/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2991 - SUNDAY DATA EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,337,560 (+64,698) ► Died: 74,206 (+4,781) ► Day: 88 (-04:55:29)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 209 countries and territories infected —
— 4.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,648 strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —


51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

19 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus, no previous conditions

24 year old in the US has died to coronavirus

HCQ shown to shorten recovery time in randomized trial

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

Under 1 year old in the US dies to COVID

Under 2 year old in Morocco dies of coronavirus

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

"We have entered a recession as bad or worse than 2009", IMF director

Infected in Sudan only discovered post-mortem

20:45: 63 new cases and 1 new death in British Columbia, Canada
20:40: 203 new cases and 10 new deaths in Brazil
20:36: 1,231 new cases and 17 new deaths in Connecticut
20:34: 405 new cases and 15 new deaths in Los Angeles County, California
20:30: 163 new cases and 6 new deaths in California
20:15: 70 new cases and 5 new deaths in Utah

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can they spread it?

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>18 months after collapse of most cities
>almost all living men are sterile
>not you, you listened to Yas Forums and hunkered in your bunker
>last remaining government (your choice) finds out your immune
>you're blackbagged
>A battery of tests are ran and your blood is interesting but they find out your semen is the most potent source
>you are required to repopulate the earth one fertile qt at a time
>luckily most of the women the government find are your type
>BUT you're saving yourself for marriage
>post yfw

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God that would be the true 'end-days' kind of mutation

Godspeed Corona chan!

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Homeless WA user here
Pls God no fren




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Tokyo declaring a state of emergency tomorrow.

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Convert to Islam and marry all of them. No saveing needed

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Seriously, total new cases are declining world wide. Why can’t you neets get a life? Then not only would you accept that this is a nothing burger, you’d WANT it to be

Pic is happeningfags now

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Theoretically it's true. We just have to wait and see at this point



>What's coming to you, Corona-chan?

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Attached: ohoh.png (655x571, 59.51K)

>Yas Forums this friday

Cursed get


The virus killing off people with pre existing conditions, niggers, and fatties.


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Evidence 1

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Unpopular opinion: I fucking hate Americans and I hope every single one of them dies myself included.

ive gotten drunk the last 17 nights in a row lads

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Empty hospitals

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Man I feel so bad for equator right now. Why couldn't this happen to Haiti instead


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Wonder why they assume dormancy not reinfection. Did they sequence both strains?

This. It's just mass hysteria at a slightly different corona virus with lots of deaths misallocated. Look at Italy 99% people with underlying conditions, many would have died anyway or died had they been infected with influenza.

Threadly reminder that shills absolutely hate it when you point out that we have a large sample size and 21% of case outcomes result in death, not recovery.

Attached: 1570978565699.png (600x693, 352.1K)

Same as the chinks from Wuhan, we've known this since Jan.

Attached: 1.jpg (1084x672, 61.18K)

The only connection I could see is like a dirty needle scenario, bug bites infected and then bites you. I hope they don't get infected the same way other mammals do (aerosolized contact)

Schizos, take your meds this instant.

Attached: BlindNearCrossbill-max-1mb.gif (400x300, 763.81K)

Attached: Screenshot-2020-4-6 Mister AntiBully en Twitter Wait really https t co sZ1U0vLyCT Twitter.png (598x375, 115.14K)

Fake hospitals

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It's so surreal going out and seeing so many people with masks on

So it will kill all of North America

>swine flu
>bird flu
>now SARS 2
>next pandemic will be from CHYNA again
Fuck Chinks, but also fuck kikes and fuck Mutts, too

>no writefag
>no drawfag
>no Algerian drawfag
>no fascist flag gif dumped
I just want my fresh Corona-lewds.

Attached: 1251241.jpg (1328x1488, 434K)

I'm very worried right now

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I'm braving the store one more time before I go lockdown to score some taco meat and nachos. You guys want anything?

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Damn. I think my record was 5 or 6 nights.

Boris is as good as dead. Whose gonna lead the UK now?

Fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 3.png (1664x1292, 1.57M)

Combine your shit into a single post please. Then we'll be more tolerant of the spam.

Is Boris Johnson the Archduke Ferdinand of our time?

Attached: boomertime.png (585x390, 325.65K)

For the love of God make Beatrice Queen of England.

