Adele worth $190 Million, must pay $140 million in alimony to husband of 3 years

Best part is he cheated on HER.

Roasties unequivocally BTFO. This is justice for all the men who have gotten fucked over on alimony payments.

Does Yas Forums support requiring alimony payments after divorce? or is that something that should only be decided ex ante by the couple in a contractual manner?

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Roastie have a taste of aquality

roast is TOAST

Fake and gay

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Nice source faggot

>Does Yas Forums support requiring alimony payments after divorce?
No, but I'm only one person
>or is that something that should only be decided ex ante by the couple in a contractual manner?

I'd say it ultimately depends on how much time & effort one person devotes to furthering the financial prospects of their significant other.
That's why women typically started receiving divorce settlements - they put all their eggs in one basket, banking on being a homemaker for a man and then it doesn't work out, but they've now spent however long not focusing on their own financial prospects and aren't as equipped to deal with financial strain.

But on the flip side, if Women are being encouraged to work more hours and work in fields that they wouldn't ordinarily naturally take to, they're going to have more "bargaining chips" so to speak. What they don't realize is that this comes at a price - namely, they can't have their cake and eat it to. If they are the primary breadwinner, THEY make the alimony payments in a divorce. This increase in competition in the workforce also reduces the pool of high quality men that they can win with their improved bargaining power (i.e. Hypergamy) because we're all competing with each other in the job market.
And it's not like the "provider" mindset has left most women. Despite having the "equality" they wanted, most still want men to be chivalrous and they expect men to be the same providers that they used to be while also bringing more to the table in terms of housework.
This mindset has made it so that many men have just given up on being with women entirely. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

In short, if Adele's ex-husband put a ton of time and effort into her career, then yes, he deserves some of her massive fortune, that was time he could've otherwise devoted to himself or a partner that would actually work out, but ideally that'd be something they'd decide on before ever even getting married if it's an issue for Adele.

USA divorce laws are an abomination, made to destroy families and suck the money as much as possible


Divorce settlements for women are disgusting and morally incompatible with equal rights. OPs subject is probably the only man ever to get a decent divorce settlement from a bitch, so i can't hate him.

Oh shit some words in image format! Better believe em!

Can I fuck that fat bitch for a few mil as well?


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Yes. Family courts suck worse than a thai ladyboy.

>Noooo, it's not suppose to work this way!

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That's fucked up tho

lol hes based
now he can fuck bitches all he wants. Or he gets a cutie and starts a family

It’s fucking terrible regardless of who it happens to, but if this is what it takes to wake people the fuck up to divorce courts then bring more on.

Wait I thought Adele died? Or was that some other manufactured jewish singer?


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Oh isn't equality a beautiful thing?

Alimony laws are from a time where women were not allowed to own property, and when the man was at fault paid a sum to keep the ex-wife, who had done no wrong, afloat. He still kept his children, and his home. Now it's just man pays woman no matter what, PLUS she keeps property. It's a shit deal.

I believe Adele is a UK citizen.

He should get the house also. She can move back in with her parents while paying alimony and him fucking bitches in her bedroom.

Fat taxes are totally legitimate.

If you were a baseball player or actor worth $200million, would you get married?

Never heard of her.


i think the husband is a US citizen and the divorce was probably filed and done in USA 100%

>fat overrated singer still can't find a normal guy (even though she's worth $190 mill)
>settles for another fat industry kike
>fat on fat marriage doesn't work(shocker), and ends acrimoniously

Fats are disgusting.

It's extremely likely he did not initiate the divorce. Good thing he's getting some money, instead of winding up broke and mentally destroyed.

Who the hell is Adele?

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Tfw you'll only be worth $50 million

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UK is just as bad if not worse.
California in particular is terrible though

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you just bitter cause the left cant meme.

When the sky falls.....

I find it kinda funny that it is a fat chick that is getting divorce raped, not some hottie.

Landwhale btfo

>taking money from a rich woman to pay for a non-rich basedboy

>taking money from a rich man to pay for a non-rich roastie

sucks for her. It sucks that it happens to anyone.



oh no only 50 million left

Fuck off

only with an ironclad pre-nup


Fake and gay

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Retribution for McKenzie Bezos

I've got bad news for you bruh...

Some (((Judges))) literally tear prenups up during divorces

X post best post
I’m not a violent man but I’d kill someone in front of their own mother for 50million

Fucking awesome

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We need to do away with marriage and the family unit. Its the only way to move forward.


I set Fire to the money watch it burn

>$132,000/year isn't enough to provide for one child
The fuck is wrong with these alleged "humans?" That's more than my wife and I make combined.

god i hate her music so much
gif related

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This, miserably.
I had a divorce and thank god she thought I was worth nothing. If she knew she would have begged the judge to throw out the pre-nup, but she thought it was bullshit and that I was a poor liar.
Once the divorce was finalized and she agreed to "pity me" and pay $1000 of the $30k she racked up in drugs fast food and other nasty shit, I showed her my bank account and said thanks.
She tried to sue me in court and the judge said he wanted to take my money but that the judgement was already in with blank bank statements on both sides (she petitioned and asked for nothing) and it was too late. He literally asked me to pay her 70% of my net worth and threatened me with contempt of court for not "having a heart."
I have no idea why I have my money still. I'm pretty sure he could have fucked me. I lived in fucking commiefornia too so I really don't get it, but somehow I got lucky.
I am the lotto winner though, 99.999% with a 1% margin of error end in men getting fucked financially for life.

there is simply no way Adele is worth less than $200m come on

Is he jewish? He looks jewish as fuck


Hello? Based Department???

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Oh, what injustice, she'll only have $50 million dollars left. How will she possibly survive.

Property tax on a home in the Hollywood hills, school for the kid, expensive meals, housekeeping, lease on a luxury car.

It adds up

fukken saved.

Fucking based. Suck on that equality bitch. We all need to start marrying rich toasties then look for divorce gibs from them.

No its not you autistic faggot, I've not seen my kids for 3 years because the system is corrupt and broken.
I've lost my children childhood and i can never get it back. The years of tears and anguish is not fixed because of some thot i have never heard of divorced someone.

Glowniggers just keep dropping bombs on children in the third world, it's all you can do.


Well played, fuck that cunt. I don't know how men who get robbed for everything don't go postal on everyone involved in fucking him. Imagine having your life earnings legally stolen from you and having nothing you can do about it? Yeah I think I would

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I’d have him killed



.1%er divorced male here. I divorced my wife of 6yrs and kept full custody of my kids, cars, house etc. NO alimony payments, she got nothing besides a small percentage of my retirement thats already been paid out and recouped pretty much cause I was able to up the contributions out of my checks.

Ok now this red pilled


boo hoo, shes only left with 50M. what a poor loser


anons don't marry or have kids when it fails and it will fear the pink mist.

u cud hab had it alllllllllllllllll :DDDD

>fat on fat marriage doesn't work(shocker)
has there ever been a correlation shown between domestic violence and obesity? i bet there is one.