"Governments are ineffici-"

"Governments are ineffici-"
Libertarians blown the absolute fuck out.

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What part of this shitshow screams efficient to you

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Apollo 17,

We made it to the fucking moon?

What's worse is that we have spent the last 50 years on absolutely nothing in return

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The theorem that "governament is less efficent than the free market in resource alocation" is not based on empirical data. It is based on mathematical proofs. Only shit-tier economists are empiricists.

You are right, goverment reached the stars! Wait what do you mean there is no stars on picture made literally in the cosmos? Could it be it was fake? Who could have forseen such an outcome

don't worry, you'll into space one day polan

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I love this movie!

the sequel was pretty rad

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This only happened because of competition. Without the Soviet Union also trying to get to space, the government would never go to the moon.

So really, this is not a very strong argument for government. It seems like the government only achieves amazing things like this under threat of competition.

But you are admitting that a government can be efficient and can achieve great things.

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>the mythical "free market" that does not exist

Cope harder euro trash while you were getting fucked by Russian cock we were walking on the moon

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the based nazis did a very good job

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The Apollo program was done by private companies.

The government moon mission done by the soviet union failed.
Nasa simply delegated to private companies.

Hell in some cases things like the lem were already proposed by private companies.

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Except that it was the private actors who taught/learned to create all that tech in the first place....

>"Governments are ineffici-"
51 years ago we were a great nation. Pic related - Played with mine while watching the moon landing live.

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you grew up in a more hopeful time

>we were walking on the moon
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

no you didnt, burger

So do I, user. Remember, it was supposed to "only a beginning."

"I think the next generation ought to accept this as a challenge. Let's see them leave footprints like these someday."-Harrison Schmitt while stepping onto the moon. oops, that next generation was boomers

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I still don't know how he managed to get away with it. The look of shock you get when you tell people he worked for the Third Reich is pretty fun.

But was headed by the federal government

Sure takes a lotta effort to film this whole thing in a hollywood studio

fucking boomers

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Stop ruining one of the United States', and mankind's, greatest fucking achievements.

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he had skills, they needed skills, exceptions were granted and the rest is smug history

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Just a reminder trump has made all white people terrorists and as such can strip any white person of his constitutional right.
No more disagreements with the state or you will have all your assets taken and thrown in a hole.

White people are the new sand niggers. GG

Yes which is why the supply of moon landing hardware died after Apollo since the government cut the demand all of the sudden and companies went broke.

Since then the USA spent 12x the money inflation adjusted on the f35 plane than all the Apollo program.

So much for muh government efficiency.

Sure did - Too young to worry about the race riots, the anti Vietnam war movement or being drafted but old enough to appreciate the moon landing program.

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>Only proof is something that didn’t happen

What a brain dead retard failure at life

greedy oldspace shares most of the blame, lockheed for F35, and BOING in particular in most NASA programs, especially the $L$ and orion

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How was traveling to the moon a regulation of interstate commerce?

Saying because the government is inefficient now it can no longer be efficient is a dumb argument since you clearly agree that it was thanks to the government in the past such an incredible feat was achieved.

Who gives a shit about going to the moon other than you and your Globohomo buddies. Back to plebbit with you gayboi.

I wish we came back. I remember turning on the TV and listening to his farewell speech. There are very little things in life that have made me cry, but damn... I still remember the words to this day:

"We leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind"

How is removing safety nets of the poor going to help them?

lighten up, Cadet Capslock

>Libertarians blown the absolute fuck out.
Wrong. Tesla had better technology and it was kept under wraps for decades by the government. Had it been left in the free market, we probably would have had men on the moon sooner with far better technology.

Weird that it becomes effective when it operates with libertarian principles

>spend massive amounts of money, manpower, time on a space project.
>send 2 men to the surface of a barren rock

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do you think pro wrestling is real, too?

Strange how you're admitting a government can be efficient and this notion of government inefficiency is only around because people refuse to remove the fat.
Seethe harder.

Then don't watch the final five or so minutes on the moon in all of their cinematic glory

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They had unlimited funds. Getting things accomplished quickly with a bottomless purse doesn't make you efficient.

What was the fucking point? Can anyone in this thread explain how sending people to play golf on the moon improved ANYTHING?

So we got some moonrocks. Wow, they're worthless. Going to the moon is not inventing satellites or mining asteroids. It's a total waste of time. No nation in history is so delusional as America: their greatest achievement is a billion-dollar non-event.

It doesn't make you inherently efficient but that doesn't mean you can't be efficient. We got to the fucking moon.
Go be a fag somewhere else. It shows that humanity can leave the planet in time, it shows that humanity is capable of incredible things, it shows that humanity can do the impossible. We landed on a rock that some civilizations once considered their fucking god, it's a monumental achievement that brainlets like you can never truly appreciate or understand.

Strange how your think Libertarianism is Anarchy. Libertarians don't believe in abolishing the government, they believe in the free market and competition. What a dumbass.
Also, this.

the research necessary for shrinking down core rope memory and follow up research into microprocessors paid back it's value alone for the rest of us

>Humanity can leave the planet

That was Gagarin you retard. Going to the Moon just requires scaling the rocket up.

Going to the moon is like scaling Mount Everest. It's expensive, dangerous and stupid. There's nothing at the top of Everest and there's nothing on the moon.

If you retards had actually set up a base there, THAT would have been an achievement because it actually leads to space colonization and asteroid mining. But all you did was burn billions of dollars on national masturbation. We remain, for all intents and purposes, a low-Earth civilization.

>We landed on a rock that some civilizations once considered their fucking god

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yeah I wonder why

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>going to the moon was efficient and worthwhile

lol no it was just a peenor contest with Russia

>We landed on a rock that some civilizations once considered their fucking god,
Fucking based have some coffee

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Hey Fuckstain, do you have any clue what the Apollo program cost in inflation adjusted dollars, relative to GDP?

This is why you fail at life, you are fucking stupid.

Oh, good point, nobody was gonna develop microchips if it weren't for NASA!

How could I have forgotten! Only NASA needs microchips, only NASA knows how to improve computer technology. It's not like microchips are used in other aerospace technologies or that they'd be developed anyway for AAMs and computerized military technology.

>develop tech and use it normally, like some bore
>develop tech that you can also use to flex on russoids and third worlders for keks
no fun allowed

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No, Libertarians believe in limited government. NASA is not limited government.