Lack of foresight

even if Jews control our country, why would any american want to disrupt that? we directly benefit from being best friends with the Jews and Israel. as long as they are at the top, so are we.

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Other urls found in this thread:

usa is rewarded for staying under our leadership

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More like lack of foreskin

SAGE in all fields

America built herself up, the Jews are sucking the blood dry

Good goy, mutlilate your cock and get raped by niggers.

dont worry we didnt forget about you guys

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לזיין אותך

אתה יודע שמשפט בעברית צריך נושא ונשוא נכון ?
אתה מתכוון שאתה רוצה לזיין אותי או שמישהו אחר הולך לזיין אותי או מה ? אתה אפילו לא יודע אם אני גבר או אישה או איך אני נראה איך אתה כבר רוצה לזיין ?

Shove two 3" black cubes up your ass. Than pray to Baphomet for me MmmKay

>we directly benefit from being best friends with the Jews and Israel.

please give some examples of those benefits OP because from where I am standing it just looks like American is being fucked in the ass by Israel.

When AIPAC successfully lobbied Congress to increase aid to Israel, Israel had been running an annual budget surplus of ten billion for five years.

How does the debt ridden United States benefit from giving billions to a nation with a budget surplus?

Israel has been selling American military tech to China since the early 1990's.

A report to Congress on China's rise to Super Power status states that Israel is the second largest supplier of technology to the Chinese military.

I can't see supporting israel as anything more than a waste of money and threat to national security.

(also a serious diplomatic liability)

Give some examples of those benefits that I am directly receiving from israel and give me the same courtesy I gave you by posting links to support your points.

And you have take that out of context bible verse about being blessed by blessing Israel, I will come to your house and stick your mom's head in the toilet.

wtf is this
atah yoodi (jew?) yodeah (know?) the fuck

shemshepet beevreet tserech

what are you on about ? im saying a sentence needs a subject and an object and his only has an object and its ambiguous
im almost sure hes saying he wants to fuck me but its written wierd.

>selling American military tech
thats a flat out lie, all tech we sold to china was IP we owned at that time
>A report to Congress on China's rise to Super Power status states that Israel is the second largest supplier of technology to the Chinese military.
so what china is a great ally of israel we have a lot of cooperation with them both government and private. how is selling tech to friendly nations a bad thing ?

Great Zionist bullshit response,, First you say it's not true than you say it's okay.

And that you have to fucking ask why selling the Chinese missile guidance systems that make it possible for them to sink American air craft carriers is a bad thing is just fucking amazing.

I bet you shit yourself in rage when Bernie Sanders proposed renewing humanitarian aid to Gaza because those people getting clean drinking water and medical care is a "threat"

Zionists are such fucking hypocrites,

and where is that list of benefits that Americans get from Israel? Don't have one with sources do you? Just another hyperbolic hunk of Zionist bullshit like that crap about being our "greatest ally" isn't it?

Now you will call me an antisemite for calling bullshit on your bullshit.

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You are not a pet. You are cattle

>And that you have to fucking ask why selling the Chinese missile guidance systems that make it possible for them to sink American air craft carriers is a bad thing is just fucking amazing.
yea how is that a bad thing ?
>you selling weapons to some country is bad because it could be used to attack some other country
US sells weapons to many countries any of which could be used against israel but i dont see you stopping.

>and where is that list of benefits that Americans get from Israel?
its not our job to benefit you, israel exists for israelis not foreigners.

>accusing me of hypocricy
name one thing i said that is hypocritical

go fuck yourself... Zionism is hypocrisy at it's very heart. You drive 750.000 people from their homes and then expect them to forget about it. When you come from a tradition that lamented being conquered by the Romans for nearly two thousand years.

The old will die and the young will forget”
David Ben-Gurion

You shit all over international law and your own treaties and then whine "bigot" when someone points that out.

"The present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to fulfill: from the Nile to the Euphrates."

David Ben Gurion

It's not America's job to pay for your bat shit crazy attempt to recreate a lost nation.

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zionism didnt drive anyone from any home, zionism is about people returning home.
>You shit all over international law
international law isnt a real thing, i dont vote on international parliament elections that make such laws. israel's laws are real because i elect those who write them.
>It's not America's job to pay for your bat shit crazy attempt to recreate a lost nation.
its your country, you people decide what to do. dont blame us for your choices.

zionism didnt drive anyone from any home,

fucking liar.

