Sorry anons, it was not cooked up in that lab according to experts. We can all go home.
>Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
Sorry anons, it was not cooked up in that lab according to experts. We can all go home.
>Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank God for the (((experts)))
yeah but, you still can purposefully study the virus and spread it to fuck the world
I completely trust this jewish source. There's no confirmation better than denial from jews.
Its just retarded, biolabs that probably study dangerous virus' arent going to come out and say yes this escaped from a lab and there are dangers assosciated with pointlessly studying virus' that arent occuring in nature.
Yes, it's much more likely that it randomly mutated human-to-human capability while in a bat and then was passed to a person who bought it in a market that didn't sell bats but happened to be near a lab where they were working on coronaviruses in bats.
How would you even be able to prove that conclusively. Surely you can make a virus appear like it's natural if you were good enough
>And by 'truth' I mean lies
I think I've heard enough from experts
Ok bro
Arent viruses just shells of protein with some DNA in it? How do you even prove if it's artificial or not when it's so simple?
>dont ask questions goy now watch your netflix
Do you blue-collar IQ retards have a clue what you are bullshitting?
the experts already said it's obviously lab created bioweapon, the only thing left is lies and cya
>or a purposefully manipulated virus
There's absolutely no way to prove that they didn't selectively evolve it. Anyone who says otherwise is shilling for China.
DavidIcke dropped the biggest redpills on 'CurrenteVents' earlier on the LondonReal livestream.
Yas Forums wont let me post the link
Just means the chinks harvested it from the wild then irresponsibly let it leak from the lab.
There are two "conspiracy theories" and the media likes to conflate the two, while only debunking one of them, and ignoring the other. I do not believe the virus was man made in a lab. But they have yet to disprove the possibility that a naturally occurring virus they were studying in the lab, somehow got out. It's a huge coincidence that the city where this started also has a level 4 lab that studies dangerous viruses.
>there's no PROOF that _____
Any time you see this, it's experts gaslighting you into doubting your common sense. Always call it out.
"not proven yet" does not mean "not true". This is language used to manipulate uncritical people.
It's a natural virus. That doesn't mean it didn't escape from a lab or spread because scientists mishandled it.
SARS escaped from government labs TWICE
Chinese Scientists stole and flew back to China live EBOLA on a commercial airliner
Chinese Scientists tried to sneak SARS and MERS into the US on a commercial airliner
Chinese scientists, working a few hundred yards from the 'wet market' handled thousands of viruses in insecure labs and without proper equipment
>Chinks cover their tracks when splicing or produce the virus through artificial selection pressures in cell cultures
Fuck off, Andersen.
>West invents CRISPR
>West SPECIFICALLY WARNS CHINA not to fucking use it to try and cure diseases, because we have no idea what it would cause
>Warn specifically against trying to mutate Malaria
>China uses it to mutate malaria with Coronavirus to “research it better”
>Millions infected
LMAO - "THE EVIDENCE" !!! article quote
"While the analyses above suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may bind human ACE2 with high affinity, computational analyses predict that the interaction is not ideal7 and that the RBD sequence is different from those shown in SARS-CoV to be optimal for receptor binding"
>translation: " Our computer models told us this is probably not the worst possible combination to be able to bind to ACE2, therefore it wasn't a bioweapon, because we know "they'd use the worst one our computer model could guess at !"
Tinfoil hat much?
Based. Note that a common deflection tactic is to tie two things together then disprove one.
yeah and wtc7 collapsed from "fire"
It's clear at this point that China is not a modern civilization capable of handling the most dangerous technologies. They should be forced to surrender the privilege to work with certain tech unless/until they can prove they are trustworthy.
>implying China didn't purposely dynamized their live markets and other bad typical Chinese costumes so this situation could occur
don't be naive. obviously they wouldn't release a virus that could be traced back to a fucking lab in China
Interesting article about origins of the virus
Take your meds. We care about your well being.
Same as with shills derailing and gaslighting on certain topics, watch out how experts come out of nowhere to "debunk" these topics. Also Covid19 has 4 nucleus, no other corona strain does, they all have 3.
>chicom apologists on Yas Forums
might want to fuck off chong
By the way, the lab in Wuhan had a coronavirus expert working there, and one of the lab techs has gone missing:
" More scientific data could swing the balance of evidence to favor one hypothesis over another. "
Let's say that you're part of a team that provides conclusive proof that COVID-19 was engineered . What do you do? You now have information that could trigger a catastrophic geopolitical crisis. The responsibility is on your shoulders. It's an unimaginably huge responsibility.
