52 year old real nigga here, ask me anything you white racist crackers

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I recognize that mask.

>maxresdefault (3).jpg

How’s it feel being immune to corona?

How do you like your President?

jimmy kimmel?

Hey man Max seems like a cool dude.

Well initially I hated that pale faced mother fucker but the check we bout to get secured my vote.

Wtf does that mean?

Do you know algebra?

How many bananas did you eat today to strengthen your immune system?

who's your father?

In less than 2 paragraphs, describe what a real nigga is, please.

Do you still want to bang chink girls

We ain't fallin for that shit, we just as vulnerable as the rest of the population and WHITE DEVILS like you keep spreadin rumors to kill us off.


nigger larp is pathetic

Ain't the first time I heard that, fuck you

Do you know your real father?

Views on 2Pac?

What's being 52 feel like bro. I'm 41 and I already feel like shit.

Would you be interested in a free vacation to Africa?

That's fair. I'm looking forward to my check too. How are you holding up in Quarantine?


post penis with timestamp
you know... to verify

Yea, I am more informed than alot of people my age Algebra is the Arabic news network and it's also available in English.

got a good chicken wing recipe muh dawg

What is the point of your life, are you trying to make this world a better place?

Looks like you're face grew around those glasses

Who is your favorite battle rapper?

Prove you aren't a fake ass nigga first.

Your momma got my banana in 1985

How long have you been a
>real nigger

YT thumbnail

Fuck you

i have a feeling you nose everything...can you smell the future nigger ?

Listen to geto boys - damn it feels good to be a gangsta

t. inspector

Wow what riveting content
wrong board nigger

Chinks got no ass, but yes they got that sideways poontang that get tighter when they spread, but with all this Corona shit I rather spray them hoes with lysol

Nu jerzey twork is the best

How it feels a white woman vagina?

opinions on marvin gaye??

If you ignored some of his more popular shit, he was a nigga with vision that had the potential to lift us up through music and the man saw that and merced his ass

Do you have a university degree? Employed? Do you dislike all whites?

No, but he wasn't a real nigga. Real niggas raise they children.

>Tighter as they spread
Kek. I fukin never thought of it this way

52 feels 11 years worse man


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Hello man! 51 year old nigga here. How ya' doin'?

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Algebra? Do you mean Al Jazeera?

Doubt you still a nigger at 52. Niggers don't make it past 35 due to natural causes, like bullets and crack.

why are you racist?

Yes I would, I wish Liberia worked out better than it did I would consider moving there if it was strong and prosperous but the white man made sure it wasn't successful. It was a trap for smart black people to walk right into and it worked.

What do you hold most sacred in this world?

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shut up nigger, we don't want you here in Italy.
I got nothing to ask to niggers

>Yes I would, I wish Liberia worked out better than it did
Impossible, niggers run it

> but the white man made sure it wasn't successful
Move to Ethiopia. Never been colonized, I hear its amazing

Jelly or pudding?

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Asking the real hard questions user

Shits scary as fuck, my wife is a nurse aid so we have masks but I'm concerned for our safety and I dont trust this government one bit. My nephew showed me this website and it seems like y'all dont trust this fucking american government neither.

This nigga expects me to believe white people season food. I wish I could make a laugh cry emoji.

Are you my dad?

Nah, I just want a good life for my people and I don't wanna fuck with anybody else's people in the process. I just wanna see my grandkids having fun at a BBQ and everybody living right.

Show tits or gtfo

Nigga put a picture of your fuckin teeth

What's your dad's name?

Hol up boys. Easy on this nigger... this may be /ournigger/.
OP, your hatred towards whypeepoe is unfounded. You need to direct your hate towards the kikes. The Jews owned the slave ships. Whitey is just a fall guy. The Jews still suck baby dick blood. Let that sink in

>has something worthwile to say just because hes black

Nice brown supremacy. Using black privlege to get yous. This board is for anonymous users only. Not racists like you obviously are. Thats what tits or gtfo means. If you dont want to be anonymous leave. Your triggering me with your internalized supremacy and micro aggressions.

Wow, 1971 dress code bro. You wear it well.

Battle rap was never a big part of what I listen too, there was some asian cat years back that won on BET that was sick and he signed with ruff ryder's but he never made it.

Come on Chang. Don’t ask the stumpers yet. Let the boy warm up first

You niggas kick a ball back and forth and call it football. Your only claim to fame is having some bad bitches.