You fuckers are still tossing people out of their homes.

returning home? That's a fucking load of shit too. Can you document an ancestor who owned land in Palestine? Nope... not a fucking one.

I can trace my family back to country Cork in Ireland and give you the names of the people who had their property taken from them by Oliver Cromwell's goons.. and guess what? It does not entitle me to go there and toss who ever is living on the land now out and move in.

If you shitbags want to do this, go ahead.. do it and see what happens. But there is no good reason for the American people to pay for this.

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Hey OP where is that list of benefits of supporting Israel?

>why would any american want to disrupt that?
loss of 2nd amendment + flooding borders with shitskins = turning america into britain.

Not even a good bait

>1948 exodus
was voluntary,in a state of war civilian population is evacuated from the fighting. those who did so returned home after the war and are still there today.
those who arent allowed to enter the country are those to fled INTO the invading enemy states being FULLY AWARE that they wont be allowed back.
when anglos invaded your country if you had a bunch of people that fled from your country into their territory do you really think the US would allow them to come back afterwards ? those people could be disloyal,help the enemy or the 'returning' people could just be enemy soldiers.
>Can you document an ancestor
read the tanah, kingdom of israel

was voluntary,in a state of war civilian population is evacuated from the fighting. those who did so returned home after the war and are still there today.

and that's a lie.

The Palestinian fled because the Zionists were shooting up villages.

and they still have not been permitted to return to this day.

>Can you document an ancestor
read the tanah, kingdom of israel

Fucking folktales from the bronze age do not give you title to property.

and why the fuck does the American tax payer have to fund this insanity?

did you even read the article ? the village was full of terrorists hding among civilian population. how the fuck do you account for a village in israel with 'guards', it was also a staging ground for raids on the road to jerusalem.
if you participate in armed rebelion against the government of course you get shot this is true of any country on earth.

They tired to use that same defense for the my lai massacre in Vietnam and didn't work for them either.

You don't get to murder women and children or burn down their houses just because some of the enemy were in the area.

But why am I even trying to explain moral conduct to a Zionist?

and never answered my question about why do American tax payers have to support your bullshit?

Why should I give a shit?

and if you can wholesale murder a village because of terrorism the British should have massacred the Zionists for the acts of terrorism committed against their colonial rule.

With friends like you Jews, who needs enemies?

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>just because some of the enemy were in the area.
shit happens, when you have terrorists hiding in civilian population there's collateral damage.
>and never answered my question about why do American tax payers have to support your bullshit?
i never said that
>Why should I give a shit?
why should you ? it always baffles me how americans have to insist on having opinions on things happening on the other side of the globe that they know nothing about. i suggest you either actually do your research or concern yourself with things that actually affect you and your local area.
brits were illegally occupying our land , yeshuv helped the brits for assurance that they will GTFO and leave us be but then they occupy us for 30 fucking years what do you expect to happen.

>America built herself up, the Jews are sucking the blood dry
This. We don't need them. They need us.

Because without the jews, it would actually be possible to fix the world.


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Fuck off with the antisemitism

>brits were illegally occupying our land

oh now,, international law means something to you,,, fucking hypocrite.

and why do Americans have opinions about israel,, because we pay for 40% of the IDF operating costs, and nearly 100% of it's procurement budget.

If I pay for that fucking much of a military,, I have a goddamn right to have an opinion about it's conduct.

Whoever pays the piper calls the tune.

If you don't like American opinions, well stop taking American money.

Close down AIPAC,, and stop involving Americans and in your bullshit and I pay as much attention to you as I do Somalia.

But nooooooo.

Israel wants Americans to pay everything except attention.

how is not wanting to pay for your bat shit crazy crusade religious intolerance?

You can believe whatever,, but I don't have to pay for it.

I don't have to buy the fuckng Amish their stupid hat and horse drawn buggies,,, I just have to leave them the fuck alone.

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American lecturing about stolen land.

>oh now,, international law means something to you,,, fucking hypocrite.
our law not international law,brit presence violated our sovereignty in our land.
>because we pay for 40% of the IDF operating costs, and nearly 100% of it's procurement budget.
you dont
>If you don't like American opinions, well stop taking American money.
handing someone money dosnt entitle you to have your uninformed opinion considered.
>Close down AIPAC
its an american organization, we cant close it nor do we want to
>and stop involving Americans and in your bullshit and I pay as much attention to you as I do Somalia.
>and stop involving Americans and in your bullshit and I pay as much attention to you as I do Somalia.
we dont, we're happy that it takes you guys 40 years to figure out golan is part of israel or even more than that to fix your misplaced embassy but we really dont care that much about you, you dont see israelis obsessing over you guys like you see americans obsessing over us.