Do you cover this up for The Greater Good, or do you become the guy who sets off a chain of events that could very likely result in a country of 1 billion becoming a pariah state.
Your simple little life would never be the same again.
It's the "no proof" squid ink.
>until they can prove they are trustworthy
Meanwhile they are still lying about numbers and claiming the US made it
bruh, these "experts" were saying it wasn't transmitted by humans in january, they said we didn't need masks and now we do, they say the incubation period is something outrageous like 2 to fucking 14 days. they basically already listed every possible affliction in the world as a symptom of the disease.
this shit has opened my eyes: experts, educated individuals, etc. don't know SHIT about what they are doing. they are making it up as they go along and yet still get paid like kings while i need 10 years of experience to clean up fucking glassware in a science lab.
This is only a difficult question for spineless Euros.
Watch the David Icke interview on London Real YT channel livestreamed earlier. Absolute bombshell info very comprehensive. Yas Forums wont let me link it as it says its spam.
Obviously the answer is to ignore the red menace and hope they don't do it again. And that the next time its not worse.
P.S. Africa is full of wet markets too
bio weapons expert disagrees
Malaria is a parasite and Sars-CoV-boogaloo bears no resemblance to it in the slightest.
Almost correct. The problem is that the article presents data but uses it to support a tangential hypothesis.
>This virus isn't ideal
doesn't only lend itself to the conclusion
>This virus is natural
There's a glaring conflict of interest here (either that or they're some UEA FdSc-tier shits), and they won't admit it
Yep. I saw a suggestion that we should start calling experts 'specialists' instead. It better conveys how narrow their expertise is, and reminds us that we shouldn't use them as a crutch to make all our decisions for us. Leaders with good sense are needed for that.
Summarize it faggot.
>he joined the science army and found himself holding a pike instead of riding a horse
chinese general disagrees
Americans start to realize how much of the news is fake and you get excited, oh shit maybe they can free themselves from tyranny. Nope. During the next crisis they believe what is given at the news podium 110% and they only cry "fake news" when the clown president is given a question he can't hand wave away with his signature boomer babble
Indians disagree
Indians REALLY disagree
The virus was isolated and studied in Wuhan. Did you see the job postings yet? Or do I have to show you?
>summarize it for a faggot without the attention span
Alright gaylord I'll have a go
Covid19 diagnosis is based on exonomes that are emitted for a number of other reasons than cv19. All diagnosis figures are cooked based on this. CV19 is an unprovable bogeyman.
5G at 60hz is a factor. Part of the reason for the lockdown is the covert/overt roll out of 5G without the ability to protest it. Several placfes in the UK have burnt the 5G towers down already.
Usual Bill Gates vaccine stuff plus fuck Elon Musk who is involved with satellite tech making the 5G roll out easier and pushing brain interface tech. Satanic cult in charge - we are all made of star dust and if we unite and expose the satanic cult we will live in a paradise. Free your mind from the box blah blah.
There is other stuff too but basically its along those lines nigger.
1. The virus was created in the Wuhan Laboratory for infectious diseases.
2. Charles Leiber, harvard Nano-Tech and Chemist helped create it (and got caught). Notice he was arrested the same day Trump put together the Taskforce and banned travel from China.
3. The virus was a bioweapon that wasn't yet completed, hence the 32 "a's" at the end of its genetic code.
4. The virus has protien spikes like HIV and similarities to Ebola.
5. It can also lower sperm count and render males virtually infertile.
6. China scrambled to infect the world once they realized it was out.
>Webm related.
7. China ransacked other countries for medical supplies to help themselves deal with it and ensure other countries had a more difficult time coping.
8. China is now sending faulty supplies to countries.
Governments know all this. That's why they're reacting so harshly despite a relatively low mortality rate. There are other pieces of evidence but I don't have enough room.
Yas Forums has been onto this since December. Only now, the /nu/fags and shills are pushing against it hard AF.
oh and shit loads of stuff about china
Doesn't need to be made in a lab to have come from a lab
>Usual Bill Gates vaccine stuff
India Charges
((( This is from 2016 )))
Thank you! First time I've ever heard someone point that out and it drives me crazy.
Its the last one, some nasty fuck found some bats in the trash and tried to make a buck and now we are here.
Prove it
China couldn't invaded the US even if it was reduced to half of it's power. They'd have no way of getting their troops across the Pacific.
OK thx