Attached: plotting.jpg (1280x853, 238.35K)

Pretty sure im infected.
Had most of the symptoms, came, went, got worse then better.
Im 90% better but i have had a feeling of lingering unwellness for 2 weeks now.
My blood oxygen is between 95-100 on average and i coof still on occasion but there is still absolutely something wrong with my lungs.
What do?

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If bojo croaks, bongs will enter the next Theresa May period

Fake tests

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 2.png (1500x1560, 1.26M)

>being a coomer

Attached: 1586138316055.jpg (250x250, 4.71K)

>No formal succession plan
*laughs in yiddisch*

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Look at how timezones work.


What’s this Friday?


Reminder that Muslims are immune to COVID-19. Stop hiding behind a mask. All you need is Allah.

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Pretzels and rice cakes

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More fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 4.png (1256x1176, 1.38M)

Look at the bright side. We got the video few days ago

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Bros.. I just diagnosed with Corona. What do?

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What about all the Iranians dying?

Will China admit it's a bioweapon before the ELE?

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Looks like overly attached girlfriend, as a mutant freak

They were usually here at this time retard. Plus writefag is American

spread it to as many people as you can user

joking. you need to sit at home not interacting with anyone for the next 2 weeks

Someone posted earlier about evacuation operations above North Sea. Had to take a look on flightradar24 and...

Any idea what this RAF TTN18 Airbus is doing in the picture? It's circled above the same spot for some time now.

Attached: flightradar_20200407_01.png (646x740, 236.92K)

Lads I just want to say no matter what the Normies say, you guys are all great friends

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If you're not a larping fuck, stay home. You're past the tunnel and going to a hospital will possibly reinfect you.


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>china will unironically get away with unleashing a bioweapon and killing millions

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>My blood oxygen is between 95-100
That is good user
Are you on Vitamin C. It won't be as effective as IV but try to get up to 20g/day space it out 1-2g every 60-90 minutes or so.
It should help a bit. Zinc if you have it as well would be good.
Also if you can order some quercetin it is a zinc ionophore like HCQ so it is theorized to help as well.

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you'll see...

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Go to a mosque

care to explain? the day's over in 1 hour

Attached: file.png (303x58, 2.49K)

My throat is itchy.. :(

im pretty much hungover for 8 hours after waking up but by the time its dark out i feel good and am ready to drink again. i hope this isnt doing anything bad to my body

Super mega faggot rape my face detected.

Comfy standing by

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you too buddy

Writefag has been written of as one of the deaths

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The following are the fatality rates broken down by age ranges for NYC as of April 6, 2020 at 9:30 AM

0-17 - 0.17%
18-44 - 0.56%
45-64 - 2.41%
65-74 - 7.1%
Over75 - 15.64%
Overall 3.73%

Obviously this is a changing number and this is a snapshot.
It asumes all the sick will get better and no new cases (which is highly unlikely)
Data from here www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-archive.page

Attached: NYC_CFR_6_04.png (568x332, 21.93K)

Millions of dead when?

Corona-kun slowing down

Free Ichkeria amarite bois?

>20g/day space it out 1-2g every 60-90 minutes or so.
lol fucking edoctors

It's over.

Attached: down.png (924x576, 25.91K)

Tired of waiting for Trump's shenanigans. What is he doing.

whats germanys current criteria to be tested?

Shias are not real muslims.

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Could just be a mayday drill or something. I'm nut sure what raf procedures would be but rcaf flys similar patterns when dropping pumps to ships in distress

I'm scared. This is much worse than I thought.

Attached: 1586189820480.gif (433x540, 780.32K)

>banked sperm years ago anticipating being sterile from hrt
>suddenly straights are all made sterile by Kung Flu
God wouldn't that be ironic?

Based. Fuck the Facebook soccer moms.


>der coomer

You're doing Allah's work my friend. Go out and hug your fellow Muslims today!

You must be doing a rethorical question.

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not too shabby for sunday.
let's see tomorrow

Attached: weekend.png (721x457, 32.62K)

Thanks fren. It's been a fun ride since January. Let's hope for many more fun

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It ain't so bad...

Could just be crew training or something

an hour of nothing

Convert to Islam. Allah will save you. Go seek help from your local Imam.


