As if it was just a psyop to get orange man elected and then it didn't matter anymore. Now the shills are pulling the same stunt with adenochrome and kids trapped in tunnels and shits. You alt-cucks are embarrassing.
Why did /pol stop investigating pizzagate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you kikes trying so hard so push comet ping pong right now? UPSET ABOUT HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE YOU KIKE?
Shut up schizonig.
Go away newfag.
Like all US politicians and high profile businessmen,Trump is blackmailed by Israel via agents like Epstein, who they killed before any investigation could take place.
There’s no leads.
Because Yas Forums is full of fake anons.
Pizzagate at least had some circumstantial evidence. This tunnel thing doesn't have any
too many freeloaders like yourself ruining everything
That's not what happened. Reading Google images like tea leaves while shitting yourself isn't "investigating".
Pizzagate itself- the theory that a child abuse ring was based under a mediocre pizza parlour - was bullshit.
However, the general idea that all politicians and celebrities are paedophile rapists is correct and has been proven over and over again.
Pizza party gate was debunked
>the theory that a child abuse ring was based under a mediocre pizza parlour
this is what the media twisted it into. so good job falling for that you clown
Holy shit. I think you struck a nerve with the JIDF lol.
When Qanon got everyone to sit down, do nothing, and (((trust the plan)))
Podesta is a pedo though
because none of it is real apart from the epstein conspiracy
Baste. Why doesn't anyone understand this?
Comet ping pong was 4 years ago bro. We plumbed that well dry. It also got super repetitive, all same information over and over. We did our part. The LEO and patriots with the power to do something about it needed to do something about it. Then Epstein did his little wizard of oz stuff and we're basically just waiting to see what is going on right now. We need to take breaks once in awhile. The brain is a muscle user, even autist superminds need to do a rest cycle.
The parlor was a fucking manchurian so they can slap the tinfoil excuse at u doyeeee
Except they've all been working this whole time, the only ones I see not doing anything is Q/Trump haters and Yas Forums in fact all I see them doing is aggressively defend peddophiles and human trafficking and attack the only ppl really trying to do anything about it.
Glowfaggots don't realize the more they push the anti-Q narrative, the more we believe Q is legit. Jesus fucking Christ, if this is the "power" of a million dollar shill campaign then I don't have do to jack shit
Pizzagate has been absored by Pedogate, which is sitll an on-going investigation. Pizza reseach stagnated because there have been no new leads.
No they haven’t. They just post on social media
>keep trusting the plan patriots! 2018 will be glorious errr I mean 2019 errrrr 2020! Storm is here!
>We did our part.
What was it other than getting Trump elected? Wasn't he supposed to kick the pedo nest although he's a personal friend of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxell. Are you fuckers genuine retards or JIDF?
Because the FBI really run this board now, and kikes being devil worshipping blood drinking faggots isnt news
Unironically this.
I've eaten at Comet Ping Pong and it's great, the pizza is really good. Especially the cheese pizza. You guys are a bunch of schizos and losers.
Fat fuck pedo mods started deleting any threads related to the investigation.
Everyone always leaves out that the owner was gay married to David Brock of media matters/shareblue
What do you propose?
The place has been swept clean and pronounced “a hoax” by the media. Even the creepy paintings are gone.
Epstein is dead or gone.
We just gotta wait for the next big leak.
Old fag here, I was apart of that. I had friends that I met on discord disappear and after that I decided to bug out after that. I hope q is true. but it's probably controlled opposition.
There was nothing more to investigate - it was true, the media covered it up & normies don't give a shit. What would you like to happen?
Boomers grew up and realized that associating the saturn death cult with pizza was the psyop. Investigating your local papa johns won't do shit.
This too. Fucking cuckchan faggotry.
>werkinonmahnightcheese: Burying a body?
Epstein wasn't killed. His murder was faked. He is being used to help in the current operation that's taking place countrywide to save the children. They had to fake his death before the pedo elite could get to him and actually kill him.
Friendly reminder
Have you considered you have been manipulated by a psyop and help the election of a guy who is actually involved in an international pedo ring to blackmail high profile individuals? WHo benefitted from pizzagate and right now trying to bank on pedo conspiracies to hide his catastrophic handling of a pandemic?
since 2016 there has been way more intensive astroturfing of the internet with bot farms and AI
Doesn't matter anyway. all the autist detectives were poached from Yas Forums by CIA/Mossad/FBI/MI6 ect.
Turns out Pizzagate was simply a sideshow for the military-run pedophile sanctuaries that have been installed through the United States since World War 2.
The truth is Yas Forums is lazy. Most likely FBIAnon and the people who got the pizzagate ball rolling were foreign glowies trying to stir the pot. If Clinton won, they would’ve continued as a means to build up powerful domestic opposition, which would cause general chaos and hopefully weaken the Clinton agenda and in turn the US establishment. She didn’t though, and so pizzagate can’t be leveraged and the glowies have returned to the shadows. You can bet they’ll be back though now that Pedo Joe is all but guaranteed the nomination.
you kiss my ass you goddamn jew cocksucker.
Why is google unfiltered?
Because the pedos moved their base of operations and now no one knows where.
Is it still unfiltered?
Coof is the flavor of the month now.
Newfag alert.
Investigations into PizzaGate "ended" when that controlled op actor went to Comet with a gun.
It never truly ended there, we've had countless threads since, just under different names.
Maybe if you weren't such an assumptious shit eating faggot and spent time lurking, you wouldn't be wasting everyone's time with these clickbait threads and asking questions worth contemplating.
Have a bump
Fucking faggot do something good for humanity go kill yourself fucking moron
Q larping doesn't have anything to do with the body of evidence that makes up pizzagate.
There was extensive social media presence and a network of evidence that made up this 'lifestyle' related to pizzagate. It's very clear and cohesive.
but i'm tired of those threads
All we really need is one tell-all expose, but now's not the time.
Nice retort, edgy little newfag.
They continued on 8ch and voat