How the hell can anyone deny that women are inherently whores? Everything with them boils down to sex.
How the hell can anyone deny that women are inherently whores? Everything with them boils down to sex
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Can we pay in TP?
Smack your head into a table and have your mom throw a 45lber at your head. I would say friend but you don’t have those
Finding a partner coming out of this will be like guess who. There will only be one or 2 left with no pictures online
more just a facet of your culture, even the men are all effeminate degenerates taking selfies
Nice tits
Hoes mad.
white women are based
This is your brain on meth. Stay the fuck away from meth
does it really get worse than this? casual prostitution has been happening for decades, are women just going to become complete porn whores? would they just start stripping in the street for ones if the police stopped bothering them for it?
why do people always show this jewish girl who only fcks black guys, I think you're trying too hard.
It’s been like that for a long time bud. This is nothing new
Its a Jewess, not a woman.
>calling women out on their bullshit means telling them they deserve to starve to death
Bitches can do whatever they want, but they shouldn't complain about being branded and treated like whores. Also
>implying they don't have some cuck boyfriend paying for all their shit
Is that the black "hey muchachos" guy?
pretty sure it's also a tranny. Skylar I think it's called?
What, you think they're selling them to other girls? Degeneracy isn't sexist
SEETHING whitebois she's mostly white.
Most shills and sliders are Jews or their best goys. They are projecting their internal rage at losing a Jewess to niggers.
>mostly white
Show her nose from a side angle and we will settle with once and for all
Outside of Yas Forums no one looks at this girl walking down the street and thinks she's Jewish. They see her as a white girl.
Stop complaining, and go out there and tame a woman you faggot. They’re not going to do it for you and never will.
There are two ways this degeneracy spiral stops. Either we have a total systemic collapse, where the government falls apart and women have to band together with men for survival, and they are stripped of their current rights without responsibilities. Or things keep getting so much worse between the sexes, that men turn to sex dolls/VR anime girls, and then ultimately sexbots.
Circumcision went wrong?
One drop rule.
We should legalize prostitution,
But also make prostitutes forfeit human rights.
They are paypigs though
What does losing feel like?
why can't you jews control your women?
they always want to fuck the goys over you
>Or things keep getting so much worse between the sexes, that men turn to sex dolls/VR anime girls, and then ultimately sexbots.
Women and tradcucks already are trying to have dolls banned, and Virtual/Augmented Reality waifus will be next. Anime is also a focus for some. The government will side with them.
Western women are whores because thirsty men enable them. At some point i would recommend Sex Dolls and VR Porn.
Yes this is true. Tradcucks are an enemy and always side with women even though Females will only change when men shame them not enable them. Banning porn, VR Porn, Sex Dolls and anime is not going to turn women into good alabaster princesses. It just accelerates them to do it more and corner the market.
Guys it's over. How do we go on when gorgeous white girls like this are all going black only? How the fuck do we put an end to this?
You can do the same thing easily enough ;)
>mostly white.
So not white
There are plenty of women out there who do not use onlyfans, do not whore themselves, do not post skimpy pictures online, do not seek casual sex, do not cheat.
Don't blame all women. There are good ones out there. Women are humans. Women can be good, bad, or a mix. Humans do human things. No one is perfect.
That’s as close as you can get without being a kike. She gets a pass, but the one on the left gets the oven. Marissa from this moment forward is to be classified as Aryan. No exceptions. She’s white, by my power as leader of Yas Forums
>race is absolute
It’s not
if i could make money just by selling nudes i would, and so would all of you pathetic virgins
>those fucking faces on the right
>those dead eyes
nasty whores
Whores AND whoremongers get the rope. Premarital sex should be punishable by death.
Is she built from BBC?
>There are plenty of women
No they're not. Your NAWALT deflection will not work.
Based. She has all the Aryan features calling her anything else is cope by white bois.
That's what happens when you party 24 hours straight. When she gets some rest she wakes up looking like the goddess she is.
This. A lot of cunts here are hypocrites. I enjoy fucking and if I could ride the easy train selling my body to a sugar daddy and selling nudes, I fucking would.
>But muh man's struggle
>But muh better yourself
>But muh men have higher aspirations
I'd give away every single one of these if I could ride the easy train
>Inb4 be a fag
I am not gay, so that would be difficult to enjoy, also the market is saturated
>inb4 become a trap
I won't kill myself.
It's true. This is the first economic downturn in 10 years, and during this last decade we've seen an explosion in camwhoring. Either on porn sites, or the more "socially acceptable" form with youtube and twitch. Now that women are losing jobs they are turning to camwhoring and e-thottery in such large numbers which will only saturate the market. The guys who have been supporting this industry only have so much cash to go around, and with a recession will more than likely have less disposable funds to donate to these women. Sugar babying has also grown in recent years, which is just another term for prostitution. So we'll have to see what the veteran camwhores will be willing to do for money with so many other women to compete against.
Of course they are
So make use of that fact.
She needs to stop wearing so much make up. Shit is gross
>How the hell can anyone deny that women are inherently whores? Everything with them boils down to sex.
Who is paying for this shit?
Not other women.
>How the hell can anyone deny that MEN are inherently whores? Everything with them boils down to sex.
how the fuck can you say that when every guy I encounter on omegle wants nudes. Yall are disgusting.
>Some men pay for nudes
>Therefore men are whores
You clearly don't know what the word 'whore' means.
its called economics: supply-demand
as long as thirsty men are willing to pay, women will sell
>imagine paying to see pictures of naked women you'll never see, touch talk to, or interact with in any way in real life
>imagine defending this behavior like it's completely normal
honestly i'm not even sorry for you nerds, you deserve to lose all your fucking money
Interesting times ahead. Maybe prostitution will become legalized or at least decriminalized.
There are about 60,000 'creators' on onlyfans.
I'm 100% German and my nose is bigge. SHES WHITE
Good luck finding someone to marry Zoomers. Your generation is fucked. Next generation will literally be a generation of son of whores.
Men are whoremongers.
>Maybe prostitution will become legalized or at least decriminalized.
Any places where feminists control the narrative they institute the Nordic model, where it's legal to sell, but illegal to buy. So prostitutes can sell with no fear of arrest, but peoplr who solicit whores can get still get arrested. It's fucking crazy, and similar to letting drug dealers sell freely, while only arresting the drug users. Either both sides of the transaction should be legal, or both sides should be illegal.
>big nose
>living in the US
You are jewish
The correct term is cakeface
>nice body but ugly face
>beautiful but wears so much makeup it ruins her face
She needs wider hips and a bigger ass.