Why do we love boobs?

they serve no real purpose besides providing milk that only infants get to drink. why do we love them?

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Because coffee is good for you.

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Tits exist because humans walk upright.
It used to be, when we were knuckle-draggers, we would stare at a woman's ass and, subsequently, pussy to gauge their attractiveness. In part, this was because they were at eye-level.

As humans started to walk upright, we could no longer see the pussy or ass as easily. But the mammary glands and mouth were right there. Human females with bigger mammary glands would trigger the mating response in men the same way the buttocks would. Similarly, when a woman is aroused, her lips and breasts become fuller, plumper, and more sensitive, just like her butt and vagina.

Because anyone who's not a nigger understands the importance of raising a family. I, for one, am not a niggerfaggot.

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>No real purpose besides feeding your offspring.

Probably signals a potential healthy mother able to provide nutrition for children.

Sexual dimorphism maybe?
Sign of fertility?
Idk don’t ever think a good thing.

Dumb slide thread, unless you're dumb you know the answer. It's the same reason we like wide hips and such. We're evolved to be attracted to fertile women, the fact that they provide milk for our children to drink is why we like them. They'll be able to nurse and provide for the kids SAGE

Ah. Clearly why subhumans prefer ass to boobs.

Curves and softness represent femininity, alien.

a nice place to put your cock when she's on the rag

>that only infants get to drink
You're not going to make it, brah.

>no real purpose besides providing milk that only infants get to drink
you'll never understand.

We're programmed to love pairs of spherical objects.
Eyes. Boobs. Ass cheeks. Balls(female).

I dunno man but I've always been a tit man, it's just something about them it's like magic bro

Boobs r front butt

I think Freud literally said this

I have big natural boobs but I feel sad because guys only like ass these days.

>only infants get to drink
t. homo

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I don't really judge a woman's breasts too much like I would her ass. As long as she doesn't have a masculine upper body, it's fine

blah blah pics gtfo etc blah stamp

Nice flag

Big breasts means a woman is ready to be a mother and will raise a proper breast-fed child.

Big hips grant the woman the ability to easily birth a child.

I know you feminist glowniggers want to question nature, but go get married.

nah, my wife has a modest chest and she breastfed both of our kids without issue and without having to supplement with formula
small tits are nice and more sensitive than big ones, too, and they make plenty of milk

I hear that shit brother
Im all about them tiddies

tits or gtfo

Get the fuck off this board with this crap

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Because feet is for worthless niggers.

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Because female primates use their asses to signal fertility.

Tits are like an ass that you can see from the front.

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Slender girls are the thinking man's fetish, especially with wide hips. Then you knock them up and they balloon in all directions.

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>only infants get to drink
thats where you're wrong

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Our children feed with the milk of ours womens, so:

>big boobs = nice milk
>nice milk = stronts kids
>strongs kids = more supervivence rate
>more supervivence rate = our genes will be for more generatios.

this not only a fetish thing, IT´S FOR SUPERVENCE OF OUR SPECE.

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i kinda agree actually!

This, and boobs = fun

There's plenty of theories. My guess would be that it's because sexual selection became the bigger motivator for evolution once agrarian civilization took over. IIRC, most other apes and mammals only grow noticeable teets when they're nursing, because they're cumbersome to have when you're just out surviving with no kids to feed. But what if you lived in an area protected and farmed by men where you didn't have to travel so far or try so hard to survive? In that case, teets that stay filled in all the time might indicate fertility to men, drawing more competition toward those women, allowing those women to procreate more prolifically, etc etc. I don't know if anyone's ever studied breast size over history, but if the average size used to be much smaller, that would lend some credence to my theory. I think any woman with sizeable breasts can confirm that they're not very convenient for athletic activity, and that's in an era with sports bras. Imagine trying to be an athlete with DD cups in prehistoric loosely-fitted furs. The modern human woman is one already severely deformed from her more athletic ancestors, twisted by the unconscious sexual indicators of men, and growing more deformed over time. Look at the ones in this thread. Do you think they're all natural, hm? What does the padded bra say about where the pressures are? Anything to compete a little harder. A bigger ass! Larger tits! A thinner waist, smoother and more brightly-colored hair, more youthful features, more submissive personalities, more, more, more! The pornification of women was already underway even thousands of years ago.

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sàuce user

It helps I didn't say it was necessary for them to have giant boobs

Holy Christ, put down the drink, you've had far too much.

Is coffee good for you

Don't ask me, I'm an ass man.

Because ,everytime you suck her nipples during foreplay or sex,Females releases dopamine,into her brain making her more submissive and horny

Thanks for your input

Your wife is an exception.

