How do we stop young boys from turning into young girls?

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Stop treating victimhood as sainthood

8/10 into 4/10

Built for Big Black Cock

Love to motor boat them boy titties.

Do these people actually get anyone to fuck them? Women won't do it. Gay guys don't like fucking women. Straight guys don't like fucking dudes.

>why contain it?

More male teachers.
If you've ever been in a school or a classroom lately you should be able to figure this out.
The entire non-secondary school system absolutely praises femininity and encourages it in boys.

stop child molestation and stop allowing psychiatrists to drug teenagers with anti-androgens and synthetic estrogen (or just straight up gear for girls since test kills estrogen).

Checked. Also, they do find people to fuck them, but they never find real love. Everyone just uses them as a fetish or an experiment. Basically they get treated like freaky sex toys. Another reason they kill themselves.

we don't have to do anything, they eventually stop themselves

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I'd bang and marry

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Restrict internet access up until 18, arrange marriage for them inside the church at 18.

why would this good lookin dude do this to himself. he could have been been a hot gay porn star

men have never been less valuable. when i was growing up all i heard was "the future is female" and everyone doting over girls, meanwhile everyone was an asshole to boys and treated us like crap, expected us to just achieve things or fuck off. men just have no intrinsic value, is it any surprise why so many want to be women, who are just intrinsically adored without having to prove anything?

but would you suck that dick?

Why would we want to?

I'd rape him

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we don't. let beta males become women

Pretty much alter their genes so the new generations wont develop this anomaly


die in afire.

>black cock

Degenerate conservative sexuality deviant males (which most trannies are) will fuck anything. They're mostly fags and closet fags, which will fuck women to pretend to be straight, and fuck men because they're gay. Fag conservatives will also fuck trannies

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>will fuck anything.
Including animals.

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Spend time with your sons, teach them how to live. Show them fine literature and teach them the importance of God and nature. Show them the importance of honor, and show them why morality is so important in the first place. Do not hide the ugliness of the world from your kids.

Why stop it? Just let these faggots weed themselves out of the gene pool.

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Of course YOU would Paulo

By realizing industrial agriculture and pesticides are to blame

glyphosate + endocrine disruption = you learning a thing

>leader of the swat team
I have lost all hope in humanity.

Gather The Wizards.
All of them.
We are going to cast Ultima.
Right the fuck now.

a good quote? in my year? bullshit can't be

This nigga is what... like 6'0" and at the very least 170lbs? Top fucking kek. My sides. LMAOing @ ur life.

White goyim fragility ladies and gentlemen.

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White goyim and their pathogenic "wanderlust" and fetishization of nature leads them to literally fuck animals. It's all self evident.

We don't stop it, we encourage it, feminizing white males and making them hypersexual is the only way to stop them becoming fascists.

Least they will be out of the gene pool

A good smack to the face wakes anyone up. Except the dead. Reserve those for use of blunt objects.

Built for BBC

best thing we can do, women dont want sissies anyway, so stay lookin fine and built for bbc

Nothing wrong with pounding trap ass on the down low. The reverse is hella gay though.

On the contrary, we should encourage as many fragile men to have the operative surgery as possible. Cleans up the gene pool. As a Freemason I would argue the government should pay for the surgery 100%

Ok, what the fuck?? Dude was pretty damn handsome.

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thats an ultra gay pepe

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100% I was a short punk beta whiteboy, after I transitioned I moved up the social ladder and gained self respect for first time.
now built for bbc and not a meme

We can't. This hyper political correctness has to stop first. We also have to stop being assholes when we present our points, and they have to understand that transitioning is usually not the right decision for their mental and physical health. It shouldn't be about attacking them, but it always will be because no one cares and no one listens.

I just hope they die. They are too degenerate and weak-minded to live.

However, the problem is that when we got too many boys who had all the potential of being a great man inside society, to become a little good-for-nothin faggorand helping thei. That is a big problem. The fabric of society as whole collapses.

