Why most of scientists are liberals?

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because they spend twice or more time in universities than the average graduate

They're not you've just been led to believe that

Because you have to be if you want to be an approved “scientist”

because they're intelligent

Reminder that none of Hawking's theories have any practical application whatsoever.


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Self awareness is dawning lol.

Because they're smarter? Maybe? Duh...

A lot of scientists are Christian or far right the reality is the media focuses on the liberal scientists. Also the liberal scientists hate debate

you may be right in natural philosophy, but lacking in political art

Cause they're retarded like the guy in your pic.

Because reality has a well known liberal bias.

People in academia keep their mouth shut on politics if conservative. If they're liberal they can speak up if they want.

Last I checked it was the opposite most of the time. Liberal 'scientists' just like to push a single idea or take other peoples ideas and scream until ppl believe them. Meanwhile actual scientists keep chipping away on stuff and the media ignores them.

Colleges are liberal indoctrination centers, of course the people who have spent years and years in there come out drinking the kool-aid.

>Why aren't high IQ people backwards rightoids?

they are smart

these ppl are extremely sheltered, they don't have much contact outside the academic world

They are paid to be. Cui Bono.
I’m you are a researcher and have zero monies. Some special interest group says “do research to prove x and receive $y”
What do you do? All research grants are based on this. Never forget it.

Wow smort

most people become scientists to help others, do something intresting, be creative. all those things aren't conservative values. science is progression, pushing boundries, learning, anythesis of conservatist stagnation

People who can't function outside of institutionalization are somehow largely liberal... hmm, imagine that.

For that theory to be cogent though, other institutions would have to be overwhelmingly liberal, too.

And prisons aren't... oh wait... but surely not community style tech corporations... ugh... but what about cities... damn...

I wonder if that has anything to do with all the books and journals on campus.....I bet not. Must be because people spend thousands of dollars not thinking about their assigned readings and exercises. lush rimjob is finally dying...his screeds will die along with him!

Liberals are hostile to anyone who does not have a leftist view, over the years they have purged anything deemed right-wing as "Nazism", the funny thing that now left-wing freaks are calling them conservatives and kicking them out

well its because the right wing loves stupidity
When you embrace free speech you embrace dumb speech

the dumber you are the more you think you are right

the more you think your right the louder you are
flat earth -> republicans
vaccine denial -> republicans
everything being a false flag (school shootings, jade helm)->republicans
psuedo science -> republicans by an large (DONT DRINK THE ONIONS)
its just a flu bro-> republicans
ignoring Mutually Assured Destruction -> republicans (NUKE CHINA, TEE HEE HEE)
white nationalism -> Republicans
Nazism - >Republicans
The world is run by pychic devil worshiping vampires (andrenchrom)->republicans
claims to loves freedom, shits on anyting they dont like (degeneracy)->republicans
pizza gate->republicans

the gop caters to idiots

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Because they make their living off of the establishment, usually dont have to make a living in the private sector, make enough money so that the destruction of the middle class hasn’t really affected them yet, and also are often kind of nerdy and introverted and would rather sacrifice freedom and be taken care of by the system (and the taxpayers), than have to make it on their own. Academics are almost all liberal for these reasons and others. Scientists in the private sector are less so.

Because they dont really follow politics so the only thing they hear in passing is that right wing parties are pro oil, pro war and often use religious rhetoric (which is anti scientific) and have zero understanding of economics or history. By contrast the left talks about the environment.

Unfortunately the American right is peoples general impression of "right wing" and its cringe worth just how fucking often ths government says "god this and good that", it gives the impression they refuse to understand an issue scientifically and just blindly trust religious teaching.

Because liberalism is a middle class ideology. Middle class is better educated than the peasants but less than aristocracy. This is why middle class has such poor general knowledge but is capable of knowing certain areas in depth.

if you really want to understand why academics behave the way that they do, read Industrial Society and Its Future

t. academic

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The left is higher in openness. Doesn’t make for good political policy though

For the government funding.

>Why do the smartest people hold high IQ views and reject backwards beliefs like American conservatism and Christcuckery?

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Academia attempts to purge all conservatives.

There are many conservative scientists, but they mostly can't be open or enthusiastic about it without becoming a target.

When you are given a grant, you will say what the donor wants you to say.


I find you very loud and confident in your simplistic assessment or stereotypes.

