Oh no!

Looks like thé 13/50 crew is now we have the new 32/70 boogaloo How does this make you feel?

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>ignore quarantine
>be more likely to catch the disease

is it even possible to be surprised by this? They have HIV and Herpes and every other STD at 5x the rate of everybody else. Why should this virus be any different?

obesity/hypertension/ poor health/kfc/popeys

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A good start.

So Coronachan only kills boomers and niggers? Why is this bad again?

Somehow this is all white people's fault!


Haha niggers

louisiana user here, my guess would be because a lot of blacks here are morbidly obese

Black Americans are the most overweight group of people in this country by far. At some point 'healthy at any size' becomes criminal negligence on the part of advocates. Is anyone in this country ever going to have an honest discussion with black Americans?

It's like how they get caught with drugs more. If they don't do them any more than a white person, at least white people don't act like niggers about smoking weed in public.

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>how can whitoids compete

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Blacks were supposed to be immune!!!

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ooga booga bix nood y da ypipo not dyen

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>hits the cities the hardest
>that's where they live
>have the highest obesity rates
>most underlying conditions
>don't follow guidelines
>think they're immune
Surprised it's only 70%

China knew exactly what they were doing when they said blacks were immune.

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70% of corona deaths have been male, but that wasn't of interest to the media.

The niggers here dont know what social distancing means and are generally very unhygienic. Just waiting for a nigger restaurant worker to infect hundreds.

obese people die from this
>news at 11

>but we wuz immune n sheit

>China knew exactly what they were doing when they said blacks were immune.
making ridiculous shit up, which is the bugman modus operandi

Black people are often in the poorest classes in the United States, which necessarily also means that they are both more likely to live in more dense areas, and also more likely to work in jobs that are considered essential. Hence, the likelihood of them being exposed to the illness is higher.

>’The Ooga Boogaloo’

>virus killing more blacks than anyone else
>all of these blue liberal states getting wiped out with the worse death rates

Is this virus God's way of throwing out the trash? Think about it.

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Literally sickle cell disease, 10% of blacks have it

Despite being just 30% of the population, 72% of the dead are black


More like 16/35 pleb.

The south has a lot of holy rollers who think that god will protect them as long as they keep attending packed churches. I want to see the racial breakdown for California.

100,000-250,000 dead you say? Anyway we can bump it?

This one always cracks me up. It's sure as hell how it looks to an outsider.

Rookie numbers.

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im a New Yorker, its effecting the blue areas so well that NY could potential flip red.

>32% black

Yeah i'm calling absolute fucking bullshit on this. Anyone from lousiana or the surrounding states will tell you it's at the very least 138% black people.

I didn't consider the 'essential' job classification likelihood. I was stuck solely on the obesity idea.

Somebody lost on her twatter, “ Now do violent crime and murder!”

They're also more prone to obesity, hypertension and beetus


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Nah it is only Black women. Black men have lower obesity rates than white and hispanic men.

Isn’t that the same as the crime statistics?

Upstate gang rise up

Mutant Girl threating to spread her CO-VID19 on Social Media

>32% of the population
holy shit america get your fucking act together

more like they are all fat and smoke

what did you expect?

>inb4 b-but rape gangs

>Can't hygiene

Niggers made those areas cheaper, they used to be the most expensive because of its location close to the main areas of the city.

They take over the nicest parts of the city where the area is built to foster community and then ruin it with crime.

Whites then move out to the scattered suburbs

Imagine its your job to feign shock and outrage. No one is surprised that niggers are getting and spreading a contagion among themselves by entire magnitudes comparably. And no one is worried because less niggers is better, no matter how you slice it.

They are with that death toll , these stupid niggers are killing thenselves yet again , colour me fukin shocked tbqh

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That is only Louisiana. Blacks are really about 13% nationally.

>niggers say they can't catch it on Twitter
>believe it and catch it.

Coonass niggers btfo

Frankly I'm surprised it's not higher. Lazy faggots should have picked their own cotton.

Coonass doesn't refer to blacks you nigger

Bullshit. Maybe purple, not blue.

ive seen this 1000x and everytime i see it i still audibly kek.

crime stats are worse lmao

>China has spent the last few years heavily building and investing in Africa
>by chance Africa also has the least equipped countries to handle pandemics and food shortages
>can also make Murrica eat itself with yet another race baiting
They had nothing to lose when they said that and everything to gain.

I thought nigger were immune to corona did the chink shill lied to us ?

you'd think they'd be proud to finally lead the world in something.

Can you enlighten us to who the 13/50 crew is in your imaginary world?

They fall for anything on there

I mean, if it only kills niggers and Jews then....
"to whom is it a benefit?"

The most terrifying thing regarding these stats is that almost a third of Louisiana is niggers. That’s insane

Gonna need some shades for all this glow you nigger

Leafs obviously. They make up 13% of the posts here, but account for 50% of the shitposting.


okay, this is epic

Cue the hordes of lestist academics and journalists blaming this on institutional racism instead of obvious causes like diabetes, obesity, HIV, the fact that they refuse to social distance and listen to authorities

The 13% of Latvian marathon runners make up 50% of all Swedish BBCs

So white 'race realists' assume they're immune and get infected.
And yet again a climate change denying demographic gets weeded down.
Isn't she perfect . . . .

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we don't need enlightening because we've been here longer than 5 minutes

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5% white, 10% black, 85% spic.

was killing all of the Black Democrats part of Trumps plan.

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Baton Rouge here. Can confirm 85% of the city is ooga boogas, although everywhere rural is pretty much completely white so it evens out

This always makes me laugh and die a little inside.

It's true though, it was me behind all the racism and mistreatment of niggers resulting in their inevitable extinction.

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COVID-19 is racist.

I bet the white women love it

. . . and we should care because?

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