How much do you drink, Yas Forums?

I don't drink.

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2-3 liters of beer or 100ml of whiskey

Last time I drank I ended sending furry porn to my ex-boss

Probably 80 beers a week

>caffeine to wake up in morning
>beer to get rid of excess energy

I feel like shit some days. Today wasn’t that bad. Inb4 neet, clear six figures

only a few times per year. alcohol is a shit tier drug. mild, short-lived euphoria followed by nausea, headaches, and lethargy... no thanks.

I don't drink; I know a drunk tho and he's destroyed his life never had a girlfriend even tho he's not fat and ugly. He'll spend his last $100 on beer before food. I'm not for government control but I mean we're allowing people to openly kill themselves and sometimes others.

i can recommend sleeping pills with booze

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Used to be an alcoholic, quit drinking a few years ago, not a drop since.

What qualifies as a drink? Sorry if it's in the picture but I didn't see it anywhere even though I'm not drunk.

>drinking alcohol
Sorry, I don't have a double digit IQ

It's not plausible to me that 10 percent of adults are drinking at that level. Those are levels of alcoholism that are not sustainable, 10% of the entire population would be dropping dead from liver failure every few years. I don't know what data they used to arrive at those numbers, but they're wrong.

You know, like a 3oz shot of 80 proof or a regular-octane 12oz beer. If you're not drinking at least 8-10 of those per session, you're not even drinking.

probably about 1/4 of a drink per week on average to clear gunk out of the arteries

I'll go months without a drop then do 10-20 drinks in a night for a day or two during party seasons.

Aw man, you should try it sometime, it's pretty great not thinking, everything feels like flow, and you get a solid excuse for doing stupid shit.

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I quit 57 days ago. Before that I considered myself a “light” drinker. 2-3 a day and would binge every other weekend. Got to be too much, felt like I was Pickeling my insides so I quit cold turkey. Got headaches and tremors for 3-4 days. Every day it feels like the fog lifts more and more.

Are you a chef at Wendy's?

That shit is fun user, mix in a little bud and maybe a benzo or opiate and its about to be one hell of a night! lmao

I don't drink. Not because I don't like it but I'm self employed and I work pretty much every day. Drinking makes me want to stop working.

Is nobooze the next Yas Forums approved self improvement?

I quit drinking for about 2 years because it got really out of hand, id go through a fifth of Jager every 2 or 3 days. Got to where I started having a shatp pain in my side and thought it was my liver. Long story short turns out it was my gallbladder. When i quit though, after about a month the pain went away. Just this past December I decided to reintroduce alcohol into my diet, i only drink about once every 4 days though.

Still kinda scared though, last thing i wanna do is end up right back where i was at. My problem is i only drink liquor because i love being fucked up.

No. Moderate alcohol is trad.

A pint of vodka a night now, used to be half of one but now this past month it's been a full one every night.

Ask me about my carbs

Yes. I love it, can finally just relax and have full thoughts.

half a liter of vodka every day.

>clear six figures
You and everybody else on this board.

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You gotta slow down dude, its fun as fuck at first but after awhile you realize how retarded all that alcohol makes you and if you’re like me how many shitty situations it can land you in

Any kind?

A couple drinks on holidays and one or two here and there. Getting shithoused is degenerate. Weak faggots who don't have the self control to stop at a couple beers and won't shut the fuck up about 'muh disease' deserve the gas.

I know I've been down this road before with heroin but alcohol is much more socially acceptable and manageable but yeah I know I really have to slow down soon.

a lot of people make six figures in Canada, because our money is worthless

Drinking is degenerate

You don't need to drink to just relax and have full thoughts though.

When I do drink, its between top 9th and 10th. But I binge, so I'll spend a few weeks drinking quite heavily, and then go many months without. Right now I'm on a three day bender. I'll probably take a break for a week or two and see wtf is going on then.

Goddamn user, well alcohol aint shit compared to heroin but the bad thing is alcohol can actually fucking kill you from the withdrawals but you have to be at a retarded level of consumption before you get withdrawals like that. I tend to have an addictive personality so I usually go through seasons of hard on a certain drug or alcohol then i quit for quite a while then i go back. Its shitty but usual know when to call it quits. I used to love pills but im glad i found kratom because i bet sooner or later I would’ve went to H

Ha! Pleb. I make 1.2M a year. In pesos.