I believe Ironic is the most applicable word here.

most scientists have a superiority complex. they want to feel superior and more intelligent than everyone. for many, it is the main motivation, way in front of "the love of science". this is similar for leftists, they want to feel moraly superior and look down on people. also, scientific carreers often require alot of time and travel thus many scientist cannot have a family. i am not sure that conservatives want to make this sacrifice.

>t. phd who wants to get out of this hell

Tax dollars fund their careers.

lol hawking was the smartest man on earth then the elite got him poisoned him to be a cripple that someone speaks for via the internet over his speaker to control what he says
they raped him for fun made him into a puppet
then for the last years he lived his "wife" raped him daily

Grant money via lobbyists

>Why most of scientists are liberals?
They aren't; it's just as the universities have gone further and further leftwards the scientists on the right learned to shut up or be punished.

wow there's a lot of conservative cope in here lmao...

Because we went through a period of true scientists bringing forth non globohomo studies and they got black balled from the industry as evil dirty racists. So now, you keep your nose down if you want to keep your job

This. Also the fact that being in that career is a popularity contest. Everyone is always trying to find the next big thing and they'll go as far as to outright fake it. Like Ernst Haeckel, who even admitted at his trail that others lied and faked their discoveries so why was it wrong for him to do so.

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Did he write all that behind him with chalk in his mouth?

The only reason is because modern "conservatism" has become the route repetition of lies to obscure the looting of every western nation on behalf of stateless multinational conglomerates.
Most scientists would have been labelled conservatives in the 50's.
Politics is no longer about actual ideology, but branding.
Liberalism is now a catch all for anything that doesn't absolutely toe the line with whatever the rightwing infotainment sphere's talking points of the day are.
Most scientists are far too smart to be swayed by such simplistic propaganda, so they are defacto considered to be liberals even if it's not really true.

Most scientists are hyper focused on one subject and liberalism makes sense in tiny short arguments. Macro picture people (e.g major business men — not globalist oligarchs) who look at the world systemically are almost always right wing

they re not, those who arent and are vocal about it either get their carriers ruined, or simply arent paraded around by fart left jewish owned media

shut up you can't bring light to the reality of western politics
you CAN'T

The smartest man in the world, Christopher Langan, is right wind

He's also a racist horse farmer who's done jack shit. Says a lot

most scientist practice pseudoscience which is fake science.

Intelligence = Liberalism

They have a high level of education, therefore they believe they know better than the plebs.
>The plebs must be controlled. They can't be allowed to run their own lives. They might realized us college-educated type are the actual oppressors.

To the (((media))) a smart right-winger would probably sound like a Nazi.

We're not. We just keep our mouths shut so the administration doesn't fire us.

Also we work in the private sector mostly.

They're not.
You're just seeing the ones they allow on TV.


This opinion would be wrong, even if it were true.

For starters, universities weed conservative scientists out.


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>For starters, universities weed conservative scientists out.
Implying they're smart enough to get in

The smartest man on earth is racist?
Yup, says a lot

Their employment is controlled by retarded hr women

Literally who?

>Lack of self-awareness
>and hypocrisy

These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect Oblivious BurgerPost(PatPend).

This. Most of them produce nothing. They are parasites like the one in OP's pic. The few who actually figure out new things are overwhelmingly conservative.

show flag leaf
Hawking was right about thermodynamics of astronomical bodies. then he was breathtakingly wrong when he claimed that Earth would become like Venus if people kept putting carbon back in the atmosphere. In the end, he had no pride in his work and was just another liberal. And he didn't even get to crush pussy.

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>Why most of scientists are liberals
Because they would never get a research grant otherwise.
Look at whose giving those grants. There might be a ((pattern)).


>This. Most of them produce nothing. They are parasites like the one in OP's pic. The few who actually figure out new things are overwhelmingly conservative.
>Source: my ass

That doesn't imply that in the least.

Liberal ideas are the Logical and Correct ones IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE that we are animals. But we're not.

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Because scientists want free cash.
They have to convince a bunch of retarded old senile scientists that they're onto a new discovery for grant money. If they make legit discoveries they lose out on a steady income.
>Gimme dat free cash, I found cure to poppy cocky

>You can weed out those who were never in.
American education

They actually believe their ancestors were rocks, amoebas, sponges, and mushrooms

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its how they get their tenure. then they just generally stick with it due to peer pressure.

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Most educated people are liberals until they move close to black people.