This is things that would never happen decades ago, but with the jewish triumph in WWII, they would start to call all the shots now. In order to undermine the west, they start plating the seeds in the the minds of the left-wing scums about accepting degeneracy. And now they having to do nothing more, these degenerate-enablers like liberals, sjw, feminists etc. became autonomous. They'd push forward on this social reform that is succeeding only because kikes are backing it up on the media, after many years, humanity is brainwashed. Degeneracy acceptance is achieved.

Things went too far on the 21th century tho, if the rise of technology it became far too easy to reach young boys give in to degeneracy. Women –as always ruining things if men let them go on their own unsupervised– will applaud degeneracy, spread lies and more lies, effeminate men more and more and tell them how by just being born a man it really almost the same thing as a sin. You got all of these "forces" that had been fermenting for decades now to just explode at the beginning of century.

It was too much. 24/7 of this leftist propaganda –all orchestrated by jews, behind the curtains as always. When you got this incredible level of degeneracy encouragement and acceptance it is really easy to understand that a boy who has been raised in the most unorthodoxy ways, would decide to become girl. Basic biology doesn't exist anymore.

If you wanna solve the whole problem, you gotta exterminate the root of all evil, the jews. But also, remember...

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As soon as they say come out as a tranny you start giving them fake estrogen pills that actually contain testosterone and I would imagine most of them stop being mentally ill

But also, remember... lefties have become autonomous and with or without the jews they'll continue to spread the degenerate ideology the jews planted on their heads, which means, commies, sjw, liberals, feminists, all of them must be killed too. If we let them alive, they'll continue to spread this horrific, destructive ideology just as they've been doing for centuries, and nothing will really change. You will go out to have a cup of coffee and see faggots show off in the middle of street with kids watching, which is unacceptable. And you already know there many more things these lefty faggots will do, I'm gonna go on any longer.

Personal note: why the fuck have I been born on the gayliest century in history, God? Why?

And pic related, finally a good thing for change, huh. Would be better if those numbers raised a bit tho, lmao.

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They dont turn into women they just become neutered.

He went from a 9/10 to a 3/10 (maybe 5/10 if his body still looks male below the boobs)

white bois are built for BBC

bring back bullying

State mandated GFs. End transgender propaganda in mainstream media.

A strong father figure and removal of all cultural acceptance of trans people
also show them what a neo vagina/penis looks like, it's repulsive

>A strong father figure

we'll get more male teachers the moment we get rid of public schools

Those are nice fake tits. Who cares about the dick when you can fuck the anus!

This dude gets it
making a former Chad your bitch is the utmost goal in life

wow that picture is based

Do justly.
Love mercy.

looks like Melanie Laurent (Jewess from Inglorious Basterds) not bad desu

>A strong father figure
This. But the problem is that sometimes even though you have good father figures that boys are looking up to, in these times with far spread technology, they can very easily get encouraged to follow a degeneracy path online. Although, a stronger father figure would be (and has to be) pretty aware of this.

Overall, society itself is lacking male role models. The last of them, the vast majority, are from the 20th century and a lot of them are no longer with us. It's not a surprise the jews would not want them around, of course. And we really do need male role models in our modern world.

They were trying to be MORE special snowflakes.


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Men should stop being second-rate citizens, both legally and socially. Their lives should be valuable and they should receive love and respect.

Why would you want to stop the mentally I'll from putting up a warning flag? Besides, you can basically fuck and degrade them in any way you see fit and they take it because their dating prospects are so low.

Basically if you're a sexual deviant then traps/preops are amazing as they'll basically be your sex slave for nothing more than pretending they're normal.

>follow a degeneracy path online
Ambiguity here. I didn't mean following a degeneracy path just online like some shitposters on Yas Forums, for example. No, I meant they'd be adopting this degenerate behavior irl, that get from others anonymous faggots online.

pull kids out of public school system.