What is your honest actual opinion on Russia and Russians?

What is your honest actual opinion on Russia and Russians?

>loyal to a fault
>work hard as fuck
>zero self-preservation, they would rather die than not finish a task

Met a shit load in Thailand, the people can be the nicest, most generous people on Earth (if you are their friends)

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great people who for most of the history didnt have great leaders, had potential to achieve a lot more that they did and to have more than they have now

I guess they're okay I guess. Smart people.

Slav cunny is the best in the world.

Very nicely put. I don't know why so many hard-working Eastern Europeans have the curse of having such shitty people in government who don't love or care for their own people.

It does seem really odd if you think about it. They have suffered so much because of their own government. Enemies in government?

Russia is underperforming. The streets should be paved by Gold in that country because too much money and prosperity and productiveness. However, this is not the case.
At least they have a space program.

I think they are russian.

also more than 1000 years of constant alcoholism is a thing... honestly alcohol especially 40% vodka is a big part of not only russian but entire slavic pop. everyone from every generation being drunk most of the time causes an opportunity for leaders to easily control the masses
>see soviet union and satelites f.e. poland etc.
>see russian empire
>see polish-lithuanian commonwealth

They're corrupt and incompetent. Like Italians but poorer.

>>loyal to a fault
>>work hard as fuck
>>zero self-preservation, they would rather die than not finish a task
Lmao what. Im so lazy i wont even force myself to delete excessive memearrows in this post

They had one hell of a rough 20th century. Hope things start looking up for them

As Germany we need allies since we are not big enough our self. And I actually wish we would team up with them.
Chinks are impudent and liars and their culture is just way too differnent. (I think shitty)
USA was once a big country but is now morally corrupt and unreliable.

What absolute bullshit, there country is a literal 3rd world shithole, there people live in squalor and drug use and crime is incredibly rampant. They are literal sheep and cattle to the oligarchy who rules over them.

you mean jewish slav cunny

Well, then you're not living up to your potential, are you? Start living up to your potential, Russki bro.

My best friend is Russian. Coolest guy on earth. So yeah, I like Ruskis.

Looks like the kind of place an american is used to minus the niggers

Mafia, prostitution, eh.. poor.

seem to be some hardy fuckers, that have a fair bit of good attributes, but I think a a lot of their good stock got killed off in the past 150 years.

Lol their people are literal mongoloids, raped by Genghis and Attila.


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My fiance is Russian, though she was adopted when she was 3. Has some basic annoying female qualities but over all she's a good girl, was a virgin when we got together.

Her brother still lives in Russia, very traditional Orthodox Christian. A good dude for the most part. Apparently everyone over there absolutely despises Putin.

Our guys. need them in NATO asap. Get to working on it. Chinks bio attacked Putin.

Russia didn't invent 5G It didn't invent CRISPR. It does nothing. They are as kosher as America. Working hard at nothing relevant.

History books were written by the victor.
Their Tzars weren’t nearly as bad of leaders as your textbook says.

The were usually up against the global cabal and just out maneuvered by Free Masons/Kikes who use deception, secrecy and shady tactics

Everyone boohoos about Hitler, but no one boohoos about things like the Crimean war.

I meat them in Spain a lot. It's always a good time.

I would gladly take those "mongoloids" over amerimutts

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I know some Ruskies

Stereotypically drink a lot
Hard workers, stoic
Kind anally retentive about certain things
Eat the weirdest shit, love weird Russian high-fat food
Trustworthy fuckers, helped me a bunch when I was in trouble, as my friend... I'd do the same for them
Sometimes Brit humor goes over their head due to cultural differences, but surprisingly not a clash in terms of culture if you forget the communism shite (none of my friends like communism)

Don't have much opinion on Russia as I don't know enough about it but the Ruskies I do personally know are good guys.

When SHTF, they everybody give max effort and selfsacrifice. One can condemn or joke about it, but they will give you their last pants, when you're in dire need of some. But woe is you when you come to Russia with malicious intent and a gun. You will be hit like fist of a angry God.

Kleptocratic shithole seized by crooks who run the place solely to steal from public spending, media and energy. One of the most corrupt countries in the world, so corrupt its seen as a normal aspect of everyday life.

try orthodox christian

Mummy: grand syck
Slavs in general: crazy but ok I guess

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>Will give you their last pants
What a phrase.