Reminder to sage.

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Fucking kill yourself milkers rule.

This. SAGED.

Theres not even anything to slide though. At least this thread creates some variety

because we aren't allowed to see them and women have them but we don't. If all women walked around topless every day boobs would lose their value

This has literally been proven to be true.

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This Island Earth


I like milk nigga.

This feels like refrence...

It's a sign of fertility.

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>I don't really judge a woman's breasts too much like I would her ass
Same huge titties normally means a large ass. Butt is a Butt a deven if her face is a little rusty you can always face her the other direction.

I'm one of the few nignogs here that prefer tits over ass, show me dem titties mammy! Also bix nood and all that jazz

That is more proof that Egyptians aren't niggers.

>Believing the tits = psychological pseudo asses meme

One of the most absolutely fucking retarded things I've ever heard in my entire life. It doesn't make sense on any level.
You can't test that or measure it at all on any scientific level, and you don't need to, because it sounds so fucking retarded just based on witnessing someone describe it.

Maybe, just maybe, the fact that babies drink milk from womens tits means that they are DIRECTLY a crucial factor in reproduction, and so big and/or well proportioned tits means good health for raising kids after giving birth.

Don't ever type that again.

They're awkward wobbly stacks of fat carried on the chest of all places. And women use them to get away with acting -literally- like braindead retards. This pisses me off. Because it doesn't make any damn sense. I have boobs so I get a pass to be a cunt, ruin society, be completely unsociable, nag and incessantly annoy everyone, develop zero skills, waste everyone's time and money, and gloat about it. Wtf. All for some chunks of modified sweat glands and a hole that smells at best like rotting fish. Does that make any god damn sense to you?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here, women are property! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

These guys have no subtlety. Anoness, I think you should post them and let me decide. I’m pretty impartial and this virus stuff has got me going stir crazy.

They look awesome. It's also in our nature to be attracted to the opposite sex including their physical appearance. It's life user.

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>implying the most attractive part of the female body isn’t the penis


/end thread

because they joy you feel when you see them goes back to your earliest memories when you were an infant. boobs=food=good. unless you were a formula raised faggot and never breast fed

>a hole that smells at best like rotting fish
you need to up your game user

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probably has something to do with a primal instinct connecting them to milk, food, survival.

then through adulthood, advertising companies associate the product they're trying to sell with breasts. for example, a beer company will use women with big tits to sell bottles of beer. the bottle of beer in place of your mothers nipple or baby bottle. you need the beer to live now.

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Because if a person has tits, that means it is a woman, so men are attracted to tits.


>people think breast size = milk production

dude dont do that

the out come is anime girls with ugu eyes and small noses and cute squeaky voices
same with men
ayy lmaos are us millions of years in the future in a society that mastered time travel and space travel, also the reason they are skinny bone jones

It's from prison school

>Only infants get to drink...
Found the guy without kids...

Most important nutrient at most important time. Breast feeding alone is enough purpose

Based Mongolians and Best Koreans

women are probably more obsessed with tits than men are. in my opinion, tits are actually kind of gross, remind me of some animal.

At best!

You're an absolute idiot and completely wrong. His post is accurate, proven a million times over and agreed upon from Archaeologists to biologists to marketing, fashion and beauty industries. What do you think lipstick is to imitate? You must be 18 to post here.

Source: dude, trust me.


You’re gay

i wasn't breatfed due to mother being on medication and i have absolutely 0% attraction to breasts

Better question, how is this anywhere near political?

Does your wife make you drink whenever she's too full?
>a gay leaf that associates animals with sexual characteristics
Business as usual, I suppose.

Kek! You can't resist we know.

>I have big natural boobs but I feel sad because guys only like ass these days.
I, for one, have always liked big breasts.

Only infants?

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No one gives a fuck, Gaben

Boobs do not provide milk retard, mammary glands do. Every mammal provides milk just fine without boobs. Boobs are just to attract men, they remind us of asses.

because they make milk for infants to drink

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Because God designed females that way. Your evolutionary bullshit makes absolutely no sense. Reminds of that Jew that said women are loud during sex as an evolutionary response to attract males. Absolute retards.

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it's a game humans play.

it's been like that from, I'd say, forever, user.

titties make great conversation starters.

for instance, "squeeze my tit, mister", comes to mind, or maybe "do you want to drink my milkies, user ?", "Hey, did you just bump into my tit?", or my favorite, "Take ya damned hand off of me before I call the police.", okay?
That's how it starts, the rest is up to you, clever user.

Also, asses don't need support unlike tits. Look at African tribal women who have their tits out freely 24/7. Even their B-cups are saggy as shit and look disgusting.