions of lives.
so that leaves spain at 0.00319148936% infection
and U.S at 0.00125% infection
Still worse even adjusted for population:infection ratio
CDC is to blame with their strict as fuck guidelines to get tested. Also WHO for advising countries it was a nothing burger while sucking China off as much as possible. Both organizations need to be scrapped as they failed to do the basic shit they were created for.
Are you retarded? Our population is 3x larger than Spain. We did relatively well in comparison if it is only 400,000 cases
Bernie lost dude, get over it.
look at retard
containing the virus is the entire fucking problem dipshit. we should be building herd immunity as quickly as possible so the weaker strains become dominant.
You're a retard
The Zion Don shills say that the US tests more but they test far less per capita than most 1st world countries. Are we being attacked by the lies of /ptg/?
I think bernie is retarded but not as retarded as trump
Nvm I thought Spain had a population of 90 million. We are actually 7x larger
>Trump and the U.S government has done a terrible fucking job of containing this virus
Tumblrfaggot slidethread detected
America has niggers from all over the world
also, they do more tests.
Infection just means tests done
In Spain we are only testing people with obvious symptoms
Look at the number of deaths, the are worst country regard to deaths per population
Wrong———- trump 2020
>You're a retard
said the retarded memefag
>Population of the US- 330M
>Population of Spain- 46.6M
So we have fewer cases per capita than a nation with universal healthcare?
>New York
Why do you think
>How did they fuck up THIS bad?
Trump didn't fuck up, and neither did the rest of the government. He's under constant attack both foreign and domestic and the rest of us are under biowarfare attack from China.
If he'd come out in mid-January and said that we had to self quarantine, the press would have screamed that he was a fascist dictator trying to distract from his impending impeachment.
Fuck Democrats and fuck the press.
Our and their numbers are not definite anyway. So this whole endeavor is useless. We may be underestimating the number of cases because there are very few people who are getting tested in comparison to the potentially infected. This is a useless thread. Not to mention the number of false negatives that the actual test produces. Stop making political threads on how Drumpf is bad when you don't have the full picture
LoL. Bernie couldn't even beat Biden. Think about that.
we have MORE cases per capita numnuts
The border to China still would no't be closed if Bernie was president because he would be too afraid of being called a racist by his unhinged zealots. You seem to be working hard to punish a narrative here. If you think that any of the democrats or any other Republican who ran for president in 2016 would have shut the borders down as early as Trump did, your attention span is frail AF. Trump was the best person running for office that we could have in there right now, and I am saying that as a centrist democrat. I am even considering voting for him because of how bad Biden is. Cuomo is even worse so I don't know why these clowns are pushing him.
I do have the full picture. Quit putting blind faith in Trump. He's fucked this up big
I've been saying this shit aggressively and saging so fucking hard on these threads and fighting with these leftypol retards for like a whole fucking month I'm so glad anons are waking up
European Union has 700,000 cases and 50,000 deaths
If it had been Hillary we would all be dead by now, and the economy in a shambles.
I come from Spain to tell you that you guys are actually doing a stellar job. You are doing thousands of tests a day which is what spikes the infected number that high.
Here in Spain there are no tests at all. You can only get tested at a hospital if you go there coofing.
Don't get fooled by the numbers, follow the number of deaths. Spain has 13k deaths and 130 k infected, that would mean the virus has a 10% mortaility rate but that's utter bullshit. Estimates say that the virus has a 2-3% mortality rate so the real number of infected in spain is 400k+ at minimum. Te same goes for Italy. You are one of the few countries doing a very good job at it. Keep at it.
Never understood that logic. If everyone is a bad candidate just don't vote for anyone.
ShareBlue and the Chinks are getting desperate. They know the China Puppet Biden can't win.
The Common Cold Panic of 2020
We are shame on our progeny
All this to get Donald Trump out of office
What a fucking shame
You folks disgust me
And less deaths pee capita which is what matters
We have not enough test, we can't even do tests doctor and nurses
Our retarded goverment ignored WHO and EU disease prevention to not cancel the Women's March
>only those with severe symptoms are being tested
>numbers obviously skewed in favor of fear mongers
From National Center for Human Health Services NCHHS:
“Most people who get COVID-19 will recover without needing medical care. The CDC recommends that you stay home if you have mild symptoms, such as fever and cough without shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
For people with mild symptoms who don’t need medical care, getting a test will not change what you or your doctor do. Testing is most important for people who are seriously ill, in the hospital, people in high-risk settings like nursing homes or long-term care facilities, and healthcare workers and other first responders who are caring for those with COVID-19.
Only those who meet the following criteria should ask their doctor or local health department about being tested for COVID-19:
Have fever or lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past 14 days; OR
Have fever and lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and a negative rapid flu test.”
>that Trump and the U.S government has done a terrible fucking job of containing this virus
containing the common cold you mean
Even UK and USA are doing better than us, with massive testing
We have 20000 medical staff that catched corona
The numbers are all bullshit. If you goto #FilmYourHospital on Twitter for over a week now 100's of videos been going up showing the hospitals are empty. The whole thing is bullshit man! The numbers are fake, the whole thing is FAKE. We just got PONED!!!!! Full retardation man!
>I dont even dislike Trump I just think he's a retard
Oh yeah? You're a retard! Ha!