Neighbours in the north that helped us during WWII. Like them better than swedes that are backstabbing pricks and seems content with rewriting Norwegian war history for their shit virtue signalling.

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As with basically everyone, I'm cool till you arent.

I think different cultures the world around and priceless and should be protected and preserved.

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>there people live in squalor and drug use and crime is incredibly rampant.
Its not 2000 anymore. I don't even know anyone who use drugs anymore or even drink vodka, most ofthe time it's just cigarettes and beer. And i can walk at night to the nearby store without fear for my live. Actually i do it for last ten years. I even once went to buy new pc at 3 at night. Can you do the same without shitting yourself seeing random nog down the street?

>work hard as fuck
Kek, not really, Some do, yes. Some are working hard if they know they will getso much profit, they could not work after for a long time. But lot of people are lazy to work even if they live in trash.

Your not wrong, we are entering the Byzantine stage now, a bunch of beaners will be saying they wuz Americans n shit, dressed up as the founding fathers, but speaking Spanish and worshiping the pope. Russia won't be much better, but it is still slightly better for the German people, what's left of them anyway.

As an American of Russian descent. Whatever.

Respectable people, Intelligent, Tough, Interesting history. To this day I will never understand why Russia is such a poor shit hole considering their history? They should be the economic power house of Europe. Can anyone explain why they aren't?

Hot chicks but unfortunately mostly whores.
Worship Stalin and Hitler at the same time.
Good Vodka and decent food.
All in all: 8/10, would try to invade again.


I was born after the cold war so I've got nothing against them for all I care. I always thought the USA would be better off having them as an ally versus chang chong China or dirty India

Where the fuck can you buy a new pc at 3am?

>would try to invade again
Germans never learn

Its a fixation on pride over pragmatism. Both are double edged swords

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Brave folk, can count on them to defend your country from communism.
Also beautiful girls.

Hot women
Good people
Very warm when you get to know them
Horrible fucking leaders
Actually not racist like pols

There history has been a long and enduring tragedy but they’re a pretty alright group ( they have a little problem with crime but who cares)

One of my good friends in highschool was from Moscow, lived in Russia for 8 years. Tough as fuck, a total dickhead, but fundamentally a good guy

I pretend to hate them collectively, but when actually meeting them I get along with them quite well.

It makes me sick how Yas Forums drools over this corrupt, ugly slut.

In big cities in Russia there are 24/7 shops with electronics. Well, at least in Moscow.

I want to be on lockdown with MUMMY

Here. In some stores you can order something online and if your local store have it, you can take it just like you take food from restaurant.

>not racist
Never met a Russian that was not racist. And I met a lot. Good people.

That's absolutely crazy. Surely this isn't economically viable? Is everything open 24/7 in Moscow? I've always wanted to visit the Red Square. I have heard the locals are a bit uppity about communism so I'd probably end up in a scrape.

how is mommy corrupt? i’m new to dumaposting i just think she’s adorable

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Russian women are fighting against racism.

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They make amerijews seethe which is pretty entertaining.

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Communism ruined any chance of that happening, sadly. Oddly enough, both are rather similar in terms of their asianic peoples being practically identical to our Indians, their Cossacks to our Cowboys, their none Catholic Christian Church (Orthodoxy) to our none Catholic Christian Church (Protestantism), both having a manifest destiny to push to the great sea, spreading the word of our Lord, etc.

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France here. Like Russia. Great history, great literature, great classical music, won the WWII.

Perfect scapegoat for the Chinese.

Have been the entire time.

Show flag Tyrone


I love their women, but its an oligarchy full of fuckups

I like that they are "real". It's hard to describe, they can handle most situationw and don't have mental breakdowns over the smallest things. Can carry themselves well, will jump over a high fence if need to. I guess tougher lifestyle breeds this as a necessity, although Russian zoomers greatly disappoint me, same mentally ill sissified garbage as here.

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There's some great people, but they have a shitty government. You can literally say that about every nation, though...


Somehow I love it there but a few things piss me off:
>Ferocious babushki that always stealthily cut in front of you in lines.
>Utilities getting shut off for days because "budget cuts".
>ДПC that pulls you over because you're not wearing a seatbelt... meanwhile, your steering wheel is on the wrong side, the road has no pavement, and a URAL full of unsecured oil barrels just sped by at 100km/h.

