How irrelevant can one ‘country’ be?

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Show flag, Spaghetti nigger.

Yet, everyone wants to be us.

How about you manage your debt, subhuman southern ape.

only an ungrateful cunt cant appreciate the quality

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But they invented the colour orange


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It is probablt because I am Dutch, but why are there so many threads about the Netherlands? I understand the couple circlejerking threads we got going, but what is the deal with these random hate threads? If it is south-Europeans, know that our government wants to give you money, not lend it to you. If it is non-European then I can't care less about your opinions. You will all die painful deaths.

>wanting to be a dutch faggot

Go away mossad...

So irrelevant that their biggest income is from flowers and drug addicts

so irrelevant that a thread died so you could data mine how much toothpaste the dutch use

Division shill.

are you okay?

Fuck tall people.

I mean, you're not wrong

Are the italians still butthurt...

are you kidding?
they are based
btfo germany
btfo england
btfo spain
btfo france
how can such small country remain independent while being surrounded with mega superpowers
and they also became colonial power
and they are in the top countries of the world, high living standard and high export
we should all learn from them and look up to them
the dutch deserve to have more land and greater influence on this low IQ retarded world

Who does this flag belong to? The east colgate company?

Because all the jews expelled by the Catholic Church migrated to the Netherlands, that's how.

>Rule the world by out jewing the jews
Into the trash it goes.


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Nederland is verrassend machtig. We doen dr geen kanker mee maar we hebben best wat touwtjes in handen.

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Denmark is what everyone wants you kike fuck off flatlander

oh look guys - the only post faggop gives is to someone calling out a push-pull data mining thread.

bail on this thread.

What the hell is your problem buddy?

what's dutch economy based off besides sucking german cock?

>Rule the world by out jewing the jews

t. "tax haven" the country

There is no country on the surface of this planet that is more irrelevant than the Netherlands. Not a single one and that is a fact.

Sometimes, they also suck French cock and British cock as well.

dutchcucks will always be cucks

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Not to mention rich American cock

they mostly prefer black cock. pic related is what your average dutchtot is watching on tv growing up, dutchcucks will defend this

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this is what pot does to your brain. the dutchcuck wont stop until everyone has been turned into a nigger-loving potsmoking amsterdam hooker. say no to the dutchcuck bros

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Oh of course I am well aware of that as well. But that's just for fun, you asked about the Dutch economy.

They suck German, French and Anglo cock for business. The nigger cocks are sucked for pleasure.

I came here to take your gilders silly dutchmen. You can your dirty women though

Suck my immigrant origin dick fucking Italoid

What is the state of the Italian economy with Debt to GDP rate over 200%?

This much

Does your flag originate the Canadian flag?

Welcome to the clubs. They unironically hate us cause they ain't us.

Only thing I feel for you is pity.

Yeah they're so irrelevant, you made a thread about them

No, Hermàn, I won't give you a Euro.

>muh geedeepee
Man, the kikes really did a number on you Germans didn't they? A once proud nation, with a glorious military history and rich and vibrant culture - reduced to chest-pounding about muh moneee like some kind of... American.

Don't fear, Hans. You will be avenged.

Depending on the point of view. Multiculturalism perfectly works to screw nations and to lower down the wages.

Stop begging us for money, maybe if you suck the popes dick harder he will give you some

>when Colgate Total is incapable of saving Anne Frank and Darkie-brand has to come over and do the job for them

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Jij klinkt een beetje rotterdams

this is 100% a butthurt spaghetti nigger. mad because our country isnt offering support for this chink flu ridden trash country. fucking mutts of europe. literally italian/arab mutts

heretics and friends of jews

Why so many threads about the Dutch recently? Why is the jew sending his shills to shit on the Netherlands?

german economy is in recession and still money won't pay back this

Attached: germany losses.jpg (602x477, 134.55K)

not jews. just mad spaghetti niggers. seething spaghetti niggers be mad because we dont help them with the chink flu

>Implying Amsterdam resembles the whole of The Netherlands
Amerimutt detected

I don't think so. Italians are straightforward and don't hide their flags.

we are basically jews, so yes, it's jews

Dutch sounds funny AF

Nah, Zeeuws. Lekker rustig hier.

just shut up faggot. I wish we had all the influence the jews got

I would kill you right now for this

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>basically jews
no, spaghetti.
You're a italimutt. nothing more nothing less. italian blood is tainted with arab blood

>mutts of Europe
>t. mixes with Indonesians, Surinamese, Caribbeans, every kind of Asian and will soon be mixed with nafris and roaches as well
stop projecting so hard

i believe in giuseppe contestein

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The Netherlands got more Eritreans and Somalis than Italy, LMAO despite Italy having colonized them.

i mixed with those so hard i got blue eyes and blonde hair. now show your flag italimutt.

>arab blood
you mispelled kike

Op is a fag.

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Can any Tulips tell me about their street foods?

K u t v l u c h t e l i n g

yes the Dutch population is definitely mixing with those people especially in the Randstad.

disgusting barbarian heritage

B r o e d e r

This is luxemburg buddy

N e d e r c u c k

show flag italimutt

>Street foods
Friet, Oliebollen en wafels

No not this much cucked