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Sure., Americans did ethic cleansing.. but guess what... we did it on our own dime and we did it well.

Israel has received more foreign aid per person than any nation on Earth and still can't conquer the West Bank after fifty fucking years.

In the fifty years after independence, the Americans had reached the Mississippi river...

Zionism is a failure.

AIPAC is an American Jewish organization, it exists because American Jews have a woody for Israel, and they have a woody for it because Israel actually stands for something. What purpose does America have? What the fuck even is an American?

my opinion is quite informed.. I am the only one in this thread posting links to support my opinions.

and paying for your shit does give me a right to tell you what to do... if you don't fucking like it,, than don't take my money.

and no one has given a single reason why an American should give a shit about who wins this morally void vendetta over a scrap of land with no resources, and little strategic value on the other side of the world from me.

The only reason I think why I should care is the Suez Canal and as long as whoever controls the Levant does not stop the cargo moves through that,, I have no reason to care who they are.

American jews value another country more than their own and are willing to throw money around.. Not much of moral operative is it?

Because America is an economy, not a country

Americans don't even exist, it's just any random human being with an American passport. There is no shared culture or unity or history, and that's why corona is fucking us

>What the fuck even is an American?

some one who could steal land without massive amounts of foreign aid... and didn't cry "bigot" and try to play the victim card when criticized.

Whatever Americans are it's a damn sight better than Zionists.

40% of "Americans" are just immigrants from random parts of the world. The other 60% have no fucking idea what they are or what their culture is besides Netflix and NFL. And you blame American Jews for having an attachment to their ancient culture and homeland.

So how does making a tiny scrap of land with no resources the center of our foreign policy help that economy?

Israel is the one fucking place in the entire middle east without any fucking oil.

>There is no shared culture or unity or history, and that's why corona is fucking us

tell me how a unified culture would prevent the spread of virus.

Wrong, they are God's enemies.
>" And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD." 2 Chronicles 19:2

They hate us and are envious of God choosing us in Christ, and rejecting them.

>" They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation." Deuteronomy 32:21

>" Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Matthew 21:43-44

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yes,, I can blame them for not putting America first.

If they are so goddam attached to their culture and homeland they can fuck off and go there.

No one will stop them.

I just don' want to pay for it.

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You still haven't explain what the fuck America even is? Stonks? Hamburgers? What the fuck is America? I have been here my whole life and I don't understand.

no one answered your question....welcome to the club.. I keep asking why an American should give a rats ass about Israel and no one can tell me why.

Whatever America is. it is not the largest per capita recipient of foreign aid in the world since the 1970's.

But what the fuck, I will try to answer question. American is a social contract,, Americans are loyal to a government that protects their rights and serves their interests.

No magically mythical origin ,myth about a guy slicing up his penis instead of burning his own son alive because voices in his head told him to.

Sure we all argue about what those rights are and what interests the government should serve,, but it's a shit load better than cutting off our foreskins with a sharp rock, aint it?

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>serves their interests.

Well there you go, American Jews have different interests then you. You can't even tell them they are wrong, because there is no such thing as a singular "American" interest. You want to cry about it, join the club of all the Yas Forumslack incels who bitch about Jews promoting their political interests better then they can

>>because we pay for 40% of the IDF operating costs, and nearly 100% of it's procurement budget.
>you dont

things aren't true if jews don't like them

Read the article you fucking cunt.

you are entitled to your own opinions but you not entitled to your own facts.

Post a link refuting the Newsweek article or Shut the fuck up.

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So make an argument about how supporting the jewish homeland that only means shit to less than 2% of the population of the United States is a good idea for all Americans.

Why the fuck should I give billions to this?

Wtf is "all Americans". Anyone with a passport is an American. Real ethnicity are people who work collectively for a shared interest. That doesn't define Americans because they share no loyalty to each other.

You didn't answer the question why all those diverse peoples should give billions to Israel.

Why does is undefined mass of people obligated to give billions in military aid to Israel?

Because they have national myth and we don't?

you must be new here

You must be new here.. I guess your Hasbara training didn't cover Yas Forumstards who can read.

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why do you kill children and adults on purim and sabbath and drink their blood? what effects does it have or is it just tradition