Boris Johnson DEAD

dont ask me how I know, but Boris died an hour ago from COVID-19, ARDS. Screencap this

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do you know?

>image checks out
I believe it.

fug it’s the Epstein guy
it’s happening

How do you know?

OP fake and gay though

It has been foretold

Attached: Screenshot_20200406-165738_Chrome.jpg (1079x598, 242.93K)


based and herd immunity pilled.

Gake and fay

It is written.

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Put me in the screencap

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Thank you Based King Pepe.

How many times is this going to be posted???

Brexit means Brexit

He doesn't. It's a LARP.

>no digits

Spiders come home

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he said don't fucking ask

You were right before, so I'll buy it. BUMP

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We must strike the Chinese. We cannot have some chink laying the Prime Minister low. Even if it’s suicide, launch the missiles, sabotage the trades, set the takeaways alight. Call up the giants of Wessex and bid Stonehenge speak curses against the yellow fiend. Down with the chinks!

he died yesterday too

Posting on epic therad.

[/spoiler] Also if real F [/spoiler]

You said this yesterday. Your flag was American.

Fuck off, you attention-seeker.

Will he be ok?

same post happened during epstein
and was accurate.. =\

we need to summon forth the ancient sleeping flesh-God that has long dwelt beneath the olde ruins at hengeways, call uponeth thine old englishe bloode to rappart away thy demone of the east and restore ordere to these green fielded lands


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digits will confirm

How he die?

What happened to that guy? I heard that the feds were after him.


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if numbers boris goes on hydroxy and recovers fully

If singles Boris will recover and OP is a fag.

Ayyyyyy put me in the screen cap.

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Admitted multifocal pneumonia w bilateral basilar crackles. Desatting to the high 80s on 2L O2, bumped to 4L. SpO2 mid 90s for a while but then crashed

>dont ask me how I know
You must be so Important - PLEASE tell us! We'll massage your ego and let you pretend you're Important!

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First country leader killed by shanghai shivers. Its just beginning.


Is Boris alive

He'll be fine.

please include me in the screencap

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S-so now what?

>S-so now what?
You’re going to stop having sex with farm animals

it's the infamous king frog who knows everything

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Basically the ventilator killed him
exactly what the NY ED doc describe on Saturday


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OP is a Jewish shill, screencap this.

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Posting in nigger penis guacamole thread

But I herd he had immunity

Trump will confirm it in his press conference today. He will then proceed to call him a weak ass British fag for letting chink flu kill him.

Only for his mother unironically

Boris "the animal steel john jones" Johnson was kill to Ebola.

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Well if you say it every day for the next 50 years you'll eventually be right.

Get well soon Mr. Johnson

Yeah he's not dead. Trust me ;)

Will they give him the antidote?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-06 Benjamin Netanyahu on Twitter Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the People of Israel pray for the[...].png (590x589, 617.8K)

True if big

Here’s the antidote

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