How many 5G Masts have you burnt down today Yas Forums?

How many 5G Masts have you burnt down today Yas Forums?

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16 so far today.

bout tree fiddy

Strange how all this 5G burning is happening all of a sudden and all at the same time, here's how I see it
>false flag attacks coordinated at the same time
>oy vey you don't want to be one of the crazies opposing 5G do you?
>better support it now regardless of the consequences

Kek I climb them in a lead lined suit, and turn the frequencies up. Get 5g even innawoods way out in the mountains. Otherwise you get shitty reception. Fuck schitzos I’m going to make them All die. Fuck the companies power costs, too. Feels good, man.

Live streamed on JewTube today, and already banned. So Brian re-uploaded it on vimeo

Reported to FBI

feds want ppl to burn em so they can get more gov money to build larger stronger ones.

The bigger they are the better they burn

The ones I activated over a year are just fine... I guess Ottawa doesn't have as many straight up retards as Yas Forums

not when theyre 2m wide base and made of metal

Meh, even the twin towers dropped like a sack of shit

Doing God's work user, keep it up

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It might be because of normoids and schizos getting restless with everything shut down.

Jet fuel bitch

If you can think it.... lmfao

None. I've been at work being essential.

IoTards on suicide watch

>Burning your own infrastructure.
>Not understanding math or physics, but accepting shill troll physics.

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6 million.


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REMINDER: schizoid 5G theories are to distract from the towers being made by Huawei
now if you say "the chinese government controls our cellphones" you get lumped in with the "they're spying on my veins" people and dismissed

i fapped twice today.
does that count?

I've not seen a Sigle chemtrail since Lockdown

It's a start

Same here, though I've heard planes in the dead of night

QRD: Whats happening bongs?

They are catching fire because they are made in china.

Maybe because they're just condensation off planes and 99% of planes are grounded?

They explode themselves due to power overloads and unshielded components. No one is burning them down.

Bongs are rebelling like all good an hero's should

Correct. Just like everything made in China, they are pieces of shit.


Does it have to do with the fact the 5G towers are Chinese?

why are mobile videos still so shitty when they're shared around? hate it when a viral video looks like a 2006 youtube video. it's almost like it's by (((design))) so you can't make out details.

Is the CIA doing this.

The person I was replying to is from the US.

Post spoons.

That looks photoshopped.

If anyone here believes it’s possible to set a metal antennae array on top of a metal pole on fire, please state your case. Until then, these are obviously electrical fires caused by overloaded circuits.

>Someone on the interweb told me 5g was evil, mind control, killer death ray, etc etc etc. !
>I'd better go burn down vital communications infrastructure while we're in the middle of a state of emergency, so that my nation is left vulnerable!
>I've stopped the evil joos in their tracks!

I wonder who's behind this

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Fuck you niggers.
I can't wait for the 5g and the id 2020 chip
You're all backwards unintelligent bipeds that don't know what's good for them

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post proof

Post in-store prices you cuck.


I'm not a terrorist working for PR China.

>t. slug ayy with only the one foot.


post spoons to prove that you're not underage to post here first. Remember timestamp

Stop destroying our infrastructure! This is a Chinese psyop to make America dislike advancing technology so we fall behind them!

Omnissiah be my witness, once boomers are dealt with we will build one on every house.

5G masts being burnt down? Is that a euphamism for moskz?

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I once told myself that the flat earth movement is a Moscow psyop, but it isn't user, it's just a case of our old being demented and unchecked.

I'll report you to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service for coercing me.

day of the pill soon

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Yea, sure you will kid.

I used to post in an old conspiracy theorist forum before the internet was popular about 15 years ago. Flat Earth was a thought experiment and meme of sorts there. It was created to show how disinfo spreads and how lies can be credible over enough time. Please do not believe in Flat Earth. It’s literally meant to mock idiots in conspiracy circles.

They are spreading corona virus to us with their magnetism, to distract us from comet Atlas,which will wipe out civilization.

They don't confiscate spoons in Canuck land

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cause its bad
literaly destroys your health especialy your lungs. Your body can't use the oxygen you breath.
about the half the video he starts ranting about 5g. long video bood good to watch

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