A friend whose father works really high up in the UK’s NHS has just told me Boris Johnson has died of respiratory...

A friend whose father works really high up in the UK’s NHS has just told me Boris Johnson has died of respiratory failure. Yeah, it looks like a major cover up until the morning. Also confirmed from a police officer pal. Shit is going down. He also said they’re looking at evacuating the government from London any minute, fearing a revolt. A friend of a friend in the military says they’re preparing to declare martial law.

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if anyone finds out first it will be TMZ.com

Merkel and Macron are coming for you m8

A Borris Johnson just flew over my house guys, I'm really scared!

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My mom works at nintendo too





Boris fucked my mum...

I know this isn't true because anyone in the military would tell you that they don't have the resources to declare martial law in Reading let along the whole fucking island

Brexit canceled!

Boris Johnson's vengeful spirit just flew over my house.
I think it's really happening.


My dad works for Nintendo and he said ur gay.

My husbands boyfriends lover just said the same thing to me

He doesen't even have the flu, he's just pretending and then makes a miracle recovery and is seen as a hero.

I guess white people have lost. Sorry guys. Your bigger overlords are coming to fuck your swanky white cunts into submission

kill yourself shill rat

Sweet man my dad works for Nintendo

This unironically

Yeah my dad owns microsoft

if i dont wake up tomorrow and see headlines hes dead ill have your head

My uncle works at Nintendo...says Mario he died of a prolapsed anus.

More reliable than CNN and FOX news. TMZ is american journalism at its peak.

My dad works for the reptillians and he said Borris blood not flow

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My mom...she gay

My dad works at Nintendo and confirmed

My dad works at Nintendo and he can also confirm

London just glew over my house! Wtf lads its happening!

My ass just exploded in demonic seed...the spawn of satan

Boris has fucked half the moms inside the M25



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Big if true.


he's the high profile case that will recover with the patented Trump's Miracle Hydroxychloroquine Elixir.

Is there anyone who actually believes that Covid-19 is anything more than a virulent flu at this point? I know numerous people who have had the symptoms and they all make full recoveries after a few days. Wake the fuck up people.

CNN confirming

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a revolt for what?

you're a dumb dumb, they will just let May be PM again. no sweat

You cant declare martial law using firecrackers and whiffle bats

my dad is god

hello i'm jesus

I wish that title was real

>1 post
Sounds about right.

this is

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What are they going to revolt against? COVID19? The Brits are going to kick the virus out of their country?
You can't kick it out, it's like trillions of tiny gypsies.

the dude has had symptoms for 11 days so i'm pretty sure its unlikely hes going to die. people are generally hospitalized in the first week and dead within 2 days of hospitalization. i cant be asked to source this so the source is dude trust me lmao

Show some proof LARPer

he's been put into icu as a precaution. PM's etc get high priority care.

>implying you've got any friends

Has your mate got any news on the giant lasagne?

Gary Busey just flew over my house!

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Good fuck the UK

>hurr friend of a friend
>durr my cousins uncle.

Fags like you turned this board to the joke it is today. Fuck off back to twitter you underaged moron.

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>A friend whose father works really high up in the UK’s NHS has just told me Boris Johnson has died
Why are you talking to your mate's da? Gay boy.

Imagine if your king died, have some respect.

if Trump gets this; it will mean immediate war with china


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I have a friend whose father works even higher up then OP's friend's father and he told me that boris is fine and OP is a spooge golem

You need a noose m8

My mate's dad could beat up your mate's dad.

Confirmed. I work at a Canadian embassy and heard rumours about this from a co-worker a few hours ago.

Based Raab ascends

OP is a pedophile.

If single your story is nullshit.
If double your story is true.

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lmao britcucks uprising, just no

OP is a faggot. Similar to XI has died threads

Can confirm just saw the hearse go by my house