This is such a legitimate thread.
but only Democrats.
this thread is a slide thread
it appears hour after hour, same wording, same picture
if you reply in this thread without saging you're a cunt
Wait we're up that high? Holy shit
Also I don't know where to put this but
Nogs truly are my greatest ally during these times. While almost every white person is too much of a bitch to even say anything, blacks are openly assaulting the insect people
No you don't have the full picture because the available data is incomplete. All you are doing is behaving in an impulsive manner because of your political predispositions. Nobody has the full picture, that's why you are full of BS. I'm under the impression that at least 10% of the country already have it but are experiencing mild to zero symptoms. Those who are tested are those who present with severe symptoms of the disease. This is why I know you are full of shit because you haven't brought up the challenges that all countries are facing when deciding what would be the appropriate measures to take.
>inb4 South Korea was able to manage it
Yes they were able to manage it because they had the infrastructure to deal with it from the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s. They are also projected to see a second wave so they haven't seen the exit just yet. The United States has been lacking in this critical infrastructure since the Obama era after the swine flu epidemic. There was no replenishment of critical PPEs and appropriate medical machinery to deal with another outbreak after the swine flu epidemic. If you want to blame the federal government's response blame it on the Obama administration for neglecting the replenishment of critical supplies after the swine flu epidemic
How has he "fucked this up big"? Consider state rights, enumerated by the 9th and 10th Amendments. Consider the geographical size of the United States and our long history of individual rights that expands well beyond that of most European states. It is the reason why they mock us. With those very freedoms, we often act with unbridled ignorance coupled with a unique-to-us arrogance. There Is no way any American politician would be able to enforce mandatory lockdown. It would be the worst thing you can do politically, and that is genuine all these people ever care about -- being re-elected.
If you are a reasonable, rational person you will be able to understand these concepts abstractly, and the roles in which they play in our governance.
You express yourself like a hostile feces-hurling simian and you speak with the knowledge of an unrefined political dilettante.
Good day to you sir, I suggest all reasonable people no longer feed this malignant discontent.
Nah. Niggers, spics, faggots, and s*y eating cucks will still vote Dem.
>I think bernie is retarded but not as retarded as trump
Hey, guiz listen...listen up: I don't like Trump cuz he's a retard. There I said it. That's my argument.
...No, I'm not under age 11
...Stop making fun of me guiz's not nice
...Don't make fun of us speshul ppl
...Mummmmyyyyyyyyyyyy the Drumpf supporters are making fun of mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice source mong
Yeah but he is #1 on facebook, did you know that?
If only the CDC had a pandemic director....
I mean i know they had one prior to 2016.
I wonder what happened in 2016 that left us so unprepared to have stockpiles or hospital guidelines.
how so?
he's done about as much as he could, shutting the gates for chinks was the best thing he did but retarded states like Cali and New York just let it flow anyways and said "nothing to worry about lul"
even here in Texas they responded too late
even if you truly hate him, this is 100% more of the governor of each states fault than Trump
>can't meme
>has to copy meme about himself
Because SOMEBODY is gonna be President whether you vote or not.
Everybody wanted the borders open because closing them was racist. Remember?
>killing obese, fags, liberals, jews, and niggers
trump 2020
It's so fucking pathetic that anyone of you worthless cunts have a tongue. You're fucking lucky I'm not in charge. I'd be burning all the rotten souls. You don't deserve freedom.
Yes. Anyone still supporting him at this point is just a cult member from t_d and /ptg/. I literally had a cult member boom boom tell me earlier in /ptg/ that trump has literally not made one mistake in his entire time in office. That’s called being a cult member. What’s with boomers and religious tier delusion? Is that why they also “support” q?
>if you don’t suck trumps cock you are a leftist from Reddit
I bet you aren’t even a race realist boom boom. I bet you really do love brown people in this country as long as they are legal and you call yourself “right wing.” Lol
Boomers are so fucking stupid that they think the entirety of politics is literally red vs blue goy games. Literally how easy was it growing up in your generation that you are able to be THIS retarded at 57 years old?
You useless nigger faggot. The CDC had its budget raised. You can't even keep the ShareBlue talking points straight.
The pandemic response guy at the National Security Council left and went to the Agency for International Development at State. His position, which had only existed since the 2015 Ebola scare, was merged into another office at NSC, and they were also going to call CDC if they needed anything. CDC does this shit full time, or is supposed to, unless they are busy telling faggots to stop swallowing pozz jizz.
You need to take a time out, put down that copy of "Robert's Rules of Order", and go get yourself a copy of "The True Believer".
He's made plenty of mistakes. Just fewer than the crew of retarded grifters around Hillary would have. I suppose that's a plus.
Found the neocon.
Trump has been amazing and the U.S. military. Some Democratic governors have been shit. New York, Louisiana, and Michigan. California governor Gavin Newsome has been very good. Some Democratic governors hate Trump so much they are letting their own people die. Sickening. And Fuck those RINO senators and Feinstein for insider trading
327 mil vs 46
America 7x bigger
150k *7=1 mil
Its more than twice as bad per capita in spain you blithering fool
Spain received all those bogus tests from China that fucked you guys. Stay save bro. Our media and politicians were seething when Trump dumped the bad tests early on and switch to a new system