Does anyone know what this is? Is it just some Q shit?
Have a family friend who is just some boomer woman freaking out about this and I have never even heard of it.
Does anyone know what this is? Is it just some Q shit?
Have a family friend who is just some boomer woman freaking out about this and I have never even heard of it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Any day now...................
Shit is going in fan no matter what duck is quacking
I will not sleep soundly until the blood and guts of every elite cultist cocksucker paints the world red. I will never find peace within myself as long as they live in the shadows. No torture, no questioning. Just enough evidence to drag them out and shotgun blast them in the head in public.
why does it have to be voiced by an english woman? there is no accent more horrid.
it's not Q shit, it was already making it's rounds in forums before Q larp, people began turning off their tv's and waking up from conditioning. Look at all the new streaming services from the big networks because they are losing viewers, it's not about making money for these guys because they print money out thin air, it's about control and containment, bread and circus, it's a giant web of organizations designed to siphon money,power,resources from (you)
So this isnt just boomer nonsense then? I'm watching it now
Alright, just watched this and it's so fucking cringe.
Saged. Fuck you OP. This is retarded.
I know its retarded. I was seeing if anyone here is familiar with it, because its infiltrating my normie community here
puerto rico... my n!gga
Bump. You're not alone user. It almost brings me to tears knowing that we as a society have let them do this to us for so fucking long and all it takes is for us to stand up. But so many have been brainwashed it's absolutely disgusting.
If your normie friends are prone to get into conspiracy theories, you may as well redpill them instead of letting them get sucked into lame conspiracies.
Q has gone too big budget, tell those Furfags (Navy Intel Squad) to tone it down and send some cash my way please I'm an expert consultant. uwu
it started as a LARP now its a disinfo project of some kind... I think? I dunno honestly.
Do you really trust boomers?
Actually, Fall Cabal 3 is pretty good
It seems pretty factual so far
It's a modern revival of the satanic panic from the 80s. Everyone hates pedos so it's very appealing. But instead of stopping at "some bad people are pedos" it hijacks Q to be some massive worldwide conspiracy involving the "deep state". Very addictive if you're gullible/unintelligent, makes you feel like you're part of some Tom Clancy novel. Problem is it's all bullshit and unsourced and if you criticize it you're called a shill.
Youre just a dumb faggot who hasnt actually researched it opening your mouth. Unfortunately Americans have been raised to have "muh opinion" even if they have no knowledge on a subject.
There is certainly an international pedo ring that operates in elite circles and its been known for decades.
>The finders
It got called bullshit but recently declassified FBI documents prove it's real and they lied about secret rooms and tunnels.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth retard. Pedos exist and work in groups but any Awakening/Q bullshit always devolves from small organized pedo rings (reality) -> deep state -> blood drinking satanists -> lizards/alien disclosure every single time and stupid normies drink it up
epstien didnt kill himself, loko at all the people who went to his island, proven under age trafficking, clintons girls from haiti.
royals jimmy saval
I think you're mostly right. There are definitely sick pedophiles out there using their charity organizations as ways to get to children and are protected in many ways by politicians and the like.
When it gets into the satanic reptillian blood drinking stuff it makes you want to just forget about all the truthful examples.
Some boomer made some videos it seems.
Maybe Q related but Q has nothing to do with it.
Not watching it lmfao.
Alright, I'll amend my statement: the first 2 episodes are hot garbage, but the next 3 (so far, since I'm still watching them) are pretty redpilled.
She is dutch moron. Watch the fucking documentary
Youre the normie you fucking newfag. All those things are true. True anons know
lmao yeah dude totally go back to GLP and /x/ and jerk off to more thoughts of getting probed by greys you gullible retard
SPBP. Q is all talk, no action. I'll believe it the day I see the Clintons in handcuffs.
Maybe the whole reason why Yas Forums is such a powerful platform is that it doesn't need a cult of personality to be effective at what it does.
I did you faggot. Can you not see my fucking ID all over this thread?
I ain’t clicking that shit nigger.jpg
>Q is all talk, no action
>Q legitimately just posts information and doesn't do the actions others should be doing
No shit. What did you think was going on?
Some of you think Q is the investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner; Q just posts on 8kun (and before that 4/8).
Go back to pleddit, cnn and black science nigger you brainwashed slave
Q is about more than some small fish like evergreen. It's about defeating the international financial cabal of kikes satanists and chinks. If you read the q drops youd know that. Like a typical mutt you have low information low iq and a paradigm designed by bernays and Rockefeller.
On bitchute
sorry mate but you fell for yet another LARP on Yas Forums but because you came here after the 2016 election like everyone else you were too naive and retarded to realize people make up dogshit all the time like Q
Calm down, sperglord
The only thing so far that is a bit iffy are the pedophile logos they talk about.
>Is it just some Q shit?
I don't know, maybe that red fucking Q up at the top is a clue.
more new age bullshit from the same people talking about 2012.
>but its foreals this time
KYS Qtards
Actually most people started following Q while Q was posting on 8ch, not here, and more people started following Q now on 8kun than on Yas Forums originally.
