Prepper thread - blade edition
Come on in post your sharps
In a SHTF scenario what would be in your bugout bag
Prepper thread - blade edition
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i got a spud cannon
my attack doggo will rip your throat out before you flipy your little toothpick
You have too many knives. You need a bush camp knife (2nd from left) and a filet knife (not shown) and that hatchet. Would also recommend a collapsible saw or folding saw. The other thing is, nature is littered with the stuff you need to build everything else you need. Carry light user. It makes a difference.
Goyim post your weapons so that we know what you have
Got one of those too, shes sleepin
All shit tier knives than can be purchased at your local ACE hardware...including the Estwing hatchet
I am gonna get a folding saw soon, good idea... i like fiskars
Got the estwing at home depot actually
I just nabbed a Chris Reeves Nyala a few weeks back. One of the best fixed-blades I’ve ever owned. To bad they were discontinued.
Only the best.
I think it is an embarrassment to be legally able to own a gun and still not have one, OP is a faggot.
Spyderco crew checking in... just dropped money on my first auto. Protech emerson
they already know most of us have guns lol
Show fedora
I have 4 felonies unfortunately
>In a SHTF scenario what would be in your bugout bag
Oh, so you're an amateur.
That would actually fit in with OPs collection of trash tier knives
That Benchmade makes me moist
that axe is gay af
also why buy so many shitty 10$ blades? by the time you buy your 3rd one, you should've already learned your lesson
Well, you should probably just abandon the thread before this gets out of hand.
What about this one?
Not gonna matter in the boog
Nice Dollar Tree knife. Got one meself
Muh weapon
you guys knew Glock also makes really good knives?
everyone loves guns,
but a good blade is very important
Re-profile those v-edges to a convex scandi-grind, they will featherstick and baton better. In D. Cook's 'The Ax Book' he refers to hatchets as an abomination for non-carpentry tasks. Get a full size 28 inch 2.25lb boys axe from council tools and thin down the handle. Watch SkillCult on how to thin the handle with the spine of your knives.
Get a silky saw.
goes right on my chest rig.
how is it? is it solid?
Kabar is god tier
if you buy a meme like coldsteel then get something worthwhile, there dai katana is nice.
also there walking cne lineup is nice if you want to larp as a victorian stick fighter.
I've got a flawless Schrade 498 that I need to get a good non-leather sheath for.
it's a great fixed blade for the price (30$). Quality is really good and the polymer materials(handle, sheath) are the same as the ones used on Glock pistols. The blade is carbon steel - easy to grind, lasts forever.
>knife autists
One of the lowest form of wannabe preppers. Barely above homemade bunker spergs and milsurp hoarders.
A good blade is more important than a gun. A sturdy, well-built knife will allow you to craft a shelter, create additional tools, and procure and process food. A solid knife was always on the hip of early settlers and adventurers. It’s literally the most important tool that man can posses.
very cool
im thinking of buying this thing
i dont have a multitool anymore and this thing is supposed to have a very good blade.
Post your sharps or stfu faggot
this. glow niggers gtfo REEE
totally agree
me chopper
this is the gayest thread ive seen all week
Your mom.
kurikis are for island niggers
I own 15 benchmades and 20 spydercos. Fight me.
get the fuck out then. knives are based
dude did you see my flag
Seriously? No machete?
so your proud of it?
fucking hell, at least try to act white faggot.
watch that and learn something about chopping wood and making fires user
If you are needing a knife purely for combat, get a fixed blade dagger
>multitool meme
mutitools are at the "barely functioning" category at every thing they do
Forgot pic
Shut up, faggot. Glocks are trash.
If you get a folding saw (like a folding knife) don't cut using the full length of the blade. Tension and torque will snap the tip very easily, only cut using the middle part of the saw. A pocket saw will only cut small piece of wood and a hatchet can also do a similar job. A collapse saw (pic related) will let you take about 10 inch diameter wood.
Something else to consider is a pocket sized multi-sharpening tool. Assuming you'll be innawoods for more than a few days. Get one that will let you not only sharpen knife and hatchets but also the saw teeth. When you first get the cutting tools you should sharpen them then rub them down with knife oil. This will prevent them from rusting when in storage.
What is the best dog breed for protection? I was thinking of a mastiff breed such as cane corso or a presa
says the mutt that never made a good sidearm since the double action revolver.
learn to spell faggot
the ergonomics of the handle are shit.
Bull terriers
I pair it with my battle rifle.
Um, 1911 asshole.