Attached: 1586092133489.jpg (750x1211, 237.16K)

That's a holding pattern, either they're waiting to land or they're burning fuel before landing


The following are the fatality rates broken down by age ranges for NYC as of April 6, 2020 at 9:30 AM

0-17 - 0.17%
18-44 - 0.56%
45-64 - 2.41%
65-74 - 7.1%
Over75 - 15.64%
Overall 3.73

Obviously this is a changing number and this is a snapshot.
It asumes all the sick will get better and no new cases (which is highly unlikely)
Data from here www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-archive.page

Attached: NYC_CFR_6_04.png (692x422, 29.37K)

Vitamine C, D3, zinc and multi
Sleep a lot and drink plenty of water
Don't infect the people around you
Just stay calm, you will probably be fine
If you get problems breathing contact your doctor asap
Dont stress yourself. Just let it happen and take good care of yourself.
Be safe fren

The rumour is Boris' condition has deteriorated majorly and he probably will need to be sedated soon, if he already hasn't been.

This is a lot worse than what the media's been reporting. It's likely Boris will be dead by Friday. I'm not even a fan of his and I'm scared senpai ;_;

So anons...
>be me
>be prepared weeks before anyone else around me thanks to cvg
>masks, food, water everything else needed.
>get sick
> oh no ooooh nonono
>shortness of breath, pain in the upper lungs.
>oh fuck oh shit oh fuck
>gets better after 3 days.
>5days feeling better every day than again gets worse for 3 days.
>repeats over and over again.

So anons iam sick since 5 weeks no tests was available for me in the beginning and doc just sent me home.
The 5 days better, 3 days worse cycle repeats itself over and over.
Got probably infected by my mother who got the same symptoms a week before me. Does the same with her. Same cycle of 5 das better 3 worse. Always on the same days. I live alone.
How fucked iam?

i feel so sick all of the time corona kill me NOW

It's a slow virus.

Lot of obese people might die, so less shart in the marters.

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Yeah fuck that Linus Pauling guy who recommended exactly that. He has no clue what he is talking about, right user?

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He's just locked in his hous with amnesia geting raped by Corona-Chan

France is fucked

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none of you are doctors shut the freak up

are you chechen?

100-200k tests every day atm

Kinda funny a britbong says this as their PM is in intensive care

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After a month of this shit and we're only saving 1000 boomers a day?

Thanks drumpf

I don't know but I can't wait to try

Attached: 1585499781650.jpg (974x1200, 498.82K)

Yas Forums is always right, stay a while

not an argument. stop giving medical advice you bumbling fool of a man.



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cough cough westerners. Youre time is come

Attached: CHINA IS THE MIDDLE KINGDOM.webm (640x640, 2.89M)

Corona is here forever.

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Thanks bro. Stay safe fren

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literally who?

>burning fuel before landing
What is motivation to do this? Seems like a waste of money, is that normal?

>Hospitalization rate 22%
That's the statistic that matters in outbreaks

The amount of stupid people getting sick and dying directly because of their own decisions is so great. It's not often society allows for the idiots to cull themselves. Thank you Corona-chan, thank you so much.

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I'm sure it will be proven to cure cancer. Any day now. Any day. 50 years is not enough time to definitely prove the result.

Sorry guys, I took too much zinc and feel sick.

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Get back you dirty Rice Monkey

Attached: boomerboomin.jpg (480x360, 8.43K)

Holy fuck, someone right across the street from me has the rona!!! They just took the wife by Ambulance and the husband looked like shit.
Way too close to home. Infected was on the sidewalk 45ft from my window....

Well if every country keeps fudging the numbers, never. My cousin is a nurse in NH and she was telling me the other night that if a patient comes in with all the symptoms of covid-19 but they die before they're tested, then to just log the death as viral pneumonia and move on. She's had six patients at her hospital just last week they've done that to. They were 40-65 years old and only two had pre-existing conditions, which she says they use pre-existing conditions pretty liberally.

I feel sorry for you Russkibro. Remember that Pravitelstvo is flat out lying.

This is a nothingburger. Denmark and Austria will open kindergartens and schools on April 15th..

why do you keep trying to force memes nobody understands

rip boris

would you be into it?