>there is no deepstate
no shit, I was here when everyone kept spamming the CBTS threads and "baking bread" before everyone got them to fuck off. but now we get retards like this dude pretending he's "redpilled" like some boomer faggot sharing his thoughts on facebook
Great take, (((user)))
For sure just keep offering opinion/ ad hom
dont bother actually addressing any posts
If you without a doubt believe that JFK jr is alive and has partnered with Donald Trump to fight the deep state; you are retarded.
there's no need to address pure fantasy, which is all this shit is, including your image. just emotional appeal after emotional appeal
OK Boomer
OK Boomer
OK Boomer
Ok Boomer
Psalms 23
Psalms 91
All of these connections to Comet Ping Pong seem a bit weird.
Im not Mike Cernovich but damn
>pedo rings (reality) -> deep state -> blood drinking satanists -> lizards/alien
Replace blood drinking satanists with symbolically worshiping Moloch and lizards/alien with the highest level elites and that's unironically what's happening though.
I don't think Q caused people to post the kind of shit that you implied was bullshit, that predates Q. Q just gave anons a way to spread it to actual normalfags.
That was a smear op that only dumb boomers on twitter/facebook took seriously. Anons on the actual board laughed it off. The guy's dead, HRC wanted the senate seat.
Explains why they are so ignorant if user culture and nearly universally reviled outside of their board.
You’re an idiot. Enjoy being let down again on the 10th and then again the month after that.
Soon, maybe one day; you’ll stop following people playing make believe on the internet
The Twin Towers were brought down by a psychic force.
>smear op
Typical q nonsense. Oh if it doesn’t fit, it’s a shill or it’s fake.
What about April 10th?
At what point will you at least think; hmmmm maybe I’m being played
These photos were proven false, on the Q board itself no less, years ago.
The only people the apparent nigger Kike elite want to ruin are those capable of fighting back. Open Borders is them trying to kill you.
The fact that you post that picture as if it's real or proof of anything shows what a gullible and low IQ idiot you are
Lol...youre a joke
Keep countershilling w/your sub 60 IQ Alinsky demoralization strat...for sure you found your demographic...
>imagine thinking anyone cares about your sassy insults and opinions here.
Post datapoints or shut your cunthole
The wheels came off your thread
>you big cutiepie
Cool,should be no problem linking the thread then...right?
>fucking faggot
>What about April 10th?
>something Q legitimately never said is spread as a theory on social media and redditors use it to attack Q
The boomers on social media are reviled by the anons on /qresearch/ too. Most of them have never posted on ANY other board, besides /qresearch/ if they go there.
Anons have spread information all around and it's reached a lot of people. You can "redpill" and inform them, you can't make them stop acting like boomers.
Ohhhh Noooooo
How will I ever Recoverrrrrrrr?
>the absolute state of this thread
It's part of the great deception.
Read the Bible.
Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & YouTube)
So no dates, no jfk jr, no darkness. All misinterpretations and disinfo. Only the way you interrupt Q posts are real...
Do you not realize your own confirmation bias?
no need for me to post anything when you retards fail to prove jack shit. always posting fake pictures and videos and LARPs/rumors/heresay time after time
I feel like the arrest of Borris Johnson is a sign that the other side is fighting back and also trying to vanish people under the pretense of the disease, none of this really feels calculated anymore or like some deep state thing that's been planned for a long time it's just like they're adapting as they go now
is that JFK?
Qoomer faggotry where he says vague shit and retards spend months hyping up shit that never happens.
Q is nothing more than a dose of “lock her up” for his energized base that elected him. End of story. It’s a social media manipulation tool to keep his supports placated and convinced he’s fighting a lm “invisible enemy”
You are being duped. If he lost his base, the Q crowd; he’d be ousted and flogged in the streets.
>puts a space inb4 even typing
Random dates that some boomer on facebook comes up with has nothing to do with what Q has posted, Q legitimately said JFK jr is dead, and the "10 days" and "darkness" never appear in the form "10 days of darkness" like retards say, it had to do with the ATL airport shutdown and secondarily NK.
Thanks for the discussion redditor.
He actually said...
Which is related to a book about child abductions.
Jesus fuck at least read his fucking posts before you blindly defend him.
It’s almost as if I was in your shoes before but then realized I was being a gullible idiot.
You are cucking yourself buddy...
>No Need for me to post anything
.lolllll..what are you even doing?
>talking about Q to no one
Stay obsessed.
Just answer me one question. What will it take? At what point will you at least question Q or ask yourself; “am I being played?”
They're cock teases - the lot of them.
Bringing people along for a show that'll never happen.
Fucking elite are never going to be punished.
I shit you not. Just had my own boomer boss at work show me these videos and as soon as I saw the Q faggotry I could not believe I was witnessing this larping faggotry being embedded into the mind of my own boss. Had to look away and cringe when the narrator said something along the lines of "like a group of internet autists we scavenge for the Q crumbs and decipher their meanings" and even showed images of pedobear, 4chin, hotwheels and all the shizo faggotry with the spiral symbols of the pizzagate fiasco. Full blown clownworld.
>post a reply
First time here?
>haha he only said that once
Fuck off retard. And get someone to ask Trump is Q is legitimate, shouldn't be too hard.
You didn't reply to anyone redditnigger. Stop trying.
Literally cringe sjw tier utopia fantasy
>is this some Q shit?
>has Q at very top center
I dunno faggot what do you think?
You can answer my question too.
What will it take? At what point will you question Q? How much more time needs to pass without arrests or anything happening for you to just ask yourself if you are being lied too?