German shepherd
I’ve read reviews and pretty much all day it’s a very durable and reliable knife.
lean to be white nigger.
husky shepherd mix. such a good boy.
Bug out from a 4km Asteroid?!
That is an interesting tool. It's lkle a Leatherman with a larger blade that can be used even as a combat knife
that piece of shit that needed 4 iterations to hit anything smaller then a barn door?
yea try again.
Are kukris decent weapons though ? They were originally used as garden tools I believe. Doesn’t seem viable for self defence when it can’t be used to thrust and stab as good as other knives such as the Bowie or a bayonet
based shovel user
aiight ya salty little gay cunt here's my bigboy
100 hours work, 300 layers of meatsaw blades firewelded together
The Smith and Wesson M&P
nope, just the truth.
muh kimber noooo not my 1911 erino
axes were used for chopping wood.
gun powder was used for mining.
bayonets were used for roasting marshmallows.
I had one of these and the grip is actually pretty good, doesn’t slip or feel awkward. Plus the weight of it means the blade falls into the hand rather than out.
Nice man
now we are talking
I think you might actually be retarded.
Old pic, got many more now...
Here are some downloadable books.
Get a CPM-3V blade from cold steel, if you're gonna buy cold steel. The advantage of Cold Steel on certified CPM or similar "super steels" brands, is that you will be able to get a knife made with tested super premium steel, for less money than pretty much any other company.
I say CPM-3V because it is literally the toughest steel you can buy. A handful of other steels can hold an edge longer, and many many knives have better corrosion resistance, but 3V will never develop anything but surface rust, even leaving it out in the weather for a year. You can bang a 3V blade on a rock multiple times, and the blade will not chip, and the edge won't roll.
BK-7 will be my next knife, can't see shelling out the big bucks for those upgrade scales though
new 1292 (plain edge) in pic related, just arrived today, can't imagine why they waited so long to finally start offering it
A Morakniv Kansbol. You gotta skin and gut your game, that's why I didn't go with the Garberg or similar knives. Also got two additional blades on a Swiss army knife and a multitool (small enough that some redundancy doesn't hurt).
Also innawoods situation, that WASP injection knife would be handy if you ever encounter a bear or something.
Yet posts in scabbard. Come on bro with that dick tease.
And countless more here.
no you simply have complete and utter shit taste.
but then again not surprising for a genetic clusterfuck that barely has any white left in em.
honestly theyre more of a bushcraft sort of thing than a weapon, my one even has a secondary little pouch at the back with a variety of little blades, spikes + other little tools like some kind of medieval swiss army knife
I just really like the aesthetic tbqhwy
Black coated blades are cool to look at
Rambo knife and gaffer tape
Based Glock 78
I dunno man. I would want something with range. A knife against a bear is not a good bet.
i'm ready.
That’s cool man and yeah it looks pretty nice and traditional. Did you get yours from Nepal ? I’ve seen modern kukris from kabar and Ontario but I think if you get a kukri then it should be a traditional one like yours
I heard the glock knife also makes for a great bottle opener.
Also you can unscrew the pommel to attach it to a bayonet
from china
i like this thing for innawoods work, its a big as a normal bowie but the back saw blade is very damn good and the edge is surprisingly high quality for a unter 50 no name knife.
Its a dark beauty, ive never used it tho because ive got a boeker and a bahco for bushcraft stuff.
I need to take a new foto these days.
Also, learn to make your own knifes, its the best.
LOL yeah right. I just looked on their website. They use fucking SPRING STEEL in their knives. They use literally the cheapest steel worthy of taking an edge to make their knives.
China gets a bad rep due to the poor quality steel they use. Plus those holes serve no purpose and just weaken the blade and steel even more
Spring steel is perfectly fine for a knife, carbonized and good. What are you talking about?
That looks like the Gerber gator machete.
I hope it’s not the same quality as the gerber because that machete is a piece of weak shit
Thing costs $30 and lasts a lifetime
all of it
Just the essentials
Chinesium is unreliable
no its from a company called alpina sport.
ive used the knife for the last 6 months and i genuinely like it.
Almost got an SCHF51 or 52, but our retarded gun laws don't allow to carry anything over 12 cm blade length, and I'd like to be able to carry it also in non-boogaloo scenarios. Bummer.
I’ve seen videos of the glock knife taking an absolute beating and it still works. It’s one tough knife and at a decent price. Look up glock knife stress tests on YouTube
Mien beautiful Kershaw