20-30 a week during winter, 40-50 a week during summer. these numbers would be considered around average for a nz/aus male, we drink a lot down here

really depends though, usually 1 or 2 after work with a heavy binge or two during the weekend

A pint was my limit for a while. If I buy anything more than that I drink it, so to limit myself I only buy a pint. Well, I move to pint and a half maybe a month ago, a fifth soon after and just last week downed a handle in 2ish days. Haven't touched anything in 4 days and 4 days is usually when I get a huge urge to drink. I may get a fifth today, if not I will tomorrow. I can't wait for the sweet release ofdeath, even though the 2 day hangover from the handle scared the shit out of me as I was afraid I would end up with esophageal varicies, but now that it's all cleared out of my system I give no fucks. Jesus help me.

>60% of Americans drink less than one alcoholic beverage per week

This seemed absurd to me while I was drinking. I just assumed everyone drank regularly. I've seen these stats before though and it helped put things into perspective.

Used to be 9th or 10th decile. Now I don't drink at all.

Yeah I've always wondered how much you had to drink for the WDs to kill you cause my old man drank from the moment he woke up and his WDs were bad but he didnt have to be hospitalized or anything! And yeah man stay aware from heroin that's how I got on it was the pills and it's a feeling you never forget I think about it everyday I just hate all the bs that comes with the addiction.

You were raised by and associated with drinkers. It's not hard to understand.

Yeah that's what I do I buy it in Liters and divvy it up into old empty Pints I have! And holy hell user you drank a handle in a night?!

Trust in him to help you, user.

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ever tried getting a full night of sleep, eating right and exercising, fatso? americans and their lunatic lifestyles, all built on pills and debt, now wonder you're all killing yourselves in one form or another

Normally just binge on Saturday night and sometimes may do a happy hour on Thursday or Friday.

I've been at 100+ drinks/week for over 15 years. You're wrong.

If its his problem its his problem. Government shouldn't get involved in anything if it doesnt affect other people.

This is true and good advice. The problem is many of us are stuck in vicious cycles. If you're already sleep-deprived, broke, and anxious, booze can help you get to sleep. Unfortunately, it costs money, creates a dependency, and ruins the quality of the sleep it gives you. So you wake up poorer, less healthy, and less rested. This leads to more anxiety. Turning around the cycle requires breaking behavioral momentum.

I can't even divvy it up because I just get the other bottles and drink them. Even when my spouse tries to hide the other part of a fifth, I end up finding it. Yeah, the handle lasted from 8pm to 7ish am until I found the other half of it that was hidden, and drank that throughout the day. I finished it sometime that day but I don't know whelat tine I finished it.

It's a lot easier than you think. A pint a day is 10 drinks and it's super easy to have one of those if you spread it out throughout the day. Been doing this shit for 9 years unfortunately and I get my yearly physical and nothing bad has come back. I hate it but it doeesn't kill you nearly as quick as you'd think.

my portuguese relatives literally don't drink water, like at all, ever... they'll drink jars of red wine with every meal, but what impressed me the most was how instead of water they drink beer throughout the day instead, it's crazy... and that's a workday, during the weekend they go nuts

Usually a 6 pack of ipas and a 25oz ipa each night. I can put down a 12 pack easy but I hate normal beer now. Only IPAs, but honestly it's getting to be boring. I used to love it, now it's just a waste of money. I mix weed in too, love being faded. Been doing this every night for about 5 years lol.
>get off work around 11pm
>buy beer/cigs
>go home, sit outside with laptop playing runescape
>drink all the beer, smoke about a g of bud
It's fun forsure but getting old. Trying to just drink water and get back into shape but it is so easy to drink beer.
Oh and no, I don't think of alcohol at all till I'm off work. Actually against day drinking.

I have a love affair too strong with sin to fully give Him my heart and soul. The day after finishing the handle I cried out to Him several times, but perhaps there's something in my heart I don't know about but He does.

8th-9th decile here. 1 to 2 drinks/day on average.

>booze can help you get to sleep.
>tfw it keeps me awake as I drink through the night into the morning

Yeah, a pint is about 11 shots. You can easily drink that spaced out over a day. Once your tolerance builds up, you can drink doubles. I knew a guy that had three big mixed drinks every night with three shots of vodka in each.

Between the 8 and 9 decile

You got the shakes from 2-3 drinks a day? I call bullshit.

About 500ml beer every night, sometimes with 60-120ml of distilled drinks, then on weekends I'll have 3-4l of beer on a Saturday/Friday. This before quarantine times, ofc. Now I don't have the higher consumption days.

We all have that love affair with sin, user. He doesn't ask you to be perfect, only to want to walk with him and get better. And it sounds like you do.

That sucks. I def can't speak for all of us, but I have that issue. When I don't drink, I can sleep, but only after shitposting into the early morning. If I have a couple drinks, I can actually sleep at a reasonable hour.

A pint of beer is like 1.5 drinks. Do you mean a pint of vodka? A 'drink' is basically standardized around a single 12oz beer, or a glass of wine.