How do we get the fucking Chinese to stop blowtorching dogs alive? I want this shit to stop...

How do we get the fucking Chinese to stop blowtorching dogs alive? I want this shit to stop. They boil/blowtorch them alive because it releases adrenaline and makes them taste better.

I’ve seen sheer bravery in dogs defending their owners, it’s time to repay the favor.

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nothing short of complete invasion and take over

This. BUMP

Don’t worry that’s happening this week

nukes, unironically.

Complete invasion, ethnic cleansing, and China becomes the world's largest nature reserve just to trigger the remaining Chinese and study the long term effects of heavy pollution.
Mongolians in China get spared though.

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I hate weak faggots like you. Dogs are animals like any other. They aren't worth going to war over.

now that would be interesting luckily im 27 so too old to serve

This upsets me I have no sympathy for chinks

Nuclear fission.

t. Zhang

kitties are though. The Chinese were pushing their limits with the dog abuse already

for the godboys

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Blowtorch the whole region, they do it in Korea too.

Nah I'd have no sympathy if it was someone taking a blow torch to your face but a dog is an innocent and loyal animal... There is no reason to harm an animal like... If you do this too a harmless creature then you're rotten to the core inside and deserve much worse.

Nuclear weapons. Fuckung glass the slant eyed cunts.

We let the Indians & Pakistanis do it with our support.
What has China got but numbers?

Dogs have had our backs and guarded us while we slept for millenia. Rope yourself you fucking shitskin. We won't give you near as clean a death come Day of the Rope.

Trade with them and support their growth. Barbaric practices will go away as the people become wealthier and more educated. You don't care about the animals though, and that's not what you want to hear.

I wish. I want the removed from the world.

Dilate Muhammad.

Ye right

What do you mean, I do care about the animals

Kill them all. Chinese people are insects and will gladly destroy the entire planet for a shekel. We owe it to mother earth to take these Genghis Khan rape babies out

Don't get me wrong. I don't like the practice either. But it's just a bunch of animals. Do you really want to invade 1/7th of humanity, into mostly difficult terrain and occupy them for however many decades it takes to stop that practice?

I suppose you could sponsor public education programs or NGOs that seek to end animal cruelty.


I’ve lived there and the dog eating has absolutely nothing to do with lack of wealth. They have plenty of food.

>mutts losing their shit over china
why is this so common here?
i think southerners eat coyotes and raccoons there

Let us pray.

You guys need to read that pasta about no girls on the internet again.

Eat shit.

Wouldn't tensing them up and filling them full of adrenaline make the meat less enjoyable? I thought the goal was to not stress them before slaughter.

You know what would be funny?
To blowtorch some Chinese on video dressed in dog suits.
I know it sounds excessive, but it would get the Bug Man’s attention, toot sweet.

kill all chinks
kill all niggers
kill all kikes
kill all feminists
kill all communists
kill half spics
kill 1/4 whites

Chinks think it makes them taste better

Some dogs are worth more than some humans.

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Many chinks cook out all flavour and natural texture out of their food. I once dated a chink who insisted on having eggs stone hard. Anything less was raw to her.

I'm glad I got rid of her.

December 13th has a certain event that could use repeating... too bad the glorious Japanese empire is a cucked shadow of what it once was.


No we just want to exterminate them. No occupation needed.

Dogs fuck your female.
My bad, you don't have female, ahahaha.
Fuck you. You can't do anything, suck a dick

WWII was a form of “public education“ too.
That lesson seems to have stayed in the front of your head, Hans.

you don't, you wipe them off the face of the earth, every last one of them

>How do we get the fucking Chinese to stop blowtorching dogs alive?

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>You guys need to read that pasta about no girls on the internet again.

And YOU need to go back

Dog has no soul. It is some stupid animal. The more pain is best for those creatures

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This happens like 0.1%. Also, look into South Korea, Japan and Vietnam. They do the same thing except I hear crickets. Only when China does something egregious you all go full spazz mode. Anti-Chinese shills are hard at work now that they don't have jobs. How much are they paying you?


That's never going to happen.

As much as it pains me to say, the French and British didn't declare war on us because of a bunch of animals. Even though the Poles are certainly close.

you are the one acting like a redditor
>Noooooo hecking pupperinos let's go on a world war for some hillbillies
pathetic delusional bitch

Yas Forums has always been a dog lover board , if you don’t like dogs chances are you’re not white

>dog lovers
That's a bad choice of words, dudette. Do you have relatives in Canada?

we need to somehow dispel the cultural idea that fresher automatically means better

dogs are based but i won't cry for some dead dogs in the other corner of the world and they're not worth fighting a war over. They're just animals and you should stop acting like a roastie

Puppers are instinctively loyal to us.
Chinks and korea gooks have never even heard the word loyalty. Is it possible for a dog to be taught what chinese and koreans smell like?

Fuck off Zhang. Dogs were literally made to serve humans not to eat them.

I'm not talking about a war I'm talking about a social media campaign or some shit. All these celebrities that get #cancelled or #metoo'd for fucking around with women, why haven't the chinks been #cancelled for blowtorching dogs alive

OP you have my sword. I too would like to see the Chinese eradicated for this very reason.


>outs himself as a shitskin like this
Haha sup Muhammad
It’s fucking stupid to go to war over it but this is Yas Forums so this is basically a thinly veiled China hate thread

We don't. Dogs have gained a place in Western society because we domesticated them. There are few dog breeds that didn't come from the West. Every other race are literal subhumans who lack empathy. The only way to change that is centuries of colonization.

the animals are fighting back with the virus, one more virus should do it if this bitch virus doesn't do it

you still love disney and they love selling shit to blowtorching your doggo china

Also the freelands will served Tibet now


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I know it won't, but let a man dream won't you?

John Wick: WW3


You must be tarded, wealth has only made the chinese worst. their sheer thirst of greed is unreal.

That's my point. Dogs are tools. While you shouldn't whip your power drill to make it taste better. If your crazy neighbour does that, it's not worth it to intervene.
Nobody would go to actual war with China for fucking dogs.

Then it is true. Whites have no humour and can't laugh about themselves.

>How do we get the fucking Chinese to stop blowtorching dogs alive?
that's like asking an egg to hatch after you made it into scrambled eggs. "Please stop blowtorching dogs to death" is not a starting point for solving this problem.

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Chinese are bio robots whose masters died and they then bred out of control.

Nuking them isnt fair to all the animals there. The animals have suffered enough. Maybe some sort of.. pandemic that effects chinese worse than other populations.

Yeah. That could work.

idolizing big naked men is faggotry. kys

Fucking nuke the soulless bastards.

I really think the result of this pandemic and all the others which seem to originate from china is the spoiled, samsara winds from all the tortured animals punishing humans for their wrongdoings. if china keeps killing animals in their old, retarded, inhumane ways the samsara winds will become stronger and wiser decimating more human beings.

once animals are butchered humanely in china, these pandemic, pazuza-like winds will continue.


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I’ll knock that queer the fuck out then punch his mum. Try me.

Shouldn't you in bed, kiddo?


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Irony: the post

I'm a meat eater, but would rather my meat be killed as humanely as possible. If you're gonna eat housepets at least have the decency to plug them with a .22lr to the brain at least.

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Based and Turnerpilled.

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No; I just want to lob a nice fat neutron bomb into the Forbidden City and glass them all.

Skin some of the little cunts, stream it live.
Drop a few into an industrial meatgrinder, live.