>Chink coof
>Chinese Pneumonic Plague
>Chinkin pox
>Shanghai sholin sneeze
>The Commie Cold
>Mandate of Sniffles
>Xi Sniffles
>Fug Yu Lung
>Kung Flu
>Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the Wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Flu Manchu
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

Attached: 4342432.jpg (1920x1080, 129.56K)

Yeah my eurofamily are saying it's like that, you feel better for a bit then the fever picks up again and you're in bed feeling like the end is nigh. Good luck user.

you too!

Attached: asfafs.png (1127x685, 37.17K)

>shut the freak up
Do you normally work on one of the plebbit shifts?
Or do they make you shill on so many sites you just use sfw language everywhere to save remembering which site you're on?

Attached: pilotlurk.jpg (418x418, 36.03K)

>I took no pictures lol, trust me guys

friendly reminder that 90% of the preppers on this board wont last a year if society truly collapses

Only kids up to age 12

This virus is a complete nothingburger, do not be alarmed. This all is just a complete bullshit, just regular flu.

Even we every season have more flu deaths than deaths from this virus.. Currently only one death.

Everything I have said is backed by research. For both the Vitamin C and the Quercetin. (granted quercetin is still hypothetical from Corona-chan but has been proven effective in dengue, this is the bleeding edge but a study is being conducted right now by two Canadian doctors with respect to Corona-chan)
Why do you want to see people dead instead of giving them a fighting chance?

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Bro what I said is just common sense and standard procedure. Calm your tits faggot. I'm not advising brain surgery or pretending im a doc lol

Ramadan collective contamination is coming

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Allah will protect you.

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Anyone else think theresa tam and hadju are shills. They keep mindlessly regurgitating CCP misinformation. Will they be punished for causing hundreds of canadians to die?


I did take pics and video

If he's put on a ventilator, he statistically has a 20% chance of living lmao

Love ya mate

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Corona chans mom is cute.

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Memes aside if this thing really does remain in your body forever then we are 100% going for a dooms day scenario, right?

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Will Brazil close the week with more cases than Canada ?


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Maybe BC should tell the world their secret?

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We never really closed kindergartens. Just said that maybe you should think twice before sending your kid in. Only 5% sent their kids in.

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Fair enough. I'm not Muslim, I can't relate. So I'll take your word for it. It's kinda like the problem Catholics and Protestants have with each other right?

Funny enough they have started to pair it with chemo and noticed a significant reduction in negative symptoms and length of recovery.
I never said it was a cure for anything but it is a treatment and it does help the immune system.

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Have the vaccine user, ADE is awesome to experience
Trust me

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>implying you will
Get a load of this AIDS ridden faggot.

Anyway, they can all spread that virus without knowing they have it.

After school they will visit their grandmas and the spread will continue possibly.

To be fair I wouldn't post pictures of my front yard and neighbors house on here. It defeats the whole anonymous thing we have going on

Why are all the trumpfags suddenly shilling HCQ while all the sõÿim are handwringing about it being unproven? Is it legit or what?

He's gonna die

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"well, what about this? genuine question - i expected the (deaths/closed cases) to stay at around 20%, i was very surprised to see it fall to 6%."

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you're a carrier for life until your immunesystem fails and you die from it

Attached: daily dose of calcium.png (765x960, 1.18M)

we are in a doomsday scenario, even if coronachan disappeared tomorrow the economic damage will take decades to repair

>momiji poster is still alive
Glad to see you're making it, bro.

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where that?

No fever. Just sore throat, exhausted, lung pain and shortness of breath.
Nothing else but yeah 5 weeks now iam really exhausted by now.

if shit gets spooky enough, the world will go full tilt into genetic engineering to force unfuck it
CRISPR/DRACO can probably take it out if given enough time and money to figure out how

Are you also going to be an apex predator raider?
>pic is of my kit

Attached: me.png (392x345, 176.62K)

In the short- to medium-term it's going to be fucked up and assuming there's no way to treat it. But long-term it's not a big deal. Future generations may gain immunity to it.

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meanwhile on deviantart

Attached: ok.png (1600x900, 88.19K)

Yes, just last week and they all had covid-19 symptoms but they didn't test them and said they won't. This shit is still just getting started retard.

where is this??

We learnt our corona fighting techniques from china. Just deny it exists