Russians as a people are fine, and extremely admirable (especially their engineering and practical approach to things), they've a strong soul that's been forged in suffering and cold wastes. It's just a shame they keep on allowing the worst people imaginable to lead them, they've Stockholm syndrome.

Every night I go to sleep, I pray that I wake up in an alternative history where Russia and the rest of Europe are allied in a holy union against the chinks and mutts. One day, Mutt.

>To this day I will never understand why Russia is such a poor shit hole considering their history
The Soviet Union, zoomer. Russians like being controlled by oligarchs. They are bootlickers.

>Is everything open 24/7 in Moscow?
I can only say for Saint Petersburg. Hypermarkets have everything, just like Walmart in US. Opened 247. Small stores around every corner with basic shit like milk, soda, ice-cream, bear opened 247. Some electronic stores opened 247. Many food deliveries like sushi, pizza, pirogi opened 247. Some gyms opened 247. Clubs, bars, book stores, flower shops, shawerma, some cinemas, opened 247. If you are vampire you certainly will have things to do.

>Met a shit load in Thailand
Thailand was a remote working heaven meme among many Russian IT professionals about 10 years ago. That time is long gone. Those you met are probably freelancers/consultants, small-time entrepreneurs, digital nomads and other more or less self-reliant margin slaves so they often work hard not to starve. Those in no way represent the rest.

>Surely this isn't economically viable?
Why would they be working if it wasn't economically viable?
>Is everything open 24/7 in Moscow?
Not everything open, but I think you can buy everything in Moscow 24/7.
>I have heard the locals are a bit uppity about communism so I'd probably end up in a scrape.
It depends what would you like to do. As I remember from CL 2008 final and WC 2018 in Moscow, brits are like to act foolish, so probably you can be scraped.

Their economy was fucking huge during communism though?

They were an economic power house during the soviet era.

I like Russians more than Americans.

I love Russia and Russians. It's tragic that the US/NATO have been systematically fucking them over since the end of WW2.

No, not everything. I've never saw a 24/7 electronic store. At least I don't remember. On average there are only a couple grocery stores within a 1 km radius working at night. Well maybe unless you live near Kremlin.

There's a small Russian orthodox village in Alaska about ten miles out of anchor point, I forget how to spell it. Nikolivask or something similar. I lived there for a couple of years as a kid, was pretty comfy. Locals were mostly based but for some reason thought dogs were of the devil, apparently it's a Russian orthodox thing? Never heard of it outside that village though. Not sure what to make of Russians at large as a group, but one thing I've noticed is that Russian men are anything but cowards. The fuckers are total adrenaline junkies, they seem to completely lack any basic concept of fear for their safety when appropriate.

We ringed them with military bases; broke some soft treaties about expanding NATO; then pointed the finger at them for being evil. lol. Chances are hey just didn't want to be bent over by some previous administration in the US. Everyone needs an enemy; I for one hate France faggots.

This just makes me want to visit even more. I'm a night owl so I'd love to just walk around at 3am and go about my day. Thanks for the info.

Interesting stuff. I'm not an absolute retard, I show a lot of respect for the counties I visit. Although I've trained for a long time, I'd love to visit a gym in Russia to do some traning, If someone wanted a spar I'd be forced to incline. Fucking a ruski up would be a bit of a badge of honour.


Sure they had weapons. But aside from selling some to the turd world, the weapons you have sitting in your own country aren't making you even more money as they sit there.

This is similar to cities in the UK. Other ruskis are telling me majority of things are open 24/7. Only one way to find out I guess.

I love it that Kievan Rus Shoahed the Khazars really hard! (Of course, just like Hitler, they didn’t finish the job, but c’mon, at least they did something!)

Also I fucking love Russian food and Russian woman. They may seem crazy, but really it's more like they absolutely have no respect for man children. You have to be a man in all things for a Russian woman to give you the light of day, and that's something I think we need more of.

>The Soviet Union, zoomer.

You're the zoomer, retard.
Russians had a better quality of life during the USSR than they ever did now, not including the few wealthy billioniares

I like them as they seem bro-tier. I'd like them even more if they didn't always have such a bleak outlook at times but it's probably how they survived.

Lmao what, no?

Just because babushka and dedushka got free shit doesn't make it better for them
Most Russians only got out of eternal sefdom farmer family's in this generation

How is not being a slave worse than being a slave?

T. Literal serf

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He’s a vatnik retard, ignore him

They women are hot. I don't give a shit about the rest