"You're a third rate reporter."
Will John ever recover?

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Nigga looked like he wanted to cry

I missed it? what happened?

the fat reality tv show guy acted like a petulant child again and everybody cheered

Seethe more kike

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John wont recover. Trump told him he will never make it

why would he seethe if he were a kike? are you forgetting who's the biggest kike lover of them all?

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Ah yes post more pictures with your meme flag

>can't defend Zion Don


MUH ZION DON MUH MIGA. Keep posting what you do all day every day. No one cares.

The Jew sounds like Jesus

A reporter asked a question and trump deflected with a counter question.
The reporter later found a answer to his question, and then trump blamed obama and fake news for something which isn't so clear to most people

sure, here's more
Dolan is the biggest Jew lover of all Presidents

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I'd rather be a 3rd rate reporter than a 10th rate (if that) president.

Press F to spit on John

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Does this fucking jew ever quit acting like a three year old?

Did you read those Tweets? (((Aaron Fucking Russo))), pure character assassination. What a disgusting kike.

You'd rather be a third rate fake news reporter than a president?

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Sounds more like your jew can't withstand a little banter without throwing a tantrum

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Pffft. This. Only smoothbrains are entertained by shit like this.

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Yeah man. Trump killed 10,000 americans being asleep at the wheel during Coronavirus outbreak. Said it'd go away and the flu was priority.

trumps insults are kindergarten level
cringe party

Picking the lesser of two evils part II.
If Trump is acting gay, what do you think the dems were doing during that time?
They might as well have been blowing a guy on stage.

The point is, Trump acted fruity while everyone else was taking a dick up their ass by a transexual in a gimp suit

That's what you call closing the border and shutting the entire country down? If a Democrat was president they would be telling us not to be xenophobic. They would say Chinese are welcome and still pretending that it didn't come from China. Obama pretended like H1N1 wasn't happening to protect the precious Obama legacy.

Oh okay, Trump killed everyone.. thanks for the intel man. I had no idea.. the guy's like Pol Pot

Literally Hitler.

show gaping asshole

>That's what you call closing the border and shutting the entire country down three months late?


lol, he didn't shut shit down. The individual states did it on their own and he's actually trying to override it and open it back up so it spreads faster.

>you will never make it

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And in ten years, the Republicans will be the party of gay trannies giving each other blowjobs, while the Democrats will be pushing for legalized pedophilia. Republicans are just Democrats that drive the speed limit.

trump malding and said that, then said it again and look mad and was crying

link you absolute faggot OP

This was so fucking funny. He called it from the beginning he was asking when they were appointed. Once it came out that it was an obama appointee get went ballistic because he fucking called it lmao. God damn it I love this man.

Obama would leave the borders open, and when he would have a catastrophe, he would get with XI and blame it on some video.

Hello John, still seething and crying?

we're four years into Trump's presidency and still getting illegals man. You think 8 years from now it will have stopped?

>inb4 yes

Blumpft will never recover from this

Ignore the leftist plants. They're faggots. They were talking about a complaint that an IG had about testing. He said testing was going phenomenally because it has been as we're testing at a higher rate than any other country. He asked when they were appointed because he knew something was up. This john guy didnt say when. Later on it came out that it was an obama appointee that was BSing about testing not going well so he shit on the john guy because he was trying to hide that fact.

That's in 10 years. RIGHT NOW though, that's exactly what the democratic party is. The party of faggots, feminists, idiots, socialists, atheists, degenerates.. on and on.

So maybe in 10 years I'll start supporting democrats but as it stands, there's no fucking way I'll be on that team. Hell nah!

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he would also complain about "his sons" that the "bitter clingers" shot while they were out looting from school to church merely to obtain school supplies

Drumpf is finished. Thank you queen!

Cry more faggot.

Hahaha! Fukkin EPIC banter! Fake news just got OWNED! That's my president!

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Zero refugees, total immigration down by half, illegal immigration down by almost 80%.

The people coming in now are high IQ folks that our tech industry is brain draining. Not hordes of communist chattering bulb headed nigger terrorist muslims.

You can boil down what Trump did to a common question here:
>Trump: "how long have you been around?"
>Reporter: "since the Obama administration sir, I am a oldfag"

Listening to you histrionic dipshits screech for the last 3 years has been a source for endless entertainment.
Almost 5 to go.
Screech and seethe about orange man bad, it's fucking hilarious.

hog-man would certainly know third-rate, just look at him and his kids. Not a serious mind among them.

That's right!!! 5 more years of WINNING!!!

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I can see many present and future newfags slain on that same meme hill here over the next years

What political ideology do you subscribe to personally? Of course both parties are unduly influenced by kikes. Electing a president can't be the solution to removing their influence while they still hold power. That said, kikes most heavily favor the left with the open borders, degeneracy, and socialism favored by their constituents. Plenty of kikes also hate Trump and those reporters happen to represent their interests as well. We've never had a president with the balls to call out the propaganda machine before. It doesn't mean he's the savoir of the white race. What solution do you suggest for removing kikes from the American equation?

the sleazeball implied that trump appointed the dude in question, when in fact it was obama who appointed him

then he called out the overly jewish behavior of the guy and made a big point of it, so all of the members of the public tuning in could see exactly how the fake news uses deceptive language and lying by omission

and you're ass burned

I don't think I can even recall one time Obama went out on an emotional tirade like Trump has been doing every presser. Congress needs to draft a resolution that forbids the President to insult reporters. I know I know how corny this sounds, but this has gone past the point of no return

I favor National Socialism, but I'll take any ideology that removes the kikes and kills globalism and neoliberalism. I guess I'm just a general Third-positionist.

Are you an ethnic nationalist? What's your solution for getting us to that point?

But Trump is right, you aren't a oldfag if you have been around since Obama administration, and shouldn't act like a oldfag either.

>we're four years into Trump's presidency and still getting illegals man.

You'll always get them, you just have to control the amount. SJW's are so stupid they think the flow will stop 100%. It's impossible.
Jimmy Carter came down on it hard and would round people up and load them in buses. He'd have INS/immigration/ICE (although I don't think it was called ICE at that time) raid factories.. it didn't stop it. There just has to be control, always.

I'm telling you this as the kid of a former illegal. Believe me, there's got to be control.. whew. If you wh*tes only knew the shit that goes on behind the scenes. Immigration control is a good thing.. I've got some family members that need to get kicked out ASAP.