Do legit tradwives exist?

do legit tradwives exist?

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not many in NA at least

or any nations that have been wealthy for long

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but are you a material that is worth such rare creature?

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something something Coffee

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To make a statue you need to start with a big chunk of marble.




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Women are inherently corrupt.

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Checked and this. She could be trad but the "man" will fall flat on his ass and do absolutely nothing as a productive human.

Checked and knows what's up.

Yes, I have one
-Wants tons of children eventually
-Good taste in books, music, and movies
-No male friends
-Was a virgin when I met her
-Boring sex
-Kinda clingy

Depends. "Full long skirt, very religious housewife willing to live peaceful, simple life of prayer and chores" kind if very rare, for obvious reasons, but there's quite a few women who simply want to live in peace, start a family with someone they'd love and just enjoy daily life.

That depends. Sage. Is coffee good for you?

and checked to you too.
its like, it make sense or something

Yeah, but you guys might have to settle for uggos, which I know none of you are willing to do.

The absurd meme kind: No, there are zero in the world.

A reasonable approximation within the bounds of reality: Some, but they are very far from perfect. There are actually lots of virgins available who want to find a man to marry and have kids with on a piece of land somewhere, but all of them are insane like all women are and many of them also have a 'special' type of insanity due to being christian horsegirls or whatever. Marriage is a tenuous thing and it will always require compromise and work.

My advice: get over the memes, realize how low the bar is for women and how shitty the market is for you, and just try to find a nice girl you are sexually compatible with and marry her once you've had a few good years of regular unmarried sex.

yes but they would never settle for a degenerate 4 chan addict like you

based af quote

Why is her left eye so much lower than her right? wtf is happening?

Based. A tradwife should be no others but a chad. The cycle must continue without flaw

No females are made not born. They only respond to shame and to those who parent them correctly.


no due to michael howard
its a choice of a few roaties pretending to be whites
or some alien invading soldiers

Nope that's why I married a chink

In 2020? No. All women are whores, no exceptions

What a mess of a man. He’s either jewish or a self hating Jew, I honestly can’t tell.


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The main issue is culture and politics both are connected. Without shame and consequences females will do these things which is what has been happening they are being given everything minus the consequences and the Shame.

The part of this that you guys need to consider more is that even virgin girls generally want non-virgin men. There are actual statistics to back this up, check them if you don't believe me. It is very hard for an incel-type to find a great virgin and marry her, it is even harder to make the that marriage not be a living hell. Men are not complete until they've had a lot of life experiences, and some of those necessary experiences are sexual.

I think men shouldn't get married until at least 30, and a lot of people agree with me. Do you think your dream girl is going to want to marry a 30 year old virgin?

would sniff all day

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Yes but it's not her

he gets a DNA test in one of his videos
he's a jew


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I'd much rather have a big booty blonde gf with a high sex drive and an interest in rural living than some weird jesus girl even if girl #1 had a few dicks in her before

She is ugly lmao. Typical slavic downs syndrome face.

This bbc news reader was displaying as her

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Unironically you mongolid slav

hahhaha they look like those Trolls my daughter watches


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are brappers good for you?

they're good at draining my balls


women only fuck chads

Sauce so I can see what she's making?

Traditionalism is to women as Semen is to a penis.

There are only two ways to bring them out, fucking or beating.

>Boring sex
>Kinda clingy
Gay Degenerate

jews are a result of mayan slipstreaming theyre actually nuked indians .....when michael howard was home secretary...and the french started nuclear testing after some cunt reversed time, michael howard moved all the women on the planet , and turned most of them into roasties like 99,9999%(especially ones who cant turn right i presume) anyway my point is alex jones is making it a choice of alien invading soldiers or roasties

My wife cooks and cleans for me and wants to have kids, so maybe.


Good lookin'

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Uses pic of an obvious model, dressing like this for money. Degeneracy. Even your poster child for tradwife is degenerate. Is coffee even good for you faggot

Gavrilka on twitch

-Small social circle
-Wants a future together
>religion is overrated so I don't care about that
-Wants to conscript in military and do tours in afg.
-Was a virgin when I met her
-Actually great sex, 3 times a day minimum.

-Clingy but still leaves me freedom
-/+Jokes about me cheating on her, might have hidden 3 some fantasy like bringing in another girl.
-Depressive(has cut herself)

>the absolute state of twitch gaming

Whats with the dumpster asses?

Woman don't give a shit what you do.

As long as you dominate her properly and you're wealthy, there's nothing else.

Do you really think women are looking out for productivity in men? Are they industrial manager?

They only care if you're rich.

A millionaire heir NEET is better off than a hard working white-collar.


@veradijkmans on instagram

Half naked chick showing her body for everyone to see. Yes, these thots exist everywhere

>rare creature
you are a turbofaggot

Be a father to your children, do traditional manly things around the house. Don't sleep, fap and play video games when you're not at work, especially when you only work 3 or 4 days a week. Don't leave her to do the hard work fixing up broken things in the house and throw the trash, on top of her taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning. Pretty simple.

>A millionaire heir NEET is better off than a hard working white-collar.
The sad truth. Money can buy any bitch.

>they are not rare
>everyone can get one
good luck mate with that life you yours

>horse ass